Chapter 43 043 New Flower Language Three (Thanks to BJ Hippo God Alliance Leader)

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  Chapter 43 043 New Flower Language Three (Xie BJ Hippo God Alliance Leader)

  New Century Building.

  As soon as Li Chengyi got out of the elevator, he was slightly stunned by the scene in front of him.

  What he saw in front of him was not the usual orderly Hongjin Company, but a deserted and empty hall with no more than five employees.

  "Xiao Yi, are you here?" Song Ran stood up in a corner of the office hall, holding a cup of freshly brewed instant coffee in his hand.

  "Brother Song? Where is the boss? And where is the company??" Li Chengyi got out of the elevator and approached.

  "They're all in the back. The boss just gave everyone a half-day holiday today. We only need to keep a few on duty from afternoon to evening." Song Ran replied.

  "Okay. It seems like something happened today?" Li Chengyi reacted instantly.

  "You react quickly enough." Song Ran smiled. "It was an old subordinate of the boss who came to see him. He happened to know that you wanted to know about the flying instruments, so the boss asked you to come over quickly so that he could ask for some professional news. You should be nicer in a while, he is a professional. "

  I know." Li Chengyi had an idea after hearing these words.

  Song Ran's words seemed simple and ordinary, but in fact they gave him quite a hint.

  Walk through the company office lobby and walk to the innermost office door.

  Inside, Syndra was talking to a young man with black shawl hair. The two were chatting happily, with natural expressions.

  Hearing Li Chengyi approaching, the long-haired young man quickly turned his head and looked towards the door.

  "Your people?" the young man asked doubtfully. He looked at Syndra again.

  "He wants to know about Feiyi. You're here anyway, so feel free to talk about it." Sindra smiled at Li Chengyi and replied in a low voice.

  "Okay, you are the boss anyway, you have the final say." The long-haired young man smiled.

  At this time, Li Chengyi had already entered the door. Under the signal from Sindra's eyes, he walked up to the young man and stretched out his hand to shake his hand.

  "Hello, Cheng Yi."

  "Ding Ning." The young man smiled and shook his hand gently.

  "I heard from the boss that Mr. Ding can answer my questions about flying instruments, I don't know." Li Chengyi asked softly.

  "Have you ever tested your brain power?" Ding Ning asked.

  "Not yet." Li Chengyi shook his head.

  "That's it. Controlling a flying instrument requires strong mental calculations and nerve reaction speed." Ding Ning motioned to sit down on the sofa next to him and talk.

  "You must have heard of brainwave manipulation?" he asked with a smile.

  "Well, yes, some children's toys also work on this principle." Li Chengyi nodded.

  "That's it." Ding Ning continued, "The so-called brain wave manipulation is actually to use special sensing elements to precisely detect the basic activity information of your cerebral cortex, so as to produce corresponding manipulation behaviors based on some distinctive brain wave responses."

  "In other words, it's not some kind of super power of telekinesis?" Li Chengyi suddenly realized.

  Even in the memory of the predecessor, brainwave manipulation is an extremely mysterious method, and ordinary people cannot understand many of its specific principles.

  When he heard Ding Ning's explanation, he immediately understood.

  "Absolutely. Where can telepathic superpowers come from in this world? It all relies on technology." Ding Ning said with a smile, "Technology is the primary productive force. The so-called brain waves are actually brain waves. This is the omnipotent master who has been circulating on the Internet for a long time. Typical example."

  "So, the essence of flying instruments is actually equivalent to brain wave control of drones?" Li Chengyi said by analogy.

  "Understood accurately!" Ding Ning nodded, "Changing the drones we usually play into weapon-type drones that are faster, more aggressive, and faster to respond are the so-called omnics, that is, Flying instrument."

  "Flying instrument. Flying instrument is actually a flying instrument."

  "Flying instrument." After Li Chengyi understood this, many situations suddenly appeared in his mind.

  "So, from this point of view, any intelligent mechanic or aircraft controller needs a very troublesome logistics support team to ensure the absolute stability of his aircraft?" "General aircraft have few things to maintain and support,

  so In terms of logistics, a powerful omnic can handle it on his own." Ding Ning replied, "So why do you think an omnic would call a master? Instead of a pilot controlling a drone, that's why." "I see.

  " Li Chengyi's eyes showed surprise.

  "I heard from the boss that you also want to become an omnic?" Ding Ning asked.

  "Well, I have some ideas, but I also know it's difficult. So I just want to give it a try." Li Chengyi showed a somewhat embarrassed expression.

  "Actually, it's not a big problem." Ding Ning affirmed easily, "You'll know when you go to the Brain Calculation Center. In this profession, it's best for you to develop slowly from the amateur route at the beginning, and try it out first. Our profession , the brain power is very different, as long as the reaction is not too slow to be exaggerated, you can get on. As for computing power, you can play the most basic old model flying instrument without any complicated computing power." "Then why are people like this?

  " Before Li Chengyi finished asking, Ding Ning interrupted.

  "Because of money." Ding Ning smiled, "The profession of an omnic is in one word: money-consuming! Even the most basic flying instruments, brainwave control terminals, and basic protective force field suits cost tens of millions. This It's just the beginning. The subsequent adjustments, maintenance, and modifications will all require you to hire a professional pilot." Having

  said this, Ding Ning took out a fiery red knife from his jacket pocket.

  The knife is only as long as a palm and looks extremely delicate and delicate. "Here, this is my flying instrument - Fire Scythe. You can take it and have a look."

  He handed the knife to Li Chengyi.

  Li Chengyi carefully took the knife and looked at it carefully.

  This fire sickle knife is like a mechanical knife made up of many delicate mechanical parts.

  "With so many parts assembled, will this thing fall apart easily?" He sincerely asked his doubts.

  "Well, good question." Ding Ning smiled, "So this is the job of my flying instrument master. Every time it is used three times, a knife of the fire sickle must be returned to accept the adjustment and maintenance of the flying instrument master." "All

  omnics Master, are they all like this?" Li Chengyi frowned.

  "Almost, I'm average. Go to the Mental Calculation Center and they will calculate your upper limit. They will tell you the maximum step you can go. If you continue to enter the omnic after being informed of the situation, If you have a lot of money, no one will say anything to you." Ding Ning took out a fire sickle again, gently spread it in the palm of his hand, and then silently, the fire sickle knife suddenly floated up, with a faint red line emitting from the end.

  "Anti-gravity modules are still very expensive. This is a high-tech product that can only be produced in the self-circulating city. Therefore, in order to prevent the leakage of technology, the maintenance of intelligent mechanics can only be carried out in the self-circulating city." "Mr. Ding's

  two Can you tell me the price of the small fire sickle?" Li Chengyi couldn't help but ask.

  "Two million for one, and one million for each maintenance and repair. The service life is about fifty times. If you encounter a target with high hardness, you will have to make a new one after using it once." Ding Ning quickly answered, nothing So secretive.

  "." Li Chengyi thought he had overestimated the cost, but he didn't expect it to be so high.

  "Do you think it's too exaggerated and too expensive?" Ding Ning stood up. "Want to see Feiyi's basic speed?"

  He raised his hand gently and looked at Li Chengyi with a smile on his face.

  "Is that okay?" Li Chengyi stood up in anticipation.

  "Of course, it's just a test of speed, no loss." Ding Ning nodded.

  "Then I'll trouble you!" Li Chengyi nodded seriously.

  He hoped to see with his own eyes just how powerful Fei Yi was.

  "Then let's use this cup as an imaginary enemy." Ding Ning raised the water cup in his hand and smiled.


  He suddenly threw the milky-white one-eared water cup into the air.

  The water glass was thrown in the air in a light curve. After reaching the highest point, it began to fall.

  In an instant, a little red light flashed through the middle of the water glass.

  Li Chengyi didn't even react before everything was over.

  With a snap, Ding Ning accurately caught the water glass with one hand and placed it in front of Li Chengyi with a smile.

  I saw a long, narrow, burnt-black crack suddenly appearing in the middle of the cup.

  The crack was about the size of a fingernail, and the most important thing was that it didn't crack the cup and explode.

  "The initial velocity of a bullet in a general pistol can reach the speed of sound the moment it leaves the muzzle." Ding Ning explained, "Of course my fire sickle cannot reach the speed of sound." "

  Then" Li Chengyi recovered from the shock and wanted to ask .

  "Almost half the speed of sound." Ding Ning interrupted, showing a gentle smile. "The speed of the fire sickle is about one-half the speed of sound, and this is not its limit, but my limit." "That's about the

  limit speed that I can control freely. No matter how fast it is, it will naturally be faster. It's fast, but I can't control it, and the lethality will drop significantly, and I may even accidentally hurt myself, which is not worth the loss."

  Li Chengyi was silent.

  He suddenly thought of his sister Li Chengjiu. She was taking the exam for the Intellectual Mechanic's Certificate. From this point of view, she might also have a flying instrument.

  Since the flying instrument is so expensive, what does she rely on to obtain it?
  Just rely on this little support from your family?
  It was okay that he didn't understand it before, but now he understands it. Li Chengyi knows that the family's capital is enough to cover even Feiyi's basic consumption.

  Thinking of this, he simply asked Ding Ning his doubts.

  "This model also exists. Many talented young people who perform well can accept investment from some capital or influence. This can reduce the cost to a very low level. After all, there are many capital groups and they have enough support. For pilots, the cost of maintaining their aircraft is much lower than that of ordinary people."

  Ding Ning answered.

  "There are also universities that can rent flying instruments. The price of renting flying instruments is much cheaper. But most of these rented instruments are one to several eras behind the models on the market. They can at most be used to practice and become familiar with them." "It turns out

  that That's it." Li Chengyi nodded clearly.

  "Although I don't know if you can become one of us, I still want to warn you in advance." Ding Ning said seriously as the smile on his face faded.

  "Please tell me."

  "That is, before you become an omnic, you can be indifferent, but after becoming an omnic, you'd better personally supervise every maintenance. Don't be lazy and let it go completely." (End of this chapter


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