Chapter 34 Li Luo’s Water Mirror Technique

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  Chapter 34 Li Luo's Water Mirror Technique
  "How is it possible that Li Luo blocked Song Yunfeng's full blow?!"

  There was an uproar of shock around the battlefield, and everyone's faces were full of disbelief.

  The people present were not too unfamiliar with the Water Mirror Technique, and some of them with the Water Aspect had also practiced this type of Technique. However, it was simply a dream to say that the Water Mirror Technique could block Song Yunfeng's full attack.

  But unfortunately, this incredible thing actually appeared in front of them.

  Tifa Qingmei's eyes widened and she couldn't help but open her mouth.

  "What the hell?!" Bei Kun cursed in shock.

  Lu Qing'er, who was not far away, raised her slender eyebrows slightly at this moment, and stared at Li Luo with burning eyes. Sure enough, her guess was correct, Li Luo actually had the means to check and balance Song Yunfeng!
  He was actually able to do such an incredible thing.

  Amid the boiling uproar, Li Luo shook his stinging arms, and then walked away from the edge of the fighting platform. He stared at Song Yunfeng, who had a gloomy and fierce face, and smiled implicitly at him.

  And in his heart, there was a feeling of joy spreading.

  Because his experiment really succeeded.

  The physiognomy technique he performed previously was a water mirror technique on the surface, but there was a secret in it, that is, Li Luo used his own light physiognomy power to superimpose an intermediate light physiognomy technique called refraction technique.

  The Water Mirror Technique can reflect the incoming force, and the Reflection Technique can reflect the invading enemy. The two special characteristics are stacked together to form an enhanced version of the Water Mirror Technique, which can reflect more power back.

  Even in Li Luo's prediction, in the future, these two powers will operate to the extreme, and they may be able to directly imprint all incoming enemies.

  Attack the enemy with the enemy.

  As for this improved and enhanced water mirror technique, Li Luo called it the "Water Light Magic Mirror".

  "Pretending to be a ghost, do you think you can change anything today?!"

  But when Li Luo was happy, Song Yunfeng's expression was gloomy, and his figure suddenly shot out again. His five fingers turned into claws, and the shadow of sharp red claws appeared vaguely, tearing the sky.

  Without any hesitation, he continued to attack.

  Seeing this, Li Luo used the improved water mirror technique again, and a thin water curtain formed in front of him like a mirror.

  Song Yunfeng punched fiercely, but when a muffled sound was heard, he and Li Luo shot backward at the same time again.

  This time Song Yunfeng had some preparations and was finally not in such a panic. However, his expression became even more ugly because he found that Li Luo's "Water Mirror Technique" was too weird. Whenever he came into contact with it, it seemed to frighten him. There is a feeling that I am beating myself up.

  Is this still the fucking Water Mirror Technique? !
  Song Yunfeng's attack was blocked by Li Luo again. Everyone around the battle platform gulped. This kind of thing happened once because of luck, but twice it was obvious that he was really capable.

  Of course, not to mention them, even the old dean, Xu Shanyue, Lin Feng and others on the high platform all had a look of astonishment on their faces.

  "This Li Luo's Water Mirror Technique seems to be a bit unusual." The old dean said in surprise.

  The other instructors all nodded. It was impossible for ordinary water mirror techniques to make Song Yunfeng so embarrassed.

  "This kind of rebound intensity is a bit like the "Xuanshui Mirror" of the stage phase technique." An instructor analyzed.   But soon, this led to a rebuttal: " Is it possible for

  Li Luo, who is in the Six Seal Realm, to perform the Stage Phase Technique?" The previous instructor was speechless and found it difficult to answer.

Six seals, even ten seals, are not enough.

  "That is indeed just a water mirror technique."

  Xu Shanyue stared at it for a long time, and then said: "But it may have been improved by Li Luo."

  The other instructors looked at each other, improved physiognomy? Although they all know that Li Luo has extremely high understanding and talent in physiognomy, improving physiognomy is not something a person of his level can do, right?
  But other than that, there seems to be no other explanation.

  "As expected of those two sons," they could only sigh in the end.

  Instructor Lin Feng on the side did not speak from the beginning to the end, and his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, because this situation was completely different from what he thought.

  Around the battlefield, the noise spread like waves.

  Song Yunfeng's face on the stage was terrifyingly gloomy. He stared at Li Luo fiercely and wanted to rush forward again, but he stopped again when he thought of the weird "Water Mirror Technique".

  "Li Luo, do you dare to attack?" Song Yunfeng gritted his teeth and said.

  He also discovered that Li Luo seemed to only use this "Water Mirror Technique" to check and balance him, and as long as he did not take the initiative to attack with all his strength, Li Luo's Water Mirror Technique would have no effect.

  Hearing this, Li Luo smiled and shook his head: "I don't dare, come here." Song Yunfeng was trembling with anger. He truly experienced what it meant to be aggrieved and angry. It was clear that Li Luo's strength was far inferior to him, but he used that weird The water mirror technique, which was like a spiny turtle shell, made him helpless.

  However, Song Yunfeng was not a fool after all. He gradually calmed down his anger, meditated for a few breaths, and suddenly activated his phase force again and shot out.

  But this time, he suppressed his power.

  "After all, this Water Mirror Technique is a high-level phase technique. It consumes a lot of phase power when used. If I can force him to use it constantly, Li Luo will soon run out of phase power. Without the Water Mirror Technique, Li Luo will Luo is just a hunting dog without claws, so there is nothing to fear."

  Song Yunfeng attacked, but Li Luo also felt the suppression of his power, and with a change of mind, he knew what he was thinking.

  "It's quite smart."

  "But I suppressed Xiangli, so why am I afraid of you?"

  Li Luo said with a smile. The reason why Song Yunfeng is strong is because he is strong with Xiangli. But now that he has tied his own hands and feet, what does Li Luo have? So scared?

  So this time, he took the initiative to face him. The two figures collided with each other, and their fists and feet used each other's strength to create a sound of breaking wind.

  The two were entangled together, and the fight was in full swing, but Song Yunfeng's face became increasingly gloomy, because he found that after suppressing Xiang Li, he could no longer suppress Li Luo.

  The anger in Song Yunfeng's eyes grew stronger and stronger, and the next moment, the suppressed phase force in his body suddenly exploded, and he violently punched Li Luo with the crimson phase force.

  But just as his fist struck down, a water curtain spread out in front of Li Luo, and the water mirror technique he had secretly prepared was launched.

  Song Yunfeng punched the water curtain, and the powerful force rebounded quickly, shaking him so hard that his chest felt tight and he took a few steps back.

  Li Luo was also shaken back, rubbed his fists, and stared at Song Yunfeng with a half-smile.

  "Li Luo, let me see how many times you can use the Water Mirror Technique with your Six Seal Realm phase power?!" Song Yunfeng's face turned livid, his red phase power surged out, and he attacked with all his strength.

  He himself is in the Eight Seal Realm, and his physical strength is stronger than Li Luo's. Since Li Luo only relies on the Water Mirror Technique, he will use the stupidest method to directly force Li Luo to exhaust his physical strength!

  Song Yunfeng didn't take any rest, and used his strength to charge forward fiercely again.

  Seeing this, Li Luo continued to use the "Water Mirror Technique".

  A familiar scene appeared again, and the two of them were knocked back at the same time.

  During the following period, everyone watched numbly as the two men repeated such actions.

  Song Yunfeng rushed forward like a bull, and Li Luo used the Water Mirror Technique. With a bang, the two of them fell back.

  But no one felt bored, because they all knew that it was now up to them to see how long Li Luo's phase power could last.
  This repetitive operation continued until Li Luo used the Water Mirror Technique for the thirteenth time.

  Then, the blue water power rising from Li Luo's body gradually dimmed.

  That's a sign that phase power is exhausted.

  Around the battle platform, there were some sounds of regret.

  A sneer appeared on Song Yunfeng's gloomy face, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Li Luo, what can you do now?!"

  His figure jumped out, the red phase force surged, and his eyes turned red, like a vicious eagle rushing towards food.

  Facing Song Yunfeng's angry blow, Li Luo did not mount any defense, but stood quietly on the spot, letting the fierce fist shadow rapidly enlarge in his eyes.

  The fiery wind of the fist hit his face, but just when Song Yunfeng's bare fist was just inches away from Li Luo's face, his fist seemed to freeze.

  Because at this moment, a hand grasped his wrist as firmly as an eagle's claw, making it impossible for him to move forward any further.

  Song Yunfeng glared away and found the spectator standing nearby. It was his action that blocked his attack.

  "What are you doing?!" Song Yunfeng said angrily.

  The spectators looked expressionless and pointed to a stone pillar on the edge of the fighting platform. On it, there was an hourglass. At this time, no one noticed that the sand grains in the hourglass were already flowing.

  Li Luo rubbed his sore arm and smiled softly at Song Yunfeng, who looked dull.

  "It's almost time, you idiot, why do you still want to add an extra hour?"

  (End of Chapter)

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