Chapter 322 shocked me

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  Chapter 322 shocked me.

  But when the presiding instructor was absent-minded for a brief moment, the venue became noisy. Everyone looked confused. They didn’t know why the instructor suddenly lost his voice.

  "Is it because the tempering power is too low to report it?" Mei Xuan'er said with a smile in the stands.

  Some of the surrounding students of the Quenching Academy were dumbfounded. It shouldn't be that bad, right?

  Li Bi was also a little confused. What did the instructor see that made it take so long? She was very familiar with the qualities and abilities of the instructors at the Quenching Academy. If she hadn't seen something so shocking, she wouldn't have behaved like this.

  But what did you see?
  Is it too bad or too good?

  Li Bi knew there were only two options.

  "Do you think it was Li Luo who performed extraordinary?" she asked Bing Tao beside her.

  Bingtao hesitated for a moment and said: "No matter how extraordinary you are, you can't surpass the other five fifth-grade physiognomist masters. That's not consistent with common sense at all." Li Bi nodded. She was also a fifth-grade physiognomist

  master, so It is clear that if she competes with a third-grade physiognomist under the same conditions, she will absolutely crush the opponent.

  What's more, the current Li Luo and the other five fifth-grade physiognomist masters are not in the same condition.

  Because Xiyang House only has a three-star formula, while the other five top Lingshui Qiguang Houses all have four-star formulas!
  There was already a huge gap in strength between them, but now that the formula has been further removed, how can we pursue them?
  But if it’s not too good, is it too bad? No, it's not like Li Luo spat out a mouthful of saliva. There's no need for the instructor to be so surprised, right?

  Not only were they confused here, but over at Xiyang House, Yan Lingqing, Cai Wei, Tang Yun and others were also so nervous that they even suppressed their breathing.

  Cai Weiyu held the fan tightly in her hands and complained: "What is this instructor doing? Is he deliberately making people appetizing?"

  "Something must have happened." Yan Lingqing said uncertainly.

  Tang Yun sighed sadly. He didn't say anything, but he thought that what happened was probably not a good thing.
  Jiang Qing'e, on the other hand, was still calm and just looked at the refining table quietly, waiting for the answer to be revealed.

  And their waiting did not last long. After the instructor came to his senses, he raised the quenching needle in his hand high, and at the same time, a complex sound resounded.

  "Li Luo from Xiyangwu, tempered strength is 66%!"

  Although his voice rang out, the whole place was completely silent.

  All eyes looked at him in shock, as if they had lost control at this moment. They couldn't believe what they heard.
  Sixty-six percent? !

  The third-grade spiritual water refined by Li Luo actually reached a tempering power of 66%? !
  Wouldn't that be equal to Han Zhi? !
  how can that be possible?
  how can that be possible!
  "How is it possible?!"

  Many of the people in charge of the Lingshui Qiguang House present were stunned and lost their voices. They are knowledgeable people, but it is because of their knowledgeable people that they understand how incredible this is.

  Over in the Tiangong room, Master Guixu also had a look of astonishment on his face. He murmured: "Is there a mistake?" The

  eldest princess sat on the chair gracefully, with her slender jade fingers crossed and her phoenix eyes narrowed. With the figure of Li Luo on the scene, this result was also beyond her expectation, but for some reason, it felt like it should be like this.

  Li Luo was indeed prepared.

  She didn't think that the instructor made a mistake, because as a member of Shengxuanxing Academy, she also understood the level of the instructors in Quexiang Academy. Such low-level mistakes were absolutely impossible.

  The other people looked so shocked just because they never thought that Li Luo would achieve such a result. But here, it was because of the great natural disaster in the dark cave that she had a higher regard for Li Luo. So it is easier to accept it.

  But despite this, the eldest princess couldn't help but sigh in her heart, this Li Luo is really something you don't know until you come into contact with him. Once you come into contact with him, he will always surprise you. In his body, it seems that there are countless treasures that you can dig out.

  Although the Luo Lan Mansion lost its two masters, the two young masters who remained gradually supported the shaky situation. If they were given enough time, the eldest princess felt that the Luo Lan Mansion in the future Glory will be restored.

  It's just time. Maybe it's what they lack most.

  The eldest princess frowned slightly. Although her uncle Wang holds most of the authority and power in the royal court today, as the eldest princess and the king's biological sister, she naturally has some intelligence networks. So I know a little bit about the situation in Luo Lan Mansion.

  The Luo Lan Mansion possesses a treasure that even the powerful feudal lords covet. However, the Luo Lan Mansion currently has no real powerful feudal lords in charge and can only rely on the strange formation to protect the headquarters. This will inevitably lead to Many covets.

  This coveting was so deep that even she was frightened by it.

  So even she couldn't guess what the outcome of Luo Lan's house would be in half a year.

  "Sixty-six percent?! Are you kidding!"

  Duze Beixuan almost fell down from his chair where Dazawa House was located. His face was livid, and when he stood up, he couldn't help but cursed: "Li Luo, you bastard. Are you cheating?!"

  "Did that tutor get bought by him?"

  Duze Honglian was also distracted for a moment, but he quickly came to his senses and glanced coldly: "Shut up!"

  How could this stupid brother talk nonsense? Let’s go to the tutors of the Quenching Academy. If this angers the Quenching Academy, how will their Osawa House recruit the Prime Ministers here in the future.

  Duze Beixuan woke up after being scolded. He sat back in his chair with a changeable expression and gritted his teeth and said: "That Li Luo is only a third-grade tempering master. Xiyangwu does not have a four-star formula. His tempering power is based on Why compare yourself to Han Zhi?!"

  Duze Honglian took a deep breath and said expressionlessly: "I don't know why, but you'd better put away your anger for the time being, because it won't help." "I used

  to I just said that this kid is very demonic, so you should always be careful."

  Duze Beixuan felt extremely aggrieved. Even if he is a demon, there should be a limit, right? He is a third-grade physiognomist with a three-star formula. Why should he be compared with Han Zhi, who is a fifth-grade physiognomist and possesses the four-star formula of their Osawa House? !

  Is there really no fucking logic in this?
  The uproar one after another continued to echo in the venue, and then made the atmosphere more and more boiling.

  Yu Lang stood up suddenly, wiped his hair, put his hands on his hips, and roared loudly to the audience: "I'm shocked! Don't control your emotions!" Everyone in the audience said: "." This is a



  On the high platform, Instructor Xi Chan stared at the field for a moment, the veil on his face seemed to be shaking slightly, then he looked at Ling Zhaoying and said with a smile: "How is it? Is it beyond your expectation?" Ling

  Zhaoying A smile appeared on the beautiful face that still had charm, and she spoke slowly.


  "Why do monsters always appear in this Luolan Mansion?"

  (End of Chapter)

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