Chapter 62 062 Unknown 2

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  Chapter 62 062 Unknown two


  A burning lighter was gently thrown up.

  With a breath, the flames quickly ignited the entire frame and began to burn the outer cloth.

  The white cloth turned brown, then blackened, twisted, and hardened.

  Li Chengyi stood aside without saying a word, just watching this scene quietly.

  The wind on the rooftop blew the flames slightly askew.

  The yellow flames nearly burned his boots, and he had to step back to avoid them.

  "Is this okay now?" He sighed and asked in a deep voice.

  No one answered.

  Li Chengyi frowned slightly and raised his head.

  "Huh? Where is Zhong Ying??!"

  Suddenly, he was shocked to find that Zhong Ying, who was standing opposite him just now, disappeared silently.

  There was no movement. Zhong Ying, who was setting fire to the frame a minute ago, suddenly disappeared? ?
  But none of the rest of them noticed it, and they were still forming a circle at this time.

  Five people in a circle,
  five people! ! ? ?

  Zhong Ying is not here, so who is standing in her place! ! ?

  Suddenly thinking of this problem, Sindra and Song Ran looked horrified, and rolled sideways to distance themselves.

  Li Chengyi and Sima Gui pulled out their waist pistols almost at the same time and aimed at the fifth person.

  At this time, everyone left, and the circle disintegrated and disappeared.

  Only then did they all realize that there was no one in Zhong Ying's position at this time, it was empty.

  Li Chengyi and Sima Gui's scalps were numb and they pointed their guns forward.

  But at this moment, they realized that what they were pointing at was not Zhong Ying's position, but two different and unrelated empty spaces!

  Huh. Huh. Huh.
  Sima Gui gasped for breath, his face turned red, and he felt like he was short of oxygen.

  "Why am I so uncomfortable? Zhong Ying was still here just now!?"

  Li Chengyi said nothing, holding the gun tightly and staring at the position he was pointing at.

  That was where Zhong Ying was originally standing.

  But at this moment, something was seriously wrong with his senses.

  His mind could sense that there was someone there.

  But the eyes cannot see each other.

  His ears could feel that there was someone there, and the other person was standing there quietly, standing where Zhong Ying was.

  He could even hear the other party's clothes rustling slightly in the wind.

  But he can't be found!
  The two senses, eyes and ears, are completely misaligned.

  "Let's form a circle again! Let's try to restore the original shape!" Syndra suddenly shouted at this time.

  Several people were feeling extremely twisted and dislocated at this time. After hearing this, they felt that they had placed their trust in Syndra.

  Everyone slowly returned to the fire.

  The strange thing is that even after the burning of the picture frame, only the upper part has turned black and burnt, and the rest of the frame has not changed at all.

  "Form a circle!"

  Sindra was the first to stand in her original position and said in a deep voice.

  The second one is Song Ran. This man who is more than two meters tall is shaking at the moment. Everywhere in his broad, square face betrayed distortion and pain.

  The third one is Li Chengyi.

  He resisted the urge to put on the flower scale clothes and stood back to his original position.

  The last one is Sima Gui.

  The guy's arms were trembling, and he held his other hand with one hand. He gritted his teeth, his face turned pale, and stood back to his previous position.

  Four people formed a circle, holding hands and connecting together.

  But the strange thing is that there are only four of them holding hands with each other, but somehow, all four of them feel that there is a fifth person in the circle.

  What he clearly saw with his eyes was the four of them in a circle, but his perception was that they were five people standing together hand in hand.

  I don’t know how much time has passed.

  Li Chengyi's hands felt like they were going numb.

  Suddenly his heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly raised his head and looked forward.

  Zhong Ying, who disappeared just now, is back again! ?
  Her face was expressionless, her white dress was burnt to yellow, and her hair and face were covered in blood and black ash.

  Li Chengyi was about to call her out.

  Suddenly his whole body trembled, and in the reflection of Zhong Ying's eyes, he vaguely saw a familiar face.

  It was a chubby, pale-skinned smiling face.

  Bai Feipeng! ! ?
  Li Chengyi froze, staring at the upside-down face reflected in the pupils.

  The chubby pale face seemed to be saying something to Zhong Ying silently, and he waved to her, indicating that she should follow him somewhere.

  But at this moment, the person facing Zhong Ying was clearly Li Chengyi!
  Suddenly, Sima Gui from the side swooped down and knocked Zhong Ying to the ground.

  The two rolled around twice on the roof of the building, separated and lay on their backs.

  Sima Gui gasped for air, his face was covered with sweat, and he completely lost his strength.

  Zhong Ying, on the other hand, fainted completely, her eyes closed, and there was no more movement.

  Song Ran rushed over and started to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation on Zhong Ying.

  One minute, two minutes.

  Five minutes. Ten minutes.
  Zhong Ying was completely silent and no longer heard.

  Song Ran was covered in sweat and tried his best to save her, but in the end he was still unable to sit aside and wiped the sweat off his face.


  suddenly a faint laughter came from behind Li Chengyi.

  He trembled all over and turned his head sharply, just in time to see a pale figure standing in the shadows at the only corridor entrance on the top of the building. He couldn't see the face of the figure, but the uniform of Dongliu Experimental Primary School made him recognize it at a glance. It was Bai Feipeng!
  In an instant, Li Chengyi and Sima Gui raised their hands at the same time and fired. The two bullets hit the corridor entrance, but there was nothing there, and there was no trace of Bai Feipeng at all.

  After waiting for a while and confirming that there was no movement, Li Chengyi and Sima Gui slowly relaxed their vigilance and returned their gaze to Zhong Ying.

  "Zhong Ying is dead." Sindra stood up from Zhong Ying at this time and said with an ugly expression.

  The other three fell silent, not knowing what to say.

  The weird feeling just now, the sad feeling of sensory dislocation, made it impossible for them to understand how Zhong Ying died.

  And if this kind of death happened to any one of them, no one would have the confidence to be able to stop it.

  From beginning to end, Zhong Ying suddenly disappeared, then suddenly appeared again, and finally fell to the ground and died.

  During this time, their bodies seemed to be subject to some inexplicable interference, resulting in extremely poor conditions and disordered perception.

  They can't even find the key to the problem.

  The cold wind kept blowing on the roof, as if someone was crying and howling.

  Everyone said nothing. After their bodies recovered a little, everyone stood up and tidied themselves up silently.

  Li Chengyi looked at the painting in the fire. At this time, the painting had been completely burned to coke.

  their purpose failed.

  No matter what kind of preparation.

  He walked to Zhong Ying's body and looked down at the woman with bloodstains and burns all over her body.

  "Bai Feipeng, what on earth is that little fat guy!?"

  "I don't know." Song Ran stood up with a heavy face, "Maybe it's not Bai Feipeng at all, but something else."

  Looking at Zhong Ying's body, several people My heart felt cold. The company's mission this time was to help Zhong Ying escape from the foggy streets. But no one expected such a bizarre encounter.

  Inexplicably, Li Chengyi suddenly thought that if he had not been pulled into the blind corner of the foggy street at that time, but had been running out with the little fat man to find the so-called Wu Ji Grocery Store.

  What will he encounter at that time?
  Wu Ji Grocery Store was not in reality at all, but most likely in a painting. If he had followed it at that time,
  Li Chengyi could not predict it.

  He is different from Zhong Ying. He has flower scale clothes, the ability to speak flowers, and his own trump card.

  What will happen in the end, he doesn't know.

  But no matter what, it will definitely not be like this.

  There was no splash in Zhong Ying's death, just like a pebble being gently dropped into the stream.

  It was so silent that even the sound of the stream itself was louder than hers.

  Her funeral was arranged by Song Ran. It was simple, clean, and a one-stop service provided by a professional company. It only cost tens of thousands of yuan.

  With no relatives, friends, or colleagues, she is an isolated person that no one cares about, disappearing into the world without leaving a trace.

  After making arrangements for the funeral, Sindra returned to the company first.

  Sima Gui also went to other cities to rest and did not stay again.

  Only Song Ran was responsible for cleaning up the various problems after Zhong Ying's death.

  Li Chengyi did not leave, but still stayed. He thought that after the fog street recovered, he would flash in again and try to touch the little white flower. He was still unwilling to give in.

  Tianxing Old Street·Candy Bar.

  At night, Li Chengyi walked slowly along the old street. Except for a few shops with lights on, the deserted street was completely gray and black.

  The scorched black marks that can be seen everywhere add a lot of history to this neighborhood.

  He followed the sidewalk and walked up and down the street several times.

  But there was no movement, the fog street seemed to be completely silent, no more memories flashed.

  'Could it be that the probability of memory flashing increases with the appearance of people in blind spots? ' Doubts arose in his mind.

  while walking.

  His steps suddenly stopped.

  Look up and look forward.

  I don't know when the street in front was covered with a light gray fog.

  At the end of the gray fog, in the haze, under the streetlight, stood a fat white man wearing a primary school uniform, looking at him quietly.

  Bai Feipeng and
  Li Chengyi also stopped and looked at each other with awe in their hearts.

  "Shake, shake, shake." Behind Bai Feipeng, in the mist, a colorful halo flickered brightly and dimly.

  That's the light of the slot machine.


  A breeze blew by, and the gray fog quickly thickened, and Bai Feipeng and the slot machine began to move away together.

  It was as if there was an automatic conveyor belt under Li Chengyi's feet, taking him quickly away from the block where the slot machine was located.

  He felt anxious and quickly looked to the side at the foot of the street lamps.

  Soon, I found the small white flower swaying gently under one of the street lights.

  The moment he saw Xiao Hua, Li Chengyi felt certain and was no longer anxious.

  "I will come back." He looked deeply at the little fat man Bai Feipeng.

  Zhaoshan, Tianxing Street, fog street dead end.

  The only way for him to successfully obtain the flower language of that little white flower is to wait for the flower god position to be vacated, then come back here and constantly refresh the blind spots in the fog street.

  Then enter again and again to absorb the flower energy.

  This is destined to be a long process. He is also destined to get along with the slot machine and this mysterious little fat man for a long time.

  The premise is that the foggy blind spots will not disappear.

  Suddenly, he exited the foggy street, and the scenery of Tianxing Old Street returned to his eyes.

  Without hesitation, this time, Li Chengyi turned around and walked away in the direction of other neighborhoods.

  He has truly determined that the blind spot on Fog Street and the little fat man Bai Feipeng are probably not in the same blind spot at all. The two are probably crossing the blind spot!
   Thanks to the two people who tipped 10,000 points last week~
    Mo Ci stayed up all night holding a candle and sitting


    . The drunk has always been there, unknowingly for many years...Thanks for the recognition of Lao Gun.

  (End of chapter)

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