Chapter 529 Red Sand County

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  Chapter 529: Hongsha County

  When the dizziness from the teleportation gradually disappeared from his mind, Li Luo also opened his eyes, and then his expression couldn't help but change.

  The world in front of you shows a black and blue color, and a faint black and blue mist fills the air, bringing a cold and strange atmosphere. Moreover, if you listen carefully, you can also hear some inexplicable whispers coming from nowhere. , which makes people feel a little irritated, depressed and many other negative emotions.

  At this moment, Li Luo had the illusion that he was in a dark cave.

  "Is this Hongsha County?"

  Jiang Qing'e's voice came from behind, and she was looking around.

  The eldest princess grabbed a handful of sand without any scruples. There was some light red color in it. She nodded and said: "It should be right. From the information, Hongsha County is rich in red sand mines. This is a special kind of sand." The metal has the effect of attracting thunder and tempering, and the Red Sand County is named after it." "

  Because of the special characteristics of the red sand mine, the Red Sand County has thunder roaring all year round, which is a major feature of the Black Wind Empire. ."

  Li Luo smiled and said: "Captain, what are our plans next?"

  "It is really an honor for me to be called captain by the strongest student in the One Star Academy."

  The eldest princess smiled slightly, then she took out the spiritual mirror, After inputting the phase force, the spiritual mirror suddenly burst into light, and then these rays of light intertwined above the light mirror to form a map. The map was dotted with many red light spots.

  This is exactly the map of Hongsha County, and those red dots represent the many cities in this county.

  "We are now in the western peripheral area of ​​Hongsha County."

  The eldest princess pointed to a certain place with her slender jade finger, and then her phoenix eyes moved, and said: "You two, these towns in Hongsha County are the places we must pass through, and Look at the light spots on the spiritual mirror. The bigger the city, the scarlet it becomes. This shows that the degree of pollution is stronger. At the same time, the level and scale of the aliens in it should also be higher." "Of course, accordingly

  . Once it is purified, the points earned will be higher.”

  "I took a look and found that the towns in Hongsha County are roughly divided into three levels based on the number of points obtained after purification." "The first level is some

  remote towns outside Hongsha County. Here The degree of pollution is relatively light, and it is easier to purify. In such a town, as long as the purification beads are successfully placed in it, you can get 5,000 points." "The second level is some relatively large cities

  . This category is of higher value. If you successfully arrange the Purification Spirit Orb, you can get 20,000 points." "The

  number of cities that can reach Level 3 is relatively small. I counted, and there are maybe only a dozen in the entire Hongsha County. , and this kind of city is worth 50,000 points."

  Li Luo said thoughtfully: "It feels so familiar."

  "This is what the academy has in the dark cave. It seems that they thought it was very useful, so they moved here. Yes." Jiang Qing'e said.

  Li Luo then remembered that the purification tower in the dark cave was also classified in this way, but maybe the three-level system in Hongsha County would be more dangerous than that in the dark cave.

  "Another reminder, these points are not only used to determine the final championship, but are also linked to the school points. That is to say, these points will not be eliminated even after the game is over. When we return to the school, they will still be there. You can also use these points to exchange for training resources in the school." The eldest princess said with a smile.

  "It's really generous." Li Luo raised his eyebrows.

  Such a huge sum of points, even if divided equally among the three members of the team, would surely be a big gain as long as a few more towns are purified. This kind of skill is far more generous than the rewards in the dark cave.

  "That's because this mission is also very dangerous." Jiang Qing'e said calmly.

  The eldest princess nodded in agreement: "But in fact, although these points are relatively important, they are not worth mentioning compared with what the champion of the Holy Grail War will get. So I think our most important goal is to win the championship."

  Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e also agreed with this. The linkage between mixed grade competition points and school points was only secondary. They did not come to participate in the Holy Grail War for these points.

  Keep your horizons high.

  These linked points are actually more like consolation prizes for those teams that failed to win the championship.

  "What about this city? How many points?"

  Li Luo suddenly pointed to the center of Hongsha County. There was a light spot there. The light spot was so scarlet that it looked like it was about to drip blood. He knew that this was their final destination. , the county seat of Hongsha County, Akaishi City.

  "Five hundred thousand." The eldest princess's red lips parted slightly.

  Li Luo took a breath of cold air and said in shock: "Isn't this too high?" The

  points earned by this city alone are simply more than the total of all previous third-level cities, right?

  "I'm afraid one team can't take these five hundred thousand points." Jiang Qing'e said thoughtfully. Li Luo was dumbfounded. Red Rock City is where all the teams gather, and it is also the end point of the mixed-level competition. The pollution there is extremely serious. If a natural disaster-level alien really appears in Red Rock City, it may not be possible for just one team to handle it. .

  At this time, some cooperation is inevitable, so naturally, half a million points need to be distributed.

  "But even if you can't eat all of it, if you can eat half of it, that will be a great advantage." The eldest princess smiled.

  "It seems like there's going to be a fight for the brains here in Chishi City." Li Luo sighed.

  When Jiang Qing'e and the eldest princess heard this, they both looked at him angrily. Didn't they also get scolded?
  "By the way, have you seen this city?"

  The eldest princess pointed to a scarlet light spot, which represented a third-level city, but the light spot represented by this city also had some faint... The yellow light makes it look a little special.

  "This third-level city is the target that we must conquer. Well, you can think of it as the main task set by the senior leaders of the school for us." "If we cannot

  conquer this city, not only will we not get points, but we will even .The corresponding points will also be deducted.”

  Li Luo twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Are you going to get points deducted?"

  The eldest princess nodded slightly. She stared at the city with a solemn look and said, "The senior leaders of the school can make such a forced arrangement. I can only say that this The location of a city is very important."

  "It should be one of the important basic points for laying out the strange formation." Jiang Qing'e analyzed.

  "Probably yes."

  The eldest princess nodded in agreement. If this basic point cannot be conquered, it will have a big impact on the entire strange formation in the future, so the senior leaders of the school will make mandatory arrangements.

  Li Luo shrugged indifferently and said, "I am a soy sauce person anyway. Everything is decided by the two eldest sisters." "

  Well, you are so good."

  The eldest princess smiled and stretched out her hand and touched Li Luo's silver hair. white hair.

  Li Luo quickly avoided it and warned: "Be careful, my sister Qing'e is jealous."

  Jiang Qing'e said without changing her expression: "With your flirtatious temper, I can't stand it."

  Li Luo changed his expression and angrily said: "You Please don't slander me. Who in the school doesn't know that I, Li Luobing, am as clean and pure as jade."


  Jiang Qing'e curled her lips lightly.

  The eldest princess looked at the two bickering with a smile. At this time, Jiang Qing'e was much more lively than when she usually met in the school. Obviously, her indifference towards others would only weaken when she was with Li Luo. many.

  But at this moment, the eldest princess' expression suddenly changed.

  Jiang Qing'e also stopped talking to Li Luo and looked forward, with a sharp look in her eyes.

  "There is movement over there."

  The eldest princess moved her delicate body and flew out.

  Jiang Qing'e also disappeared at the same time.

  Li Luo, on the other hand, was one step behind them, using his strength to catch up at full speed.

  A few minutes later, the three of them climbed up a high slope and looked forward. Then they saw a small town appearing in their field of vision. But at this time, black air was billowing outside the small town, and there were strange figures flickering inside. , gradually approaching the town.

  The three of them, Li Luo, could still see chaotic figures moving around in the small town. Even from such a distance, they could still feel the fear and despair emanating from the people in the small town.

  The three of them looked at each other and saw the solemn look in each other's eyes.

  This is alien erosion.

  (End of chapter)

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