Chapter 45045 Strange One

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  Chapter 45 045 Strange One
  "Yes, yes, sister, everything you said is right." Li Chengyi nodded in amusement.

  "Don't be embarrassed, let's go, see you later." Chen Pi said loudly with his tongue hanging out.

  "See you later." Li Chengyi closed the car door.

  The taxi slowly accelerated and moved forward.

  He stood up and planned to take a taxi home, but took out his mobile phone to check the approximate price.

  18 yuan.

  He silently put the phone back.

  When he thought that he needed money to open a botanical garden or buy a flying instrument, he felt that every penny he spent now made him feel a little heartbroken.

  'Gotta find a way to make money. '

  Turning around, he was about to walk towards the bus stop when he suddenly stopped and his eyes became slightly solid.

  Right in front of a bar on the street opposite him, among the men and women coming and going, stood a gentle woman with blond hair and blue eyes, wearing pure white long sleeves and trousers.

  Li Chengyi recognized the woman's eyes at a glance. Although she had not shown her face when she arrived at home before, the conspicuous golden braid and the soft and special temperament were unforgettable at first sight.

  Marianne seemed to be talking to a tall, thin black man, with a slight smile on her face from time to time.

  The black people were a little restless and kept dancing and gesticulating.

  Just looking over here, Marianne immediately noticed Li Chengyi's gaze and looked sideways this way.

  Seeing that it was Li Chengyi, she smiled gently at him.

  "Who?" The black man looked over and asked impatiently.

  "It's that little genius's younger brother, what a coincidence." Marianne said with a smile.

  "That Li Chengjiu?" The black man frowned.

  "Well, she is very talented, but she has a bad temper and offends many people. In the field of omnic, you can't do anything without capital support. She is arrogant and thinks that talent and hard work can break through everything, but It's a pity." Marianne replied softly as she watched Li Chengyi slowly walk away.

  "I don't like that woman. She's sarcastic and has a bad temper. Isn't she unwilling to die? What else can I say? We don't care even if we kill her whole family." The black man imitated Li Chengjiu's tone and said in a weird voice.

  "It was like this at the beginning. Then I went to her house and prepared to take action. At the critical moment, she regretted it." Marian stretched out her hand to straighten her collar and cover her chest that was too exposed.

  "You are a loser. If you can't abandon everything, don't scream. Instead, you will expose your weakness." The black man said disdainfully.

  "Actually, she probably really didn't care at first. Although this little guy was selfish and had a bad temper, in the end, she should have thought clearly that once some things are gone in this world, they will be gone forever and will never come back. She took regret medicine. So she finally regretted it."

  Marianne turned around and walked away along the halo under the street lamp.

  "Let's go."

  "What the hell, where's my money!? Where's my salary!? You promised me commission for the mission!!" The black man suddenly thought of the purpose of his coming, and hurriedly followed him and became excited.

  "What are you asking me to do with my salary? Aren't all the funds in the team?" Marian didn't care.

  The two people gradually moved away under Li Chengyi's sight, and soon walked around the corner along the street lights and disappeared.

  It wasn't until Marianne left completely that Li Chengyi frowned and slowly turned around and walked towards the station.

  Take the car, go home, and deal with a few inquiries from my parents.

  After washing, he lay on his back on his bed, listening to the sounds of cars coming and going outside the window.

  These sounds, which he thought were noisy before, now made him feel safe.

  At least these sounds can be heard, which means that he is still in reality and has not entered a blind spot.

  Li Chengyi put his hands on the back of his head, pillowed his head on the pillow, looked at the ceiling, and thought about the main flower in the second flower position.

  'Since the strength of the Flower Scale Clothes is not advantageous against the Transformers and Omnic Masters, my choice should be based on the flower language ability. '

  'Flower language. It is best to form a complementary system with the previous intoxicated hand. Build an offensive, defensive and recovery system. '

  Li Chengyi closed his eyes and began to recall the speeding aircraft demonstrated by Ding Ning.

  'That kind of speed, most people can't react at all, right? If I were to face this kind of opponent, what should I rely on to protect myself? '

  He thought hard, but couldn't figure out how to defend himself.

  'I'm afraid the only way is to attack first and kill the opponent. '

  At this stage, Li Chengyi doesn't know how to fight against Fei Yi.

  Whether it’s gladiolus, round-leaf morning glory, pure white rose, spring pod, or crape myrtle, it’s hard to react in an instant.

  Previously, he was very fond of the flower language of the white rose. After all, Dawn of Despair is extremely suitable for exploring blind spots.

  But now I think about it, the premise of using Dawn of Despair is when you are in desperate adversity.

  This limits the scenarios in which it can be used. It will only work if you are forced into a desperate situation.

  It would be okay if there was reaction time, but it would be meaningless if there was no reaction time at all and you would be killed instantly before you could despair.

  'Sure enough.' Li Chengyi sighed in his heart.

  'Looking at it now, there is actually only one best choice.

  He was secretly determined in his heart, and the thoughts that he had been hesitating about were completely settled with the determination of this most important thing.

  A dreamless night.

  Early the next morning, before six o'clock, Li Chengyi got up quickly and rushed to the botanical garden in the car.

  This time I went not to Wanhe, but to Dongsheng Botanical Garden, which is the one closest to the company.

  It was there that he cast his net for the first time.

  Compared with Wanhe Botanical Garden, Dongsheng is much less impressive. The gate is no different from an ordinary park. No one sells tickets. There is an automatic ticket gate. You just need to scan the code with your mobile phone to enter.

  After entering, there are three paths leading to three landscape gardens: orchids, chrysanthemums, and roses. There are also roses here, but the quantity is much less than that of Wanhe, and there are more fragments and not concentrated.

  Li Chengyi quickened his pace and chose a path, almost trotting all the way on the deserted road.

  Not long after, he came to a field of red, yellow, purple and white flowers.

  Early in the morning, besides him, there were only two workers with masks spraying pesticides on the field.

  Li Chengyi slowly exhaled the turbid air from his chest and moved closer.

  He stretched out his claws towards the nearest goose-yellow flower.

  'Yellow gladioli: also known as iris, Shiyangjin, named because the leaves are like swords. The bulb can be used as medicine. It is bitter in taste, cool in nature, clears away heat and detoxifies, and is mostly used to treat mumps, lymphadenitis, etc. It likes warmth, is not cold-tolerant, likes long sunshine, and blooms from July to September. '

  'Flower language: Sturdy (after use, the physical and mental toughness can be greatly improved. The duration is fifteen minutes each time. Each use must be separated by one hour.)' 'Flower scale clothing collection degree: whether to use it as the

  first The main flower of the Erhua God? '

  That's it!
  Li Chengyi originally thought about all kinds of other weird flower language abilities, but after seeing Fei Yi's exaggerated lethality, he felt that it would be safer to directly improve his actual combat abilities.

  The sturdy flower language of Gladiolus, if viewed alone, is indeed a time-limited defensive ability.

  But this ability actually has a hidden effect.

  That is, the strength of the Flower Scale Clothes depends on the physical strength of the wearer. In other words, after the strength of Gladiolus is turned on, it is very likely that the strength of the flower scale clothing can be greatly increased.

  This double increase would bring him unimaginable enhancements.

  Of course, that assumes his speculation is true.

  But no matter what, Gladiolus is the flower language that can improve his actual combat strength the fastest.

  After confirming the information flow of the inquiry in his mind, Li Chengyi immediately saw a yellow light slowly light up on the back of his hand.

  It was the exact same color as gladioli petals.

  A stream of cool air quickly flowed along the fingertips into the grid on the back of his hand.

  At the same time, the column of Hualin Yi was unlocked.

  'Flower scale clothing collection rate: 1%, number of evolutions: 3 (each time the flower god position is turned on, the number of evolutions of all main flowers will be increased by 1. Note: The flowers themselves have an upper limit, and they cannot be forcibly evolved after reaching the ultimate body. Increase the number of evolutions.) '

  Li Chengyi did not expect such a change, but if the number of evolutions is increased by 1, is it possible that the wisteria flower in the first grid can continue to evolve?

  He stretched out his hand and pressed his fingertips on the first grid.

  Suddenly the information about Wisteria Flower emerged.

  'Second evolution degree: 0%, number of possible evolutions: 3.'

  Sure enough!

  Li Chengyi's eyes lit up, and a hint of expectation rose in his heart.

  He has verified the strength of the wisteria flower before, and now it has evolved again. Perhaps after opening all the flower god positions in the future, it can be improved to an exaggerated level.

  Originally, he was still worried that as he became stronger and the flower-scale clothing he obtained became more and more powerful, the wisteria flower-scale clothing might slowly disappear from sight and lose its effectiveness.

  But now it seems that the increase in the number of evolutions is a disguised increase.

  Thinking of this, Li Chengyi retracted his thoughts. The most important thing now is to quickly increase the collection level of gladioli to 100, so that he can truly acquire the flower language ability.

  Immediately, he groped all the way, circling the gladiolus field, trying not to miss every mature flower.

  Time flows slowly.

  Soon, the morning passed.

  He casually bought two sausages and a box of sandwich biscuits at the entrance of the botanical garden, and then continued to look for other similar gladioli in the garden.

  At three o'clock in the afternoon, all the gladioli in Dongsheng Botanical Garden were touched, and the collection rate reached 73%.

  Li Chengyi decisively moved to other places and went to Wanhe Botanical Garden, where he had touched crape myrtle and Fenghua rose.

  He took a taxi directly and arrived at Wanhe at almost four o'clock. After buying a ticket to enter the park, he went straight to the area where Gladiolus was.

  Soon, he found a large field of gladiolus in a place in the garden next to the sunflower garden.

  Without hesitation, like a mouse falling into a rice vat, Li Chengyi dove into the gladiolus field, groping around with his hands.

  A large amount of cool breath flows into the flower of evil pattern along the fingertips.






  Ten minutes later.

  Li Chengyi was stunned suddenly and stood motionless.

  On the back of his right hand, in the second grid of the Flower of Evil, yellow light slowly lit up, and a delicate pattern of yellow gladiolus emerged.

  An inexplicable feeling came to him. He could feel that he could use his new flower language ability at will, just as simple as raising his hand and shaking his head.

  Hualinyi can also switch freely in his mind. Only when calling from the heart, you need to add a prefix.

  For example, wisteria flower scale clothing and gladiolus flower scale clothing.

  (End of chapter)

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