Chapter 584 Jiang Qing’e’s move

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  Chapter 584 Jiang Qing'e's action
  "Damn it, this red-armored general is indeed hiding in Red Rock City!"

  In the ruins, Lu Ming looked at the changes in the sky with bright eyes, his pretty face suddenly changed color, and he gritted his silver teeth and said angrily.

  "It's terrible now. This red-armored general has the strength of the Tianxiang realm. Although it's not clear whether he is the Little Tianxiang or the Great Tianxiang, at this time, the eight captains are all exhausted. How can he still compete with a prosperous one? Fighting in the Heavenly Phase Realm?" Jing Taixu also looked gloomy.

  "This insidious bitch!" Sun Dasheng even yelled.

  Although Li Luo's face was not very good-looking, he did not appear angry or unwilling. After all, he had vaguely predicted it before, but even if this kind of thing could be predicted, there was nothing they could do. The blood-tailed aliens were something they had to eradicate. This There is no room for negotiation.

  The force that the Red Armored General belongs to is the main culprit for the collapse of the Black Wind Empire. Their relationship with the aliens is complicated and they are also untrustworthy.

  The current situation is indeed terrible.

  The blood-tailed aliens are dying and have not yet been killed. If they leave here, all their previous efforts will be in vain.

  Li Luo stared at the figure of the red-armored general in the sky, with cold murderous intent flowing in his eyes. Then he glanced at the scarlet bracelet on his wrist. The opponent's strength was in the Heavenly Phase Realm. For him, It is indeed an unreachable gap, but he is not completely without means to deal with it.

  The three-tailed wolf has the strength of the Great Sky Realm, and it is also the kind that has the qualification to attack the feudal realm. In terms of strength, the three-tailed wolf is considered to be the top level in the feudal realm. Back in the dark cave, even the same The powerful Smiley Demon was eaten alive by the three-tailed wolf, so in Li Luo's perception, both the blood-tailed alien and the red-armored general should be inferior to the three-tailed wolf.

  If he really resorted to this method, he would still be sure to defeat the red-armored general.

  Li Luo's eyes flickered. If things really came to the worst in the end, even if he was no longer willing to expose the three-tailed Sirius as a trump card prepared for the "Mansion Festival" in the future, he would have no choice but to take it out.

  While Li Luo was thinking about this, the atmosphere above the city was so solid that it was almost frozen.

  The eldest princess, Lan Lan and others all had sinister expressions on their faces, and their eyes were full of anger. After all, anyone who was jumped out to pick up the fruit at such a moment would probably be unable to calm down.

  But anger will not help. Their situation is indeed extremely bad now, because the eight of them probably don't have much energy left. If they want to fight with a Celestial Realm, their chances of winning are probably extremely low.

  "What should I do?"

  The eight captains looked at each other, all of them extremely angry and unwilling.

  Lan Lan's face was gloomy, and he was no longer as calm as usual. At this time, because he had used the "Ming King Sutra", he had almost exhausted all his physical strength, and he had no power to deal with the red armored general.

  It's not that he can't perform the second "Three Bows of the Ming King", but the price is unbearable.

  "Let me give it a try."

  While the eight captains hesitated, a pleasant and calm voice suddenly came.

  Everyone looked around and were shocked to see Jiang Qing'e taking a step forward.

  "Qing'e." The eldest princess was also a little stunned, but she didn't expect Jiang Qing'e to come forward. Although she has a ninth-grade light phase, she is still in the extreme evil realm of the Earthly Evil General level. This is different from the Tiangang General level. There is still a gap that cannot be ignored. Her previous attack severely damaged the blood-tailed aliens, mostly because of the light phase's ability to restrain the aliens and the reason why the latter were exhausted by them.

  But the current red-armored general is not an anomaly, and is still in his prime.

  How does Jiang Qing'e fight with him?

  The other captains were also a little shocked, but it was not the time to talk much at this time, and they had no other options. Jiang Qing'e would step forward, so there was no guarantee that anything would happen.

  After Jiang Qing'e's voice fell, she didn't care about the expressions of everyone. She formed a seal with her slender jade hands, and saw that the ninth-grade light envoy behind her suddenly turned into a stream of sacred smoke and fell back into her body. At the same time, in her heart, The position seems to be blooming with divine brilliance.

  The next moment, an unusually majestic and pure light force soared into the sky, and the light force was so rich that it almost turned into looming light patterns, flowing around Jiang Qing'e's body.

  The power of that light was so strong that all eight captains shrank their pupils.

  Such a powerful phase force is really not inferior to some in the Dzi Bead Realm!

  "Ninth-grade light phase, are you so perverted?" Qin Yue couldn't help but widen his eyes. There was only one level of difference between the extreme evil realm and the heavenly pearl realm, but the difference between the two is that the earth evil general and the Tiangang general, They have also practiced this way all the way, so they understand the gap between the two very well.

  But now, when Jiang Qing'e was in the Extreme Evil Realm, she exploded with strength that was not weaker than the Dzi Pearl Realm. This was such an incredible scene. A look of shock appeared on the bright cheeks of the company commander's princess. After a long while, she smiled and said: "Qing'e, you are such a good treasure, you actually hide such tricks." Jiang Qing'e was like

  this The movement naturally fell into the eyes of the red-armored general. The eyes under his mask also changed, and he said slowly: "It turned out to be a ninth-grade light phase. No wonder it is so powerful." "But from my point of view,

  you This method only temporarily enhances the phase power. Even if you are a ninth-level light phase, it is impossible to maintain this level of phase power. Therefore, how long can you maintain this state? One blow or two blows? "

  However, Jiang Qing'e ignored him. She just said lightly: "You will know after you try it."

  Then she curled her fingers together and clicked in the air.

  The moment her fingertips fell, she saw the majestic and powerful light force suddenly gathered like a torrent. It condensed on her fingertips. In just a few breaths, it turned into an unusually sacred beam of light. The surface of the beam , there are mysterious light patterns circulating, exuding mysterious light.

  This beam of light seemed to contain extremely terrifying high temperatures, and the air around it was roasted and twisted.

  Jiang Qing'e acted extremely decisively, without any hesitation. The beam of light wrapped with mysterious light patterns at her fingertips penetrated the void and pointed directly at the red-armored general.

  The beam of light was reflected in the red-armored general's eyes, which made him feel solemn. The ninth grade light phase was indeed unique and should not be underestimated.

  At the moment, he has everything ready, but he can't let this cause him to capsize in the gutter.

  Thinking like this, the armor on the body of the red armor suddenly burst into red light, and the majestic and powerful red phase force swept out, like a sea of ​​fire, directly sweeping across the sky, and suddenly the sky seemed to be burning. stand up.

  Heavenly realm!
  Everyone's expressions darkened as they looked at the majestic Xiangli. This red-armored general was truly in the Heavenly Phase!
  Only by stepping into the realm of heaven and earth can one use his own power to ignite heaven and earth and at the same time assimilate the energy between heaven and earth for his own use.

  Can Jiang Qing'e's offensive really pose a threat to General Chi Jia?
  While everyone was thinking this, the red-armored general punched out, and the flames in the sky roared out, turning into a hundred-foot-long flaming fist seal, carrying extremely violent power, and struck down directly. Colliding with that sacred beam.

  After a breath, the two collided head-on.

  But what is shocking is that the collision did not produce any waves or movements, because the sacred beam of light disappeared into thin air the moment it collided.

  Such a scene made the red-armored general stunned for several breaths.

  Why is the opponent's attack so vulnerable? !


  But in an instant, the red-armored general felt something was wrong. He turned his eyes sharply and was horrified to see that in another direction, there was a beam of light passing through the void silently, and then pointed straight at it. The bound blood-tailed aliens left!

  "Fell into a trap!" The red-armored general was shocked and angry. It turned out that Jiang Qing'e's real target was not him at all, but wanted to kill the blood-tailed aliens!
  The frontal attack just now was just a cover!
  But before he attacked with all his strength, now the phase force was running to change the direction, but it was a moment too late, so he could only watch the beam of light break through the air, pointing directly at the blood-tailed alien.

  The sudden change in the field also made everyone present look overjoyed.

  "Whoever has the energy to spare, hurry up and provide support!"

  "As long as we kill the blood-tailed aliens, we can escape directly with the spiritual mirror!" Lan Lan said quickly.

  But at this time, everyone was exhausted and seemed unable to support them.

  Hearing this, Gong Shenjun smiled bitterly and stood up.

  "In that case, I'll try my best and see if I can help a little bit."

  After the words fell, he took a deep breath, and then a ray of silver light shot out directly from his mouth. Within the silver light, it seemed like a fang and claws. The silver dragon has a fierce momentum.

  Amidst the faint roar of the dragon, two fierce attacks penetrated the void, and finally, one after the other, directly hit the severely injured and weakened body of the blood-tailed alien.

  (End of chapter)

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