Chapter 57057 Virtual and Real One

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  Chapter 57 057 Virtual Reality 1
  As the black soil continued to be dug out, a small pit gradually formed around Shanlihong.

  The hole became deeper and deeper, becoming wider and wider, gradually becoming a cylinder shape.

  Li Chengyi was so focused on digging that he almost forgot about the slot machine in the distance.

  But the strange thing is that no matter how hard he digs, the red roots in the mountain continue to drill underground as if they are infinitely long.

  The brown flower roots, like snarling ginseng roots, spread out toward the ground.

  After digging more than half a meter deep, Li Chengyi still couldn't see the end of the roots. He felt something was wrong.

  'You can't grind anymore. If you suddenly exit the flash, all your previous efforts will be wasted.

  He glanced at the isolated red and white mountain flowers in the center.

  With a decisive heart, I cut off the roots from the bottom of the small white flower and prepared to take only half of it out.


  The moment the sword blade cut through the roots.

  All the red rhizomes, flowers and leaves in the mountains are rapidly withering and turning black.

  In less than five seconds, it quickly dried up and shrunk into a puddle of black residue.

  After another three seconds, under Li Chengyi's stunned gaze, the black residue slowly faded, changed color, and decreased until it completely disappeared.

  In less than ten seconds, the entire mysterious little flower completely disappeared from his sight.

  ".Me.!!?" Li Chengyi was half-kneeling on the ground, with one hand making a cautious gesture to protect the little flower.

  But alas, this gesture is no longer needed.

  He made a
  mistake and lost an enhanced flower that might allow him to transcend different systems.
  Li Chengyi felt an indescribable loss in his heart.

  But he actually knew in his heart that even if he didn't disappear, after the foggy street passed, there was a high chance that the flower would never be with him again.

  Most dead spots appear and disappear over time. Only a few dead spots last forever.

  "Perhaps there are also strange flowers in other blind spots. There is nothing we can do about it if it fails this time. I didn't know that transplantation couldn't be done at the beginning, and I didn't expect that this would happen." Li Chengyi stood up slowly, expressionless


  'wrong! 'Suddenly an idea flashed through his mind.

  'The blind spots all have prototypes! I haven’t failed yet, there is still hope! '

  His thoughts became clear in an instant, and there was a prototype in the blind spot. Since there is a small white flower here, it is very likely that there is also a small white flower in the place where it originally existed. He can completely find this small white flower in reality, and maybe he can save the step of transplanting it. , directly get the hope of absorbing the language of flowers!
  'A realistic prototype must be found! '

  An idea took shape in Li Chengyi's mind instantly.

  'To find a realistic prototype, that little fat guy is the key! 'The links in his thoughts became clearer and clearer.

  'So, the key point now is to exit the memory flash and keep up with the little fat man! In case the guy gets lost after a long time! '

  Li Chengyi quickly understood the core point in his mind and immediately stepped back.

  Generally, in a blind spot of memory flash, the best way to exit the memory flash is to stay away and wait.

  When he tried to exit before, he used to stay away, that is, retreat.

  As long as you exit the area where the memory flash is activated, you can wake up quickly.

  But just as he lifted his steps and moved back.

  "Shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, apples, vegetables, tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes and grapes."

  A strange song came from the slot machine in the distance.

  The voice seemed to be magnetic, and Li Chengyi's feet that were about to retreat slowly slowed down.

  He listened to the song unknowingly and found it quite pleasant. After hearing it, he wanted to hear it again.

  Slowly, he began to move forward step by step, getting closer to the slot machine.


  Suddenly Li Chengyi was startled, and his consciousness woke up from the song. He looked down and was shocked to find that he had walked more than two meters forward from where he was digging the little white flowers!

  Not only did he not move back, he also moved forward more than two meters! ?

  'What the hell! ? ’ He made a quick decision, turned around in the opposite direction, and ran away.

  one meter.

  Two meters.

  Three meters.

  "Dudududu~~~Fruit Adventure! It only costs one coin to shake it, come and experience it! If you shake two of the same symbols, you can get ten times the reward!" "If you shake three of the same symbols, you can get thirty times the reward

  . Double rewards!! Whatever you want most in your heart? It can all come true here! Come on, come on!"

  A strange, indistinguishable male-female voice floated vaguely from the direction of the slot machine.

  The voice was like a clown holding his voice while singing, or some kind of distorted and sharp computer-synthesized voice, except it didn't sound like normal syllables.

  The moment he heard this voice, Li Chengyi's retreating steps paused again.

  His eyes suddenly became blank and his expression was blank, and he walked towards the slot machine again.



  He walked slowly but firmly, heading straight towards the slot machine.

  Suddenly, a trace of struggle flashed in Li Chengyi's eyes.

  It was this trace of struggle that made him realize his current situation. He was actually heading towards the slot machine! ? !

  The body seemed to be out of control and kept moving forward.

  Although slow, the pace is extremely determined.

  'Something's wrong! My body.' Li Chengyi felt very nervous. He felt as if he was trapped in his own body and could not control any limbs.

  In his horror, various methods quickly flashed through his mind, and in an instant, an inspiration appeared in his mind.

  'Flower language: Solid! '

  Buzz! !

  In an instant, Li Chengyi's whole body seemed to glow with a golden light.

  His skin, eyes, hair, nails, and even clothes all lit up with a golden light at the same time.

  The strong flower language belonging to Gladiolus strengthened his flesh and spirit at the same time. Flower Language·Strongness: After use, the physical and mental strength can be greatly improved. Each use lasts for fifteen minutes, and an interval of one hour is required between each use.

  At this moment, Li Chengyi clearly felt that the control of his body quickly returned to his consciousness.

  He made a quick decision, turned around and ran away.

  Puff puff.

  After several sprints, he finally sprinted away from the slot machine and disappeared into the gray mist.

  'After exiting, you must find the little fat man as soon as possible! 'The only thought in Li Chengyi's mind now is to find Xiaopang and the prototype of Fog Street.

  That may be his only key to regaining the language of the red flowers in the mountains!
  Puff puff puff puff!

  Amidst the rapid footsteps, the fog in front of Li Chengyi gradually dispersed.

  Suddenly, a colorful slot machine appeared again more than ten meters in front of him.

  Li Chengyi felt cold all over and stopped suddenly, breathing heavily and staring at the only colorful slot machine.

  The sign of Wu Kee Grocery Store is still clearly visible behind the slot machine.

  But at this time, Li Chengyi's heart was filled with an inexplicable depression.

  "Shake, shake, shake, shake, shake." The slot machine sang again.

  An inexplicable power enveloped Li Chengyi, causing his eyes to switch between confusion and struggle.

  His body slowly moved towards the slot machine again.




  "Glade!!" Li Chengyi suddenly roared.

  His face was distorted, and his whole body was suddenly enveloped in a golden shimmer.

  Countless golden gladioli petals flew around and formed a set of ferocious copper-gold armor on his body.

  Wear flower scale clothes to activate the strong language of flowers.

  In an instant, his whole body's mental strength increased greatly, and his body control was restored.

  "Why the hell did I let you sing!!"

  Li Chengyi was so angry that he rushed forward and kicked the slot machine.

  Bang! ! !
  The slot machine fell over at the sound, and the panel was cut with a crack by a row of sword blades on the soles of the armor's feet, making it immediately unusable.

  A trace of blue arc flashed in the cracks, and the hoarse singing was still ringing intermittently.

  Bang bang bang bang! ! !

  Li Chengyi rushed forward and hacked him randomly.

  He held a broad-bladed sword in each arm and slashed wildly at the slot machine.

  Pieces of plastic and machine parts were slashed and scattered everywhere.

  The singing stopped completely, and within a few seconds, the slot machine turned into a mess of broken pieces.

  Li Chengyi's eyes turned red, he stopped chopping with a heavy breath, straightened up, and looked around.

  The outburst just now successfully interrupted the temptation to kill the slot machine.

  But now, he felt inexplicably that the surrounding shops, the two rows of shops along the street shrouded in gray mist, seemed different from before.

  'Is it because the slot machine was damaged? '

  He didn't know, but he believed that this slot machine would never break down so easily.

  He didn't believe that among the people who had come in before, no one had thought of trying to leave by destroying the slot machine.

  But now, at least until he came in, the slot machines were intact.

  That means, this thing will probably fix itself.

  "Now, there should be other changes." Li Chengyi watched the surroundings vigilantly.

  Waiting for new changes.

  He scanned the shops on both sides back and forth, not daring to stop for a moment, for fear of missing any small changes.

  Suddenly, a scream approached quickly from behind.

  The scream was so fast that from far to near, the distance of more than 100 meters seemed to be reached in an instant.

  Li Chengyi only had time to switch into the wisteria flower scale clothes when he felt something hit his chest hard.

  Bang! ! !
  His whole body shook violently, and his face in the helmet showed a hint of confusion?

  '! ? No pain? Li

  Chengyi's expression froze. He felt that he must have been seriously injured just now.

  the armor felt nothing.

  Others actually saw what hit them.

  It was a mysterious weirdo wearing a tattered black robe, a hood and a black mask.

  The weirdo mask is completely black, with a white cross pattern in the center. There are no eyes, nose, or mouth. It is a completely one-piece mask.

  He held a black dagger twisted like waves in his hand, and struck Li Chengyi hard in the chest.

  The blow was hard.

  But Li Chengyi didn't feel anything.

  Wisteria flower scales are superimposed with solid floral language, and the effect seems to be explosive.

  He glanced at the black masked monster in front of him, then waved his hand suddenly, and a golden long sword belonging to Gladiolus naturally formed in his hand.


  The weirdo was cut into two pieces and severed at the waist, but no blood flowed out.

  His whole body collapsed, like an empty shell, just a moving cloak.

  (End of chapter)

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