Chapter 410 The Invincible Sister Jiang

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  Chapter 410 Invincible Sister Jiang
  Two extremely powerful swords flashed across the sky, and then collided with each other in the next moment.

  Countless eyes gathered, and everyone held their breath and concentrated, because they all knew that the victory or defeat depended on this moment.

  Zhao Huiyin's previous strike was shocking, but no one expected that Jiang Qing'e's counterattack would be even more fierce and fierce. She directly revealed some of her true strength.

  Extremely evil situation!
  That sword that contained evil power seemed to split the heaven and earth apart.

  Zhao Huiyin's sword was said to be able to kill Jisha, but those were just some Jisha with average strength, but obviously Jiang Qing'e was not among this group.

  While countless students were amazed, the offensives of both sides collided, violent roars resounded, and extremely violent shock waves swept away with unparalleled sword light and sword light. Wherever they passed, everything was shattered. be destroyed.

  Even the range of the stands was affected, and countless students changed their colors to avoid it.

  However, at this time, Master Zihui took action and quickly laid down layers of defense to resist all the incoming phase force impacts and sword rays.

  More eyes were staring at the battlefield in mid-air unaffected.

  The two sharp and powerful sword lights there were swallowing up astonishing power, and the void became distorted under this erosion.

  But this stalemate was only short-lived, because the bright sword light flowing with cyan evil energy was obviously more powerful and sharp. After a few breaths, the huge sword light from Zhao Huiyin began to become shaky, and its There are faint cracks appearing on it.

  Jiang Qing'e lowered her eyes slightly.

  She knew the battle was over.

  The golden sword light made a mournful sound, and then shattered.

  call out!
  The power of the sword light containing the cyan evil power did not decrease. It directly cut through the sky and struck Zhao Huiyin with an unrivaled fierceness.

  Zhao Huiyin's petite body looked so small and helpless under the huge sword light.

  The strong wind brought by the sword light blew her hair wildly, and the indifference and golden light in her eyes quickly faded.

  She looked at the sword light coming towards her, biting her red lips with her teeth, showing some helplessness.

  However, just when the sword was about to be cut down, Jiang Qing'e suddenly grasped it with her jade hand, and saw that the sword light, which was fierce enough to cut through a mountain, suddenly shattered, and the violent force overflowed, forming an impact. , shaking Zhao Huiyin's delicate body and flying backwards.

  She screamed in surprise, but before she could fly a few steps, she felt her arm being grabbed.

  Zhao Huiyin looked up and saw Jiang Qing'e appearing in front, stretching out a hand to grab her wrist.

  "You" Zhao Huiyin's eyes were a little complicated, but he didn't expect Jiang Qing'e to save her.

  Jiang Qing'e let go, let Zhao Huiyin fall, and said calmly: "You lost."

  Zhao Huiyin said with some resentment: "You should have told me earlier if you were already in the extreme evil state. If I knew you were so powerful, why would you bother to suffer? A beating is such a waste of emotion."

  Jiang Qing'e said: "You are not bad, a little better than Duze Honglian from our school, at least you can bring me a little interest in fighting."

  Zhao Huiyin was speechless, this emotion was purely for her As a warm-up sparring partner, the gap between the two parties was really not small. The other party had not tried his best to play with her just now.

  She sighed, then looked at Jiang Qing'e with complicated eyes, and said: "It would be great if you were from our Lanyuan Saint Academy."

  Zhao Huiyin took two steps closer and said in a charming voice: "Jiang Qing'e, you really make me I'm so excited, why don't you kick Li Luo and then seize the Luo Lan Mansion? If you become the master of the Luo Lan Mansion, I will join you after I graduate from Lan Yuan Holy Academy!"

  Jiang Qing'e glanced at Zhao Huiyin and said, "Have you not been beaten enough?"

  Zhao Huiyin pouted and said, "It's so cruel. I'm not kidding this time. That kid Li Luo is not worthy of you. A toad eating swan meat is always a disgraceful thing."

  "I bet you that he can't defeat Lu Cang from our Lanyuan Saint Academy."

  Jiang Qing'e said lightly: "You are not the first person who underestimates Li Luo. You should be able to find a lot of sympathy for the people buried in the pit."

  Zhao Huiyin shrugged and said, "If you don't believe me, just wait and see."

  Jiang Qing'e was not interested in talking to her about this. Instead, he turned and looked at Instructor Zihui who was supervising the battle on the high platform.

  At this time, after the supervising instructor recognized the situation on the field and understood that Zhao Huiyin had no strength to fight anymore, he nodded and loudly resounded throughout the audience: "The first game of Sanxing Academy, the winner is Shengxuanxing Academy. , Jiang Qing'e!"


  "Sister Jiang is mighty!"

  "Sister Jiang is invincible!" Earth-shattering cheers erupted from the stands. Countless students were amazed and looked at Jiang Qing'e's figure with admiration. This battle is really exciting, and Jiang Qing'e's invincible appearance really makes people fall in love with her.

  After this battle, Jiang Qing'e's reputation in the school is probably not inferior to that of the eldest princess and Gong Shenjun.

  In the stands, Gong Shenjun, the eldest princess and others were also staring at the battlefield.

  "Xuemei Jiang is really amazing."

  Gong Shenjun stared at the unparalleled graceful figure and couldn't help but sigh: "According to her speed, I'm afraid it is really possible to break through to the Tiangang General level by the end of the year. At that time, I don’t know which unlucky Seven-Star Pillar she will target."

  The eldest princess smiled slightly and said: "Qing'e should be able to compete for the title of the strongest three-star academy student in Eastern China. If she really competes in the Holy Grail War Winning it is an unprecedented first for our Shengxuanxing Academy."

  Gong Shenjun pondered for a moment and said: "I heard that other holy schools are also well prepared for this Holy Grail War. Although the ninth grade prime minister is rare, it may not be the only one in the entire Eastern China. However, in any case, Jiang Xuemei should be considered one of them. One of the most powerful competitors."

  The eldest princess nodded, staring at Jiang Qing'e's figure with eyes filled with admiration.

  Such a person, as long as a few years pass, will definitely become an extremely amazing figure in Daxia. No, if the opportunity is right, this Daxia will not be able to restrain her footsteps.

  Although Xiangxing's rank cannot completely represent future achievements, Jiang Qing'e not only has the advantage of rank, her character and her own efforts have been seen by everyone over the years. Back then, Luolan Mansion was in danger, and it was also precarious. She carried it up with all her strength, and at the same time she did not delay her own practice. So no matter from which angle, Jiang Qing'e was really admired by the eldest princess.

  "Qingluan, you have been very close to Xuemei Jiang recently." Gong Shenjun suddenly smiled.

  The eldest princess smiled and said: "Of course I want to be friends with Qing'e."

  Then she cast her eyes over and said with a profound look: "Brother Emperor, do you still miss Qing'e?"

  Although Gong said Shenjun has always been quite reserved about this and has not crossed the line in any way, but the eldest princess still knows what the royal brother is thinking.

  Gong Shenjun smiled and said, "My fair lady, it's human nature for gentlemen to be jealous, right?" "

  Xuemei Jiang is so outstanding. As a male, it's not surprising that I have a crush on her."

  The eldest princess said calmly He smiled and said, "You should have been observing Li Luo for more than half a year. The relationship and affection between him and Jiang Qing'e are beyond imagination."

  Gong Shenjun was silent for a while, patting the railing in front of him gently with his palms, and there was something strange in his eyes. Light flows.

  He also had to admit that he underestimated the relationship between Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e. At the beginning, he also thought that the engagement between the two parties did not mean much, but as he paid attention to it for more than half a year, he found that The emotion and bond between Jiang Qing'e and Li Luo are far beyond expectations.

  Jiang Qing'e usually seems relatively easy to contact, calm and calm, but everyone can feel the sense of distance when contacting her. You can communicate with her, but if you want to go further, it is fundamental. impossible things.

  Especially the opposite sex.

  So far, there are many outstanding students who have tried to pursue Jiang Qing'e in various ways, but the final result is that they could be regarded as casual acquaintances at first, but later they were unable to become even the simplest friends.

  This is also the main reason why Gong Shenjun has been silent for more than half a year. He can only have some simple conversations when he meets occasionally in the school, which is difficult to promote relationships.

  And all this is obviously because of Li Luo's arrival.

  Jiang Qing'e paid great attention to his feelings.

  "This Junior Li Luo is really enviable." Gong Shenjun said slowly.

  The eldest princess agreed with this and said: "Indeed, his Luo Lan Mansion is not worthy of envy, but having such a fiancée really makes people jealous." She paused and smiled at the palace god Jun

  . He said: "Brother Emperor, I'm afraid you have no hope here with Qing'e, so you'd better give up your mind as soon as possible and find another beauty."

  Gong Shenjun smiled and said nothing.

  There was a profound look in the eyes of the eldest princess. Such persuasion to a man would not have much effect, but would arouse his desire to win. And Gong Shenjun is so outstanding and has such an identity, this The competitive spirit will actually become stronger, so if you let him stop it, it may have the opposite effect.

  But if so, the eldest princess would be more happy to see it.

  Because if Gong Shenjun really behaves a little more radically, then given Jiang Qing'e's character, there is a high probability that she will directly cut ties with him. In that case, it will be a good thing for her.

  After all, she didn't want to see Jiang Qing'e get close to the Regent's family.

  Of course, the palace god Juncheng's mansion is also very deep, so her words may not be useful, but with a few words and no effort, the eldest princess doesn't mind a casual blow.

  The eldest princess retracted her mind and stared at the field. At this stage of the ticket competition, Shengxuanxing Academy has already had an advantage. However, in the next period, Shengxuanxing Academy's advantage will decline, so it depends on the representative players behind it. Can it be stabilized? If it can be stabilized, Shengxuanxing Academy should be stable in this ticket competition.

  (End of chapter)

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