Chapter 315 315 Investigation Three

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  Chapter 315 315 Investigation 3

  "Hesitation or something should not appear in me now."

  Li Chengyi condensed countless gladioli petals with one hand, and the golden petals turned into a golden long sword, a huge long sword over two and a half meters tall. Like a golden beam, it was held tightly in his hand.

  In front of him, the house on the second floor and the entire bedroom were being cut across the middle, disconnected, and divided into two at an incredible speed.

  The upper half of the roof slowly slid to the left. Two seconds later, the entire roof collapsed completely and fell to the outside of the small building.

  The white skylight is projected from the top of the head, giving people a hazy and fuzzy feeling.

  "Brother!" Iselin wanted to say something else.

  But it was too late.

  Li Chengyi waved the golden sword in his hand casually.

  The ground also suddenly opened a gap of more than three meters.

  The floor collapsed and shattered, opening a large hole several meters in diameter.

  The stair structure was completely destroyed in an instant.

  "Since it is the only real thing here, things like the Book of Distortion are definitely not items that can be easily destroyed." Li Chengyi obtained the forged blue book from the master of Lanmeng Mountain. Even such forgeries have mysterious powers. Protected and won't be damaged easily.

  Then this treasure of the fallen clan will definitely have similar protective power.

  Li Chengyi glanced at the crack below. What was exposed there was the weird bedroom where Aisha and others were staying on the first floor.

  "Be careful! The power from the blind spot has seeped in!!" Iselin suddenly exclaimed.

  Before Li Chengyi had time to respond, he felt that everything around him began to break and cracks appeared.

  In the clicking sound.

  The surrounding area was like a glass plate with photos on it, pieces of it shattered and fell, revealing a vast white emptiness behind.

  'Brilliant. '

  Li Chengyi remained calm and released the flower language again.

  The dazzling golden light exploded, followed by a dense golden light that suddenly dispersed.

  The scorching purifying power seems to have stimulated some special power here.

  The shattering speeded up.


  There was a crisp sound.

  Everything cracked.

  Li Chengyi's feet were in the air, and he fell downwards together with large pieces of debris.

  'Brilliant force field. '

  The flower language belonging to the sunflower is quietly released.

  The pale golden flame suddenly covered the entire ten-meter area around Li Chengyi.

  With him as the center, golden flames ignited at the same time in the ten-meter-diameter spherical space above, below, left, and right.

  "Where will I go if I keep falling like this?" Li Chengyi asked in his heart.

  "This is Elsa's hallucination world. I don't know where her hallucinations are in contact or linked to. Just like if you ask me, a person is listening to the radio. If he can't hear the sound, I don't know what station he is listening to. ." Iselin replied.

  "Then forget it."

  Li Chengyi's body suddenly changed into a garment of knotted hair, flying flowers and scales.

  The metal wings of the shadow dragon behind him suddenly fluttered.

  In an instant, a black light flashed across his body, and he suddenly disappeared from the spot, appearing next to a piece of debris not far away.

  There is a faint shadow on the edge of the fragment, indicating that the Qiyi Holy Spirit Skill is now present. His consciousness has been greatly improved, and this shadow is enough for him to dodge past.

  "Brother, you are so messed up." Iselin couldn't help complaining, "This Elsa's illusion has been connected with the blind spot next to her. If you shatter the illusion, it will also allow the power of that blind spot to invade faster. Come in."

  "What determines the strength in the illusion?" Li Chengyi asked. Ignoring Iselin’s complaints.

  "By imagination and logic." Iselin replied, "The teacher once said that the battle between consciousness is persuasion." "


  "Yes, you must first imagine a strong enough one. Let your imagination Build the power to the limit, and then give it enough sophisticated logic. Then use it to defeat the opponent. This part is about imagination." "

  But if the opponent points out that your power has logical flaws, then your consciousness will be shaken, Then your power will also collapse."

  "This is a battle between consciousness. Once it wavers a little, it will collapse instantly. It is very dangerous." Iselin quickly explained.

  "I understand."

  Li Chengyi understood.

  Looking around, pieces of debris continued to fall with him.

  Various subtle pictures are still emerging from these fragments.

  The scene was all about the small house where Elsa lived.

  Many fragments burned quickly under Li Chengyi's golden flames, emitting black smoke, and then dissolved and disappeared.

  But there are also some that are silent and still exist.

  'The black smoke coming out should be the part invaded by the dead angle. '

  Li Chengyi guessed.

  His eyes kept flickering over the fragments, trying to find the part that contained something real.

  He continued to flicker and move his position, allowing the radiant force field to cover more of his surroundings.

  Soon, he discovered a piece that was obviously special. The picture on the fragment is displayed.

  It was a secret room behind the wall in Elsa's bedroom.

  The secret room was dark, with a lit candlestick on the wooden table.

  On the table, there is a thick black book with several pages opened. "That is!?" Li Chengyi's heart moved and he quickly moved towards the fragment.

  In an instant, his eyes blurred.

  He actually appeared out of thin air next to another piece of debris, completely out of position.

  'This is the Twisted Book? ! '

  He was slightly surprised.

  Inside Aisha’s small building.

  In the bedroom on the second floor, Aisha and Li Chengyi, one was lying on the bed and the other was sitting on the edge of the bed.

  Both of them closed their eyes as if falling asleep.

  The smoke of the bellflower enveloped the whole bedroom in a haze.

  Under the influence of the smoke, both of them were immersed in Elsa's hallucination, without any reaction to any information from the outside world.

  Right now.

  Outside the fence of this small building, mysterious people wearing dark red robes dispersed quietly around the small building.

  They used a very skilled coordination formation to protect and monitor this place.

  If Li Chengyi was still conscious, he could quickly tell that these people were wearing a badge that looked familiar to him.

  That badge was similar to the one Henie gave him, but his should be much more complicated.

  Farther away, in front of an abandoned house.

  Hainie, who was wearing a white lace dress, was looking at Aisha's small building from a distance.

  After a quarrel with her brother Likla, she mobilized some of the people in the Yongge Club who were under her orders to protect Li Chengyi.

  "Vice President, although the trackers we intercepted at the beach did not have unified markings, their strength is not weak. Isn't it a bit too hasty for us to rashly attack them and get involved in an unknown trouble?"

  The old man in red robe, who was one step behind Heini, said in a low voice and cautiously.

  "Raimondo, you are the child I have raised since childhood. You should know that when I decide to do something, I will not care about any possible impact or trouble." Henie replied without looking back.

  In all her years of living, this was the first time that she felt that kind of heartbeat.

  Therefore, she is willing to do things for Li Chengyi and wants to use her efforts to gain the other party's appreciation and favor.

  "But now the commissioners of the committee are here again, and they have been pursuing your case." Raimundo, the old man in red robe, reminded in a low voice.

  "I'm just a commissioner, don't worry about it." Heini said impatiently.


  Raimondo had no choice but to say nothing.

  There are only two founders of the Yonge Club, Likla and Henie.

  Both men hold the positions of president and vice-president.

  The rest of the people, from top to bottom, are the chanter, the poet, the big bloody corpse, and the bloody corpse.

  Whether they are singers or the lowest level blood corpses, the blood of Likla and Henie flows in their bodies, but the purity is different.

  The mutated blood brought about by the immortality surgery, through injection and sharing, completely contaminated and transformed their body structures, allowing them to gain stronger speed, strength, and resilience.

  But it also gave them more serious side effects.

  It cannot be exposed to sunlight for long periods of time and needs to drink blood regularly.

  These are all side effects of Yongge Club.

  But none of these things can change the result. Because they gained strength, their survival probability in the blind spot was greatly improved.

  Raimundo looked at Aisha's small building in the distance, always feeling that the strong man inside would cause a lot of trouble.

  But at this time, Lady Henie couldn't listen at all.

  "Follow the order, seal off the beach, and don't allow any suspicious people to approach." Hainie said coldly.

  "Yes." Raimundo reluctantly agreed.

  It is dozens of nautical miles away from the small island of Naxi Town.

  A ship without any flags slowly approached this side.

  The ship is a hundred meters long and not very big. It is painted blue all over. It is impossible to distinguish it in the sea without looking carefully.

  At this time, on the small deck, groups of fully transformed humans with a faint gray light shining all over their bodies were waiting quietly, looking at the approaching island in the distance.

  These modified humans are all of the same type of standard design.

  The 1.8 meter gray body is embellished with red lines on its arms, legs and feet.

  The head is a ring of red light that replaces vision.

  On his back and waist, he carried an inappropriate number of temporary weapon modules of various sizes.

  This is a true military-use full model from the Utopia Red Temple - the Whisperer.

  As the most basic and most elite complete body of the Red Temple.

  The Whisperer has special modules that are not available in all other complete bodies, such as the sonic module and the regenerative module.

  If Li Chengyi were present, he would definitely be able to recognize this special model that he had played against before.

  These military-grade models are stronger than Yiguo's military-grade models, and they are also the real backbone of Utopia's overseas stores.

  Each one can fight against the third and fourth rank sergeants of Yi Kingdom.

  And here, these complete bodies, numbering at least fifteen, are all waiting quietly on the deck, standing behind the other two people, waiting for orders.

  Of the two people at the front, one looks like a frail young scholar wearing a gray windbreaker.

  The other one was wearing a beret and white gloves on both hands. He was a white-haired, one-eyed woman in a black slim-fitting military uniform.

  One of the woman's eyes was covered with a black eyepatch, and the other eye still looked cold and dangerous even when she was just looking at the island.

  (End of chapter)

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