Chapter 580 The moment of counterattack

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  Chapter 580: Moment of Counterattack
  In the sky above Akaishi City, waves of earth-shaking energy storms swept across continuously. Under that level of storm, the entire city seemed to be trembling.

  The battle at high altitude was extremely fierce.

  The eight top students in the Dzi Bead Realm tried their best to stop the blood-tailed alien. Behind them, the bright Dzi Beads were extremely dazzling, swallowing up the energy of the world and the momentum was astonishing. However, even so, anyone could see it. , in the battle between the two sides, the blood-tailed aliens had the absolute upper hand.

  Among the eight people at this time, the strongest ones like Lan Lan, the eldest princess, and Gong Shenjun were okay, but the ones like Qin Yue, Zhao Beili, and others were beginning to show injuries.

  Qin Yue was the worst. A bloody wound tore his clothes, stretching from his right shoulder to his lower abdomen. The wound was unusually ferocious, and strange blood-red hair seemed to be squirming at the wound. This was from the blood tail. The alien's weird bloody tail and these blood-red hairs were preventing Qin Yue from recovering from his injuries, and at the same time they were causing him great pain. At this time, his face was pale and his head was covered in cold sweat.

  But in order not to hold back, he gritted his teeth and held on.

  The eldest princess and others also understood his situation, so they took the initiative to cover many of his attacks to prevent him from being used as a breakthrough point by the blood-tailed aliens. Now that the eight of them join forces, they are already at a disadvantage. If someone is seriously injured and eliminated, , others will undoubtedly face greater pressure.

  High in the sky, the eldest princess's pretty face was full of solemnity. She held a sapphire scepter, and streams of green light whizzed out continuously. Within the green light, there was a green Luan light and shadow taking shape, carrying an astonishing momentum, and constantly directed at the blood. Attack the tail aliens.

  However, all her attacks were swept away by the bloody tail.

  Looking at the blood-tailed alien's huge tail that was constantly pouring blood, the eldest princess's eyes flashed with deep fear. The blood tail seemed to be the source of the blood-tailed alien's power, and the blood flowing on it was full of extremely domineering and sinister poison. If the power is invaded into the body, even the physical body will be eroded and difficult to resolve.

  Every time when the bloody tail swept across, the eight of them would hide in confusion.

  "This situation cannot last for too long."

  The eldest princess frowned. The eight of them were basically in a defensive situation at the moment. This did not mean that they were unable to attack, but that they were waiting for an opportunity.

  That moment is the formation of the purification node.

  At that time, the blood-tailed aliens will be suppressed and weakened by the purification nodes, which is their best chance to counterattack.

  If you don't take action, that's it. Once you take action, you must seize the opportunity to decisively kill the blood-tailed alien.

  Otherwise, the longer it goes on, the more unfavorable the situation will be for them.

  While the eldest princess continued to launch the offensive, her eyes swept in some directions in the city. When she saw the rising purification beads, a hint of relief appeared in her long and narrow eyes.

  "This kid Li Luo is really reassuring." She raised her red lips and smiled softly, with a pretty and bright face.

  The previous changes in Ao Bai had long been noticed by the captains. They were all a little shocked and angry at first. After all, no one expected that as the strongest person in the Erxing Academy, he would be inexplicably manipulated, and as a virtual Ao Bai, who is in the general realm, is undoubtedly a stumbling block for Li Luo and the others.

  If Li Luo and the others were blocked there for too long, it would even affect their side of the battle.

  But they were all entangled with the blood-tailed aliens and had too much time to take care of themselves. Naturally, they had no spare time to help the four of them, Li Luo, so they could only pray for their own blessings. But who would have thought at the beginning that the final result would be Ao Bai was eliminated by Li Luo and four students from the One-Star Academy.

  Although there were various restrictions, the four of them, Li Luo, undoubtedly gave them a huge surprise.

  According to their current progress, the purification node should be ready soon.


  And just when the eldest princess was happy about this, suddenly from high in the sky, a soft laughter came from the red lips of the blood-tailed alien. This laughter was so pleasant to human ears, but everyone present heard it. Their expressions changed, their bodies tensed up, and their physical strength surged crazily.

  Because they have already figured out the rules of this blood-tailed alien from previous battles. Whenever she laughs like this, it is the moment when her power explodes.

  "Be careful, it has noticed the formation of the purification node and may try to break through our obstruction!" Lan Lan shouted sharply.

  The other seven captains suddenly felt a chill in their hearts. The rotating dzi beads behind them suddenly burst out with bright light. The energy from heaven and earth rolled in, as if a torrent of energy of different colors formed behind them. A stream of powerful pressure occupied the sky. .

  At the same time, the huge blood-red tail behind the blood-tailed alien swung slightly, and wisps of blood were seen rising from it. Finally, in front of the blood-tailed alien, it condensed into eight blood-red skulls.

  The skull wandered high in the sky, making a harsh rattling sound, and blood-red flames burned in its empty eye sockets.

  The flame burned more and more intensely, and with a final bang, the skull was ignited, and then eight bright red skull fireballs shot out of the air and roared directly towards the eight captains high in the sky.

  Facing the skeletal fireball coming towards him, even Lan Lan couldn't help but change his expression, because he could feel the terrifying power contained in the skeletal fireball.

  No one among the eight captains dared to look down upon them. They mobilized all the strength in their bodies without hesitation and faced the roaring skeleton fireball.

  After a few breaths, the two sides collided violently.

  Boom boom! Energy shock waves visible to the naked eye raged high in the sky.

  The eight captains were all shocked to the point of blood boiling, and their expressions changed dramatically.

  However, with their full strength, they were able to barely block the skeleton fireball.

  And just when they breathed a sigh of relief, where Qin Yue was, the skeleton in the bright red fireball in front of him suddenly let out a weird laugh, and then the skull's mouth suddenly opened, and a The dry and dark finger bones were dripping with black mucus, which shot out as fast as thunder, pointing directly at the center of Qin Yue's eyebrows.

  The sudden attack made Qin Yue look horrified. Apparently, the blood-tailed alien also noticed that his side was the most seriously injured, so he used him as a breakthrough point.

  "Qin Yue, be careful!"

  At this time, other people also noticed what had happened here, and they all suddenly spoke in shock.

  But they themselves were entangled in the skeleton fireball and could not help at all.

  At that critical moment, Qin Yue endured the panic in his heart and bit the tip of his tongue. Suddenly, a blood arrow wrapped in the force of the phase turned into an arrow and shot out of the air. The black finger bones collided.

  However, at the moment of collision, although the blood arrow melted the black finger bones a lot, it did not completely dissolve its power.

  Therefore, having lost all means of protection, he could only watch the pitch-black finger bones shooting toward his eyebrows.

  This kind of time is not enough to even crush the spiritual mirror!

  Will Qin Yue have to die here today?
  And at the moment when Qin Yue was in despair, suddenly a dazzling light bloomed behind him, and a heavy sword burning with bright flames penetrated from above Qin Yue's shoulder, and the heavy sword had been consumed by Qin Yue. The black finger bones of many forces collided.

  The sound of gold and iron sounded.

  The two forces collided crazily and eroded each other.

  The bright flames rose, and with the hissing sound, the pitch-black finger bones began to melt rapidly, and finally turned into a wisp of black smoke, dissipating into thin air.

  Qin Yue, who was surviving the disaster, was dripping with cold sweat.

  The eldest princess and others were overjoyed. They looked behind Qin Yue and saw a slender figure coming through the air, blooming with bright light and driving away the evil thoughts in the sky.

  It's Jiang Qing'e!
  Apparently, she had already dealt with the other aliens in the city, and then began to support their side.

  Jiang Qing'e clenched her jade hand, and the heavy sword fell back into her hand.

  On the side, Qin Yue, who was still in shock, said gratefully: "Xuemei Jiang, thank you for coming to the rescue!"

  Jiang Qing'e's beautiful face was calm. She looked at the other captains and said: "Everyone, the time is almost up."

  After hearing this, After her words, everyone's hearts suddenly moved, and they seemed to be aware of it and cast their eyes in a certain direction in the city.

  There, a purifying spiritual bead slowly rose up.

  That is the last purification bead.

  And when this purification spirit bead rose, rays of purification light suddenly erupted. These rays of light shuttled through Red Rock City, connecting all the purification spirit beads.

  The next moment, majestic purifying light poured down like moonlight.

  Then the countless illusions in Red Rock City began to melt rapidly at this time.

  The bustle and bustle fade away.

  Instead, there was a ruined city covered with bones and weeds.

  Regarding this scene, everyone felt extremely complicated. At the same time, they breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

  Because the purification node takes shape, it means that their time to counterattack has finally arrived.

  (End of chapter)

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