Chapter 304 Ceremony

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  Chapter 304: Ceremony
  When Li Luo was once again bathed in the warm sunshine and standing in Shengxuanxing Academy, he looked at the huge Xiangli tree, as if he had an illusion of being in another world.

  Only after experiencing the darkness, depression and murderous intent of the dark cave can we understand how nostalgic this peaceful atmosphere is.

  Not only Li Luo felt this way, many students around him who came out of the dark cave at the same time were closing their eyes and enjoying the soothing and peaceful atmosphere.

  "All races living in the land of Daxia should actually be grateful to Shengxuanxing Academy." Li Luo tilted his head and said to Jiang Qing'e beside him.

  In the past, he had no idea that Shengxuanxing Academy was still suppressing this dark cave, and every year they would pay a lot of lives to eliminate those aliens.

  In a sense, Shengxuanxing Academy can be regarded as the guardian of Daxia, while the Royal Court of Daxia is more like a ruler.

  Therefore, Li Luo felt that Shengxuanxing Academy was worthy of the lofty status it enjoyed in Daxia.

  Jiang Qing'e quite agrees with this. Regardless of whether Shengxuanxing Academy has any other reasons for doing this, at the very least, they are willing to spend such huge resources and many outstanding students and even instructors to suppress the dark cave and prevent those twisted and terrible things from happening. The terrifying aliens rushed into their world. This alone was enough for the people of Daxia to remember.

  While the two were talking, students were coming out of an open wooden door one after another, including many students who were not from the same base as Li Luo and the others.

  Obviously, the students in other strongholds gradually completed their purification tasks and began to exit the dark cave.

  The square was bustling with people and suddenly became lively.

  However, no one has left yet. Instead, there are many instructors around to maintain order and prohibit students from leaving. This is because all students will be tested every time they leave the dark cave.

  Contamination detection.

  Some students may be infected by evil thoughts unknowingly due to long-term alien battles in the dark cave. If this is not detected as early as possible, the evil thoughts will have a deeper impact on them and eventually bring about some serious consequences. as a result of.

  Therefore, every time you leave the dark cave, pollution detection is an essential step.

  As the two Zihui mentors lifted into the air, the next moment, a bright light seemed to burst out in mid-air, turning into energy rays that filled the sky and shone down.

  These energy rays have a cold feeling when they fall on the body, and they also seem to have a concentration effect, which makes many students' tense spirits gradually relax at this time.

  And it is in this relaxation of the physical body and spirit that some hidden things come out.

  There were screams, and some people looked around and saw a student struggling there. A faint black energy appeared on his face, making his expression gradually become distorted and ferocious.

  This is being polluted by evil thoughts.

  But as soon as this change occurred, the mentor's figure shot out like lightning, quickly restrained the student, and then forcibly took him away from the square.

  This kind of pollution is generally not too serious, but purification takes some time. The student must have spent the next half month in the purification room.

  After the first polluter appeared, several more students were discovered one after another, but they all did not cause any commotion and were all put down.

  Until the last two Zihui mentors fell from the sky and dispersed the energy light, the test was considered over.

  Many students were relieved.

  Li Luo also breathed a sigh of relief, but soon he found that Jiang Qing'e's expression seemed to become more solemn at this time, and immediately asked: "Is it not over yet?"

  Jiang Qing'e was slightly silent and said: "Just watch.

  " Under Li Luo's somewhat puzzled gaze, the two Zihui instructors looked at the audience, their expressions also became solemn, and they said solemnly: "Thank you for your hard work on this purification mission."

  "We are very relieved that you can come back safely, but not everyone has come back. There are still some students who are buried in the dark cave forever." The noisy voices in the square

  disappeared at this time, and everyone The young and immature faces of the students became heavy, and some of them even showed sadness, because among the students who disappeared, there were people they were familiar with.

  Perhaps, a month ago, they were drinking and talking together, looking forward to the future. But now, those faces can no longer be seen.

  In the square, low cries could be heard.

  The atmosphere instantly became heavy.

  The voices of the two Zihui instructors sounded again, and this time, they read out the names one by one, and these names were the students who were buried in the dark cave.

  "Two Star Courtyard, Chen Zhen."

  "Two Star Courtyard, Liu Ming'er."

  "Three Star Courtyard, Meng Qi."


  Whenever a name is pronounced, a little hair will fly out from the sleeves of the two Zihui instructors. Light, it is a piece of green leaves, the leaves are as wide as the palm of your hand. If you look carefully, you can see that there is a name engraved on it, it is the students who were buried in the dark cave.

  Leaves flew out one by one, and finally floated to the Xiangli tree. On the Xiangli tree, there were branches sticking out, and these leaves fell on them, clinging tightly to them and blowing gently in the wind.

  Only then did Li Luo realize that the extraordinarily green leaf belt actually represented the efforts of each student of Shengxuanxing Academy in purifying the dark cave. As you can imagine, over the years, Shengxuanxing Academy has been trying to suppress the dark cave
  . Cave, how much price it paid.

  As the last leaf flew up to the Xiangli tree, the two Zihui instructors lowered their heads slightly and spoke in a calm and low voice.

  "My heart has no fear."

  "I will live forever."

  Many young faces became more solemn at this time, and voices sounded one after another.

  "I have no fear in my heart!"

  "We will live forever!"

  Li Luo looked up at the extraordinarily green leaves of the Xiangli tree. After a moment of silence, he asked Jiang Qing'e: "Why didn't the academy invite other strong men from Daxia to suppress the dark cave? Do this? If so, it should be able to reduce some losses, right?"

  Jiang Qing'e said calmly: "First of all, the students who can enter Shengxuanxing Academy are considered to be the best of the younger generation in Daxia. Their strength and potential may not be the same as those in other places in Daxia. Just comparable."

  "Moreover, although these students are young, their minds are relatively purer. Although it cannot be said that they are completely free of evil intentions, compared with those external strong men who have experienced intrigues and killings, they are better The probability of the dark cave being contaminated is slightly lower." "My

  tutor told me privately that Shengxuanxing Academy also sent out assistance at critical moments in the past and invited some strong external people, but these strong people are certainly not strong enough. They are stronger than students, but when encountering aliens, evil thoughts are easily triggered, and the seeds of deep evil thoughts are planted, which eventually leads to greater troubles." "So, the school has always had the intention to invite strong outsiders to help

  . Cautious attitude."

  Li Luo frowned. It turns out there is such a secret. No wonder the school would rather pay the price to purify the dark cave every year than seek external assistance.

  Of course, the most important thing is that the situation should still be under the control of the school, so there is no need.

  As for the casualties, although they are a bit cruel, they are inevitable after all.

  Li Luo looked at some students with sad faces and sighed softly.

  "Suddenly, I really want Shengxuanxing Academy to get the "Dragon Bone Holy Grail"."

  With the Holy Grail, at least within four years, Shengxuanxing Academy will not have to suffer any more student casualties, although in a sense, that A school that has lost the Holy Grail will face the situation of student casualties, but Li Luo is not a saint after all, and he has no ability to care so much. All he wants is to make the atmosphere of this Shengxuan Star School better.

  (End of chapter)

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