Chapter 242 I have no fear

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  Chapter 242 I have no fear.
  "When we enter the dark cave this time, we will be in the outer area of ​​the dark cave. In this area, there is a purification stronghold that the school has spent a lot of effort to build. After we enter, we will follow the "Aoki" The number on the "Heart Protection Card" is directly transmitted to the corresponding purification stronghold." "

  There will be many other teams in this kind of stronghold, and then the next task of all our teams is to purify the surrounding area centered on this stronghold. Area."

  In the bustling square, while waiting for instructions from the school, Jiang Qing'e was patiently spreading some information about the secret cave to Li Luo and the others.

  Li Luo and the others picked up the green wooden sign and took a look, and sure enough they saw the number "Thirteen" in the corner.

  "In these surrounding areas, some purification towers have also been installed by the school. Purification runes are engraved in the purification towers. However, due to the continuous erosion of the power of evil thoughts, these purification runes have been consumed and exhausted, so we need to hold the school in hand. The purification dust handed over to us will repaint the runes in the purification tower and activate the power of the purification tower." "

  Once the purification tower is activated, a purification light curtain will be emitted, and the evil thoughts in this area will gradually be polluted. Purification."

  The three of them, Li Luo, looked surprised when they heard this, and finally understood what they should do after entering the dark cave.

  "It doesn't sound like it's too difficult?" Li Luo said.

  Tian Tian on the side smiled, crossed his arms, and his slightly loose clothes squeezed out some magnificent waves, saying: "When the purification tower is activated, the power of purification will dissipate, which will stimulate this... Some species that may exist in the area, at that time, they will gather towards the purification tower." "

  In other words, at that time, we may fall into the siege of alien species. Once we miss, we will either successfully activate the purification tower. Tower, purify the aliens, or you may not even have a chance to escape and be directly destroyed by the group."

  Li Luo smacked his lips.

  "Since the school is so well-arranged in the dark cave, why not open the dark cave for a long time to maintain the energy of these purification towers?" Li Luo asked again with some doubts.

  From what Jiang Qing'e and the others said, these purification tower devices are obviously extremely useful. If so, why bother closing the dark cave to give these evil thoughts time to come back?
  Jiang Qing'e said calmly: "Because of the black tide."

  "Every once in a while, a black tide will erupt deep in the dark cave. The so-called black tide is the ultimate compression of the energy of evil thoughts, which is erupted from the dark world. The power is extremely terrifying."

  "Under the sweep of the black tide, even the powerful feudal lords have to be cautious, so the purification of the dark cave is always maintained. When the dark tide comes, we need to exit the dark cave. But in this way, the purification power in the purification towers will be wiped out by the black tide. We can only wait until the black tide recedes before activating these purification towers to purify the areas polluted by the energy of evil thoughts. If we do not do this , then the energy of evil thoughts will become more and more intense, giving birth to more alien species, and finally, they will try to break out of the blockade and come to our world." Jiang Qing'e said slowly.

  Li Luo's expression changed slightly. This dark world was really terrifying. It was obviously just a crack, but it held back the entire power of Shengxuanxing Academy.

  He didn't ask again why he didn't want to find a complete solution. Obviously, he probably didn't have the ability.

  Qiu Bai and Tian Tian on the side looked at Jiang Qing'e who was patiently explaining to Li Luo and the others, their eyes were a bit strange. Thinking about this side of Jiang Qing'e, they had rarely met Jiang Qing'e before.

  Jiang Qing'e doesn't like to have long conversations with others. If it were anyone else here, she would most likely be silent and wouldn't even bother to say a word.

  And from this we can also see how good Jiang Qing'e is to Li Luo.

  This made the two of them feel a little incredible. Could it be that Jiang Qing'e really regarded herself as Li Luo's fiancée?
  How could this Li Luo be so virtuous?
  Amid their complicated moods, time passed quietly, and in the blink of an eye, most of the day passed. At this time, the sunset in the sky began to set, and the blazing sunshine became a little cooler.

  Suddenly, a deep voice sounded, startling many students in the square.

  When they looked around, they saw that the huge green wooden portal shook violently at this moment. From the cracks in the portal, there seemed to be screams and gusts of wind.

  It was as if something hit behind the door.

  Some students from the High Star Academy in the square were fine, but the freshmen from the One Star Academy were so frightened that their faces turned pale and there was fear in their eyes.

  But at this moment, on the green wood portal, there were ancient and mysterious lines blooming with light, and halos bloomed, and then gradually smoothed down the vibration.

  "This was caused by the gradual deepening of Instructor Zihui in the academy, and then the outbreak of battles with some powerful aliens." Jiang Qing'e looked very calm and explained to Li Luo casually.

  "But usually at this time, we should start to enter."

  As if to echo her words, shortly after her voice was heard, a Zihui instructor who stayed at the school said loudly: "All students, prepare. "

  "Students from the Four-Star Academy and Instructor Jin Hui, enter the dark cave first!" His voice fell, and I saw that Instructor Jin Hui and the team from the Four-Star Academy, who had been prepared for a long time, were getting ready in silence, and then everyone held hands tightly. The weapon stomped the ground fiercely. At this moment, the ground seemed to shake.

  "I have no fear in my heart."

  "I will live forever."

  A low and neat voice sounded, which seemed to contain strong belief. Finally, they poured into the huge Aoki portal like an army.

  Many freshmen were so shocked by this battle that they couldn't speak. Only then did they realize how big the gap was between them and the students of these four-star colleges.

  This is not only a matter of strength, but also a gap in character.

  During the four years of training at Shengxuanxing Academy, they have long been accustomed to the dangers of the dark caves, and have developed a preliminary resistance to aliens.

  It's no wonder that when you meet these Four-Star Academy students, they look at them with a bit of teasing and looking down. After all, what they have experienced is beyond what they, freshmen, can imagine.

  Li Luo also looked at this somewhat spectacular scene in silence. This is also the foundation of Shengxuanxing Academy. It not only has outstanding and powerful tutors, but also these are almost the most outstanding young generation in Daxia Kingdom.

  Compared with Luo Lan Mansion, it is indeed a world of difference.

  "It is said that this is a war language passed down from the academy alliance. It is passed down from generation to generation to strengthen one's own beliefs."

  Jiang Qing'e said, and then said: "Instructor Jin Hui and these students from the Four-Star Academy will enter the depths of the dark cave. They are in the transition zone between the outer area and the outer area to deal with some fish that have slipped through the net. At the same time, they will also serve as liquidity support. Once an emergency occurs, they will be dispatched everywhere."

  This wave of people moved in and lasted for half an hour.

  Half an hour later, when the last student from the Four-Star Academy disappeared into the Aoki Gate, Jiang Qing'e stood up first. She raised her head slightly and looked at the beautiful Aoki Gate standing at the base of the Xiangli tree. There was a faint sheen on her delicate face. She had a slender body, long and straight legs under the skirt, and long boots on her feet.

  The azure blue cape that had been with her for many years fluttered gently, and her whole person looked sharp and sassy. Just standing here, she had become the most dazzling person in Sanxingyuan.

  She held the heavy sword and lightly struck the ground.


  "I have no fear in my heart."

  "I will live forever."

  Her clear and cold voice sounded, and then all the students of Sanxingyuan stood up solemnly, hitting the ground with their weapons, making a low sound.

  "I have no fear in my heart."
  "My generation will live forever."

  Jiang Qing'e took the lead in the light blue shorts, and Qiu Bai, Tian Tian and Li Luo all hurriedly followed.

  Behind that is the Sanxingyuan, and the figures in the Erxingyuan are like a trend.

  The huge green wooden portal is right in front of you. The gap that opens is dark and lightless, and you don't know where it leads.

  When she was about to enter, Jiang Qing'e turned her head slightly and looked at Li Luo who was following behind her. The two looked at each other without saying a word, and then stepped out.

  As soon as the dark light surged, their figures were engulfed.

  (End of chapter)

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