Chapter 74 074 Confidence Six (Thank you to the little orange cat leader who loves to sleep)

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  Chapter 74 074 Confidence 6 (Thank you to the little orange cat leader who loves to sleep)

  "Just right." Syndra's face flashed with surprise. "The fighting master you asked me to introduce to you has responded."

  "Oh? Is that the military instructor who created the Dragon Beard Power?" Li Chengyi suddenly became interested.

  "Yes. This master's name is a bit special, called Prison Dragon." Syndra said, "The prison is the prison, the dragon is the dragon." "Is there such a name as

  prison?" Li Chengyi was surprised.

  "Of course not. He has no father or mother. He changed it later." Sindra replied, "I will give you an address later. You can go there and try it yourself. The old man used to be very picky, but now he is no longer picky. . As long as someone is willing to learn, he is already satisfied."

  He sighed.

  "I used to think that he was too old and had many injuries and illnesses, so he didn't have the energy to teach you. Now it seems that he still can't let go of his obsession." "The

  pure-blood faction hasn't finished talking yet, boss." Li Chengyi quickly changed the topic.

  "Oh, yes, the pure-blood sect. The so-called pure-blood means...I can't explain it in a short time. I'll find out after I send you some information." Syndra disconnected again and began to operate AR to send a data package to Li Chengyi.

  Accept it here, download it, and open it.

  A brief introduction about pure blood suddenly appeared in front of Li Chengyi.

  'Among the omnics, some knowledgeable people want to make up for the disadvantages when facing the modified bodies, and also to make up for the huge consumption of the omnics when controlling the flying instrument, and the shortcomings of insufficient duration.

  They kept trying and experimenting, and finally discovered a special route to strengthen themselves through various drugs and transform themselves through genetic fusion. '

  'The pure-blood faction does not completely reject transformation, and some people will have a few parts of their bodies replaced by machines, but they are absolutely unwilling to have artificial intelligence embedded in their bodies. '

  'Some people suspect that the pure-blood faction may have absorbed some of the ideas of the Solidarity Association back then. '

  "Drug genetic modification, isn't this still modification?" Li Chengyi was speechless.

  "Yes, do you want to go? The strength is not very good. The pure-blood sect has only developed a route to assist the omnics, and the upper limit is very low. But it does not cost much, and with exoskeleton power armor, it can have some potential." Xin Della asked.

  "Try it?" Li Chengyi felt that he had caused enough trouble, and it was time to rest and be quiet for a while.

  "Then get ready. After a while, I will take you to the drug customizer and customize a pure-blood route for you. This is the direction Sima Gui is going." Syndra is indeed a boss, and has all kinds of routes.

  "Thank you, boss!" Li Chengyi responded immediately.

  "That's right. Prepare the money, the customization fee starts at one million." Syndra said.

  "." Li Chengyi turned off the engine instantly.

  "What should I do if I don't have money?" He looked helpless, "Can you get an interest-free loan, boss?" "

  You really think I'm a money bag, don't you?" Sindra opened her eyes wide. "Okay, okay, leave now! I feel tired when I see you."

  Li Chengyi stood up with a smile.

  "But I really have no money. Boss, if you don't want to borrow money, we have to wait. Wait until I make some more money from you." "Why didn't you realize you were so naughty before!?"

  Xin Della was speechless.

  Fortunately, he used to think that Li Chengyi was the most honest and conscientious person he had ever seen.

  Now it seems that this guy is not honest, but he is pretending too well.

  "Forget it, I'll give you a head start later. Your time is almost up, right? Help me complete the task next time and pay me back." Syndra said helplessly.

  "Thank you, boss!" Li Chengyi immediately handed over his hand, turned around and left quickly, as if he was afraid that he would regret it.

  When they came to the door of the office, Sindra suddenly said something from behind.

  "Cheng Yi."

  "Huh?" Li Chengyi turned around.

  "Have time to rest more, and don't push yourself too hard." Syndra said seriously, "It will collapse."

  Many of the people in blind spots he had seen were like this. Under the pressure of death being constantly approaching, they could remain stable at first. Later, when faced with the threat of blind spots that could appear at any time and at any time, most of them gradually became another kind of people. people.

  That kind of person is selfish, only cares about his own pleasure, crazy, not afraid of death, and pursues excitement.

  "I know." Li Chengyi pushed the door open and saw Pencil Eyebrow standing by the door.

  He smiled and greeted the other party.

  The eyebrows twitched inexplicably and he took a step back, as if he sensed some danger.

  The smile on Li Chengyi's face faded.

  "Is there anything wrong with me?"

  "No, no, I just don't know why." Pencil Mei had secretly reminded him of Sima Gui's character before.

  But now, when she looked at the gentle-looking smile on Li Chengyi's face, she unconsciously thought of the nervous smile that Sima Gui often wore on his face.

  The two are becoming more and more similar.

  From the attitude of his eyebrows, Li Chengyi vaguely noticed something.

  As usual, he greeted everyone else in the company one by one, then entered the elevator and put on AR glasses.

  The glasses changed to a dark color, covering his eyes at this time, and also covering his pupils, which were becoming more and more abnormal now.

  After walking out of the company, Li Chengyi did not immediately take a taxi home. Instead, he walked along the street and walked past the small shops.

  Groups of middle school girls on weekend vacation went in and out of trinket shops together. The boys occasionally hang out in competitive Internet cafes and snack bars.

  The innocent and simple young voice kept ringing in his ears, which slowly calmed down the strange impulse in Li Chengyi's heart at this time.

  He thought carefully about his previous performance.

  'The continuous high-risk tension that should have been a blind spot made me instinctively look for ways to vent my stress.'

  He suddenly understood what Syndra meant by what he just said.

  "It's time to find a way to dispel the pressure."

  Having said that, the previous unscrupulous killing did make him relax a lot from his originally tense mood.

  'Take a walk and look for wisteria varieties to absorb the flower energy. 'Li Chengyi thought so in his heart.

  He has a lot to do next, including going to Longxumen to learn actual combat, absorbing the wisteria flower variant flower energy, going to customize the drug enhancement route tomorrow, and when he has time, he also needs to learn how to use cold weapons instead of just hacking. Stab randomly.

  In addition, forming a team must also be put on the agenda, but the prerequisite for this is to have money. The team has no profit, so it can only be maintained by relying on blood transfusions from external forces.

  The premise of forming a team must return to the original point - making money.

  In the afternoon.

  Li Chengyi walked to a small river without knowing it.

  There are two food stalls set up by the river.

  A simple yellow wood table is covered with a white tablecloth and paired with two folding chairs to form a dining table and chairs.

  He glanced at the signboard at the food stall, which had recipes and drinks written in a slightly sloppy handwriting.

  'Red dates and ginger milk - 13 yuan'

  'Kumquat lemon - 12 yuan'

  'Orange mood - 15 yuan'

  'Black mood - 15 yuan'

  'Peach mood - 16 yuan'

  'Other moods - it depends on whether the boss wants to do it or not. '

  "." Li Chengyi felt that this boss had a lot of personality, and he seemed to be a man who was not short of money.

  The stall is a mobile food truck. Behind it are two young people, a man and a woman. They are dressed in fashionable clothes, with some animal tattoos faintly exposed on their arms, but they are all in a cute style. They are wearing white aprons, which is very cute.

  "Boss, let's have a cup of orange mood." Li Chengyi looked at the ingredients and decided to have some carrot, tomato and orange juice.

  "It depends on your luck." The bearded male boss winked at him.

  What does it mean?
  Li Chengyi didn't know why.

  He found an empty seat and sat down by himself. The tables and chairs were placed in the woods by the river. The cool breeze was blowing and it was very comfortable in the afternoon.

  Soon, a glass of orange juice was delivered to him.

  Li Chengyi picked up the cup and took a few sips slowly. It tasted good. Sweet and sour, very fragrant.

  After sitting down and resting quietly, he leaned back on the soft folding chair, looked at the sparkling river not far away, and listened to the whispers or laughter of the guests around him. For a moment, he actually felt like sleeping.

  Time passed slowly, and more than an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

  "Li Chengyi?" Suddenly an uncertain female voice pulled him back from his drowsiness. The sound came from the left.

  Li Chengyi heard the sound and looked over. Three girls dressed coolly and with heavy makeup followed the two men into the food stall and sat down two tables away from him.

  It was one of the girls who said hello.

  The girl was wearing a black silk ruffled dress, and the style of the skirt was a bit revealing.

  Two pieces of fish-shaped black cloth covered the vital parts of his chest, leaving his shoulders and arms completely exposed.

  The hem of the skirt is also mentioned to expose most of the thigh, and it is paired with a pair of black leggings shorts.

  From a distance, I thought she was wearing nothing on her lower body.

  The girl has long hair shawl and wears a pair of sunglasses. She looks no different from many girls hanging out in nightclubs on the street.

  "Lin Sang?"

  Although the other person was wearing sunglasses and makeup, he was still the girl that his predecessor had had a crush on for many years, and Li Chengyi recognized him at a glance.

  Lin Sang was different now from before. She was wearing scantily clad clothes and a dark gold sapphire necklace hanging on her chest. She dressed up carefully and put on makeup. Her appearance improved a lot and she became more confident.

  "What's wrong, Lin Sang, your friend?" A blue-haired man with a silver skull necklace on one side put his arm around Lin Sang's waist and asked with a smile.

  "Today happens to be your birthday. Why don't you invite him over to get together? Let's get to know each other?"

  He didn't recognize Li Chengyi, but Li Chengyi recognized him.

  This blue-haired man was the one who helped carry the drinks when he first saw Lin Sang in the small park.

  It's just that the peaked cap is now dyed, and the clothes have been changed, but the facial features and temperament are still the same.

  "Forget it. No need." Lin Sang smiled, recalling the last meeting with Li Chengyi, she felt a slight sense of loss in her heart.

  In fact, she knew that Li Chengyi liked her, but she yearned for a better and higher life than finding an honest man like him.

  She has always subscribed to a theory.

  A person's circle determines a person's pattern. Contact with a larger and higher circle will invisibly broaden everything about oneself, whether it is knowledge, knowledge, or thinking patterns.

  When the structure is high and the way of looking at things is completely different, it will be easier to get what you want.

  For example, money.

  So she had a vague feeling that Li Chengyi liked her, but she had no choice but to pretend not to know for so many years.

  Just like now, when she looked at the orange mood in front of her, and then looked at the orange mood in front of Li Chengyi, she guessed that Li Chengyi might not have met her by chance.

  Instead, he is waiting here secretly. At this special time, he may be waiting for himself.

  The blue-haired man beside her could see some clues in her expression.

  "Your former boyfriend?"

  "No, just someone who wants to chase me." Lin Sang wanted to say that he was just a former friend, but as soon as the conversation changed, it became another sentence.

  She knows very well that a woman's love value will often be reflected by the number of people pursuing her.

  Therefore, the more people chasing her, the happier the blue-haired man will be because he has her. Because this makes her more valuable, after all, so many people like her.

  It will also create a sense of crisis.

  Because she has many suitors, she may be snatched away if she is not careful, so she needs more care and attention.

  After coming back to his senses, Lin Sang looked towards Li Chengyi again.

  Just in time to see him summon the boss, he added a glass of juice and a heart-shaped food plate.

  "He's giving you some food? He also ordered some flowers, so romantic~" A girl on the side also saw this scene and couldn't help laughing softly.

  "Sang Sang seems to be quite popular."

  Lin Sang watched Li Chengyi take a bouquet of flowers, smelled it gently, and then put it down.

  Initially, she was not sure whether the other party was going to give it to her, but she saw Li Chengyi stood up from his seat, turned around, and looked towards her.

  Her heart tightened, worried that Brother Kun, the blue-haired man next to her, would be unhappy. She immediately stood up and walked towards Li Chengyi.

  She took a few steps closer to the table and chairs and spoke seriously.

  "Cheng Yi, I accept your wishes, but I already have someone I like, so I'm sorry." "

  ???" Li Chengyi looked slightly stunned. He looked at Lin Sang who was approaching and didn't know what to do for a moment. What to say.

  His extra meal was not for Lin Sang at all.

  As for the heart-shaped food plate, it was purely a matter of drinking orange and feeling happy, and got an upgraded set meal.

  "Can you please leave? I'm afraid you will affect my boyfriend's mood." Lin Sang said seriously again.

  It took a lot of effort for her to get close to Brother Kun and integrate into that circle. Now, she didn't want anything to go wrong.

  Li Chengyi looked at her and didn't know what she was talking about. I can’t tell how I feel, it’s just...a bit funny.

  Yeah, it's kind of weirdly funny.

  He didn't know how Lin Sang could relate to that level, but... really, he himself was a little embarrassed for her.

  Suddenly, a faint sound of footsteps approached.

  Li Chengyi quickly recovered and looked up behind Lin Sang with a gentle smile.

  "I'm sorry, I didn't expect to meet you here. Please sit down. I added some food. I'm sorry it's a bit shabby." "


  Behind Lin Sang, a gentle female voice suddenly approached and sounded.

  Two strong bodyguards in black attire quickly dispersed on both sides and blocked a path.

  A tall woman wearing a silver-gray velvet shawl, with blond hair and red lips like cherry blossoms, slowly walked to Li Chengyi's table.

  The woman wore silver-rimmed glasses, and the blue pupils under the lenses were as deep as whirlpools, which made people feel inexplicably depressed.

  "Nice to see you again, Miss Marianne." Li Chengyi stretched out his hand and hung it in the air.

  "I'm also very happy to meet the cute little Cheng Yi here." Marianne narrowed her eyes.

  It was completely different from the last time we met. This time, her temperament was gentle and sharp, like a silver moon wolf on the frozen plains.

  The shawl is her mane. The ten fingers covered with silver nail polish are her sharp claws.

  And the fangs will only be hidden at the moment when she is about to tear the prey into pieces.

  At this moment, Marianne's dangerous and powerful pressure shook Lin Sangru who was standing aside.

  She looked at Marianne, and then at the exact direction Li Chengyi was standing facing.

  He immediately guessed that Li Chengyi was just greeting this woman named Marianne!

  Not greeting her at all!

  At this moment, a strong sense of embarrassment and shame suddenly poured into Lin Sang's mind.

  She seemed to be able to imagine Brother Kun and the others behind her looking at her like clowns.

  Those two women couldn't stand her. If they took the opportunity this time, they really didn't know what kind of tone they would use to humiliate her, belittle and suppress her.

  Lin Sang's face was red and bloodshot, and he stood frozen for a moment.

  She opened her mouth and turned sideways unconsciously, but was pulled away by a bodyguard with his bare hands.

  From beginning to end, whether it is Marianne or the Li Chengyi she was once familiar with.

  None of them looked at her.

  Marianne had a smile on her face, and Li Chengyi also had a smile on her face.

  Although they are in the same place, their smiles give people a strange feeling of similarity and distance.

   Thanks to the friends who tipped 10,000 points last week~
    Qing Ningzi

    Pure Nine Lotus Lantern’s

    little orange cat

    Jidao Tiansheng who loves to sleep
    will be on the shelves tomorrow. I will post more today in advance. Lao Gun is also working hard! Don't rush me...

    In addition, adding characters requires review time, which usually takes two days. I have already added it. I saw that some friends wanted to post character fanfics, so I guess I have to wait a moment.

  (End of chapter)

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