Chapter 51 051 Fog Street Three

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  Chapter 51 051 Fog Street Three

  As the distance slowly approached, Li Chengyi could see the details of the slot machine more clearly.

  In the entire old neighborhood shrouded in gray fog, everything was covered with a layer of gray, except for the slot machine, which remained the same color.

  Everything around was not powered on, only the slot machine was still rotating the gambling box, and the number displayed in the center changed from time to time.

  Li Chengyi slowly walked to the slot machine and saw a cracked yellow wooden bench on the flat ground in front of the machine.

  The stool is round, just like the wooden toy stool used for children to sit on. It has two circles at the top and bottom, connected by a pillar in the middle.

  He looked around and saw that the way he had come was also shrouded in gray mist and disappeared.

  At that moment, without hesitation, he sat down, stretched out his hand, and touched the fruit button on the slot machine.

  'It shouldn't start without a coin, so what does this thing rely on as a game currency? ' He was curious, and his index finger had already touched the nearest watermelon button.

  In an instant, the world was spinning, Li Chengyi's eyes were blurred, and all his vision seemed to be covered with a layer of frosted glass.

  Before he could recover, the slot machine in front of him had disappeared, replaced by a game hall with a colorful halo.

  He staggered back and steadied himself.

  Only then did he realize that he was standing in front of the game hall, staring blankly inside, motionless.


  An inexplicable flash of disappointment flashed through his heart.

  The blind spot on the foggy street made him very interested in dangerous events such as blind spots for the first time.

  Especially the little white flower inside, is that flower language ability real or fake?
  If it is true, then where should I collect flowers of the same type?

  He had no way of knowing.

  Next to the door of the game room, where the surveillance camera is facing, there is a beverage refrigerator.

  The white light in the cabinet illuminates rows of various beverage bottles.

  Li Chengyi breathed a sigh of relief and simply took out his mobile phone to scan the QR code, ready to buy a bottle to quench his thirst. This would also relieve him from the embarrassment of standing at the door and not going in.

  He opened the refrigerator door, reached inside and took out a bottle of jasmine tea.

  Suddenly, through the reflection of the cabinet door glass, he saw a small light flickering behind him.

  'what? ’ He felt a chill in his heart and quickly lowered his head according to his training instinct.

  Suddenly there was a soft sound.


  Li Chengyi felt as if something had hit his back.

  One of the two layers of body armor he wore seemed to have been penetrated! ? ?
  'There's a gun! ! ? '

  In an instant, he judged wrongly, and before he could turn around, he bent to the left and rushed.

  After a few steps, before he could get far, a figure quickly approached from the side.


  The figure slammed into Li Chengyi, seemingly trying to knock him to the ground and interrupt his escape.

  But this time, Li Chengyi sidestepped and missed the collision, only making a slap-long gash in his coat.

  The two of them ran one after another.
  At this time, Li Chengyi looked back in a hurry and saw that the person chasing him was a strange man wrapped in a gray coat.

  This man was bloated, but his pace was brisk, even faster than him.

  The distance between the two people was also rapidly decreasing as they ran wildly.


  Another ray of silver light passed by, and Li Chengyi pounced forward, narrowly avoiding this one. But he also lost his balance and fell to the ground.

  Even if he fell to the ground, he would try to keep his head down and hide in his chest to avoid being hit by bullets from behind.

  The opponent was not very skilled in technique and his marksmanship was mediocre. If there weren't surveillance cameras around him, he would have died with just one slap.

  Later, when he realized that he was about to run, the man caught up with him and wanted to kill him at close range, but he ran away and distanced himself.

  While he fell to the ground, the man in gray held a short knife and raised his hand to chop at him.


  The knife struck Li Chengyi's raised right arm, and the steel plate of the body armor on his arm reverberated hard.

  The huge force also made Li Chengyi's arms numb, and he sank, almost unable to stop it.

  The forearm-long silver dagger kept pressing down, trying to slash at his face, but was blocked by him.


  The blade of the short knife vibrated violently, like a chainsaw, and the edge gradually became blurred. It cut into the body armor, and instantly cut Li Chengyi's jacket and tore a large gap.

  "!!?" Li Chengyi's eyes widened. If it weren't for the fact that this was a street and there were cameras around, he would have immediately put on flower-scale clothes and used flower language to destroy the other party.

  But now he doesn't dare.

  The ability to speak with flowers and the flower-scaled clothes are too fantasy. Once exposed, he will definitely become the target of public criticism.

  now he can only rely on his increased physical fitness during this period and two sets of body armor to fight against the opponent.

  Seeing the chainsaw-like dagger getting closer and closer, there was no place to hide around.

  He kicked the opponent's abdomen and kicked him away.

  This is also thanks to Hua Linyi's strengthening of his physique during this period. Otherwise, relying solely on his own improvement, he would not be a match for the burly man in front of him.

  This kick was quite powerful and pushed the man in gray a meter away.

  Before he could stand firm, Li Chengyi got up and turned around to run. He glanced left and right and soon discovered a narrow alley on the right.

  'That's it! ’ He turned around, leaving a black mark on the ground with the soles of his shoes, and his body had already turned and rushed towards the entrance of the alley.

  The surveillance camera on the wall at the entrance of the alley had been smashed by someone, leaving only an unpowered metal box hanging there.

  Li Chengyi felt happy and rushed into the alley.

  The man in gray steadied himself behind and quickly caught up.

  Soon he also ran to the entrance of the alley and looked inside. It was very deep and dark, with a curve at the end. Standing in front of the alley, he hesitated.

  Bang! !

  In an instant, a purple arm stretched out from the alley and grabbed the man in gray by the collar.

  In less than half a second, the person was forcefully pulled in.

  In the alley, Li Chengyi covered Huiyi's mouth and nose with one hand to prevent him from screaming. He blocked his entire body with one hand and accurately pinched the opponent's wrist holding the knife with his palm.

  There was a crisp sound.

  The man in gray's wrist was pinched off, and the short knife fell to the ground, easily inserted into the ground.

  His wrist was pinched, and he opened his mouth to scream, but his mouth and nose were tightly covered, making him unable to make any sound.

  "Say! Who sent you here?" Li Chengyi asked in a low voice.

  At this time, he had already put on the Flower Scale Clothes, and his whole body's strength and speed increased greatly, far exceeding the limit of ordinary people.

  Just such a card will make the opponent unable to move.

  "You won't say it, right? Okay, you're tough enough." Li Chengyi looked hard and twisted hard.

  With a click, the man in gray's neck was broken, and his whole body trembled violently. After a while, his body slowly became weak and he was unable to move.

  He never understood until his death why someone would think that a person with his mouth and nose covered could answer questions normally. What he actually wanted to say...

  As the corpse fell softly to the ground in the heat, Li Chengyi seemed to realize this.

  He blinked and looked around to make sure no one saw him. He squatted down in embarrassment and started checking.

  The first is the knife. It has a very strong attack power at first glance. However, since the opponent does not activate the vibration immediately, it means that this function is likely to suffer a lot.

  He pulled out the dagger with one hand and picked it up to take a look.

  Sure enough, the blade no longer vibrated, and was filled with densely packed tiny jagged gaps.

  Dropping the knife, he quickly ran towards the depths of the alley.

  Turn around, cross the stinking puddle on the ground, rush out of the alley, and pass through an abandoned factory full of construction site garbage.

  He planned to go around in a big circle and find a place to remove the flower-scaled clothes and contact Syndra and the others.

  Just as he rushed out of the abandoned factory, a soft sound came from Hua Linyi's shoulder.

  He felt like he had been bitten by a mosquito, something penetrated the flower scale clothes and hit his inner skin.

  Li Chengyi quickly looked in the direction of the sting.

  Not far away, a gray figure continued to raise a gun and shoot in this direction.

  Ding ding ding!
  There were three more crisp sounds, and all three shots hit Li Chengyi, but they were all blocked by Hualingyi.

  The evolved flower-scaled clothes can easily block even pistol bullets, but now they are somewhat unable to block this special weapon.

  Li Chengyi could clearly see that these were not bullets at all, but black needles that were fired one after another as long as a finger.

  He raised his arms and simply ignored him, charging straight towards the opponent.

  At this time, the two of them were in two corners of the abandoned factory building.

  The rectangular factory building is only separated by a wall from the block where the fog occurred. The length and width are about one hundred meters.

  Outside the wall is the bus stop that Li Chengyi saw just now.

  There are still people waiting for the train on the platform.

  But neither of them had any intention of stopping at this time.

  The man in gray dropped his gun and quickly accelerated towards Li Chengyi, sprinting.

  The speed of the two was getting faster and faster, and the distance of more than thirty meters was within the blink of an eye. They were like two cheetahs sprinting at full speed, colliding with each other in an instant.

  Bang! !

  The coat of the man in gray was smashed into pieces, and the fragments flew to the ground, revealing his true body.

  Under the clothes was a strong, bald man with half of his body made of silver-white metal.

  The two collided, and it was he who had the advantage in strength. He took a step back due to the force of the shock, raised his right arm, and his palm had already been transformed into a sharp black knife.

  The blade cuts down.

  Li Chengyi took two steps back and raised his hand in time to block the knife.

  At the same time, the right leg is raised, and one knee is driven forward and hits the opponent's abdomen.

  The blade made a deep gash in Li Chengyi's arm armor.

  Li Chengyi's knee bump also caused the silver-white skin of the bald man's abdomen to dent inwards. The evolved Hualinyi had a black spike on its knee. At this time, the spike also pierced a hole in the middle of the opponent's abdomen.

  But no blood flowed out from the incision on Li Chengyi's arm or the hole in the bald man's abdomen.

  Obviously, even this exchange failed to completely break through the opponent's armor.

  "What model is this!?" The bald man looked shocked. His model transformation was at the forefront among the same level, and his strength in close combat was at the forefront.

  At this time, he actually failed to break through the opponent's armor?

  Are there any basic civilian and commercial models on the market with such strong protection?

  Although his heart was filled with doubts and shock, he did not dare to stop. The sword lights struck Li Chengyi one after another.

  The purple flower-scaled clothes were chopped into pieces and scattered.

  Baldhead was extremely powerful and very skilled in close combat. At this time, he was completely suppressed and Li Chengyi was at a disadvantage and unable to fight back.

  If it weren't for the evolved Hua Linyi's defense, he might have been chopped down to the ground by now.

  The blades of light were like waterfalls, quickly pressing towards Li Chengyi with great momentum, but unfortunately they failed to break through the armor for more than ten seconds, and there was a hint of impatience in the bald eyes.

  He came for a quick kill. After receiving the signal that his subordinates had failed, he immediately took action personally in order to complete the organizational task, but he didn't expect that it hadn't ended until now.

  The opponent's defense was comparable to his own Mountain Wolf modified model.

  (End of chapter)

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