Chapter 1024 Entering the House

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  Chapter 1024
  It’s not just Li Luo who has a headache when entering the house.

  The strong men from other forces were also helpless as they looked at the thatched cottages on the plain in the distance and fell into an awkward silence.

  However, this seemed to be no solution, so the teams from all sides began to cautiously advance into the thatched cottage, intending to approach it first.

  This approach was not blocked by any means, so soon, people from all forces gathered in front of the thatched cottage.

  Qin, Zhao, Mu Yao and others still huddled together, their wary eyes scanning Li Luo's side from time to time, while also maintaining a certain safe distance.

  Li Luo smiled kindly at them, but with his previous vicious record, even with his extremely good looks, it was no longer easy for people to relax their vigilance against him.

  Zong Sha from Tianyuan Ancient Academy coughed dryly and said with a smile: "Everyone, this thatched cottage is acting weird now, and all the "Original Mysterious Heart Fruits" have been taken in. I think everyone should not fight among themselves at this time. How about we see how to solve this problem?"

  Li Luo nodded and said, "I have no objection."

  Now that he has established his power, and his physical strength is still recovering, it would be good if a truce can be achieved.

  Qin Ying, Mu Yao and the others looked at each other. In fact, they knew from the weak phase force flowing around Li Luo at this time that Li Luo must have been exhausted after the previous battle, but with the protection of Li Lingjing and Li Wuyuan, they wanted to take advantage of the situation and kill him. Killing Li Luo is also impossible.

  Qin Yi smiled and said: "What Brother Zong Sha said is absolutely true."

  At this time, Zhu Zhu, who is from the Zhu Tianwang lineage, said carelessly: "Why don't we take action together to see if we can destroy this broken thatched cottage directly?" Let's do it."

  Regarding her seemingly reckless suggestion, Li Luo nodded thoughtfully and said: "Trying what this thatched cottage is capable of is indeed the way to go." If

  this thatched cottage is really unbearable One blow, then destroy it brutally. If that doesn't work, think of other ways.

  The leaders of other forces thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

  So the next moment, strong and powerful phase forces suddenly erupted. Everyone took action at the same time, and many phase power attacks roared out, directly blasting towards the seemingly simple grassland with a mighty and surging momentum. Lu.

  Everyone stared without blinking.

  After taking a breath, many attacks landed on the stone wall of the thatched cottage, which was only about ten feet away. Then everyone saw in front of their eyes that the stone wall seemed to have a devouring power, and it directly whizzed everything away. Swallowed all the incoming Xiangli offensives.

  The offensive launched by so many people present could smash even a mountain into pieces. However, at the moment, it didn't cause even a splash, it just disappeared completely.

  There was a look of horror on many people's faces.

  Li Luo's expression was quite calm. He had obviously expected this outcome. He had agreed with it before, but he just wanted to make sure.

  But now, it is really confirmed that this thatched cottage cannot be solved by force.

  But if we don’t force it, what can we do?

  Everyone fell into silence again.

  At this time, a strange fluctuation flashed across Qin Yi's bright eyes as she stared at the thatched cottage.


  The silence lasted for a while, and suddenly someone said in surprise: "The sound of pounding medicine seems to have stopped!"

  Hearing these words, Li Luo's expression also moved slightly. Sure enough, the sound of pounding medicine that had been continuing before The sound of medicine suddenly stopped at this moment. What does this change mean?
  At this time, Li Luo heard what seemed to be subtle footsteps in the thatched cottage. The footsteps were approaching towards the wooden door of the thatched cottage.

  "Is it the mysterious white ape inside that makes medicine?" Others also noticed the footsteps and immediately became energetic.

  Under everyone's gaze, the footsteps stopped behind the wooden door. The next moment, everyone held their breath because a subtle creaking sound came slowly.

  The mottled wooden door unexpectedly opened slowly at this moment.

  As the wooden door opened, everyone saw a white ape standing behind the door. Its eyes seemed to be filled with vicissitudes of life. It glanced at the people outside the thatched cottage. The next moment, a slightly hoarse voice came from its mouth. out.

  "In the important place of Medicine House, the rest of the people have retreated."

  "Those who trespass will be punished."

  Listening to the last faint words of the white ape, everyone present felt a chill in their hearts. From the white ape's body, they could feel a chill in their hearts. A deep sense of danger.

  This white ape is definitely not something they can contend with.

  But the "Original Xuanxin Fruit" is among them, so giving up like this is really unacceptable.

  But Bai Yuan ignored them and seemed to be planning to close the wooden door again.

  Everyone was anxious. If they missed this, they felt that the wooden door might not open again.

  And just when everyone was at a loss what to do, suddenly, a voice as soft as water spoke: "Senior White Ape, I have been ordered to come here to get the medicine. I wonder if I can come in?" Everyone was startled, and then suddenly turned their sights. Go, the person who spoke turned out to be Qin Yi.

  Li Luo also looked at Qin Yi in shock. What did she mean by this? Are you ordered to come here to get medicine? Whose life? What medicine can I get here?

  Moreover, why would Qin Yi know this kind of information?

  Li Luo glanced at the other forces, including Li Wuyuan, Zhu Zhu, Zong Sha and others, and found that their faces were also full of surprise. Apparently, they did not even know about this information.

  So where did Qin Yi get this secret information?

  And the key is. Does it work?

  Countless thoughts flashed through everyone's minds like lightning. At the same time, their eyes were fixed on the white ape guarding the door, wanting to see its reaction.

  Under the gaze of many eyes, the white ape was obviously stunned for a moment, and then it looked at Qin Yi. There seemed to be some inexplicable confusion and memories in the vicissitudes of its pupils.

  This strange state lasted for a long time, and finally, it slowly said: "Oh, it's the medicine collector."

  "That's OK."

  Hearing the white ape's answer, everyone present felt excited. Shocked, the next moment, everyone shouted ecstatically: "Senior Bai Yuan, we are also ordered to get the medicine!"

  Bai Yuan heard the words and said slowly: "To come to get the medicine, you need the elder's token. You Take them all out."

  As soon as he said this, everyone was dumbfounded. They had Mao's ghost token.

  Everyone looked sarcastic, thinking they could fool him, but it turned out that the white ape seemed quite smart.

  While everyone was cursing in their hearts, Qin Yi took two steps forward, stretched out his jade hand, and saw a red token appear in his palm. On the token, there seemed to be an ancient "Xiang" engraved on it. "Character.

  "Senior White Ape, what is this thing?" Qin Yi asked softly with her red lips slightly parted.

  The white ape stretched out its claws, and the red token in Qin Yi's hand flew out. It rubbed the token, then nodded and said: "The token is correct, you can enter." Hearing this, everyone

  present They couldn't hold themselves together, and everyone looked anxious. If only Qin Yi came in, wouldn't all the treasures fall into her hands?

  "Fairy Qin, isn't this inappropriate?" Li Wuyuan looked gloomy and couldn't help but said.

  "We worked so hard to get here, but you are the only one going to get the treasure. Isn't that bad?" Zhu Zhu also said a little unhappy.

  The leaders of other forces also spoke out one after another. Although Qin Yi was extremely popular, in front of the "original Xuanxin Fruit", the latter was obviously more popular.

  "Hmph, treasures come to those who are destined to get them. If you are not prepared, how can you blame others?" When Qin Ying saw this, he snorted coldly and stared at everyone with unkind eyes.

  Zhu Zhu directly yelled: "I don't care about this. If you don't give me an explanation, I won't let you easily enter the thatched cottage!"

  Someone echoed, trying to put pressure on Qin Ying and others and force them to give in.

  There was no anger on Qin Yi's beautiful face. She just smiled and said: "I have handed over the token. If you want to stop me, this senior White Ape may not be able to take action. I just don't know if you are willing to risk your own life." Come and prove it."

  As soon as this statement came out, everyone's expressions changed slightly. Even Zhu Zhu frowned and couldn't help but glance at the white ape. The latter did give people a terrifying feeling. If it were to take action, no one present would be its opponent.

  But will it really take action?

  Everyone's eyes changed, but no one dared to take the lead and try it.

  Qin Yi said softly: "Don't worry, everyone, I will go in and take a look first. If I really get some opportunities by then, maybe I will use some of them to distribute." Everyone was immediately moved when they heard this. After all, they thought this was the case

  . For those who are not qualified to enter the thatched cottage, it would be a surprise if Qin Yi is really willing to share a piece of the pie with them when the time comes.

  At this thought, those who originally tried to cause trouble all laughed and said: "Fairy Qin is righteous!"

  The expressions of Zhu Zhu, Li Wuyuan and others changed, and they all felt that it was difficult. This Qin Yi was really difficult to deal with. With a casual word, It is to divide everyone. With her words, I am afraid that many people will take chances. But Qin Yi enters alone, and she alone has the final say on what treasures are taken, even if she just throws away some leftovers. If it comes out, what can they question?
  However, what can they do in this situation?

  While they were frustrated, Qin Yi stepped into the thatched cottage and stood behind Bai Yuan.

  White Ape slowly closed the wooden door.

  However, at this moment, Li Luo suddenly stood up, took two steps forward, and shouted loudly.

  "Senior White Ape, please wait!"

  (End of this chapter)

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