Chapter 419 Reversal

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  Chapter 419 Reversal The
  sudden excited roar made the astonished students in the stands want to laugh, but at least they finally came to their senses at this time, and they ignored the source of the roar. Instead, his eyes were staring at the young man standing in the lake with a strange brilliance.

  Li Luo actually won? !

  Everyone was slightly in a daze. Why did the situation suddenly turn like this?

  What kind of collision happened at the bottom of the lake? Why did Lu Cang, who originally had the upper hand, lose?

  Judging from his unconscious appearance, it was obvious that he had been severely injured in the violent collision just now.

  However, despite the doubts and curiosity in his heart, it did not prevent more and more excited and excited cheers from starting to ring out in the mountains.

  "Li Luo!"

  "Li Luo!"

  All the students from Shengxuanxing Academy were extremely excited. After all, this battle still had some ups and downs. Lu Cang was too strong before, so strong that even they began to feel uneasy and pessimistic. The reader even felt that the ticket would slip away from the hands of Shengxuanxing Academy.

  But no one expected that a moment later, the situation would change.

  This battle may not be as majestic as Gong Shenjun and Jiang Qing'e, but its excitement and intensity are no less than the former.

  And the most important thing is that at this critical moment, Li Luo finally stepped forward, withstood the pressure, turned the tide, and stopped the Lanyuan Saint Academy's plan to steal the Holy Grail War tickets from the Shengxuanxing Academy.

  This alone was enough for everyone to label Li Luo's performance in this decisive game as perfect.

  While the whole place was boiling, Instructor Zihui, who was supervising the battle, also spoke, and his voice resounded throughout the mountains: "In this battle, Shengxuanxing Academy, Li Luo wins!" "At this point, the seven rounds of the ticket match are over, Shengxuanxing Academy has won three times and tied twice

  . , two losses, Lanyuan Saint Academy won two, two draws, and three losses!" "

  So the final result of the game was that Saint Xuanxing Academy won!"

  As the voice of the war supervisor fell, the boiling in the mountains instantly intensified, deafening cheers soared into the sky, and the entire mountain range was trembling.

  All the students were cheering and celebrating, because they all understood that the Holy Grail War was the largest and highest-level ceremony among all the schools in Eastern China. Every school had been planning for this for many years, reserve strength, and could even Said that for major universities, there are two things that they always regard as top priority, one is the dark cave, and the other is the Holy Grail War that occurs every four years.

  And the Holy Grail War does have enough charm and appeal.

  Needless to say, the "Dragon Bone Holy Grail" is the most deadly temptation. With such a holy object, even a dark cave can be suppressed, which will save a school from damage in four years. Tianjiao student? In addition, the rankings in the Holy Grail War will also be uploaded to the "School Alliance", and the School Alliance will use this as an evaluation criterion and grant many indispensable resources.

  The resources from the school alliance are one of the reasons why the major holy schools can grow so strong.

  "I actually won."

  The eldest princess, Gong Shenjun and others also stared at the figure on the lake in shock. Even they were a little surprised by this result.

  "This Li Luo has a lot of hidden abilities." Dynasty, one of the Seven Star Pillars, smiled with interest and said.

  The others nodded. A moment ago, Li Luo was still suppressed, but after a fierce battle at the bottom of the lake, the result was a reversal. This can only be said that Li Luo had hidden some tricks that no one had thought of.

  The eldest princess stared at Li Luo with phoenix eyes, and a strange color appeared in her eyes, because she found that this Li Luo always showed you some surprising miracles inadvertently.

  To be honest, with the strength and trump cards that Lu Cang showed this time, even if Li Luo really loses to him, no one can accuse Li Luo of being useless, because Lu Cang in this state is indeed very strong; , even in the Holy Grail War where all the heroes gathered, he was definitely one of the amazing ones. It was not unfair that Li Luo lost to him.

  But no one expected that Li Luo would still win the decisive game in the end, and at the same time kill the plans of Lan Yuansheng Academy.

  The eldest princess's slender body was leaning against the railing, with her arms folded across her chest. Her inadvertent movements made her body curves even more graceful and moving. Her red lips were slightly raised. It must be said that she was a little curious about Li Luo at this time. Of course, This curiosity does not mean that he favors Li Luo, but he simply wants to know how much more this young man, who is completely different from Jiang Qing'e, has hidden.

  "Do you think it is possible for him to win the title of the strongest one-star academy student in Eastern China in the Holy Grail War?" she said with a smile.

  Everyone on the side looked at each other.

  "Isn't this requirement a bit too high?"

  Gong Shenjun took the lead and smiled and analyzed: "A rough assessment shows that Lu Cang's strength may be ranked among the top ten of the Eastern China One-Star Academy, and Li Luo can defeat him. It should be possible to be among the top eight or even the top five, but as for the title of the strongest one-star academy, the difficulty is not that high." "

  You should also know how many monsters and perverts will appear in the Holy Grail War. "

  Even if he is bipolar, he may not be the only one with Li Luo."

  The eldest princess nodded. This is not bad. Although bipolar is rare, the participants in the Holy Grail War are the most outstanding young people in the entire Eastern China. For a generation, it is not surprising that any character appears there. After all, looking at this Eastern China, is Li Luo the only bipolar person?

  "But even if he doesn't get the title of the strongest, Li Luo should be the one who shines brightest in this Holy Grail battle." Everyone quite agreed with the

  eldest princess's words. After all, this battle is never going to happen now. In terms of intensity, it can be regarded as a high-level Holy Grail War. The fact that Li Luo can win is enough to illustrate his strength.

  The jubilation at the One Star Academy was the most intense among the stands. All the students from the One Star Academy were blushing and extremely excited. After all, Li Luo was the representative of the One Star Academy. He won so beautifully that The entire One Star Courtyard was filled with glory.

  In the stands, many students from the One Star Academy were howling and making harsh noises.

  Lu Qing'er and Bai Mengmeng both quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and their tense bodies finally relaxed at this moment.

  "Captain is so awesome." Bai Mengmeng said with a slight smile, looking somewhat admiring.

  Lu Qing'er's pretty face also had a cheerful smile. She looked at the young man standing on the lake. His smile was bright and his face was still so beautiful. Like a mellow wine, it became more and more fragrant as he tasted it, and it was the same as before. Compared to when he was at Nanfeng Academy, Li Luo is undoubtedly more confident and dazzling now.

  And Lu Qing'er felt from the beginning that with Li Luo's ability, he should be so eye-catching.

  His excellence is no worse than anyone else's.

  Including Jiang Qing'e.

  Thinking about it, she glanced at Jiang Qing'e next to her.

  At this time, the latter's black hair was fluttering. She noticed Lu Qing'er's gaze, so she turned her head, looked at Lu Qing'er meaningfully with her golden eyes, and smiled slightly.

  "What do you think of my fiancé's performance?"

  (End of Chapter)

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