Chapter 369 The charm of that arrow

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  Chapter 369 The
  majestic energy of that arrow poured into Li Luo's body like a tide at this moment, and at the same moment, bloodshot eyes quickly climbed out, and his face was here He was twitching uncontrollably, and his expression revealed a ferocious and ferocious look that he had never seen before.

  At this time, Li Luo was obviously completely different from usual.

  An emotion of killing and destruction roared in his heart like a wolf, trying to break through all reason, turn him into a puppet, and kill everything in front of him.

  The world in front of me seemed to be covered in a faint red color.

  There seemed to be an inexplicable whisper in his heart and in his ears, inciting him to kill wantonly.

  But in the end, Li Luo maintained the last trace of clarity with the help of the "Holy Light Meditation Bead" and "Bing Xin Xuan Qi". He tried his best to suppress the negative emotions in his heart, and then drew the light falcon bow without hesitation.

  This power must be released as soon as possible, otherwise it will cause greater damage to him.

  And as Li Luo opened the bow string, he saw the powerful energy condensed rapidly, and turned directly into a flapping light falcon arrow on the bow string. And this time, the light falcon was so lifelike that even its feathers could See clearly.

  Moreover, the light falcon showed a dark red color, and an unconcealed ferocious aura emitted.

  The arrow tip was shaking slightly, because the energy was too strong, which directly caused circles of energy halo to appear at the arrow tip.

  The power of this arrow is quite amazing.

  Before the arrow was fired, Li Luo's fingers that pulled the bowstring began to be torn apart by the dissipated energy, leaving bloody traces that were deep enough to see the bones. Blood dripped down his palms, and his arms continued to tremble slightly. , as if trying his best to pull an extremely violent beast.

  The energy he aroused was too violent, so at this moment, Qin Zhulu, Lu Qing'er and Lin Suo, who were fighting, all noticed it, and then looked at them with horrified eyes.

  "Such a strong energy!" Qin Zhulu, who was covered in blood, stared at Li Luo in disbelief.

  Although he knew that Luo Li had some trump cards, he never expected that Luo Li could trigger such an astonishing attack.

  This kind of power definitely exceeds the third transformation of the Transformation Stage!

  Lu Qing'er's beautiful eyes were also full of surprises and some worries, because she also saw Li Luo's somewhat red eyes at this time. Obviously, this power also caused a great burden on him. If he was not careful, he could It will be counterattacked.

  "Let's go!"

  Lu Qing'er was the calmest. She grabbed Qin Zhulu's arm and hurriedly retreated. When the latter was grabbed by her, his body suddenly started to tremble like a reflex, and he was about to struggle to resist, but in the previous battle with Lin Suo, He had borne the greatest pressure, and now he was already running out of gas, so he was unable to break free and could only be dragged backwards in embarrassment by Lu Qing'er.

  At this time, Lin Suo ignored Qin Zhulu and Lu Qing'er, because he was looking at Li Luo, who was drawing the bow, with an extremely ugly expression.

  The blood-red light falcon arrow locked him firmly.

  "Fuck! Are you fucking cheating?!"

  Lin Suo's face turned livid and he yelled angrily. He never thought that Li Luo could pervert to such an extent and condense such energy that even he felt palpitations. This was completely It’s not common sense!

  What secret method can be so terrifying?
  At this time, Lin Suo felt countless regrets in his heart. He regretted why he didn't destroy Li Luo earlier. This kid was simply a monster!

  In that complicated mood, Lin Suo did not stand still. Instead, he directly used his speed to the extreme and began to retreat. He was also smart. He retreated directly into the dense forest, hoping to use the terrain to resolve Li's attack. Luo's terrifying arrow.

  Li Luo's slightly red eyes stared at Lin Suo, who was running away crazily. Deep in the eyes full of killing, he tried his best to maintain a trace of clarity, and then his fingers, which had been eroded by the violent energy until the bones were visible, suddenly loosened.


  A sharp falcon cry suddenly sounded at this time, and the air in front of Li Luo exploded instantly, as if forming circles of sonic boom clouds, and a red light directly tore through the air at an unimaginable speed. He chased after Lin Suo's figure.

  Boom boom!

  Wherever the red light arrow passed, a falcon sound wave erupted. This time the sound wave was far beyond what Li Luo had used before. The sound wave spread, and the big trees in the dense forest were swept into powder at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  Although Lu Qing'er and Qin Zhulu were far away, they still showed pain on their faces.

  Lin Suo, who was locked, was even worse. There was blood flowing from both ears. His eardrums were shattered by the sound waves. Waves of dizziness came to his mind, and his eyesight turned black. His retreating figure suddenly stood still, and he gave up evading because the speed of the red falcon arrow was so fast that he couldn't dodge it at all.

  At this critical moment of life and death, Lin Suo could only roar, and the power in his body exploded without reservation, and then poured all of it into the octagonal golden shield. This was his strongest defense now.

  The octagonal golden shield bloomed with a golden halo and floated in front of him.

  call out!
  The next moment, a red light arrow burst out, and the violent energy exploded. The octagonal golden shield began to tremble violently at this moment, and the golden halo above it was continuously affected by the violent red energy. Dissolve.

  In just a few breaths, in Lin Suo's eyes, it was so slow and difficult.

  The golden halo released by the octagonal golden shield only lasted for a few breaths.

  When the last golden halo melted away, despair rose in Lin Suo's eyes. At this moment, before he could react, on the octagonal golden shield in front of him, where Li Luo had previously shot a deep mark, there suddenly appeared Cracks appear.

  A bloody red light penetrated from it, and the last arrow hit Lin Suo's chest.

  The red light penetrated directly from his chest, and then took his whole body to fly out, banging and breaking the big trees, and finally, with a buzzing sound, he was nailed to the ground. On top of a huge rock.

  The rocks are cracked with cracks.

  With one arrow, victory or defeat is decided.

  Qin Zhulu and Lu Qing'er stared blankly at the trace that appeared in the forest and Lin Suo, who was directly nailed to the giant rock and unable to move, with a look of horror rising in their eyes.

  Li Luo's arrow was really amazing.

  With the strength of the third line of Shengwen Duan, such a terrifying arrow burst out. Is this possible for humans?
  While the two were shocked, Li Luo's figure jumped down from the top of the tree. Just as Lu Qing'er was about to step forward, Qin Zhulu suddenly reached out to stop her and said solemnly: "There seems to be something wrong with Li Luo." Lu Qing'er looked and saw that it was indeed the case

  . Seeing Li Luo's face twisted and ferocious, his eyes red, that terrifying look was something she had never seen on Li Luo before.

  Moreover, at this time, Li Luo even looked at them with unusually fierce eyes.

  "Did he get backlash?" Qin Zhulu said in a heavy voice.

  Lu Qing'er's pretty face changed, and she immediately pushed Qin Zhulu's arm away, ignoring his obstruction, and walked towards Li Luo step by step firmly.

  Li Luo's red eyes stared at her, and his face seemed to become more and more ferocious.

  However, Lu Qing'er did not care about his terrifying expression, but stood in front of Li Luo, then stretched out her small hand to slowly hold Li Luo's palm, and once again activated the "Bing Xin Xuan Qi".

  "Li Luo, it's over." She stared at Li Luo with her clear eyes and said softly.

  Li Luo's face flashed red, and there was some struggle in his somewhat red eyes. He immediately closed his eyes and took two deep breaths.

  The ferociousness on his face finally began to fade away.

  When he opened his eyes again, his expression had begun to return to normal. He rubbed his hair, looked at Lu Qing'er in front of him, and showed a familiar bright smile: "I want to ask you if that arrow just now was handsome?" Lu Qing'er laughed

  . , there was a little splash in her eyes, and immediately she couldn't help but stretched out her arms to hug Li Luo.

  Li Luo was also startled by her sudden hug. He quickly spread his hands and said, "You are too excited. Be careful. If Jiang Qing'e sees you here, you will be in trouble." Lu Qing'er hit Li Luo and

  bit Teeth speak the harshest words.

  "I'm not afraid of her!"

  Li Luo was about to cry when he heard this. Of course you are not afraid, because you won't be the one who gets beaten.

  (End of chapter)

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