Chapter 288 Chapter 289 Fierce Battle Eight

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  Chapter 288 289 Lie Zhanba

  Looking at this man, a hint of surprise flashed in Li Chengyi's eyes, but he remained quiet and said nothing.

  He will only deal with the difficult opponents that Xiaonan will face later, and the rest will be dealt with when the time comes.

  As the game progressed, Korean TV, Andu TV, and other TV programs from Loop City all broadcast the live action of the fierce battle.

  The schedule goes by day by day.

  There are some strong players who are obviously different from ordinary players in the five major competition areas.

  Among them, Li Chongnan from the southern division, Haisha from the western division, and Chen Jiahan from the central division are the most eye-catching.

  Because each of their matches lasted no longer than ten seconds.

  As the last champion, Chen Jiahan only used his palms from close range and could hit his opponent's vital points with a casual blow. The opponent was in front of him, and for some reason, his movements were much slower than normal, making it impossible to block.

  The Sea Shark, on the other hand, relies on pure violence and speed. When it comes out, it collides, controls the enemy, and kills instantly.

  The last one, Li Chongnan, is the youngest and the most incomprehensible in terms of strength.

  Her speed is average, and her strength doesn't seem to be very strong, but no matter who fights with her, they can't last more than ten seconds before falling to the ground on their own.

  In just one week, the three of them led the team to sweep through all their opponents, break out of the group, and directly enter the finals by accumulating points without having to continue auditions.

  Just like them, there are sixteen other teams.

  April twenty-fifth.

  The schedule goes to the finals.

  Due to the adjustment of humidity in the sky, it started to rain lightly.

  In the VIP area.

  Li Changgu handed Li Chengyi a letter.

  "This is an encrypted letter," he whispered.

  The two of them were sitting in the box of the VIP airship, overlooking the arena below.

  "What's the content?" Li Chengyi asked.

  These days, he and the red-armored people have cooperated and solved many people who they thought were troublesome to their disciples, and also successfully allowed their respective disciples to enter the finals.

  The people that the Red Armored People have been supporting are the team that currently ranks first in points in the Southern Division - the Nuclear Split Palm team.

  Because the groups were different, there was no conflict of interest between the two, so Li Chengyi and he worked together for mutual benefit.

  But things may be different next. Entering the finals, the foundation of cooperation will also collapse.

  "It's a hint from above." Li Changgu replied, "In the following finals, petty tricks will no longer be allowed. The above will tighten strict control."

  Yes, the upper echelons of Yi Kingdom had always tacitly approved of the behind-the-scenes actions. Of course, the tacit approval was for teams like them from their own country with aristocratic backgrounds.

  If it were a foreign or other team with no background, they would have been arrested and killed long ago.

  "I understand." Li Chengyi nodded, pressed the secret message, and put it on the table.

  Now he is locating the dragon's lair while secretly solving his opponents, helping Li Chongnan gain momentum and strengthen his will and belief.

  Five dragon caves have been initially verified, and four more can begin to formally condense and complete the shaping of the dragon veins.

  It is not difficult for him to step into the dragon realm.

  What makes him even more delighted is that Li Chongnan's Holy Spirit Kung Fu has now reached its limit in the third quarter and may break through to the fourth quarter at any time!
  This technique is indeed a magic technique, and the speed of progress is jaw-dropping.

  "Today's final begins, who is Xiaonan's next opponent?" Li Chengyi asked.

  "The three Nuclear Split Palms who advanced together in this division." Li Changgu answered. "They are very strong. If Xiaonan still has the same quality as before, I'm afraid she won't be able to do it."

  "It doesn't matter, I have confidence in her." Li Chengyi said.

  The level of increase in Holy Spirit Skill that has reached the third quarter is already comparable to the level of his weak Shadow Dragon bloodline.

  It is indeed a magic technique, and it is indeed a technique that gave birth to the exaggerated existence of the faceless scholar.

  At this time, Li Chongnan's basic force can reach three tons, which is three times the limit of ordinary people. The speed has also entered the first-class level on the field.

  After so many fights, she has also encountered some troublesome opponents, but no matter who it is, as long as they come into contact with her and come within three meters, they will be killed instantly.

  "Actually, our goal has been achieved, entering the finals! Next, every step forward will be more victories for us." Li Changgu said.

  Li Chengyi closed his eyes and took a sip of tea.

  What he wants is not just to enter the finals
  The rest area of ​​the Demon-Conquering Diamond Gate.

  Haisha sat cross-legged on the ground, with two strong men behind him trying to massage and relax his muscles.

  "Cetus." Suddenly a voice like a gnat sounded in his ears.

  "The plan starts from the finals. Next, you need to cooperate with the rest of us to eliminate all the obstructive players." "

  How to eliminate them?" Haisha raised his hand and asked the people behind him to leave.

  After they left, he asked in a low voice.

  "The so-called fierce competition is just a rubbish competition held by a group of ordinary people who practiced some so-called fighting dances. Your strength has far surpassed them. In the finals, there are four teams under our indirect control. You need to cooperate. The other four teams will deal with the remaining opponents." The voice in the ear said.

  "Boring." Haisha said coldly.

  He is a strong man who has been genetically modified by the Star Demon of Xuan Man Island, and he is the final winner who climbed out from the struggles of thousands of people.

  Facing these fighting skills that are just like playing tricks, it is basically a dimensionality reduction attack.

  "The only one who poses a slight threat to you is Chen Jiahan from the Wild Goose Bagua Sect. The other dozen or so teams are all garbage and need to be cut out as much as possible to avoid affecting the total points. Don't let Chen Jiahan use points to get ahead of you."

  "Okay." Haisha responded casually.

  "After you are done, hide your equipment in the same place. We will create chaos for you. You can take it and leave. When the time comes, you will have the equipment and no one will be your opponent." "." Haisha didn't bother to respond


  "Here's the list for you. Remember, if you match up, don't kill your own people."

  Soon, a list of names gradually appeared in his ears.

  Among them, Nuclear Split Palm is prominently featured.


  Haisha stood up, walked out of the rest area, and walked in the garden area inside the martial arts hall.

  Boring opponents, boring games, too much boring garbage!
  He has endured it for a long time. For so many days, he never wanted to completely tear up the garbage in front of him, lest they would always fly around like mosquitoes.

  In the garden area, most of the contestants have left.

  Only a total of twenty final teams remained.

  In addition to the winners of the five major divisions, there is also a friendly exchange team from White Star. After walking around in the closed green garden for a few times and extinguishing the fire in his heart, Haisha turned around and prepared to go back.

  Suddenly there was another person behind him.

  A young man with black hair shawl, red eyes and a rather tall and strong build.

  The opponent is shorter than him, but that's limited.

  "Hello." The visitor smiled at him, "I am Li Chongnan's master of the Longxu Sect. Out of curiosity, I came to see what the top fighters of the Demon-Suppressing Vajra Sect are like. Don't bother me." He stretched out his hand


  Haisha stared at him with squinted eyes. He is not a fake leader of the Demon-Suppressing Vajra Sect. He was originally from this sect. By chance, he joined Star Lake and was successfully transformed into a Star Demon.

  After returning, he killed everyone who dared to stand in his way and became the master of the sect.

  "Dragon Beard Gate?" Haisha smiled, revealing a mouth full of white teeth. "Are you here to beg for mercy? Are you worried that I will beat your apprentice to death?"

  "Yes, after all, the Sea Shark Sect Master is indeed powerful. I have also told my disciples that if they encounter the Sea Shark Sect Master, they must take the initiative to admit defeat and retreat." Li Chengyi said sincerely.

  "You're quite sensible." Haisha sneered, "In that case, when we face each other, I will save your apprentice's life." "

  Thank you very much, Master." Li Chengyi thanked him. "Should we shake hands as a promise?"

  He raised his hand slightly.

  Haisha glanced at his palm.

  Stretching out his hand, the two shook hands gently.

  He likes guys who are self-aware like this. If the world were full of people like this, he doesn't know how many troubles he would encounter.

  "Then I'll take my leave." Li Chengyi turned around and left without any delay.

  Night time.

  Haisha separated from the two followers and walked alone to a barbecue bar where he usually went.


  Open the store door.

  Haisha suddenly felt something strange, and everything was quiet inside.

  The flickering colorful lights and shadows are constantly moving, and the spacious hall is empty and empty.





  Suddenly, a burst of extremely rhythmic music sounded throughout the bar.

  Among the rows of messy tables and chairs, in a shadow, a person suddenly walked out slowly.


  The door behind Haisha suddenly closed automatically.

  The surrounding windows also closed automatically, and layers of thicker metal plates descended from above.

  Bang bang bang bang!

  After several consecutive blasts, the entire bar turned into a closed room.

  The alloy wall, which is more than ten centimeters thick, completely blocks the sea shark here.

  "Who are you?" Haisha's face darkened and he looked at the guy who suddenly appeared.

  The man's head is a constantly rotating galaxy, like a fake projection, with no face at all.

  He was wearing a slim-fitting white windbreaker and a silver-black metallic shirt underneath. Black trousers, black alloy boots.

  The opponent's upper body was slightly tilted back, and his extremely strong body lines were naturally highlighted, making the windbreaker bulge a little.

  The aura alone gives people a vague sense of oppression and ferocity, just like the fear of facing a Tyrannosaurus rex.

  But the sea shark didn't care at all.

  "Extraordinary move?"

  He walked forward step by step towards that person.

  "You guys are really interesting." The corners of his mouth gradually curved into a crazy arc.

  "If it were someone else, maybe they wouldn't be able to tell the difference. But it's a pity."

  He stopped three meters away from the opponent and opened his arms as thick as a giant python.

  "You met me."


  The muscles in his upper body suddenly swelled, tearing his shirt apart and scattering it into pieces.

  "Are you the one I found during the day!?" Haisha laughed ferociously. "I can smell you."

  Li Chengyi was stunned.

  He has obviously taken a shower and sprayed different deodorants, but he can still be smelled by the other party. What kind of nose is this! ?


  Are you" "a dog?"

  He raised his head slightly and frowned.

  "Didn't you ask me to spare your disciple's life?" Hai Shark didn't care at all, "What? Now you suddenly come to the door, do you want to kneel down and beg me while no one is watching??" The corners of his mouth cracked, and he

  smiled More and more ferocious.

  "I said that if my disciples meet you, they should stay away and admit defeat." Li Chengyi raised his right hand and moved his five fingers.

  "But when I go back and think about it, I hope she can win this final and get a higher ranking. What should I do?"

  He took a step forward.

  The two of them were almost face to face, within arm's reach.

  "So I thought of a good idea."

  "As long as you don't meet her, she won't give in and won't shy away."

  (End of Chapter)

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