Chapter 249 Chapter 249 Ambush One

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  Chapter 249 249 Ambush
  in a command hall.

  Li Chengyi looked at the people in the corner who were constantly fighting outside. The golden ring of fire around him slowly faded. That was the vision when I used the Blade of Destiny just now.

  At this time, Rainbow Candy is obviously much more adaptable than before. Wearing the flower fantasy clothes, her speed and strength have been greatly increased. She can jump over the sand with extremely agile movements.

  Combined with the high-frequency vibrating knife prepared by Sea Wolf in advance, it only takes about ten seconds to kill a giant lizard in close combat.

  But there were too many monitor lizards.

  Their three teams totaled nearly twenty people. Facing two to three hundred monitor lizards, it was basically a situation of being besieged.

  "These giant lizards cannot be formed naturally. Such strength of flesh and blood is obviously artificially modified,"

  Li Chengyi recalled the information Su Tan had read.

  Because of the chaos, incompetent government, and warlord rule here in Sutan, human lives are at a premium, making it a very suitable place to be stationed for some biochemical experiments.

  Among them, biotechnology is led by the Nuoer Group, which is second to none in the entire Sudan.

  Li Chengyi just sat quietly in the command hall, assisting everyone in killing the giant lizard by controlling the fire control system of the ship's hull.

  Occasionally, at critical moments, he would use flower language to hide within range and save the person in a blind spot under control.

  After more than ten minutes.

  The last monitor lizard was stabbed hard through the head and fell to the ground.

  Alyssa gasped and spread out the blue exoskeleton armor, revealing the face inside.

  Her clothes were soaked with sweat, and even the heat-dissipating and sweat-absorbing function of the exoskeleton had no time to eliminate it.

  Three teams together, four people died.

  They are all members of the Sea Wolf team.

  As the top elites sent this time, they didn't expect that they would encounter such a big danger right from the beginning.

  The equipment they thought was powerful was torn apart in a few blows in front of these giant lizards.

  "Just bury the person on the spot." Alyssa seemed to be a different person at this time.

  "It may be a kind of happiness for people to die in a dead corner." She walked to a scratched corpse and took a marker from the corpse to keep her identity.

  "Boss, it seems that this trip is really different from what I thought before." Wang walked to her side.

  "Yes." Alyssa's eyes were calm, as if there was a fire brewing in the depths.

  "If I die, you will be the next boss. Remember?"

  "What if I die?" Wang asked.

  "That's your business. I'm not your mother." Alyssa said impatiently.

  Turning around, she reboarded the troopship.

  The rest of the Sea Wolf only felt a little sad, and then quickly returned to normal. They should eat and drink, as if the person who had just died was not theirs.

  However, Rainbow Candy, who got on the boat together, discovered that they had brought with them the tokens of the people who had died before.

  This seems to be a tradition of theirs.

  "What a strong-willed team." Lei Shan also saw this scene and his expression moved slightly.

  "Those who can come here are either lunatics who overestimate their abilities, or strong men who have been prepared for it. Everyone is mentally prepared." Li Chengyi sighed.

  "Yes." Lei Shan nodded.

  "We have to speed up and try to reach our destination within two days. Fight quickly. There may be many dangers hidden in this desert." Li Chengyi reminded.

  "Is there any new information from our intelligence channels?" Lei Shan frowned.

  "There are some." Li Chengyi did receive some information about the sand pirates from Qiong An.

  "The dead-end teams in front were all attacked by sand pirates. These giant lizards should be their work. Many people died. I suspect they are screening." He said solemnly.

  "Screening." Lei Shan was silent.

  "Or it's okay to test. If we are too weak, they will naturally not talk nonsense to us. If we are strong enough, they may have another attitude." Li Chengyi said.

  His purpose was to find Harnes directly. And now, the clues of Hanes and the Book of Records are all marked in the Black Road Oasis.

  The core hinterland of the Sand Pirates is the most critical place.

  "So, are you confident that you can go through this journey?" Lei Shan looked at Li Chengyi tentatively.

  At the first level, we encountered trouble like a giant lizard. You don't have to think about it to know that the next step will definitely be more dangerous.

  "If we don't keep going, we won't be able to survive sooner or later." Li Chengyi sighed, "Actually, I have a better idea." "

  Oh? Tell me about it." Lei Shan asked calmly.

  "Brother Lei Shan, most of the blind people who can come to Sutan are determined people who have experienced a lot of life and death, are not afraid of hardships and survive in death." Li Chengyi said seriously.

  "Such an individual, even in the army, is an elite figure. But here, they will be buried in the desert because of the gap in equipment and insufficient training. So..." "So, Brother Li wants to, as far as possible

  , To bring everyone together? I heard that Destiny Garden opened a company called Mingyuan in Yi Country. It is dedicated to improving the survival rate of people in dead corners?" Lei Shan thought thoughtfully.

  "That's right. We dead-end people are ostracized by society and abandoned by our families. The only people we can rely on are our own kind. In this case, why don't we unite ourselves?" Li Chengyi asked.

  "Even if the blind spot may pull us in at any time, even if we may suddenly disappear at any time and die somewhere. But at least we have tried hard! We have struggled!" His words moved

  Lei Shan slightly.

  Most people who can integrate teams actually have this idea. And those who dare to pursue clues to get out of blind spots are people with great perseverance and ambition.

  "So, how do you identify the unstable elements in the team? After all, it is often difficult to distinguish between lunatics and elites." Lei Shan asked.

  "If people are not forced to the point of despair, who would be willing to risk their lives to become a madman?" Li Chengyi asked.

  ".Well said!" Wang walked into the command hall from the side and rear. "Actually, our previous leader also had this idea, but he died in a blind spot only halfway through the implementation. So the first thing we have to ensure is to live as long as possible." "Live longer. Who can absolutely guarantee that he can survive for a long time in the face of a dead end?" Lei Shan sighed.

  "Yes, if the leader himself is an unstable factor, a group will not have cohesion at all." Wang nodded.

  "Then rely on the system. Attract people with the same ideas, and then gather strength to maintain the rules of the dead zone." Li Chengyi said.

  "Furthermore" he narrowed his eyes slightly, "there are many people in the blind spot who have various talents. Maybe, one day, there will be a person who can live in the blind spot for a long time. ”

  Just when the Dead End Man rushed towards the Black Road Oasis and snatched the Book of Records.

  Shalinpo City.

  In front of the ruins of a collapsed house.

  The setting sun shines slantingly, stretching people's shadows very long.

  The boy Paine stood quietly on the roadside, watching his mother kneeling in the ruins, covering her face and crying.

  The sun was strong, but their hearts were extremely cold at this time.

  A small-scale conflict between warlords half a month ago resulted in the city of Shalinpo being accidentally bombed by a dozen missiles.

  One of the houses that was accidentally bombed was the house of his grandfather's family.

  After they arrived here, they couldn't contact their family members. When they found their address, they discovered that their original home had completely disappeared.

  "Maybe I will be the one who lives the longest in the family." This thought flashed through Paine's mind.

  None of the other normal people lived longer than this blind man.

  He quietly held his father's ashes and stood beside the ruins, looking at his crying mother.

  "Excuse me, is your name Pan En?"

  Suddenly a gentle female voice floated behind him.

  Pan turned his head silently and saw a beautiful woman with brilliant blond hair slowly approaching him.

  She was wearing a simple black women's suit, with a trace of regret and sympathy in her eyes.

  "Who are you?" Paine asked.

  "Do you remember the magician who talked to you on the plane?" the woman asked softly.

  "??" Paine opened his eyes wide. How could he not remember that the mysterious magician was a magical man who he couldn't tell was a magician?

  "It seems you remember." The woman walked up to him and stared at the ruins in front of her.

  "He asked me to come to you."

  "Why?" Paine asked.

  "Do you want to save your mother?" the woman asked.

  "Can you help me?" Paine's eyes lit up with a glimmer of hope. My mother is terminally ill and may not live long.

  In addition, he is also a blind spot person, and maybe he will also go to spend time with his family soon.

  Originally he had given up hope.

  But the man in front of him said,
  "Paine." The woman said softly, "Did you know? In this world, people are different." "Yes. That's

  why my mother is terminally ill, and that's why my father is He would die in space. That’s why my grandparents stayed at home and were bombed by missiles." Paine answered calmly.

  "This is for you." The woman took out an earphone and handed it to Paine. "If you want to know why you are so unlucky, maybe he can give you the answer."

  Paine looked at the black pea-sized earphones in the other person's palm, took them without hesitation, and gently inserted them into his right ear.

  "I wish you good luck." The blond woman turned around and left slowly.

  There was a slight hiss in the headphones, but it soon became clear.

  "Hello, Pan." Li Chengyi's voice came from it. "You can call me a magician."

  "I don't want my mother to die." Paine said calmly, "So, what can I do for you?"

  This world is cruel. He understood this very early on.

  His father often told him that if a person wants to get something, he must give something.

  "You are very sensible, child." Li Chengyi sighed, "I can help you treat your mother's disease and delay her survival time. If it cannot be cured, I can help you use freezing technology to completely freeze your mother into dormancy and wait. In the future, medical technology will be stronger and it will be possible to cure this disease and then thaw it."

  "So, what can I do?" Paine asked.

  "You are special, Paine." Li Chengyi said, "Everyone in this world is different. So why, why does the world give people different talents? Have you ever thought about this?" "." This question is very important

  for For a boy who is only eight years old, he is obviously a bit profound.

  "God gave you birth and special abilities so that you can do what you should do in this world." Li Chengyi said.

  "I don't understand. What should I do?" Paine couldn't understand.


  Li Chengyi said in a deep voice.

  "Your ability, your talent. Perhaps it is the only light that can find the ultimate hope among us people in the blind spot." "

  In the blind spot, you can surpass everyone, surpass everything, and find the light with the highest real survival rate."

  "I don't understand what you are talking about." Paine hesitated.

  "Come work for me." Li Chengyi said. "In exchange, I will help you treat your mother."


  (End of this chapter)

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