Chapter 250 Cannibalism

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  Chapter 250: Alien cannibalism
  The violent phase force impact broke out somewhere in the dry forest, sweeping down the nearby big trees, and Li Luo's figure was also shaken and flew backwards in embarrassment.

  A shadow flashed behind Li Luo, and Xin Fu slapped Li Luo on the back to help him deflect the impact, and the two of them immediately fell down.


  Li Luo breathed out a heavy breath and looked towards the center of the battlefield ahead. He saw there, a dead tree was gradually decomposing. The dead tree was extremely strange. It was obviously a tree, but on the trunk, there were growths. Two huge human hands.

  Obviously, this is also an outlier.

  This alien was extremely cunning. It stood there quietly, completely like a normal dead tree. Although Li Luo and the other three used their phantoms to clear the way, they were tolerated by it until the three of them passed by. It just suddenly rose up and launched an attack.

  This brought great danger to Li Luo and the other three.

  In just a few breaths, all three of them were defeated.

  Fortunately, this dead tree alien seemed to have an attack range, so the three of them breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to formulate a battle plan to gradually wear it to death.

  Bai Mengmeng carefully put away the remaining evil thoughts of the tree demon, and then looked at her slender arm with a frown, where there was a black scar.

  There is an inexplicable power pouring into the heart from the scar, making people feel annoyed.

  Li Luo walked over quickly, grabbed Bai Mengmeng Hao's wrist, and the phase force condensed from his fingertips, and finally turned into a drop of energy liquid containing healing power, and dripped on Bai Mengmeng's scar.


  There was a faint black smoke rising, and there seemed to be a harsh and shrill sound. Then the scar on Bai Mengmeng's arm began to heal gradually, and after a while, it returned to its original state.

  Bai Mengmeng was overjoyed, touched her still smooth and delicate skin, and then showed a sweet smile to Li Luo: "Thank you, captain!"

  For girls, smooth and perfect skin is very important. Li Luo's treatment is really very pleasing.

  "Captain, let me have some too."

  A dark arm also stretched out, and Xin Fu looked at Li Luo expectantly.

  The bright smile on Li Luo's face froze slightly, and then he said earnestly: "Xin Fu, scars are a man's medal, and this little pain is also a test of our souls. If you can't even bear this, we will Why are you still playing in the dark cave?"

  Xin Fu was also lost in thought after hearing this wise saying. Although it felt a little wrong, he could only nod in the end and said: "Captain, what you said makes some sense." Li Luo

  faced Lu was pleased and breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. My healing energy was very draining. After all, Bai Mengmeng is a girl, so she should take a little care of her. Both of us men have to treat such minor injuries, so that’s okay. It's too luxurious. After all, the purification tower hasn't been activated yet, so how can it be consumed like this!
  "Ahem, have we eliminated four White Eclipse-level aliens along the way?" Li Luo changed the subject and said.

  Xin Fu and Bai Mengmeng nodded.

  "Judging from the direction and distance traveled, there may be only the last area left." Bai Mengmeng made an estimate and pointed to the right.

  Li Luo looked in that direction, his face slightly condensed. That direction was a place he had avoided before because the black mist there was thicker. There, he sensed a dangerous aura.

  Obviously, the most powerful alien in this withered forest should be over there.

  The four aliens they had met before were all considered White Eclipse level, but strictly speaking, they could only be regarded as ordinary strength among White Eclipse level.

  But even ordinary white eclipse, its strength is comparable to the second pattern in the raw pattern section.

  If the alien over there is stronger than this level, it will be the third or even fourth pattern, which is quite tricky.

  Xin Fu and Bai Mengmeng did not speak, but their expressions became much more solemn. Apparently they both understood that the aliens in that direction would be their biggest obstacle to activating the purification tower.

  "Go and take a look first."

  After a short period of contemplation, Li Luo said decisively without hesitation.

  If possible, first detect the details and information of the alien.

  Xin Fu and Bai Mengmeng had no objections, and then the trio cautiously approached in that direction, with three phantoms acting as bait in front.

  They passed through the black mist all the way, but what surprised the three of them was that they didn't encounter any strangers.

  The aliens in this area seemed to have completely disappeared.

  "Something's not right. There were some low-level aliens in those places before, but here it's as clean as if it's been purified." Li Luo whispered. Xin Fu and Bai Mengmeng also frowned.

  And just as the three of them were wondering, suddenly in the black mist in the distance, there was a strong surge of evil thoughts, as if there was some collision sound.

  The three of them, Li Luo, looked at each other, raised their strength, protected their bodies, and approached the other side with vigilance.

  As they got closer, the black fog in front of them gradually dissipated.

  Li Luo and the others saw clearly what was happening in front of them, and their pupils shrank slightly.

  All I could see was that the clearing in the forest was full of messes, as if there had been a war.

  At this time, a flesh and blood monster was roaring in the field. It was covered in exposed bright red flesh and blood, and the flesh and blood squirmed, forming ugly tentacles.

  However, some gray-white chains were wrapped around the body of this alien creature. These chains bound it tightly. No matter how it roared and struggled, it could not break free.

  The three of them, Li Luo, looked at this scene in shock. The flesh and blood alien was stronger than the aliens they had met before. It must have reached the third level of the Shengwen segment.

  But, its current situation seems a little not good?
  "What's going on?" Bai Mengmeng asked softly.

  Li Luo stared at the violently surging black mist somewhere and said, "It's a fight between aliens."

  Xin Fu and Bai Mengmeng were a little surprised. It turns out that these aliens can also fight and kill each other.

  While they were surprised, the black mist in the field became thicker and thicker. Finally, Li Luo and the other three were shocked to see a piece of white human skin slowly floating out of the black mist.

  The human skin was pale, and there were two eyes constantly wandering on the human skin.

  Above the human-skinned alien, gray-white air flow rises, and its strength should be comparable to that of the flesh-and-blood alien.

  I don’t know what means it used to trap this flesh and blood alien.

  Li Luo and the other three were too angry to make a sound, but under their gazes, pale human-skinned aliens floated towards them, and there was a vague and strange dull hissing sound.

  Immediately, the human-skinned alien whizzed down and continued to expand, as if it had turned into human skin paper, wrapping the flesh-and-blood alien in it.

  Boom boom!

  Under the pale human skin, vibrations and screams continued to erupt, and tumors swelled from under the human skin, but they were never able to burst.

  Obviously, the alien with human skin wants to devour the alien with flesh and blood.

  The three of them, Li Luo, looked at this scene of aliens killing each other in horror. The weird and terrifying aspect made people's hair stand on end.

  However, in the battle between the two sides, the human-skinned alien was superior. The resistance inside the human skin was gradually weakening, and pale tentacles were slowly growing out of the human-skinned alien.

  Faintly, wisps of crimson air appeared on the human-skinned creature.

  "Its strength is gradually improving, and it may eventually reach the level of the fourth or even fifth line of the raw pattern section." Xin Fu's voice became serious.

  "Should we take this opportunity to sneak attack on it?" Bai Mengmeng also suggested.

  Li Luo pondered for a few breaths, and finally did not agree to the proposal, because he felt that if they attacked at this time, although it would cause some trouble to the human-skin aliens, they might not be able to get much benefit in the end.

  "Don't worry, it will take some time for this human-skin alien to absorb the flesh-and-blood alien." "

  Let's take advantage of this moment to activate the purification tower first. If it can't stop us because it absorbs the flesh-and-blood alien, then it's best. , when the purification tower is activated, it will be suppressed directly.

  "If it still comes."

  Li Luo narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes sharp.

  "Then we should make some preparations in advance.

  (End of chapter)

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