Chapter 354 Pulling away

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  Chapter 354: Escaping
  from the night.

  Li Luo looked into the distance. Even from a distance, he could still see the rays of light rising in the dense forest over there. The number was somewhat beyond his expectation.

  "This Zhu Xuan is also full of evil."

  Li Luo sighed. Although he had a vague feeling from the beginning that Zhu Xuan did not bring people here alone, but as the scene before him appeared, he was able to confirm that this Zhu Xuan It was indeed well prepared.

  They may not have planned to share the benefits brought by the golden dragon energy with Zhao Yang and others.

  Judging from the teams that Zhu Xuan has united, it is clear that he wants to find opportunities to replace Zhao Yang and others, and then take control of Lu Qing'er, who has the golden dragon spirit.

  Tsk tsk, this guy’s level is not low.

  Ambitious and courageous.

  If he hadn't secretly provoked the two sides here, causing Zhao Yang and the others to take action ahead of schedule, then when Zhu Xuan was ready, it would probably be time to start the cleanup.

  When Zhao Xiang and the others are driven away, Zhu Xuan will have enough reasons to "protect" Lu Qing'er, and maybe even find excuses to kick him away.

  After all, Zhu Xuan had also disliked him for a long time.

  "I don't know if Zhao Yang and the others can stop Zhu Xuan's preparations."

  Li Luo thought for a moment. If Zhao Yang and the others capsized, then he would have to start thinking of ways to find the next thug. Oh, no, it's the next one. The alliance partner is gone.

  However, we can get out of this chaotic situation now.

  Li Luo's eyes flickered slightly, and then he suddenly felt that the area around the campfire seemed to have become extremely quiet. The figures who had been monitoring the surroundings also disappeared at this time.

  Li Luo moved his nose and vaguely smelled a strange smell.

  This smell reached his nose, and Li Luo's expression suddenly changed.


  A severe dizziness flooded into his mind, but at this moment, Li Luo directly activated the power of the wood phase in his body. The green power flowed rapidly in the body, relying on the detoxification effect of the power of the wood phase. , after a few breaths, the dizziness in Li Luo's mind quickly dissipated.

  But his expression gradually became serious at this time.

  He stared sharply at the darkness in all directions. After a moment, he locked in a certain direction and said slowly: "Come out." There was

  silence in the darkness for a few breaths, and then there were subtle footsteps, and a figure slowly walked from there. Come over.

  The light of the bonfire spread, and the figure fell into Li Luo's sight.

  And when he saw the figure clearly, his pupils shrank imperceptibly, because that figure was none other than Lin Suo, who had never had a strong presence in Zhu Xuan's team.

  But this person always gave Li Luo a vague feeling of danger.

  "You're not fascinated by Luo Yunyan?" Lin Suo stood under the light of the campfire, looked at Li Luo in surprise, and asked with a smile.

  "Did Zhu Xuan send you here?"

  Li Luo frowned and stared at him. He really underestimated that guy Zhu Xuan. He calculated that I would take advantage of the opportunity and sneak away quietly, so he arranged for Lin Suo to come. stop?
  Lin Suo smiled and said nothing.

  Li Luo stared at Lin Suo with vigilant eyes. He had always been wary of this person, and he had previously suspected that the other person was a killer who had been inserted into the Luo Lan Mansion's forces, and the purpose was to gain access to this special place in the Golden Dragon Dojo. Kill him in the place.

  Although Yu Hongxi said that Lin Suo was from Jinlong Baoxing, Li Luo did not completely relax his guard against him.

  And on this occasion, if Lin Suo really came for him, he probably wouldn't miss this opportunity.
  Although Lin Suo's superficial strength was only the first transformation of the transformation stage, Li Luo had a faint feeling that the other party might not have the ability to do so. It looks so simple on the surface.

  While Li Luo's mind was flashing for a few breaths, Lin Suo didn't look like he wanted to say anything more. There was phase force surging out of his body, and the phase force actually showed a blood-red color, faintly... There was still an air of blood in it.

  Li Luo felt the blood-red phase force, and his eyes were even more surprised. Is this a blood sign?
  It's really rare.

  Lin Suo's figure flashed and turned into a beam of blood, shooting towards Li Luo's location.

  "What a fast speed!"

  Li Luo was shocked, and then the two swords appeared in his hands. The two phase palaces in his body started to operate without hesitation, and the two phase forces flowed out and covered the blades.

  The sword slashed out with awe-inspiring light, shining with a cold luster in the night.

  However, the sword light passed by the blood-red light and shadow, and actually passed through it, and the blood-red light and shadow appeared behind Li Luo like a ghost.

  He seemed to ignore Li Luo's obstruction and rushed towards a tent.

  That's Lu Qing'er's tent!

  In a flash, Lin Suo spurted out a mouthful of blood-light phase force. The phase force fell on the tent, melting it quickly, and then the figure of Lu Qing'er sleeping in it was revealed.

  Lin Suo went straight to Lu Qing'er.

  The other party's behavior made Li Luo frown. Wasn't this guy arranged by other forces to deal with him? Why don't you take advantage of this opportunity now?
  But no matter what the other party's purpose was, if he wanted to touch Lu Qing'er, that was not something he could allow.

  Lin Suo's figure appeared strangely next to Lu Qing'er. Just as he was about to reach out to grab her, he felt an extremely powerful force suddenly erupt behind him.

  The power of the phase was so strong that even a flash of surprise flashed across his eyes.

  Then he shot out a palm with his backhand, and saw the blood-red force rolling, a blood-red palm shadow wrapped in a fishy smell, and one palm collided with Li Luo's slashing swords.

  At that moment, there was a sound like gold and iron, and then Li Luo's expression changed slightly as he felt a powerful force sweeping in from the front. The dual-phase power gathered on the two swords was all swept away at this moment. Life and death were strangled.

  Such strength is far superior to the first transformation of Huaxiang Duan!
  Even, not weaker than Zhu Xuan and Zhao Yang!
  This Lin Suo really hides a lot of strength!
  Li Luo was shaken back, staring at Lin Suo with piercing eyes, and said slowly: "You have tried so hard to hide so much strength, which force sent you? You look like this, it doesn't look like you are targeting I'm here."

  Lin Suo looked at Li Luo with indifferent eyes: "Come for you?"

  He smiled, and there seemed to be some sarcasm in his laughter.

  "Young Master of Luo Lan Mansion, you feel a little too good about yourself. I have no interest in you, so if you know what you are doing, get out of here." Li Luo narrowed his eyes slightly. This was really unexpected. He had

  been He thought that Lin Suo sneaked in to deal with him, but now it seems that he guessed wrong.

  "Since you are not here for me, is your target Qing'er?"

  "Aren't you from the Daxia Jinlong Baoxing Tianzang County branch? If you dare to touch Qing'er now, you are not afraid of President Yu. To settle a score with you?"

  "What is your purpose?"

  Listening to Li Luo's words, Lin Suo's eyes remained indifferent. He did not answer, but stretched out his palm, a thumb-sized, particularly delicate-looking black jade gourd. appeared in his hands.

  With a flick of his finger, the black jade gourd shot out, and then floated between the sleeping Lu Qing'er's eyebrows.

  On the black jade gourd, there seemed to be a surge of black energy. The mouth of the gourd was facing Lu Qing'er's eyebrows, and a strange suction force suddenly surged at this moment.

  Immediately afterwards, Li Luo was a little shocked to see that there seemed to be strands of golden aura rising from Lu Qing'er's eyebrows and being sucked into the black jade gourd.

  The golden aura was extremely mysterious and mysterious, and when it appeared, Li Luo immediately guessed what it was.

  That should be the Golden Dragon Qi? !

  This Lin Suo was actually able to extract the golden dragon energy from Lu Qing'er's body? ! !
  (End of chapter)

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