Chapter 434: Almost lost

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  Chapter 434: Almost Playing Out
  In the corridor filled with tiny spots of light, Jiang Qing'e's eyes widened slightly, showing an extremely rare look of losing her composure. It can be seen how much the discovery of the light phase power from Li Luo's phase power has brought to her. of vibration.

  Li Luo was very satisfied with Jiang Qing'e's appearance, and then showed a wicked smile. He stretched out his other hand, and the power of wood and earth gathered together and turned into a ball of light.

  "You can feel this side again."

  Jiang Qing'e glanced at Li Luo, and then extended her finger into the light group of wood and earth.

  In the past, when Li Luo displayed the two phases, he would use his consciousness to cover the light phase and the earth phase to hide them. After all, although the power of these two auxiliary phases was completely incomparable to the main phase, , but it can increase the power and physiognomy of the main phase. Many of his opponents suffered big losses from this and directly capsized.

  But now Li Luo has removed the consciousness shield in the phase force, so when Jiang Qing'e reached out to sense it, she quickly discovered the relatively weak earth phase hidden deep in the power of the wood phase. force.

  "Earth phase force?"

  Jiang Qing'e's fine eyelashes blinked. She took a deep breath, and her shocked face gradually became calmer.

  "Your two phases each have an auxiliary phase attribute?"

  Li Luo smiled and nodded.

  "No wonder, no wonder some of the water phase and wood phase techniques that you perform are particularly powerful, and there are also some special transformations. In the past, others thought it was due to the power of the two phases, but in fact it is because you are still It has the power of two auxiliary attributes." Jiang Qing'e said thoughtfully.

  "Water and light, wood and earth increase each other. Gee, Li Luo, you've hidden it really well." Li Luo chuckled and

  said, "Only you, Sister Qing'e, know this secret."

  Jiang Qing'e also had a smile on her lips. She was gratified and happy for Li Luo to have such a peculiar compatibility. She believed in Li Luo's extraordinary nature from the beginning, even when Li Luo fell into the "empty phase" "When she was in this predicament, she was probably one of the few people who believed that Luo Li would not become mediocre.

  "Isn't it awesome?" Li Luo showed off with a smile.

  The dual relationship has always been a secret he has hidden, but he does not intend to hide this secret from Jiang Qing'e when the time is right. After all, the relationship and emotions between the two parties are indeed far beyond the ordinary marriage contract in a sense. men and women.

  "It is true that the auxiliary phase attributes are rare, but in fact they can only serve as the icing on the cake. After all, in terms of the strength of the phase power, they are far from comparable to your two main phases." Facing Li Jiang Qing'e felt that it was necessary to pour some cold water on Luo's pride and showoff.

  However, Li Luo agreed very much with Jiang Qing'e's words. If the phase power in the prime minister's palace was divided into 10%, his main phase phase power accounted for almost 70-80%, while the auxiliary phase power only accounted for 20-30%. In a sense, the auxiliary force is indeed just an auxiliary.

  For example, most of the physiognomy techniques performed by Li Luo are based on the attributes of water and wood, and the power of light and earth are used to strengthen them.

  But if Li Luo is allowed to use the power of the light phase and the earth phase to perform physiognomy, its power will be greatly weakened.

  "Furthermore, although the situation of Assistant Prime Minister is rare, in terms of rarity, it is not as rare as your Dual Phase Palace because it is said that there are some top-level treasures of heaven, material and earth in this world. If they are refined and absorbed, they can also make people Daxia is too young to give birth to the corresponding assistant prime minister. You should meet similar people in the future." "

  Hey, okay, okay, I know, I won't get carried away."

  Li Luo rolled his eyes, After being proud for just a short while, Jiang Qing'e wanted to suppress him hard. Of course, he also understood that Jiang Qing'e was reminding him not to have arrogant thoughts because of this.

  Jiang Qing'e smiled and said: "So there should be a ray of light power hidden in the water phase and wood phase power that you just fed the double strange poison, right?"

  After knowing the secret of Li Luo's Prime Minister, Jiang Qing'e quickly understood why the butterfly poison spot had not only not strengthened after swallowing Li Luo's Prime Minister power, but had been split and weakened.

  "Well, the light phase force has a purifying effect. However, if you use the light phase force to purify the butterfly's poisonous spots head-on, it will arouse its fierce resistance. When the poisonous gas dissipates, it will cause even greater trouble. But I have With the light auxiliary phase, I can perfectly hide a ray of light phase power in the water phase and wood phase power. Therefore, when the poisonous spot swallows this phase power, my ray of light phase power will It is almost equivalent to entering its belly. Although the ray of light is weak, if it breaks out from the inside, it can still cause some trouble to it. At the very least, it can curb the momentum it wants to use to continue to grow." Li Luo smiled. Jiang Qing'e nodded slightly, then thought of something, and asked: "When the poisonous butterfly spot was shaking earlier, it seemed that a wisp of poisonous gas was dispersed? Where did the poisonous gas go? You should know how terrible this poisonous gas is, even if it is just a wisp. Invading the body will still cause great harm to you."

  Li Luo stretched out his hand and held Jiang Qing'e's delicate and jade-like hand. The latter glanced at him, not struggling, but feeling something in his heart. A subtle phase force of light was released and poured into Li Luo's body. Then, under the pull of the latter's phase force, he saw ten phase force bubbles in Li Luo's body.

  The ten phase force bubbles shine like stars, and they store the phase force used by Li Luo to increase his power.

  But among these ten Xiangli Bubbles, one appears to be extremely special.

  It did not emit dazzling light, but instead showed a dark red color, and an unsettling aura filled the air.

  In the dark red Xiangli bubble, there seemed to be butterflies flying and poisonous insects squirming.

  It turned out that the poisonous gas split from the dark red poisonous spots was collected into the Xiangli Bubble by Li Luo.

  Jiang Qing'e opened her eyes, couldn't help but shake her head, and said, "It's a shame you can think of such a way."

  After seeing the Xiangli bubble that contained the poisonous gas, Jiang Qing'e understood Li Luo's plan. He wanted to use the "double abnormal poison" poisonous gas to add an insidious and powerful method to him, and then fight against the powerful enemy. In a fight, this poisonous gas may have unexpected effects.

  "I'm afraid you discovered from the beginning that this "double abnormal poison" was aimed at you, right?" Jiang Qing'e stared at Li Luo fiercely, because all Li Luo's coping methods were obviously prepared and not reckless actions. .

  "Actually, when this double poison first invaded my body, I was a little panicked. After all, this poison is really scary. But after thinking about it, I don't seem to have no way to deal with it." "Of course, the most important thing

  is This double strange poison really makes me a little greedy."

  Li Luo grinned, this double strange poison has the power to threaten the powerful Tiangang generals, and now he is undoubtedly in urgent need of this.

  "Li Luo, don't push yourself too hard, Luo Lan Mansion still has me." Jiang Qing'e said softly, how could she not know the reason why Li Luo took such a big risk to put this "double abnormal poison" into his body? Where.

  Li Luo turned to look at Jiang Qing'e's golden eyes that exuded a special charm, and said: "Sister Qing'e, I won't let you face those pressures alone, because Luo Lan Mansion belongs to us." Looking at Li Luo's

  eyes Jiang Qing'e finally stopped persuading due to her persistence and seriousness, but nodded and smiled.

  "Well, then we should really let the people of Daxia see how much shock our young master of Luo Lan Mansion can bring."

  Li Luo smiled calmly.

  "But there is one more thing I want to ask Sister Qing'e to help me with."


  "The phase force bubble is a bit weak. It seems that it can't seal the poisonous gas. My strength is also a bit weak, so can you use your light phase force? Enter my body and help me put a thin film of light on the Xiangli Bubble? Otherwise, at this rate, the Xiangli Bubble may be corroded and broken by the poisonous gas in one day, and by then the poisonous gas will spread and I may get cold."

  "." Jiang Qing'e looked at Li Luo whose smile gradually turned awkward. She couldn't help but stretched out her slender fingers and gently pinched Li Luo's ears.

  "So, in the end, you almost lost it, right?"

  (End of chapter)

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