Chapter 401 Seven Star Dzi Bead

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  Chapter 401 Seven-Star Dzi Beads
  "Seven Dzi Beads. The eldest princess's talent has a very solid foundation."

  When countless people were praising the seven slowly rotating blue light beads behind the eldest princess, Li Luo had the same look in his eyes. A look of wonder emerged.

  Tiangang general level has two realms.

  Dzi bead realm.

  Heavenly realm.

  The so-called Dzi Bead Realm is because when you step into the Tiangang General level, your own phase force will gradually compress and condense to form a compressed energy body like a pill. This object is called a Dzi Bead. Dzi Beads are extremely powerful. Strangely, through its transformation, the phase force will become more sharp and powerful.

  Moreover, once the Dzi Beads are condensed and formed, because they themselves are extremely compressed energy bodies, their activation of the energy of heaven and earth will become clearer and more powerful. During battle, once activated, they can be said to have great combat power. rise.

  It is said that in the territory of Dzi Beads, there is a theory of nine-star Dzi Beads, which means that if you practice to the extreme, you can condense nine Dzi Beads. However, people who can reach this step are too rare, because the condensation of each Dzi Bead , not only has extremely strict requirements on one's own talent and potential, but also requires extremely huge cultivation resources. Therefore, most people at the Tiangang general level will choose to start a breakthrough when their own Dzi beads are condensed to about five. When reaching the Heavenly Phase Realm, only those with real confidence and strength will choose to continuously refine the Dzi Beads. Only when they reach a certain limit will they choose to break through.

  This kind of breakthrough after reaching the limit, no matter the background or future achievements, will be better than those with five Dzi beads.

  It can be said that the Dzi Bead Realm is a realm where accumulation of foundation is achieved.

  This is why everyone was so amazed when they saw the eldest princess wearing seven dzi beads, because from here we can see the eldest princess's expectations and ambitions for a higher realm.

  And now, the eldest princess has revealed her seven Dzi Beads, which obviously means that the battle between the two sides is going full blast.

  Boom boom!

  As the seven dzi beads behind the eldest princess continued to rotate, the energy in the world began to boil at this moment. Everyone could clearly see that the energy in the world seemed to turn into tornadoes, and then continued to They gathered towards the location of the seven Dzi Beads.

  The light among the seven dzi beads jumped and connected with each other, like a halo. Inside the halo, terrible energy was condensing, causing the void there to become somewhat distorted.

  The dzi bead appeared, and the eldest princess's expression became a little more serious. She didn't say a word, she curled her slender fingers together, then slowly stretched them out, pointing far away to Zhongnan below.

  Behind him, the seven Dzi Beads vibrated, and extremely astonishing energy poured into the eldest princess' body like a torrent.

  The tips of his fingers are shining with green light.

  The eldest princess's red lips parted slightly: "Wind Luan Spiritual Light."

  At that moment, the sound of a luan bird sounded across the sky and the earth, and a slender green stream of light suddenly shot out from the eldest princess's fingertips. Above the stream of light, there seemed to be a strong wind flowing, exuding an extremely astonishing sharpness and penetrating power.

  Obviously, the eldest princess also knew that Zhongnan's defense was strong, so she also prepared a tyrannical phase technique specifically designed to break the defense.

  When the eldest princess made a move, Zhongnan's expression below him also became extremely solemn. He took a deep breath, and the phase force in his body also exploded without reservation at this time. He saw beads of light forming behind him, and roughly counted them. Counting, there are actually seven!

  It's just that the seventh light bead is slightly weaker than the other six.

  He stomped on the ground, his strength exploded, and a low voice sounded: "Ninth Heavenly Stone Gate!"

  Boom! The earth shook violently at this time, and only the gray phase force could be seen rising from the earth to the sky. Immediately, ancient stone gates were formed one after another directly in front of Zhongnan. The stone gates were thick and vicissitudes of life, and there seemed to be countless strange lights on them. The pattern gives people a sense of solidity like a mountain.

  call out!
  The cyan stream of light swept over in an instant and directly collided with the ancient stone gate. A huge energy shock wave suddenly exploded, tearing apart the forest sea.

  The three stone doors shattered instantly.

  But there are still six layers standing firmly.

  But this was not the end, because before the smoke and dust dissipated, three more cyan streams of light came through the void. With a loud rumbling sound, the remaining six layers of stone gates were immediately penetrated, but the three cyan lights were still left. The next shot shot directly towards Zhongnan's body at the speed of lightning.

  Green light flashed across his eyes, and Zhongnan finally took a step forward. That foot seemed to weigh as much as a thousand pounds, and even the ground shook violently.

  His arms were crossed in front of him, and as the gray-white energy rose, his arms seemed to have turned into ancient rocks.

  The green light shot directly on his arms. At that moment, the energy shock wave exploded. The ground around Zhongnan began to crack continuously, and his figure was shaken by the huge force and quickly slid away hundreds of meters. His feet plowed two deep marks on the ground.

  In the end, Zhongnan stabilized his figure. His face remained calm, and cracks appeared on his arms. However, with the flow of gray and white phase force, those cracks were gradually dissipating.

  There were sounds of air-conditioning sucking from the stands. No one expected that Zhongnan’s defense would be so perverted. Even though it physically withstood the eldest princess’s attack, it was still intact.

  The strongest shield of Lanyuan Saint Academy, its reputation is well-deserved.

  And anyone can see that Zhongnan has not counterattacked once so far. Obviously, all his abilities are on the defensive end, and his goal is also very clear. He does not expect to defeat the eldest princess, but he can delay it. Until the end of time.

  Countless students couldn't help but glance at a high platform somewhere. There was a bronze cauldron there, and inside the cauldron was a half-meter long incense stick. When the incense burnt out, if there was no winner yet, That's a draw.

  While many students were worried, the expression of the eldest princess who was standing in the air did not change. She stared at Zhongnan below. She had actually expected this outcome because she knew more information and even After studying some Zhongnan combat data, the opponent's abnormal defense is indeed very troublesome.

  However, she has also made some preparations for this. Next, let's try to see who can persist to the end.

  She is not someone who gives up easily.

  When she thought of this, the eldest princess lowered her eyes slightly, and saw Qingluan's light and shadow appear again at her feet, and then the seven Dzi beads behind her slowly fell at this time, falling into the Qingluan's light and shadow one by one. in vivo.

  As the seven Dzi Beads fell in, the light and shadow of the Qingluan suddenly erupted into a clear sound. The originally somewhat illusory body gradually became solid at this time. From a distance, it looked like a real Qingluan. The Luan bird flaps its wings and flies.

  An astonishing ferocity radiated out.

  The eldest princess stood on top of Qingluan's head, then her red lips slightly opened, and a soft voice sounded among the mountains.

  "Qingluan's secret skill, Qingluan Fire."

  (End of this chapter)

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