Chapter 357 Chop it up and feed it to the dog

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  Chapter 357: Chop it up and feed it to the dog
  . With Lin Suo leaving, the atmosphere in the forest became a little depressing. Zhao Yang, Gu Ying, Zhu Xuan and others all looked gloomy, and there was no longer any fight between them. Feeling.

  After all, the source of the fight was Lu Qing'er, and now that half of Lu Qing'er's golden dragon energy had been extracted from her body, the effect of the cornucopia was almost destroyed.

  The original plan of relying on Lu Qing'er to obtain Daojin in the next period of time has come to nothing.

  Li Luo ignored the complicated emotions of everyone present. He just walked up to Lu Qing'er, stretched out his hand to hold her slender wrist, and used the power of the wood phase to gradually remove the poison from her body.

  After a while, Lu Qing'er's fine eyelashes trembled slightly and slowly opened them.

  "Qing'er, are you okay?" Li Luo helped her up and asked nervously.

  Lu Qing'er frowned slightly and said: "There is an inexplicable feeling of emptiness in my heart. It should be because half of the golden dragon energy has been extracted, but there are no other symptoms." Although she had been poisoned before, she still had senses

  . , so she also knew that the person who attacked her was Lin Suo.

  Li Luo breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. It was good that he was fine. Otherwise, if something happened to Lu Qing'er, how could he explain it to Yu Hongxi.

  He first comforted Lu Qing'er, then turned to look at Zhao Yang and others, and said: "Now that the situation has become like this, the cornucopia effect of Golden Dragon Qi should not be maintained. What are your plans? We will definitely go there Looking for Lin Suo."

  Zhao Yang glanced at him and said in a low voice: "Lin Suo has the strength of the third transformation of the Transformation Phase. Even if your team is three against one, it will not be his opponent. It is said that your team, even if it is any of our teams here, may not be able to defeat him."

  His voice paused, and finally said: "So if you want to find Lin Suo, we should not be able to defeat him. I can help you, after all, we also have a mission."

  Now that the Golden Dragon Qi has been destroyed, Lu Qing'er's value has been greatly reduced, and Zhao Yang obviously does not want to antagonize a powerful enemy who has transformed into the third phase of his transformation.

  When Li Luo heard this, his expression was quite calm, and he did not get angry because of the other party's reality. After all, this was a matter of course, and both parties had their own needs.

  "In that case, let's part ways here." Li Luo said.

  Zhao Yang nodded, hesitated for a moment, and then advised: "I suggest you don't go to Lin Suo either. The third transformation of the phase of transformation is definitely not something you can compete with." Li Luo was noncommittal about this


  When Zhao Yang saw this, he knew that Li Luo had not adopted his words, so he stopped trying to persuade him. Instead, he simply turned around and left with his team.

  Seeing this, the other teams also left here with regret and regret.

  When Gu Ying was about to leave, she waved to Li Luo. When the latter came to her side, she was silent for a moment and said: "I'm not trying to advise you not to go to Lin Suo, but I suggest you do whatever it takes." No matter what, it's best to find that guy, and then take back half of the golden dragon energy that was taken away by him, and return it to Lu Qing'er." Li

  Luo's eyes narrowed slightly and he said, "What do you mean?"

  Gu Ying glanced at the back. Standing there, a beautiful and charming girl said: "Do you really think there will be no harm if half of the Golden Dragon Qi is taken away? I'm afraid she just doesn't want to tell you." "I have seen this kind of thing in the classics of Golden Dragon

  Baoxing Information, the Golden Dragon Qi is a gift from the Golden Dragon Dojo to those who match it, and it can also be regarded as a certain mark. Those who possess the Golden Dragon Qi will receive indescribable benefits if they enter Jinlong Mountain in the future." "Now the Golden Dragon Qi in Lu Qing'er's body has been

  destroyed , This will have a great impact on her future, and may even change her destiny." "

  I don't know what happened to Lin Suo, but he not only knows this secret, but he also lurks among you. In the team of Daxia Golden Dragon Baoxing, I don’t think there is a deep connection behind it.”

  "So my suggestion to you is that if possible, it is best to take back the Golden Dragon Qi." Gu Ying spread her hands and said: "As for how to take it back, I'm sorry, I don't know. That Lin Suo is extremely powerful. Even I am no match. As for you, maybe it all depends on God's will." "That's all

  I said. It's a way of repaying your kindness for helping me heal my wounds." After

  Gu Ying finished speaking, she waved her hand and turned around. go.

  Li Luo stood there with deep eyes, and then let out a breath. In fact, what Gu Ying said, he had guessed a little before, and now her words only helped him complete the confirmation.

  He turned around and walked towards Lu Qing'er.

  "What did she tell you?" Lu Qing'er asked, her eyes flashing slightly.

  "She said it was best to get back the golden dragon energy that Lin Suo had withdrawn." Li Luo stared at her and said directly without hiding anything.

  Lu Qing'er was startled, and immediately dodged under Li Luo's eyes, and said hesitantly: "Actually, there is no need. That golden dragon energy was obtained accidentally, and it doesn't hurt even if it is lost." "Qing Qing'er was stunned

  . Son, you are looking down on me." Li Luo said seriously.

  Lu Qing'er was anxious and said aggrievedly: "Li Luo, what are you talking about? How could I have such an idea?" "

  Hey, aren't you just worried that if I insist on finding Lin Suo, I will lose to him in the end. "

  Li Luo smiled and said: "It's just that I'm not even afraid of a natural disaster-level alien. Why should I be afraid of him? Because he is uglier than the alien?" Lu Qing'er smiled and then sighed: "Li

  Luo , It’s not that I don’t believe you, I just don’t think it’s necessary to take risks.”


  Li Luo scolded: “Then what qualifications does Lin Suo have for taking risks? Let me tell you, if I really let it go and don’t do everything to give You take back the Golden Dragon Qi, and only after you go back will your mother let me understand what the most dangerous danger in the world is!"

  Lu Qing'er said angrily: "Don't arrange for my mother."

  However, she also understood that what Li Luo said was true. She knew Yu Hongxi's character very well. If she knew that Li Luo sat and watched the golden dragon energy in her body being taken away, but did not take any action, then she would definitely be very disappointed and treat her badly. Li Luo's evaluation also dropped to the lowest level.

  Li Luo also added at this time: "If it comes to that, if I dare to walk into Jinlongbaoxing, your mother will probably take a step off of me, and we may never even see each other again. "

  Lv Qing'er's chest rose and fell slightly, her eyes lowered for a moment, and then she suddenly raised her head, staring at Li Luo with a very sharp gaze.

  "Li Luo."

  Lu Qing'er bit her silver teeth, and the cold murderous intent in her eyes seemed to be filled with substance.

  "Help me chop up Lin Suo and feed it to the dogs!"

  (End of Chapter)

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