Chapter 66 066 Mental Technique 2 (Xie Qingningzi Alliance Leader)

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  Chapter 66 Chapter 066 Mental Technique 2 (Leader Xie Qingningzi)

  "Don't panic, as long as there is no evidence for this kind of thing, we will definitely be fine!" Another young man said calmly.

  "It's all your fault. I just wanted to have fun, but you insisted on joining in. In the end, I woke her up. I didn't want to kill anyone at all!!" The boy with earrings roared in panic.

  "Are you making such a loud noise because you want people to see us murdering each other!?" Another young man went up and slapped his companion in the face.

  "I don't want to do anything. Nothing happened so many times before, so why did it happen this time? I didn't take enough medicine!" "Then what should I do now?" The boy with the earrings was beaten and calmed down a little

  . .

  "Zheng Qingxuan's family has no background. I immediately begged my dad to help with the aftermath. At most, he would pay some money." The young man who hit the person said in a low voice.

  "Are you really okay?" The boy with earrings seemed to be stabilized by the other party's calmness, and he slowly hesitated.

  "It must be fine, arrange it better, make sure she dies due to negligence, it has nothing to do with us, and then have her cremated as soon as possible to avoid the autopsy. My dad and the others have done this before! No problem!" The beating boy was confident. road.

  4:17 pm, Palace Garden Flower Shop.

  This is the largest flower shop chain store in Suiyang, specializing in delivering flowers to all kinds of business guests.

  The entire flower shop looks like a beautiful white villa, and the surface of the villa is covered with all kinds of vines and flowers.

  Purple, pink, red, white, large and small flowers of different styles, like stars, surround the entrance to the villa.

  Every guest who comes in and out can smell the rich mixed floral fragrance and fresh negative ions.

  After entering, there is a dim and warm light.

  In the light, a spacious and warm living room comes into view.

  Li Chengyi changed into formal clothes, walked into the door, and a waiter came up immediately.

  "Sir, are you here for a visit or do you have an appointment?"

  The waiter is wearing a goose yellow dress and amber flower earrings. She looks sweet and has long hair reaching her waist. When she gets close, she can also smell an elegant floral fragrance.

  "We have an appointment." Li Chengyi said in a deep voice.

  He looked around at the largest flower shop in Suiyang. The botanical garden he was negotiating with this time was from the Palace Garden, so the location agreed upon by both parties for negotiation was also the head office.

  This was his first time here, but he didn't expect this place to be so uniquely decorated.

  There is a villa outside, but this is the scenery inside.

  "Okay, which manager made the reservation?" the waiter continued to ask.

  "Xu Zhongsheng." Li Chengyi replied.

  "Mr. Xu, this is Mr. Li, please go this way."

  The waiter led Li Chengyi through the hall under soft lighting and across a circular door frame.

  My eyes suddenly became enlightened.

  Behind the door frame is a pond covered with lotus leaves.

  The pond is connected to a meandering clear stream. There is a gray stone bridge rising slightly in the distance, and the pavilion courtyard is looming among the sea of ​​flowers and trees.

  "I didn't expect this villa to be just a door?" Li Chengyi paused, a little stunned.

  This is the urban area of ​​​​Suiyang. Being able to occupy such a large area to build Yiguo ancient style gardens, if nothing else, the financial resources alone are quite amazing.

  "This was originally Mr. Xu's home. Later, after he inherited it, he started his own business and used this place as the head office. After all, this is not the old days. It is impossible for so many servants and maids to live in a big house. Our company's employees will live here, and the popularity will increase. Enough." The waiter explained.

  "That's right." Li Chengyi followed her around half a circle along the edge of the pond, and soon came to a white wall.

  At the base of the wall, the ground was covered with fallen leaves, and under a bare golden osmanthus tree, there was a set of stone tables and chairs.

  A tall, thin man wearing a dark green robe with a silver-rimmed blue jade belt hanging from his waist was quietly meditating on the stone table.

  When Li Chengyi came closer, he saw that above the stone table that the man was facing, there was a translucent Go board suspended in the air, with black and white chess pieces scattered all over it. It seemed that the game was about to reach the end.

  After hearing the footsteps, the man turned his face slightly. When he saw Li Chengyi, a smile appeared on his face and he stood up.

  "Brother Li is on time. There are still more than ten seconds before the appointed time."

  This person is Xu Zhongsheng who wants to sell the botanical garden.

  He founded the entire chain of flower shops by himself, and Li Chengyi checked his information on the Internet and found that the flower shop was only one of his businesses. His net worth is much more than he imagined.

  "Mr. Xu is overly complimentary. I don't like others wasting my time, so naturally I won't take the initiative to waste other people's time." Li Chengyi answered seriously.

  In the past, if he faced someone of the same sex who was not much different in age but had a huge gap in status and strength, he would be somewhat stressed and would not know how to best deal with it.

  But it's different now. The unlimited potential brought by the Flower of Evil is his greatest confidence.

  Perhaps it was because when Li Chengyi spoke, he was very energetic and did not have the cautious attitude of others for fear of offending others.

  Xu Zhongsheng squinted his eyes and quickly looked at Li Chengyi again.

  "Brother Li is young and promising, and has full confidence. However, it is not easy to take over the botanical garden without losing money. Have you thought about it?" "Don't worry about

  this, Mr. Xu. I'm ready." Li Chengyi didn't even think about it. He doesn't plan to run a botanical garden. His purpose is just to raise a piece of land by himself and grow the flowers he wants. As for selling flowers, it doesn't matter if he can make the best profit.

  "That's good. Then let's start signing the contract. You've also visited the botanical garden. All the documents are ready. Just sign and change them one by one and the entire process can be completed." Xu Zhongsheng clapped his hands.

  Suddenly, a translucent light curtain appeared out of thin air in the mid-air between the two of them.

  The light curtain is in a square shape, with contract documents such as transfer agreements stacked on it.

  Li Chengyi picked up these virtual documents and looked through them carefully.

  Quickly confirming that there was no problem, he signed his name one by one. Then transfer the money.

  Within ten minutes, the money arrived and the documents were confirmed. The two parties agreed that all other personnel would remain unchanged and the status quo would be maintained. Any changes to the plants planted in the botanical garden would be decided by Li Chengyi later. After the contract was concluded, Xu Zhongsheng had a set of purple clay tea sets delivered to him, and he and Li Chengyi sat across from each other, slowly brewing tea.

  "Speaking of which, when Mr. Sindra first arrived in Suiyang, I also wanted to visit him, but I never found the time or opportunity. I didn't expect that not long after that, Brother Li happened to come to see him. It is also fate in this world." Xu Zhongsheng smiled.

  "Mr. Xu also knows the boss?" Li Chengyi asked. At this time, he was still heartbroken about the five million he had just received, and more than four hundred had gone out in the blink of an eye.

  "Of course we know each other. More than ten years ago, my father and Mr. Sindra had a very happy conversation at a cocktail party. It's a pity that so long has passed in the blink of an eye." Xu Zhongsheng said with a smile.

  He picked up a cup of tea and took a sip.

  "I wonder what the plan is for Hongjin to acquire the botanical garden? If there is anything that my Xu family can use in Suiyang, just ask." "Mr. Xu, please correct me. It

  is not Hongjin's acquisition of the botanical garden, but my personal acquisition." , This has nothing to do with the boss." Li Chengyi seemed to understand that the other party had misunderstood, and corrected him.

  "Is that so? I misunderstood. If Brother Li opened it himself, he might think that doing business is too simple." The smile on Xu Zhongsheng's face faded.

  "Really? Anyway, I still want to try." Li Chengyi remained calm.

  "That's right. Mr. Sindra usually doesn't stay in a place for a long time. Brother Li probably wants to leave a little foundation of his own in advance, right? It's human nature and understandable." Xu Zhongsheng said with a smile.

  "It's good that Mr. Xu understands."

  Li Chengyi felt that the other party's attitude was much colder than before, so he simply didn't stay for a long time, got up to say goodbye, and left.

  Watching Li Chengyi walk out of the door under the leadership of the waiter.

  The smile on Xu Zhongsheng's face completely disappeared.

  "Isn't it Syndra? Then this kid wants to rely on the bonus to save some family fortune." He said coldly.

  "Sindra has long since left the mainstream circle, and spends all day chasing blind spots to find the whereabouts of his precious son. This Li Chengyi was just an ordinary student before, and suddenly he got so much money. He is probably a blind spot participant." In his ear hole, A tiny earbud emits sound discreetly.

  "As long as they are not people over there, it is true that the previous cases have made everyone cautious and frightened, for fear that people from the Federation will cause trouble." Xu Zhongsheng sighed, "Sindra and the Federation There is a person I have a good relationship with. Is there any old case these days? If we really want to thoroughly investigate it, no one can escape." "

  This Li Chengyi really doesn't represent Sindra, so how should we deal with it next?" In the earbuds the voice asked.

  "If you can get a bonus, then you must be a dead end person. If you are someone who will disappear soon, don't care what he does. Just ignore him. When the person dies, we will buy back the botanical garden and come back." "Then this matter is over

  . Put aside for the time being, another thing is that last night Kong Sichen from Tiefeng Group's security department went to the bar street." "Kong Sichen

  ? Isn't he staring at the inside of the group? At this time, the Federation was investigating seriously, and he ran to the bar What's a street for?" Xu Zhongsheng asked in surprise.

  "It was the Tiefeng Group's crown prince Zheng Jiayu who caused the accident. I don't know what happened specifically. Kong Sichen handled it too quickly and didn't have time to check the video. But I'm sure the person is dead." The voice in the earbuds replied.

  "Zheng Jiayu has been messing with young girls, has something finally happened?" Xu Zhongsheng smiled nonchalantly, "I had long felt that something was going to happen to him, but I didn't expect that it took until now. I'm lucky."

  "Well, this time because it was a critical moment, our people found out that Kong Sichen not only blocked the surveillance of the bar street, but also sent people to Sichengshan Road. As soon as his people went there, there was a building on Sichengshan Road A fire broke out, and the investigation said it was due to aging wiring and natural gas leakage.

  A total of five families were involved in the accident, and a total of six people were burned to death, including the parents of the deceased." "This

  is Lao Kong's style. As long as there is no evidence, even if you know it is There's nothing he can do about what he did." Xu Zhongsheng frowned.

  "Kong Sichen just sent people to arrest someone. It was a woman, she should be the sister of the deceased." "

  This is to destroy the family." Xu Zhongsheng said solemnly.

  "The Tiefeng Group has always been ruthless, and this time it seems that they are planning to quickly settle the matter and remove all evidence before the federation finds out." said the earplug voice. "Are we going to take action?"

  "No, don't act rashly, everything depends on the Federation." Xu Zhongsheng said in a low voice.

  Li Chengyi did not leave the flower shop immediately. Instead, he walked around the garden and then asked the waiter to take him to the area where gladioli varieties were grown.

  Fortunately, in a small yard, he once again saw a batch that had just arrived and had not yet been transplanted.

  "What we have just purchased here is Gladiolus multiflora. We just shipped a batch of melancholy species. If Mr. Li comes later, this batch will be gone soon." The waiter said, "You are so lucky."

  "Are they selling well? This gladioli?" Li Chengyi looked at the white and red gladioli piled together like weeds in the yard and asked doubtfully.

  "Because it is a cut flower material used by many large households, schools, and clubs, it sells quite well." The waiter nodded.

  "Cut flowers, no wonder." Li Chengyi nodded.

  Cut flowers are the so-called cutting off flower branches, which are used for flower arrangements, flower baskets, flower pots, etc.

  Unexpectedly, gladiolus is also one of the commonly used flowers.

  "Can I check it?" Li Chengyi asked.

  "No problem, but be careful not to drop the buds." The waiter knew that the other party was a big customer of the boss, so he naturally agreed.

  Li Chengyi felt certain, rubbed his hands and stepped forward.

  Reach out and touch slowly from outside to inside.

  The outermost ones are a few primulas and gladioli, all dark purple, quite eye-catching among a bunch of white and red. It was probably a gift that came with it.
  As soon as Li Chengyi touched it with his fingers, he immediately felt a trace of cool flower breath quickly inhaled into the back of his hand and merged into the Flower of Evil.

  The evolution degree of Gladiolus Flower Scale Clothes has also slowly jumped from 91 before to 92.

  Without stopping, he quickly touched each flower one by one, not letting go of any blooming gladiolus.

  Soon, a few minutes later, Li Chengyi paused, straightened up, and took a long breath.

  The degree of evolution is finally complete.
  The degree of evolution of Gladiolus Flower Scale Clothes has finally reached 100%.

  'It's done. The next step is to absorb evil thoughts and evolve the Wisteria Flower Scale Clothes. '

  'Where do evil thoughts come from?' Li Chengyi pondered in his mind.

  The botanical garden can provide him with a stable source of flower energy, but what about evil thoughts?

  Is it possible to imitate the botanical garden and build a similar garden of evil thoughts? Provide yourself with a steady source of evil thoughts?
  (End of chapter)

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