Chapter 289 Race against time

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  Chapter 289 Race against time
  "Almost gone!"

  Li Luo was galloping on the river crazily. At this time, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his heart was beating like a drum, which made his head feel dizzy.

  So exciting.

  Just now, he swaggered past directly under the nose of a heavenly general level spirit beast.

  At that moment, Li Luo really felt the breath of death. After all, as long as the three-tailed giant beast was more ruthless and slapped him without hesitation, with Li Luo's strength, there was a high probability that there would be no way to survive.

  But the power of sealing the town in Li Luo's palm made the three-tailed beast afraid.

  Before finding out the details of the sealing power, the three-tailed giant beast still remained cautious.

  This gave Li Luo a chance.

  Li Luo lowered his head and looked at the ancient Fengzhen in his palm. Fengzhen did have some power, but it would be too naive to think that it could directly kill the three-tailed giant beast.

  Judging from the information left by the dean, the seal can only take effect after the three-tailed giant beast is injured. If the opponent is in full condition, the seal can't do anything to it.

  But the three-tailed giant obviously didn't know this information.

  The other party obviously knows the level of the dean, so he has a deep fear of him. Previously, Li Luo used this fear to force the other party to be wary.

  It's nothing more than a fox pretending to be a tiger.

  Li Luo glanced behind him and saw that the three-tailed giant beast had disappeared, but he was not in a hurry. Although the other party was somewhat intelligent, his character was still cruel and greedy. Although the seal in his hand could cause some fear to it, it must be very dangerous. The three-tailed giant beast could also figure out some clues. For example, if the town could really kill it, Li Luo would not have had to make such an embarrassing escape.

  When it figures it out, it will definitely come after it.

  And this just bought him a lot of time.

  Li Luo gently pressed his rapidly beating heart and gradually calmed down his emotions. When he decided to implement this plan, he actually expected the dangers involved, so he had made all kinds of preparations.

  If you want to break the desperate situation, there is no absolute safety, you can only risk your life.

  Li Luo was thinking about this, but his galloping speed did not slow down at all. A white water line was drawn on the river, and it quickly moved away into the distance.

  After a while, Li Luo noticed movement coming from behind. He glanced around and saw a huge figure speeding past the shore, bringing up billowing smoke.

  The three-tailed giant beast was indeed coming after him.

  Even from a long distance, Li Luo could still detect the rage, ferocity, and a hint of suppressed fear surging in the beast's eyes.


  Li Luo's body tensed up again, and at the same time he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. All he had to do was follow him. He was afraid that he would frighten it and run away, and then his plan would be completely in vain.

  So next, one man and one beast started chasing and escaping again.

  But this time, the three-tailed beast is no longer as unscrupulous as it was at the beginning. It hangs not far behind Li Luo, and its eyes stay more on Li Luo's palm, obviously spying secretly.

  As time went by, Li Luo never showed the palm of his hand. Gradually, the three-tailed beast became impatient and began to approach Li Luo.

  Just when the three-tailed giant beast was about to try to kill Li Luo again with a fierce offensive, Li Luo stopped unexpectedly.

  "Bastard, I'll fight with you, let's die together!"

  He roared with a red face. As if he was a trapped beast, he turned around and charged towards the three-tailed giant beast. The ancient city in his palm once again glowed with light.

  A posture of dying together.

  Li Luo's momentum of taking the initiative to turn around and charge towards him startled the three-tailed giant beast again. Its scarlet eyes flashed, and then the huge figure retreated sharply.

  Although I don't know whether Li Luo really wants to fight for his life, he can't take such a risk.

  But in this way, another opportunity to get close to Li Luo and beat him to death was lost.

  As the three-tailed giant beast retreated, Luo Li immediately put away his desperate stance, then turned around and ran again. He glanced behind him, and saw that the three-tailed giant beast did not escape this time, but only retreated a certain distance. Obviously, with Li Luo's repeated attacks, the threat posed to the town was gradually weakening.

  After all, the three-tailed giant beast is not a fool. It also started to get a glimpse of the details of the closed town through Li Luo's repeated threats.

  That kind of power doesn't seem to be enough to kill it.

  However, out of caution, it still did not attack Li Luo directly. It needed to wait for a good opportunity to prevent Li Luo from causing any harm to it in a desperate attempt.

  However, its hesitation and waiting are in line with Li Luo's thoughts. As long as this situation is maintained, it will be able to reach the stronghold smoothly.

  Li Luo raised his head and looked in the direction of the rushing river, where the stronghold was.

  Hopefully, the stronghold can hold on until he rushes back.

  "Something is wrong."

  Duze Honglian looked up at the purification mask covering the entire stronghold. Under the erosion of the black rainstorm, the light on it was constantly dimming, and as time went by, the dimness The speed is getting faster and faster.

  Originally they thought that the purification mask could last for three days, but looking at it now, it might last even three days.

  In the stronghold, many students looked at this scene with pale faces, and there was unconcealable panic in their eyes.

  "The Smiling Face Demon has increased the power of erosion." Jiang Qing'e said slowly. Her face was also a little pale, and it was obvious that she had not fully recovered from her previous injuries.

  Her eyes glanced behind the stronghold.

  "Are you still waiting for him?"

  Duze Honglian curled his lips and said: "You will believe his fanciful thoughts. He is really a Heavenly General level spirit beast. It is a dog raised by the family. It can sneak around at will." "And even if he can

  . With his strength, how could he escape by attracting a heavenly general level spirit beast?" He

  did not continue to say the next words, because based on the above, Duze Honglian felt that Li Luo was more likely to run away on his own.

  The so-called plan is just an excuse.

  Jiang Qing'e said lightly: "Actually, I hope he really escaped by himself, but unfortunately, Li Luo doesn't have that kind of temper."

  Duze Honglian could only sneer at this.

  Immediately, she did not argue with Jiang Qing'e about this, but said: "At this speed, the purification mask may be broken in advance. At that time, we can only fight it with all our strength." "You can still fight

  . Right?"

  Jiang Qing'e didn't answer, but gently held the hilt of the heavy sword with her jade hand.

  If they really get to that point, it will basically be a desperate situation. The entire stronghold will probably be slaughtered by the Smiling Demon, so they have no choice but to risk their lives to see if they can delay it for some more time.

  Faced with this situation, Jiang Qing'e really hoped that Li Luo would not come back again. Maybe so, he could still save his life.

  However, she knew clearly about Li Luo's character that no matter whether his plan succeeded or not, he would definitely come back.

  Time gradually passed in the stronghold where the atmosphere was solid and depressing.

  Until a certain moment.

  The atmosphere of panic in the stronghold suddenly reached its peak.

  Tick ​​tock.

  A drop of black viscous liquid fell down and landed on the stone wall in front of Jiang Qing'e. The stone wall was immediately corroded, and countless insects seemed to swarm out of the liquid and began to spread.

  The purification mask finally broke.

  (End of chapter)

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