Chapter 59 059 Virtual and Real Three

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  Chapter 59 059 Virtual and Real Three

  "I saw this when I was reading the information, but I didn't go into details." Li Chengyi nodded.

  "Perhaps you are encountering an intersecting dead end. The longer the dead end is, the easier it is for many mysterious and unknown things to remain, and its structure may also intersect with the later dead ends. We have encountered this before. ." Syndra said, "And depth is the level that every dead corner has. An expert once said that if you can dig out the deepest core of the dead corner, then maybe you can find the secret of the formation of the dead corner."

  " The secret is too far away. Since the little fat guy stole something from Zhou Ji Pastry, maybe they are all in the same era? Follow this clue and look for it? Maybe you will find something." Li Chengyi suggested.

  "I have asked people to do this. But the information involved in the process is too much and too old. It cannot be checked all at once. It will take time." Syndra shook his head and adjusted his AR glasses. It was obvious that he had passed the AR and remote Company employees were contacted.

  "By the way, that little fat guy seems to be wearing a school uniform with a mark on it. His name is Dongliu Experimental Primary School!" Li Chengyi suddenly added again.

  "Is there a school name? That would be much easier to find!" Syndra cheered up.

  To outsiders, Li Chengyi's state may be a precursor to mental illness, but in his view, this state is likely to be a flash of memory.

  But when the memory flashed, whether he had completely entered a blind spot or was half-entered, Li Chengyi still had no accurate description.

  Sitting in the car, he carefully recalled that when he was investigating Grius, his memory flashes were not serious at that time, just intermittent.

  Occasionally seeing a hand, or suddenly seeing a human figure, these are just fragments.

  But this time, when he was in Fog Street, he completely entered the blind spot of Fog Street.

  Not long after, Sima Gui came back and got into the car.

  He had a serious expression, his face was pale, and there was a faint trace of blood on one arm.

  "The situation has changed!" As soon as he got into the car, he found the medical kit and quickly treated the injury on his right arm.

  "I just entered the memory flash, and when I went in, I found that there were a large group of black masked monsters attacking everywhere in the foggy street. I accidentally got hit on my hand, but fortunately I followed the inertia and stepped back, otherwise" he

  took He picked up a bottle of iodophor and poured it on a scratch the size of his palm on his right arm.

  Sweat quickly seeped out from his forehead and condensed into fine beads of sweat.

  "Does povidone iodine hurt too? It's not alcohol, right?" Zhong Ying couldn't help but make a sound.

  "I have the final say whether it hurts or not! Why, do you have any objections!?" Sima Gui glared at her fiercely.

  Li Chengyi, who was sitting aside, was strangely silent.

  He suspected that the current changes in Fog Street were caused by him.

  He had put on the flower-scaled clothes and the slot machine before, but something unexpected happened.

  "Now you mean you can't flash memories casually?" In order to pretend that he didn't know anything, he still asked.

  "I'm afraid it won't work for the time being." Sima Gui shook his head. "I wore two layers of bulletproof suits, and a large piece of my skin was scratched. Most people would be killed if they went in unprepared." "Don't worry, the

  blind spots will automatically return to their original state after a while. We only need to You just need to wait, maybe this is part of the cycle of change in the dead end of Fog Street." Syndra said solemnly.

  "Okay." Sima Gui nodded. "That's the only way."

  "Then what if I go in halfway?" Zhong Ying immediately became worried.

  "That means you are out of luck." Sima Gui sneered.

  Several people were in no mood to talk for a while.

  While waiting for the company to check the information, everyone went back to the villa to rest.

  Because of the turmoil in the foggy streets, the danger has increased significantly. Therefore, Sima Gui and Li Chengyi were both reminded by Sindra not to wander around in that area until the situation calmed down completely.

  The time it takes for dead spots to subside is usually about a week. This is a rule that Syndra has learned from tracking dead spots over the years.

  Time passes day by day.

  The little fat man's information was never found, and Zhong Ying became more and more impatient.

  Because the time is getting closer and closer to her entrance time. If it was really as dangerous as Sima Gui said, if she went in at this time, she felt that she would definitely die.

  As the time approached, Li Chengyi gradually became nervous. Apart from going out to search for materials and absorb evil thoughts every day, he also kept searching for information about Dongliu Experimental Primary School on his own.

  Taking action is better than doing nothing.

  What he was worried about had nothing to do with Zhong Ying. He was mainly worried that he would face a new blind spot when his time was up. By then, he might not have so much time and energy to investigate the fog street incident.

  Once you are pulled into a dead corner once, you will keep being pulled in, again and again, until you are completely dead.

  Soon, a week passed and no news was found, but Zhong Ying was obviously restless.

  She went up and down the villa every day, asking Sindra and Song Ran repeatedly, trying to get accurate news, but she was disappointed every time.

  In a blink of an eye, the end of July is here, and it will soon be the beginning of August.


  In the lobby on the first floor of the villa, Sindra's cell phone suddenly rang softly.

  When he picked it up and looked at it, his expression instantly became serious.

  "We're here! Found it!!" There was a hint of surprise in his voice.

  The other people sitting on the sofa and chairs stood up one after another and looked at him in unison.

  "My ten million!" Sima Gui laughed.

  Li Chengyi was also relieved. The clues were found, and his flying instrument might also be found.

  The point is, that little flower
  "Boss, is that the little fat man's clue?" he asked aloud.

  "Well, that little fat guy does have this person. The information on Dongliu Elementary School is incomplete, and with the fortress of silence between cities, some places can't even connect to the Internet. So it took a lot of time." Xin Della nodded seriously. He took out his old signature tool - a projection flashlight.

  Press the switch against a white wall on the side of the hall.


  Suddenly a curtain of light was projected out, forming a screen on the wall.

  What was reflected on the top was the photo of the little fat man that impressed Li Chengyi deeply.

  Cylinder, three lines, only two holes for the nostrils, and the bridge of the nose is almost invisible.

  The specific information about this person slowly emerged below.

  'Bai Feipeng: 3101-3178. The only son of Bai Tang, the owner of Baijia Bookstore on Xuezhong Road, he inherited the life of the bookstore and never left Zhaoshan. In 3177, he fell ill in bed and lost the ability to move. He died in the autumn of the next year. '

  "That's it?" Sima Gui asked in surprise, "After all, after checking for so long, this is just the information?" "

  That's it." Syndra nodded. He turned to look at a few people.

  "But that's enough," he continued.

  "How do you say it?" Li Chengyi asked.

  "Because the Bai Family Bookstore is still open!" Sindra said solemnly.

  On another street more than ten kilometers away from Xuezhong Road - Qianhong Road, Qingshui Town, Baijia Bookstore.

  The black luxury off-road vehicle slowly stopped on the roadside and paused between two slender saplings.

  The car door opens.

  Song Ran got out of the car first and looked around, followed by Sima Gui, Zhong Ying, Li Chengyi, and finally Sindela.

  The group of people looked around.

  This is the transitional junction between the old city and the new city.

  The old buildings are crumbling, and a few steps away is a brand new shopping mall building with colorful billboards.

  Standing in front of the old store, you can still hear the faint sound of howling coming from the latest technology KTV in the distance.

  The old and the new form an inexplicable intersection here.

  Several people stood in front of the Bai Family Bookstore and looked up at the bookstore.

  On the left side of the bookstore is a coffee shop, on the right is a stationery store, and upstairs is a dark abandoned house awaiting demolition, with even the balcony windows removed.

  Scattered slogans and billboards are clearly visible on the wall outside the store.

  It was only around four o'clock in the afternoon, and the store was already deserted and empty.

  There was only a bald old man wearing a plaid shirt, sitting at the door playing mobile games.

  "The Bai Family Bookstore has been open for more than a hundred years. The owners have never changed. They are all from the Bai family. So we need to find the original Wu Ji Grocery Store. We will definitely find clues from here." Sindra said solemnly. road.

  "I'll go." Zhong Ying looked at the old man and finally felt confident. She straightened her chest and walked forward, leaned down and asked softly.

  "Uncle, are you the owner of this bookstore?"

  The old man remained motionless, without raising his head, his eyes unwavering, and his hands were still pressing the phone in his hand like lightning.

  Zhong Ying's face stiffened and she asked again.

  Unfortunately, there was still no response. The old man didn't even raise his head and let Zhong Ying wander around. He didn't even change his basic sitting posture.

  "See, this is the concentration that truly belongs to the player!" Sima Gui said in awe. "People like us in the game can ignore any temptation around them in order to achieve the goal in their hearts! Don't say Zhong Ying doesn't have beauty, even if she does, it's definitely meaningless!" "Are you still a serious game enthusiast?"

  Li Chengyi said speechlessly.

  "Reality is too boring, I have to rely on games to find it." Sima Gui sighed.

  Li Chengyi was speechless.

  Seeing that Zhong Ying had no results, Sindra walked over and slowly took out a few hundred-dollar bills from her wallet.

  "Boss, buy a book."

  The old man paused and slowly raised his head.

  "Look inside for yourself, two copies for ten yuan, and one for free if you spend more than one hundred."

  Several people exchanged glances without entering the bookstore. Syndra continued to speak to the old man.

  "The boss's surname is Bai, right? I heard that Bai's bookstore has been here for hundreds of years? Is it really hundreds of years? It doesn't look like it?" "Of course it is.

  My grandfather passed it down to me as a store. Working as a bookstore, you could make a lot more money back then than you do now." The old man put down his phone and sighed. "You're not here to buy books, are you?"

  People are getting better with age, not to mention that the few people in front of me haven't even entered the bookstore, so don't show it too obviously.

  "Well, we are here to inquire about a person from the boss, Bai Feipeng, do you know him?" Sindra asked.

  "That's my grandpa." The old man smiled, with two orange peel-like wrinkles on his cheeks. "He's been dead for many years."

  "That's a coincidence." Zhong Ying breathed a sigh of relief. "Uncle, since you have opened a bookstore here for so long, do you know where there used to be a Wuji grocery store? You used to be on Xuezhong Road, right?" (End of Chapter


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