Chapter 33 033 Search One

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  Chapter 33 033 Search 1
  "Survivor!? How did he get out!?" Li Chengyi was greatly excited and asked quickly.

  "He was rescued by someone. He was found by the official earthquake rescue team. He was already mentally disturbed when he was found. If you hadn't given his name, I really couldn't find him. I'll look for him later. The company is also checking!" The signal on Ding Chongyi's side has improved a lot, and it is obvious that there is a big difference between the inside and outside of the gap.

  Li Chengyi waited while paying careful attention to the surrounding movements.

  Soon, Ding Chongyi's voice came again.

  "There is very little information on this person, and he seems to have been processed. But wait, we found it! We found the address! You can come out first, he is still alive! This is probably the only core clue to escape Grievus!" Ding Chongyi said quickly.

  "Okay, I'll be out right away!" Li Chengyi perked up and quickly trotted in the direction he came in.

  He always felt that something was wrong in this place. The inexplicable disappearance of the engineering spider just now made him feel more and more unsure.

  It’s better to go out first.

  "Move quickly. Song Ran hasn't come back here yet, and the contact has been cut off. I suspect that he was deliberately lured away. You"

  Suddenly, a deafening explosion interrupted Ding Chongyi's words.

  The AR communication was buzzing and nothing could be heard clearly.

  After a few seconds, the buzzing slowly dissipated.

  "Quick, quick, quick! Come up, someone is going to blow up the hole!!" Ding Chongyi's voice floated intermittently, extremely anxious, as if the signal over there was seriously interfered with.

  Li Chengyi's heart sank. The long time of tension and exercise made his underwear almost soaked through.

  But after more than a month of training, he was no longer as fragile and easily tired as before.

  Fortunately, I left without any trouble this time.

  He quickly left the Grievus parking lot, followed the black hole, and returned to the original vertical hole that was opened.

  He tied the rope around his waist again and made a thumbs-up gesture in the AR vision.


  The rope began to contract automatically, pulling his whole body upward.


  While hanging in mid-air, Li Chengyi suddenly heard a crisp sound coming from below him.

  He looked down quickly.

  I saw a pale human hand at the entrance of the black hole, grabbing his remaining engineering spider and slowly retracting it into the hole.

  The white light goes out.

  At this point, both engineering spiders have disappeared.

  Li Chengyi's eyes narrowed and he gritted his teeth without saying a word. Let the rope keep pulling him up.

  He didn't know what that hand was, and he didn't know if he could deal with it. The key now was not to fight against the unknown existence in the darkness, but to get to the ground as quickly as possible.

  Without the spider lighting, there was darkness around him, with only the faint green indicator light on the AR flashing.


  The two machines at the construction site were emitting thick black smoke at this time, and they were obviously scrapped in the explosion just now.

  This time, the damage to the excavating machine was significantly higher than last time. The tracks were all blown off, and the metal shell on the side of the machine was also somewhat deformed.

  The construction site was empty, with the corpses of several people lying on the ground. In addition, there were several corpses of gunmen dressed in gray clothes and wearing peaked caps.

  Apparently the attacker was not without injuries.

  The rest of the living people were hiding in various corners.

  The only thing still moving was the occasional gunshots and crashes in the distance, mixed with some roars and roars.

  Ding Chongyi hid behind the iron house, looking out under the cover of some weeds.

  The sun sets, completely falling into the horizon.

  Only bright clouds are the only source of light in the sky.

  On the construction site, several scattered gunmen in gray clothes, all wearing peaked caps and black masks, kept approaching here.

  The leader was bloated, wearing dark blue AR glasses, holding a short knife in one hand and a red pistol in the other. He had dark skin and dreadlocks, and was very coquettish.

  "Damn it! So many guns!? Why is this place so messy!?" Ding Chongyi was furious.

  This is also in Yi Country. If it were in White Star, the company would not be suppressed by this group of local gunmen.

  This seemingly arrogant but actually stupid approach can only be solved by an elite gunner.

  But it's a pity that Song Ran, the only one who is considered an elite, has been led to other places by another wave of people and has been cut off from contact.


  Ding Chongyi looked towards the hole unconsciously. Li Chengyi should be heading up to get out of the hole now, in case he encounters this group of people when he comes out. "There are people
  outside, be careful. They have guns!" She hurriedly whispered in the AR remind.

  After admonishing, she slowly backed away.

  Some ARs have infrared detection capabilities. She knew very well that continuing to hide was not an option and she had to evacuate.

  Immediately, she started to notify the surrounding workers through AR to evacuate.

  At the construction site at this time.

  The fat man with dreadlocks looked left and right to make sure there was no movement, then grinned and let out a sneer.

  He pulled off a large pearl necklace around his neck and glanced around.

  "Weigl is very fast and strong. I can't compete with him, and I won't compete with him." He

  put the knife back into the scabbard on his back, took out a crumpled yellow paper cigarette, and bit it in his mouth , let the men on one side use the fire to light it.

  "That guy only knows how to kill, but as the boss's confidant, doing things is the most important thing. If he doesn't understand this, he will always be a thug."

  "Brother Gnan is wise." A gunman on the side said with a smile, "It looks like everyone has escaped from this place. The machine also exploded. Are we okay now?" The fat

  man with dreadlocks looked around and glanced at the hole. Pass.

  "That's almost it. All these foreign dogs have run away. Let's retreat."

  They dropped a bomb before in this cave. It should have collapsed, so it's not a big problem.

  He took a long puff of cigarette, blew out a big smoke ring, threw it to the ground and stamped it out.

  "Retreat, the mission is completed, go to the boss to receive the award!" The gunmen around him suddenly screamed and cheered.

  The group of people fired a few random shots into the air, turned around and left in a ventive manner.

  After a while, the people walked away sparsely and disappeared into the palm forest not far away.

  The construction site was quiet and empty, and Ding Chongyi, Little Yellow Hat and others quietly evacuated from the other side.

  About two minutes later.

  A plump figure appeared on the construction site again, it was the fat man with dreadlocks who took the lead.

  He kept scanning the surroundings with his AR eyes, and once again made sure that no one was hiding, he slowly put down the gun and retreated away.

  After retreating a few meters, his eyes suddenly fell on the cave, and he once again confirmed that there was no movement.

  Then he turned around again and walked deeper into the forest.



  The fat man's soles made a tingling sound, he turned sharply and rushed towards the hole at full speed. At the same time, he took out a homemade grenade from his waist, pulled out the shrapnel, and raised his hand to throw it into the gap in the hole.

  "You think I didn't see you?? Idiot! Die!" He squeezed out a sinister smile with layers of fat on his face, and threw it away with his big hand.

  The black round grenade suddenly came out of his hand and flew towards the gap in the hole.

  The grenade with stripes and rough texture is like a black mangosteen, rolling and turning in mid-air. The indicator light in the middle starts to flash from green and gradually turns to red.

  In an instant, the cover of the hole suddenly burst open.

  A purple shadow broke through the lid, knocked away the grenade, and crashed into the fat man at a speed beyond ordinary people's imagination.

  boom! !

  The grenade exploded in mid-air and turned into a red fireball.

  Under the firelight.

  Li Chengyi grabbed the fat man's neck with his right hand and smashed it to the ground.

  puff! !

  He pressed the fat man's head forcefully and dragged a yellow pit on the ground.

  "Who!?" Fatty Gnan's head was covered with blood. He was knocked unconscious and his eyes were almost squeezed out of their sockets.

  What caught his sight was a strange figure wearing ferocious purple-black armor.

  There are floral patterns like ionizing lines everywhere on the outside of his armor, and there are fine purple and black spikes everywhere on his shoulders, elbows, and palms.

  The visor helmet is wrapped in a fully protective style, leaving no trace of skin.

  "Transform humans! Completely transform humans!!" Gnan roared, his voice frightened.

  A gunshot exploded in the distance, and the bullet splashed sparks on Li Chengyi's back, then rebounded and disappeared.

  He suddenly grabbed the fat man's throat, lifted him up, turned around and used it as a shield and rushed out.

  boom! boom! boom! !

  After several consecutive steps, he rushed into the woods behind him at high speed, and a figure of a gunman in gray clothes appeared in his field of vision, raising a gun and shooting.

  In the opponent's frightened and twisted eyes, a purple-black metal monster was clearly reflected, approaching rapidly and enlarging.


  A sharp arm penetrated the gunman's chest and came out from behind.

  Everything returned to calm.

  Li Chengyi froze for a moment, then slowly straightened up, took out his hand, and wiped it on Ge Nan's face.

  "Sorry. I just wanted to knock you out."

  He stood in the forest, looking at the gunman who slowly fell limp in front of him, and felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

  He doesn't want to kill anyone. real.

  He really just wanted to raise his hand to knock the opponent unconscious.

  But the evolved armor's growth rate was too fast. He only raised his hand halfway before it reached the opponent's chest, and then passed through it with just one movement of his hand. Fortunately, he still had one in his hand
  . 'Li Chengyi was glad that he had not been cruel just now, so that after interrogation, he could find out the person behind the scenes from the other party's mouth.

  He lifted up the Fat Glam he was holding in his other hand.

  But Gnan's head was tilted to one side, his eyes were white, and the corners of his mouth were full of blood foam. He was already dead.

  His entire neck had been completely broken when he stopped suddenly at the high speed just now.

  Li Chengyi fell silent. He relaxed his hands gently and let the body fall to the ground.

  "Now, what should I do?"

  He was a little confused
  . The evolved flower-scaled clothes were still more expensive than before, but his physical and mental strength had also improved. This enhancement seemed to be not just the result of his own training. And Hualingyi itself is also strengthening him in some way.

  At least now he feels like he can wear it for at least another twenty minutes.


  Several more gunshots were heard in the distance.

  'Complete body transformation does look similar to me. 'Li Chengyi turned around and looked in the direction of the gunfire.

  'Perhaps I can keep pretending to be a reformer from now on?

  He took steps towards that direction.

  "Forget it, since we've already started moving, we'll just clean it up."

  He just wanted to find a way out before entering a blind spot next time.

  Such a simple purpose.

  And anyone who tries to stand in his way.

  No matter who he is, he must die.

  (End of chapter)

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