Chapter 27 027 Go to One

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  Chapter 27 027 Go to 1'Flower
  Scale Clothes Evolution Degree: 100%. Evil thoughts: 45.'

  "." Li Chengyi felt no surprise after sensing the progress of Flower of Evil's Flower Scale Clothes.

  Unsurprisingly, these evil thoughts should have come from Meng Dongdong in the blind spot.

  Although I don’t know what kind of psychological changes she went through, she should have completely eliminated her thoughts in the end.

  'It seems that permanent coma and death should also be considered as eliminating evil thoughts, which is much simpler.

  He was calculating in his mind.

  Enter the community and go straight along the tree-lined driveway.

  Li Chengyi suddenly recalled the last two words that Meng Dongdong didn't finish.

  'Could it be that he thought I was a cybernetic whose body had been modified? '

  These days, not everyone can transform people. Ordinary prosthetics are indeed not expensive, but transforming people is different.

  This kind of expensive surgery, which requires a lot of logistics, real-time maintenance, and the establishment of extremely powerful firewalls and neuron systems, is far from what ordinary people can afford.

  Even capital companies and the like are easily unwilling to undertake the task of transforming people.

  'So, how come she thinks I'm a reformer? 'Li Chengyi was confused.

  My predecessor had never seen a modified person in my life, because it was said that modified people were equipped with special simulated skins and looked no different from ordinary people. Only when the transformation ability is truly used will the difference be revealed.

  After thinking for a while, he didn't understand. Li Chengyi put it behind him. With his boss behind him, he didn't have to worry too much about many things.

  The key now is that if the evil thoughts can collect all the flower scale clothes as soon as possible, they may be able to increase even more.

  From the first time they fought against a human-faced monster, Hua Linyi died together.

  By the time he was attacked by the human-faced monster for the second time, the flower-scaled clothes were only slightly damaged, but the body inside was not hurt.

  The evolution of the Flower Scale Clothes has obviously improved a lot.

  Therefore, Li Chengyi also has considerable expectations for the improvement after completing the evil thoughts.

  When I got home, my sister had already gone back to her room to rest, and her father was filling the water with a kettle. Mother Feng Yurong is preparing for breakfast tomorrow morning, holding a handful of green beans and slowly picking off the old stems.

  Li Chengyi opened the door and went in. He glanced at the two people, but vaguely felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

  "What's wrong?" He is in a good mood now. Not only has he adjusted his mentality, but he has also found a way to absorb evil thoughts and obtained new clues to blind spots.

  In addition, Meng Dongdong's death bought him more than a month.

  I just didn't expect him to calm down. There seems to be something going on at home.

  "It's nothing. How is your work? You've been leaving early and coming back late during this period. Are there any signs?" Feng Yurong adjusted his expression and asked with a smile.

  Li Chengyi changed his shoes and entered the door.

  "I've found it. The salary is good, just over 10,000, but it will be very tiring and I often need to be outside." He did not mention the entire salary, so that it can be used when buying flowers.

  "Ten thousand? That's pretty good." Feng Yurong's eyes suddenly brightened when he heard the salary amount, and he could clearly see that he was in a better mood.

  "Don't be afraid of being tired. It's already great if you can find a suitable job these days. If you do your job well and do your job honestly, the company won't miss it." She still has that honest concept, but she doesn't know that work requires more than just hard work. More is needed.

  Li Chengyi didn't want to refute, but nodded perfunctorily.

  "I know, I'll do a good job."

  "By the way, which company is it? What's its name? We'll ask you about the situation." Li Zhao came out of the kitchen with a slightly relaxed smile on his face.

  "Hongjin Biomedicine." Li Chengyi took out his mobile phone and pulled up an employment agreement, various company certificates, and even specialized production products, showing them to the two of them.

  In order to pretend to be perfect, Syndra did not just build an empty shell, but actually established a biomedical company with products, functioning, and even profitable.

  It's just that this company has a lot of extra people working on temporary jobs, that's all.

  The two old men took their mobile phones and watched carefully for more than ten minutes. They searched randomly on the search engine and found the company's online product store. Looking at the somewhat exaggerated monthly sales, the two old men quickly believed that this was not a scam. .

  Then he repeatedly asked Li Chengyi to work hard, work conscientiously and down-to-earth when he finds a job, study diligently, and keep pace with the times. He talked
  a lot.

  At the end, Li Chengyi was about to get up and wash up, and then he remembered the strange atmosphere when he entered the door just now.

  I asked immediately.

  "By the way, what happened just now? Why aren't you in a good mood?"

  As soon as he spoke, Li Zhao's expression changed and he sighed.

  "Let your mother talk to you." He didn't want to say more and turned to the kitchen.

  Feng Yurong also sighed.

  "It's your sister. Her place was squeezed out."

  "Didn't it cost money?" Li Chengyi was stunned. My predecessor, my sister Li Chengjiu, wanted to take the exam for a certificate called an omnic.

  This certificate is very difficult to take and has extremely high value. The registration fee and examination fee alone cost more than 100,000. Unexpectedly,
  "We don't know what's going on? Ask your sister, she won't tell, she just lost her temper. Now that the money has been paid, the quota is gone and I don't know what to do." Feng Yurong sighed, looking tired.

  Li Chengyi also fell silent.

  He had a bad impression of Li Chengjiu, but he had a good impression of his predecessor's parents. In some ways, Li Zhao and Feng Yurong are very similar to his parents in his previous life.

  So many times, he would naturally regard the two of them as his family.

  Now my family is not well off, and now more than 100,000 yuan has been wasted.
  "I'll support you when I get paid," he said. "How much money do you have? Work hard and wait until later. Take care of yourself first and don't let us worry. We will be satisfied." Li Zhao said impatiently at the kitchen entrance.

  "What your dad said is that no matter how young you are, you don't have to worry about family matters. Just take care of yourself and we will take care of it." Feng Yurong also agreed.

  It can be seen that they still regard Li Chengyi as a child, and they have a completely different attitude towards Li Chengjiu.

  "Okay, I understand. If anything happens, remember to tell me." Li Chengyi didn't refute. If it was his predecessor, he would definitely start to contradict him again. He would say, "I'm not a child anymore. What's wrong with expressing my opinions when something happens?" Class words.

  But he won't.

  After a break, he mentioned the business trip to the two of them tomorrow, and Feng Yurong immediately started to pack his suitcase and clothes, deciding what thickness to take according to where he was going.

  I kept working on it until eleven o'clock in the evening before finishing it.

  After a dreamless night, Li Chengyi fell into a deep sleep while pondering his ability in flower language and clues in blind spots.

  He had never slept so peacefully.

  Early the next morning, a ringing phone woke him up from his sleep.

  "This world is beautiful. The past is just air. Breathing will break it. Smile happily every day. There are so many sufferings. It would be better if you add a little sweetness." This song was the favorite song of the predecessor. The title of the song is "Beautiful

  " "World", singer Huang Bin, he composes the music and lyrics, and is a relatively niche second- and third-tier singer.

  The singing is very vicissitudes of life and has great taste. The voice of a man in his forties has the feeling of being able to sing the vicissitudes of life from the ordinary.

  After Li Chengyi heard it, he liked it very much and cut the climax part into a cell phone ringtone.

  Pick up the phone and press answer.

  "Mr. Cheng Yi?" A deep voice came from the other end of the phone, "I'm Song Ran. The boss asked me to accompany you to Tia Mog. My car is at the gate of the community."

  "So fast? Okay, wait for me for ten minutes." Li Chengyi perked up, stood up quickly, and lifted the quilt.

  After hurriedly washing up, he put on his ID, wallet, mobile phone, and suitcase. He simply said hello to his father, Li Zhao, who was sitting in the living room peeling fruit, and rushed out.

  Dragging the box, he came to the gate of the community.

  The car has a rough appearance and is a black off-road vehicle.

  The entire vehicle has the shape of a truck, and the rear half is an open-air cargo frame.

  The two square lights on the front of the car are as big as a human head. In the middle of the lamp is a honeycomb-shaped rectangular black heat dissipation mesh.

  There are only two doors, the left one is the driver's seat and the right one is the co-pilot's seat.

  The side of the car body is also painted with red and green paint and some messy lines, I don’t know what they mean.

  "Let's go, get in the car." The driver's window opened, revealing the face of a man with a sallow complexion and a crew cut.

  "Okay." Li Chengyi dragged his luggage and stuffed it into the back compartment. He opened the door and sat in the passenger seat.

  "This car is a bit crowded." He frowned slightly.

  "As long as the function works," Song Ran replied.

  Only then did Li Chengyi have time to look at this guy carefully.

  This man was very strong, with arms almost as thick as an average person's thighs. He was wearing a black T-shirt, and on his chest was a line of scrawled blue writing. I don't know what it was written on.

  His skin color is a little whitish, and his facial features are very three-dimensional, a bit like a foreigner.

  Buzz, the car started, and the two accelerated along the road and drove into the distance.

  "The boss asked me to accompany you there. If there is any problem, I will help deal with it. It's a bit far over there and we don't have many people. Remember to keep a low profile." Song Ran warned.

  "Don't worry, I'm so weak, I can't be high-profile even if I want to." Li Chengyi answered seriously.

  Song Ran didn't say anything, just glanced at him. He didn't think that a person who could survive three consecutive times in a blind spot was weak.

  "It takes about three hours to drive from here. Why don't you take a nap to recuperate?"

  "It's just the two of us?"

  "There are employees from some companies over there, but they're just peripherals. There's no need to talk to them more. , don't mention the blind spot." Song Ran replied.

  "Brother, are you from Yi country?"

  "My father is."

  "What else?"

  "My father died, my mother abandoned me, and it was the boss who raised me." Song Ran replied calmly. So he didn't want to mention mom.

  "Okay." Li Chengyi was speechless. This is a sad thing for someone.

  "Don't worry, I won't feel it anymore after talking about this kind of thing too many times. People don't live for the past." Song Ran said lightly. "The car needs to be recharged when we leave the city later. What food and drink you need to buy, how to use the restroom, etc., should be dealt with in advance. Let's save time." "No problem." Seeing that Song Ran didn't want to chat, Li Chengyi simply stayed silent and sat in his


  . Close your eyes and rest your mind.

  He could understand the way he drove there. After all, they were not ordinary people and needed to carry too many things.

  He had two guns and three magazines on him alone. A fully functional body armor set.

  (End of chapter)

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