Chapter 298 Chapter 298 Fighting II

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  Chapter 298 298 Fighting

  Within two and a half seconds, five transformed figures rushed towards Chen Zonghan and others, punching and palming, knives or swords, hitting several people from various angles.

  "It's a good idea. It's a pity."

  A person beside Chen Zonghan took a step forward and waved.

  laugh! !

  A red sword light suddenly shot out from his cuffs.

  It's Feiyi! !

  The sword light penetrated the surrounding five people in the blink of an eye, and then exploded into a white fire among the nearby guards.

  Amidst the screams, several people around him were overturned by the explosion and fell to the ground.

  "Feiyi...!" There were bursts of exclamations.

  When no one is carrying weapons, a flying instrument, even the lowest-level ordinary dagger flying instrument, becomes an absolute killer.

  Suddenly, the crowd around him who was about to move fell silent.

  No one dared to move.

  At this time, everyone knows the meaning of a flying instrument.

  "I'm sorry. If you can wait here obediently for fifteen minutes, I promise that I won't hurt you at all." Chen Zonghan laughed loudly.

  "What guarantee do you have?" Li Chengyi took a step forward and said coldly.

  "Do you have other options?" Chen Zonghan asked.

  Li Chengyi was silent.

  In front of so many people, he was unwilling to reveal his destiny's identity.

  is it really safe to just wait fifteen minutes?
  VIP seats.

  In the chaos, each family made their own decisions and tried to leave through different exits.

  Someone rushed towards the tarmac above, trying to escape from the air. Someone walks on the ground.

  The streams of people separated and gathered in various directions. In the hall, they are like thin gray lines.

  Li Changgu was one of the few who was preparing to leave from the exit of the VIP seats.

  "Let's turn around from the rest area at Longxu Gate first. Xiaonan is still there!"

  He commanded the two guards around him in a deep voice.

  It took the three of them to turn a corner.

  Then he heard a huge roar behind him.

  ah! !

  Intensive screams came from the VIP seats they had just left.

  Howling in pain, roaring, screaming, making conditions, begging for mercy, the chaotic sounds instantly overwhelmed the remaining sanity of everyone in the VIP table.

  There are not many people here, they are all the core and powerful children of major families.

  At this moment, two men in white Taoist uniforms appeared in the small seat.

  The two of them walked forward, and everywhere they passed, a bloody mist was shot out with a single palm.

  They didn't care who they were hitting, as long as they were within five meters, they were all targets.

  Everyone, male, female, old and young, looked like lambs to the slaughter in front of them.

  Even if the highly skilled guards tried to resist, they would only be able to hold on for one more second. Then he was punched through the body and flew out.

  "That man Chen Jiahan!!?? What's going on!?" Hiding around the corner, Li Changgu recognized the identities of the two people who were killing people at a glance.

  The Bagua symbols of the Bagua sect on their Taoist uniforms are very easy to recognize.

  But at this time, the snow-white Taoist uniform was stained with red plumes by the scattered blood mist and blood spots.

  After dozens of people were killed in a row, the people around him finally collapsed and fled in all directions.

  "Let's go!" Li Changgu reacted and quickly led the people away quietly.

  Only then turned around.

  A blood-stained white uniform suddenly appeared in front of him.

  One of Chen Jiahan and Chen Jiahan, who had been killing people not far away just now, actually crossed more than ten meters and reached the bend beside them.

  "There are still a few peeping people here." The man looked at Li Changgu coldly.

  "Get rid of the next VIP seat." Chen Jiahan's voice came from not far away.

  He seemed to be walking away.

  "Haha." The man's lips curled up. The three of them looked at Li Changgu with stiff expressions.

  He suddenly raised his hand.


  call! !

  His right palm was like the wind, blowing silently towards the hearts of Li Changgu and the two of them.

  With several tons of explosive power, at this moment, with such an explosion of speed, as long as it touches a point, it can instantly penetrate the human body.

  Li Changgu wanted to hide, but couldn't react at all.

  His whole body seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, his body was not in control, and his hands and feet seemed to be bound.

  Looking at the palm that was getting closer, he felt despair for the first time.

  After so many years of hard work.

  After so many years of hard work. I thought I had gained a lot and become a lot stronger.

  But I didn't expect that I would die here inexplicably in the end.

  He died in the hands of a strange fighter that he had never looked at. He was like an ant and a piece of trash.

  Countless memories flashed through his mind at this moment.

  "I" Li Changgu opened his mouth. The last thing that came to mind was his daughter's face.

  call! !

  The palm of his hand paused.

  Just when she was about to finally touch him, she stopped.

  The Bagua disciple stood stiffly on the spot, his face turning very, very white.

  Like paper.

  "Who gave you the courage to take action against my father!?" A tall female figure appeared behind him.

  laugh! !

  Suddenly, a stream of dark red blood quickly gushes out from the middle of his chest, tearing his clothes apart and rushing towards the sky.

  The blood and water turned into a slender dragon shape in mid-air, which was lifelike.

  The blood dragon rushed out for more than ten meters until it completely drained the blood from the man's body, then exploded and disappeared on the ground, turning into ordinary blood. "Xiao Xiaonan!?" Li Changgu continued to breathe heavily at this time.

  At that moment, he even forgot to breathe, and his whole body seemed to have entered an extreme state of looking back before death.

  Until his daughter arrived,
  Li Chongnan narrowed his eyes and did not greet him. Instead, he walked through the corpse, walked out of the corner, and looked at another figure in white who paused not far away.

  "Chen Jiahan!"

  Chen Jiahan's masked face turned to look at her.

  "Oh? It's you."

  "Facing me, why don't you run away?" He turned around completely and seemed to have a slight interest in Li Chongnan.

  "Escape?" Li Chongnan walked towards him step by step.

  "Who do you think you are!? Even my master never let me retreat without a fight!" There was a trace of ridicule on her face.

  "Of course, if you want to waste time with these irrelevant rubbish words, you may be disappointed.


  She stopped three meters away.

  "Because." She raised her hand and pointed at the other party.

  "I will kill you very quickly."

  Chen Jiahan chuckled a few times and raised his right hand.

  "It seems that you still don't understand the difference between us."

  Bang! !

  In an instant, he clenched his palm and exploded a ball of white air.

  The white energy dissipated, attracting Li Chongnan's attention for a moment.

  Just for a moment, the white shadow flickered, instantly crossed the distance, and appeared on the left side of Li Chongnan.

  A palm.

  'Xiantian Bagua Lihuo! '

  Boom! !

  This palm actually rubbed the air, instantly igniting red flames and hitting Li Chongnan's neck hard.

  Right now.

  Li Chongnan's eyes flashed red. Dozens of sword dragons rushed out of the body's vital points silently!

  'Holy Spirit Bailong! ! '

  No one expected that the competition that could not be held in the decisive battle arena would really begin at this moment.


  Li Chengyi looked at Chen Zonghan.

  The other party's unhurried performance showed that the situation was completely as expected.

  This gave Li Chengyi a bad feeling.

  "How about it? With your strength, qualifications, and the system behind you, why not come with us to White Star. Only there can your potential be fully unleashed." Chen Zonghan said with a smile.

  "." Li Chengyi didn't reply.

  The recent information kept flashing through his mind, summarizing it.

  After the Shadow Dragon bloodline was strengthened, his thinking speed was much faster than before.

  What's the point of attacking a martial arts gym?

  What's the use of attacking a royal family watching a game?

  Is it really worth them spending so much time, effort, and price?
  Now this group of people are stuck here just to delay for fifteen minutes?
  What will happen in fifteen minutes?
  What is their real purpose?
  Li Chengyi's thoughts flashed in his mind.

  "Since you don't intend to harm us, why don't you let us leave completely? Just keep the people you want to find, right?"

  He spoke.

  "That won't work." Chen Zonghan shook his head, "If you leave, Andu won't care about our life or death. Just air strikes and bombings will be the end of it." "

  But..." He glanced at the people around Li Chengyi. It seems that she is unwilling to break up with him. "I can give you Longxu Sect some preferential treatment. Allow you guys to leave alone."

  Leave alone! ?
  Prison Yanxiao and Zhuang Yijing suddenly looked surprised.

  But Prison Dragon and Li Chengyi looked ugly.

  At this time, let them out alone, everyone is being held hostage, and only a few of them can leave. Why? ?

  When people outside saw this scene, their first thought was definitely not to come to save people, but to be suspicious.

  "The members of Longxu Sect are friends that I have always admired. Letting you go out is nothing. It will not affect the overall situation." At this time, Chen Zonghan seemed to be more and more sure of his thoughts. Clap your hands.


  A disciple of the Bagua sect beside him quickly stepped forward. "Here."

  "Here, take the Longxu Sect members out through the special passage." Chen Zonghan said with a smile.

  As soon as these words came out, a series of unkind eyes suddenly fell on Li Chengyi.

  If you can really go out at this time, you will definitely become the target of public criticism in the future.

  "Old sir, you are forcing me." Li Chengyi looked at Chen Zonghan, his expression getting colder.

  "No, I'm just expressing goodwill." Chen Zonghan smiled.

  If you choose to refuse, Long Xumen must accept the unknown fate together with everyone.

  If you choose to accept it, once you leave, Longxumen will be labeled as a terrorist in Utopia and will be met with suspicion, suspicion and hostility.

  This is a choice.

  Chen Zonghan gave Li Chengyi a choice.

  "In that case." Li Chengyi took a step forward. The decision was quickly reached in his eyes.

  "I'm here to express my goodwill."

  His right hand dropped, and a golden sword slipped into his palm.

  A circle of invisible airflow spread out in all directions with him as the center.

  "I'll give you two choices."

  "Either hand over the force field generator."

  "Or... I'll chop you to death right now."

  "Little friend, you made a wrong choice," Chen Zonghan said with a smile.

  "Only those who are alive have right and wrong."

  A circle of burning gold threads appeared silently within ten meters around Li Chengyi and closed, just encircling Chen Zonghan and others.

  (End of chapter)

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