Chapter 238 Ye Chengying

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  Chapter 238 Ye Chengying,

  Li Luo and the others hurriedly finished their meals, followed Teacher Xi Chan out of the small building, and walked quickly.

  Many hurried figures can be seen along the way. These are students from the Two-Star Academy, the Three-Star Academy and even the Four-star Academy, because once the underground cave purification mission is started, they will all participate.

  Seeing this scale of mobilization, Li Luo was secretly stunned.

  Only then did he realize that the leisurely practice he had practiced in the previous month was just because the time had not come yet. From the dignified and awe-inspiring faces of all the students, he could see that the so-called dark cave had brought so much to everyone. How much pressure and fear came with it.

  After all, it was an "alien" that made people laugh.

  As more and more people hurriedly arrived, Li Luo suddenly discovered that this direction seemed to be the route to the Xiangli Tree.

  "The dark cave is under the Xiangli Tree." Instructor Xi Chan said calmly, as if he knew the doubts in Li Luo's heart.

  The expressions of Li Luo and the other two people suddenly changed, and they were a little shocked. That dark cave was actually under the Xiangli Tree? Haven't they been practicing in the dark cave during this period?
  "The role of the Xiangli Tree is not just to simply provide you with training." Instructor Xi Chan raised his face and looked at the giant tree that covered the sky and the sun in the distance, his eyes a little amazed.

  "It also has the power to suppress the dark cave. If it weren't for the existence of the Xiangli Tree, the dean alone might not be able to suppress the depths of the dark cave for so long." Li Luo swallowed a mouthful of saliva. It turned out that the Xiangli Tree was still there

  . It's really amazing to have this kind of effect.

  Doesn't that mean that the bigger reason why Shengxuanxing Academy was founded here is because of the existence of a dark cave here?

  Suddenly, Li Luo thought of something, hesitated, and asked: "Teacher, do some other holy schools also suppress things like dark caves?" If Shengxuanxing Academy is because of

  this dark cave, Was it the same reason for the establishment of some other holy schools?
  Instructor Xi Chan glanced at Li Luo, smiled, and said: "The feeling is quite sharp, but you are right, it is not only Shengxuanxing Academy that suppresses the dark cave, but also all the Holy Academy under the Academy Alliance, It's all like this. This is one of the responsibilities of the establishment of the Holy Academy."

  Li Luo sighed, it is indeed admirable for this academy alliance to do this. If these universities did not suppress this kind of space node connected to the dark world, once it is allowed When these terrifying aliens come out, they will inevitably cause great chaos and killing. It will undoubtedly be a catastrophe.

  While talking, the group of people gradually arrived at the location of the Xiangli Tree. At this time, the spacious square was already overcrowded and noisy.

  The dark crowd was also clearly separated. Li Luo glanced far to the right, which was where the students of the Three-Star Academy and the Four-Star Academy were.

  Compared with the commotion in the One-Star and Two-Star courtyards, it seemed much quieter there. Although many students looked a little solemn, there was not much panic.

  Obviously they have gone through many purification missions, so they have been prepared for this.

  At this moment, Li Luo suddenly heard some commotion coming from the Four Star Courtyard. When he looked around, he saw two figures arriving here like stars holding the moon.

  Those were Gong Shenjun and the eldest princess.

  Gong Shen Jun is tall and tall with extraordinary momentum, attracting the attention of many female students. After all, as the strongest Seven Star Pillar in Shengxuan Star Academy, Gong Shen Jun is perfect in terms of strength, identity or appearance.

  And if Gong Shenjun is the male god in the hearts of many female students, then the noble and elegant eldest princess is the goddess that many male students dream of.

  If it weren't for Jiang Qing'e's meteoric rise in the academy in the past two years, I am afraid that the eldest princess would have easily captured the hearts of all the male students of Shengxuanxing Academy.

  "When the dark cave is opened, students from the Three-Star Academy and the Four-Star Academy will be the main force in purifying the inner area. At this time, even the Seven-Star Pillar, which has never shown up very often, will come as much as possible." Instructor Xi Chan said.

  When Li Luo heard this, he raised his eyebrows slightly. He was no longer unfamiliar with this title, Seven Star Pillar. It represented the highest achievement of the students of Shengxuanxing Academy.

  These seven students are also the seven strongest people currently serving in Shengxuanxing Academy. All the students from Shengxuanxing Academy are chasing after them.

  It's just that so far, the only Seven Star Pillars that Li Luo has seen are Gong Shenjun and the eldest princess, but the other five have only heard about them.

  And according to what Master Xi Chan said, will these seven-star pillars also appear today?

  That was a bit exciting. Li Luo also wanted to know about the other Seven Star Pillars, because at the end of the year, Jiang Qing'e might challenge one of them. His waiting did not last long, because there were many people present
  . Their eyes were looking curiously at the Four Star Courtyard, so whenever there was movement there, it would cause commotion in the other Star Courtyards.

  "Captain, another Seven-Star Pillar has appeared!" Bai Mengmeng on the side was also watching, and then she whispered with some envy: "This senior has a really good figure." "Oh?" Li Luo heard this


  asked He immediately cast his critical gaze away, and then he saw a tall figure appearing at the very front of the Four-Star Courtyard, parallel to Gong Shenjun and the eldest princess.

  It was a girl with long hair. The girl was wearing a black outfit. Her figure wrapped in a tight outfit was particularly hot, making many girls look envious.

  The girl's facial features are quite three-dimensional, but her expression is extremely cold, and there is not much emotion in her dark and deep eyes.

  It is quite different from other youthful vitality.

  In terms of appearance, she is not as good as Bai Mengmeng, but her figure is somewhat eye-catching. No wonder even Bai Mengmeng is amazed.

  "Her name is Ye Chengying. She comes from Lanling Mansion. I heard that she sometimes works part-time." Instructor Xi Chan said casually.

  "What part-time job?" Li Luo asked.

  "Be a killer?" Instructor Xi Chan smiled.

  "." Li Luo laughed dryly, this part-time job is too fierce.

  Instructor Xi Chan turned his head and glanced at Li Luo, then suddenly smiled and said, "Li Luo, you have to be careful. With the situation in your Luo Lan Mansion, someone might actually ask her to kill you in the future." ".


  Li Luo felt a cold sweat forming on his back, and said, "Isn't that true? We are all classmates after all."

  A smile appeared in Instructor Xi Chan's eyes, and he said, "Classmates are classmates, and business is business. There is no conflict." "

  Teacher , don’t tease me, I’m timid.” Li Luo wiped away cold sweat.

  While they were discussing the girl named Ye Chengying, they didn't pay attention to Xin Fu beside them. He raised his head slightly and glanced at the girl in black attire from a distance under the hood.

  But it was at this glance that Ye Chengying seemed to be aware of it, and his slightly sharp and cold gaze was directed towards this side.

  Xin Fu quickly lowered his head.

  But Ye Chengying's eyes still lingered on him from a distance, and then he looked away expressionlessly.

  (End of chapter)

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