Chapter 4 004 World 2 (Thanks to Chen Ci, leader of the old tune alliance)

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  Chapter 4 004 World 2 (Xie Chen resigned from the old tune alliance leader)
  A series of news seemed to come with a world map link opened by Li Chengyi.

  And as these messy news information pop up, a large amount of macro information about the world as a whole pours out of my mind like crazy.

  'Hmm.' He put down the phone and gently covered his forehead. There were waves of tingling pain coming from the inside of his forehead.

  Massive amounts of data and information memories poured out like a tide and merged into his mind at this time.

  With the influx of information, he finally had a comprehensive understanding of his predecessor's situation.

  This is a special era where the two poles are competing for hegemony and are on the verge of peace and war.

  Yiguo and Baixing, these are the two poles in the struggle for hegemony, two great countries.

  Earth and Moon are influenced by a huge empire called Yi Kingdom. In the entire Earth and Moon, no country can compete with Yi Kingdom.

  The place where he lived at this time was Suiyang City in Yi State.

  Yiguo is a country somewhat similar to Huaguo. The similarities lie in culture, ideas, and life, but there are also many differences in details.

  As for White Star, we don’t know much about its predecessor. After all, it was a real empire on another planet.

  He only knows that White Star's technology is more advanced than that of Earth and Moon, and now it is at an advantage in the battle between the two poles.

  The predecessor himself was just an ordinary member of the millions of college students in Yi Country.

  If he hadn't come here, if nothing else happened, his predecessor would have lowered his stature and taken jobs with lower income and social status when he couldn't find a good job one after another.

  Then slowly improve yourself, look for opportunities, increase your income, then get married and have children, receive education and training, and worry about the future of your children, and so on.

  Until he finishes his ordinary and ordinary life.

  Now, although he has the memories of his previous life, many things are simply not applicable in another world. Li Chengyi is somewhat confused about what the future will be like, whether he can go back, and what his plans will be in the future.

  He was still in a strange and confusing state, as if he had been thrust into a harmonious environment.

  Apart from these, in Li Chengyi's impression.

  In this world, I always feel that there are many places that are a bit strange.

  He couldn't tell where it was, but it was just a feeling. Compared with the previous life, the feeling he had was very strange.

  After sitting for a while and checking various information, he looked at the time. It was almost time to go to school.

  The time I made an appointment with my instructor Chen Shan was half an hour later, which was just right including the drive.

  Ding dong.

  Suddenly there was a text message.

  Li Chengyi was about to put away his phone when he heard the sound and quickly glanced at the screen.

  SMS messages will automatically appear on the illuminated screen.

  'My friend has a small garden that is infested with insects. Aren't you a major in this field? Come to this address for help. '——Lin Sang.

  Li Chengyi thought for a while and replied quickly.

  'What kind of pest is it? Take a photo and see. '

  'You will know when you come here, just think of it as helping me. It’s those people you met in the morning. It’s good for you to have a good relationship with them, believe me! '——Lin Sang.

  'How is the fee calculated? Li Chengyi asked again.

  'You want to charge your friend for help? Do you want to be so stingy? Come quickly, you must arrive before two o'clock in the afternoon, otherwise don't blame me for falling out with you later. Lin Sang sounded like I have a bad temper.

  In the past, whenever the three of them had an argument, when she got angry, the other two would soften up and start thinking of ways to coax her.

  So every time she uses this trick it's very effective.

  Li Chengyi looked at the address she sent. It was about thirty-two kilometers away. It would be too late to take public transportation at this distance, so he could only take a taxi. The taxi fare, plus the required medicines and pest detection cards, costs several hundred for one trip.

  This is still a relatively easy pest to treat, but if it is troublesome, the cost of a single treatment will be at least several thousand.

  Although he really wanted to live according to the habits of his predecessor and slowly transition into his own habits.

  But this is somewhat outrageous. He didn't know those people at all, which meant that when he went to help, he was actually doing a favor for Lin Sang.

  Not to mention whether it was worth it or not, even though his memory was still vague, he didn't have the ability.

  So Li Chengyi decisively ignored Lin Sang and turned off the silent phone.

  Not to mention that he is not a predecessor, even if he is a predecessor, without the blessing of a love filter, Lin Sang's request is a waste of time and energy for him.

  Ignoring the vibrations from his cell phone, he quickly went out, got on the bus at the gate of the community, and rushed all the way to the school on the outskirts of the city.

  Suiyang University is a local comprehensive university located in the southern suburbs of the city.

  The area is almost equivalent to a small town, with dozens of buildings distributed in an orderly manner.

  When Li Chengyi arrived, it was already more than twenty minutes later.

  On the third floor of the school's No. 1 office building, he followed the nameplate and found the fifth office.

  The office door was open, and not far from the door stood two young men talking. Both of them wore glasses, one was tall and the other was short. Both were wearing shirts and trousers, and they were polite.

  Li Chengyi recognized them as graduate students of his mentor Chen Shan. He can also be regarded as his senior brother.

  "Rongqing and Xu Nanhang came to participate in the school's symposium. I am also very happy, but the extra places are really not available. I have a lot more than other professors." In the office, Huang

  Mu Beside the bookcase, a bald old man wearing silver-rimmed glasses, wearing a suit and leather shoes, a dark red tie, and a white shirt, was talking in a low voice to a middle-aged woman in front of him.

  He is Chen Shan, Li Chengyi’s instructor majoring in plant maintenance.

  Seeing Li Chengyi enter, the bald man Chen Shan waved his hand towards him, indicating to wait for a while, and then continued talking to the middle-aged woman.

  The two seemed to be arguing over the quota.

  Li Chengyi was bored and didn't know what the instructor wanted him to do. His relationship with Chen Shan was due to the fact that he was extremely good in the plant conservation course at school, so he was appreciated by Chen Shan and recommended to participate in an advanced training course related to plant conservation.

  Chen Shan also took advantage of the opportunity to become Li Chengyi's mentor. Originally, both Chen Shan and Li Chengyi's predecessor thought that they would take the exam to become Chen Shan's graduate student.

  Unfortunately, I didn't expect that Li Chengyi's talent and performance were not enough to continue.

  Later, Li Chengyi gave up. After a big quarrel with his sister, he gave up this major and chose to find a job directly after graduation.

  After Chen Shan talked to the middle-aged woman for a while, the woman snorted rudely, turned around and left with the form in hand.

  Chen Shancai took off his glasses tiredly, rubbed his eyes, and looked at Li Chengyi sitting on the sofa beside him.

  He actually admired Li Chengyi as a disciple.

  But now,
  he has four students in total, and the other three are his graduate students. Now one is a senior executive of a large company, and the other has opened his own professional logistics company and is on the rise.

  There is another person who has stayed at the school and has now published several academic papers in top journals, with a bright future.

  But only Li Chengyi, the student he once appointed, now...
  "Xiaoyi, I checked, your file hasn't been transferred out yet, you probably haven't found a job yet, right?" He asked softly.

  "No, but I'm looking for him. Don't worry, I already have a way." Li Chengyi stood up and approached. From the eyes of the man in front of him, he could faintly see a trace of regret and helplessness.

  The sounds of the other two senior brothers chatting could be faintly heard outside the door behind them, and it seemed that the last senior sister was also driving there.

  "Don't be embarrassed. I don't know your temper yet." Chen Shan whispered. After a master-disciple battle, although Li Chengyi was now decadent, he still decided to give him a final helping hand, and he just had an opportunity.

  As he spoke, he opened the second drawer of the desk, took out a locked document, opened the metal lock, and pulled out a brown envelope that had already been wrapped.

  'You can try this company. This is the introduction letter I wrote. Their general manager is a former friend of mine. It should be no problem to find a position for you. 'Chen Shan handed the envelope to Li Chengyi.

  "Teacher." Li Chengyi was a little stunned, not knowing what to say.

  "I have some understanding of your family's situation. Your sister needs money, your parents have a low income, and now the factory has started to cut wages, but you have to believe that the difficulties are temporary. If you have no other choice, just call me!" Chen Shan said seriously.

  "I" Li Chengyi was suddenly touched. Although the predecessor is gone, it is really rare to meet such a person who is sincerely good to me in a person's life.

  "Remember, don't waste your talent." Chen Shan sighed, patted Li Chengyi on the shoulder, and thrust the letter into his hand.

  Compared with the development of other students, Li Chengyi's situation became increasingly difficult despite the brilliance.

  "Thank you." Li Chengyi stepped back seriously and bowed.

  "I will remember it."

  "Go, go." Chen Shan waved his hands, looking a little lonely.

  He lowered his head and picked up a pack of cigarettes from the corner of the table. He took one out and bit it. He was about to find a lighter, but after touching it for a while, he put it down and

  took the cigarette out again. He stopped talking and waved to Li Chengyi again. , then turned his back and looked at the pink flower branches outside the window.

  Li Chengyi bowed again, turned around and left with the letter.

  After walking out of the office, he turned to go downstairs and almost bumped into a red-haired girl wearing a short yellow leather jacket and tight gray trousers.

  "Hey, who are you...?" The girl paused and seemed to recognize Li Chengyi.

  "It's sister Chen Pi, long time no see." Li Chengyi recognized the other party's identity. The girl in front of him was Professor Chen Shan's biological daughter Chen Pi. She had been studying abroad and had just returned recently.

  At that time, my predecessor was still familiar with Chen Pi, and he often joked that when he opened a company and became bigger in the future, Chen Pi would be his secretary.

  Now it seems...

  "Chen Pi, hurry up, this way." Chen Pi was about to reply when suddenly someone called her from the other side of the office.

  "There will be an alumni meeting later in the evening." She smiled and walked away quickly.

  Before Li Chengyi had time to reply, he saw the other party walking away quickly.

  The alumni association was for people who had achieved some success. He was a graduate who didn't even have a job.
  He glanced back and saw the three of them coming together. The two senior brothers, who looked like successful people, were getting close to Chen Pi. of chit-chat.

  In such a circle, my predecessor was supposed to be a member of it, but
  without saying anything, he turned around and walked downstairs.

  There were two cars parked downstairs, one black and one white. They were quite crowded.

  Li Chengyi looked around and chose to pass through the gap in the middle of the vehicle.

  He quickly lowered his head and walked forward for a short distance. When he was about to pass through the gap, he suddenly paused and stopped in front of the reflectors of the two cars.


  His eyes were fixed on the reflector in front of him.

  In the mirror, there seemed to be a dark pattern on the back of his right hand that looked like vine roots.

  The pattern extended from the back of the hand to the wrist, as if something was parasitic on the back of the hand and had roots growing out.


  Li Chengyi raised his right hand, lowered his head and looked closer. The back of his hand was white and there was nothing.

  There were no patterns, not even a scar.

  He shifted his gaze to the reflector again.

  The car's reflector clearly reflected a black pattern the size of an egg on his right hand.

  But in reality, when he waved his hand, there was nothing on the back of his hand.

  Li Chengyi felt a little confused. Just now he was immersed in thinking about future work and future plans.

  At this moment, the scene in front of him made him instantly withdraw from reality and recall the strange experience of the previous night.

  Think back to that dream that was as real as reality.

  And now this situation arises
  : 'What is this?

  He carefully touched the black pattern in front of the reflector, but he couldn’t touch anything. He could only see that the shape of the pattern seemed very similar to the last patch of flowers he saw before traveling through time.

  That dark, weird and mysterious flower bush!
  (End of chapter)

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