Chapter 240 Chapter 240 Go to Four

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  Chapter 240 240 Go to the Four

  Dead Ends Among the people, there are high-frequency flashers, high-level sensors, and they may also have various other talents that have not been discovered.

  "Paine told me that he could hear strange sounds in blind spots, and as long as he followed the sounds, he could leave successfully. I didn't believe it at first. But he suddenly entered a blind spot in front of me! Then he entered a blind spot in front of me! It came out in an instant!"

  Li Chengyi said seriously.

  "So awesome!?" Rainbow Candy was shocked. "If his ability is real, then wouldn't it be possible to escape from all blind spots easily!? There is no need to worry about safety issues at all!?" "I suspect that

  he, like me, also belongs to the group of people with special abilities in blind spots." Li Cheng Yi said.

  "Understood, I will follow up and observe when I get off the plane to retrieve the equipment!" Skittles understood the importance of the situation and agreed immediately.

  Their equipment, drone weapons, etc., including Li Chengyi's green electric epee, were all checked in the suitcase. It is not convenient to use equipment for marking now.

  Turning off his phone, Li Chengyi looked back at Paine, who was sleeping soundly. His mother was comforting his younger brother and covering him with a thin blanket.

  'If it is really confirmed that Paine has such a rare talent, then his importance is no less important than the Book of Records! 'Li Chengyi knew clearly.

  Sutan Salimpo.

  The desert city that was originally just a remote town has now gathered a group of special explorers from all over the world with the ancient cultural relic exploration activities sponsored by the Noel Group.

  The financial reward of up to 50 million white dollars (White Star currency) is enough to make every adventurer who participates become rich overnight. They don’t have to work for the rest of their lives and can just lie back and enjoy everything.

  At this time, it is noon, the hottest time of direct sunlight in the desert.

  A passenger plane from the White Star Storm Sea slowly landed at Shalinpo Airport.

  As the radio sounded.

  Groups of tourists followed the tour guide and got off the plane one after another.

  Among the many tourists holding signs, a group of men and women dressed in uniform navy blue field military uniforms came out of the covered bridge with calm faces.

  This group of people had a totally different style from the messily dressed tourists around them. There were twelve of them in total, and the one walking at the front was a silver-haired woman with a high ponytail wearing silver single-sided glasses.

  If anyone who is familiar with the Dead End Circle sees it, they will immediately recognize this team as the Sea Wolves, a well-known Dead End team from White Star.

  The leader of the Sea Wolf changes every two years, and the current leader is a strong silver-haired woman named Alyssa Griffith.

  That is, the woman with a high ponytail walking in the front.

  Sea Wolf and his group followed most of them towards the luggage area, ready to wait for the carousel to deliver the suitcases.

  Their main equipment was in their suitcases, and they were fully prepared for this event.

  When they arrived at the luggage area, they were shocked to find that their suitcases were all separated from those of tourists. They were piled in a corner and were being opened and inspected one by one.

  The people doing the checks were a team of airport staff wearing official black uniforms.

  There was also a group of yellow-painted Sutan soldiers standing around. They were covered in exoskeletons and wore heavy helmets. Each of them was two to three meters tall. From a distance, they looked like standing mechanical mantises.

  The leader of these soldiers was a man with long red hair.

  He has a slender figure, a smile on his face, and a vaguely cruel and creepy coldness in his eyes.

  "I'm sorry. According to the local laws of Sutan, in order to deal with unrest, an emergency response plan has been specially formulated." He turned around and bowed slightly towards the Sea Wolf and his group who were approaching quickly.

  He seemed to be very polite, but the malice in those blue eyes was not concealed at all.

  "There is no legal provision. After passengers get off the plane, their checked luggage will be opened by a third party at will!" Sea Wolf leader Alyssa saw the underwear in her suitcase being pulled out by several people and thrown aside casually, and her heart was filled with anger. rushed up.

  "Are you trying to cause an international dispute!?" She took a step forward and pressed the red-haired man tightly.

  "No way, it's definitely fine for ordinary passengers. But are you ordinary passengers?" The red-haired man smiled evilly. "My dear Agatha Mein, if you are dissatisfied, you can complain to me."

  He stood there and blew gently at the Sea Wolf leader.

  "Alternatively, you can choose to resist the law violently." He circled his fingers behind the opponent.

  "Look, there are so many people here from you Sea Wolf, and you brought so much contraband! What are you here for? A terrorist attack?"

  Sea Wolf leader Alyssa's face turned red and she looked at each other. There are more than a dozen exoskeleton soldiers behind him. It is obvious that the opponent is well prepared.

  "Alyssa, calm down." A black-haired man behind him gently stretched out her hand behind her waist and grabbed it.

  "I'm calm. King." Alyssa watched the various expensive equipment in her and others' suitcases being pulled out and assembled at will, and the anger in her heart surged like waves.

  Not only her, but also the other members of the Sea Wolf behind her. If their beloved equipment is tampered with by others, and their personal belongings are rummaged around, anyone will get angry.

  "Would you like to come over here?" The red-haired man Agatha Mei smiled strangely and pointed at his throat.

  Alyssa, Sea Wolf and others behind her clenched their fists involuntarily.

  The atmosphere is like a dynamite keg that will explode with just a spark.

  "Calm down!" The black-haired man touched Alyssa's back again. "There are a lot of people ambushing outside!"

  Alyssa also noticed this at this time, and glanced outside the airport from the corner of her eye. Sure enough, groups of soldiers wearing body armor were scattered around the airport.

  Various heavy weapons are looming.

  There are also a large group of drones floating and hovering in mid-air.

  "Agasha Mei'en, right? I remember you!" Alyssa pointed at the other party seriously.

  Suddenly, she was kicked hard into her lower abdomen.

  The kick was so heavy that she was kicked several meters away on the spot and hit two Seawolves members behind her.

  "What the hell!!"

  Sea Wolf and the others rushed forward angrily and were about to take action. Click.

  There were a lot of guns around them with their muzzles raised, all aimed at them.

  A group of people suddenly did not dare to move anymore.

  "Move! Fight! Come and kill me!" The red-haired man Agatha Mein raised his hands in the air and laughed.

  "Come on, don't be afraid, fight to death!"

  "Let's go!" The black-haired man in the sea wolf helped up the leader Alyssa and took over the command in a deep voice.

  "Get out of the airport first!" he whispered.

  A group of people suppressed their anger, were pointed at gunpoint, and had no equipment. They could only walk out of the airport in frustration and went to the outside rest area to wait for the inspection to be completed.

  Soon, the inspection was completed, and all the equipment and weapons in their suitcases were searched, leaving only the dirty daily clothes.

  "These bitches! Fuck!" Alyssa looked extremely ugly.

  "The treatment of the people in the blind spot has always been bad, but I didn't expect that Su Tan didn't even cover up this time, and directly led people to take action." The black-haired man replied in a low voice, "They are targeting us, but I don't know if they are targeting us Sea Wolves alone. , or"

  "There are a lot of blind spots here this time, let's wait and see what they want to do?" Alyssa gritted her teeth and said, she was kicked, and now her stomach is still cramping.

  A group of people suppressed their anger and waited in the rest area.

  After a while, another passenger plane arrived.

  Groups of tourists walked out one after another. Two of the teams came out as small teams of only three to five people.

  The red-haired man Agatha Mein seemed to have accurate information. He led people forward and stopped the dead ends of the two teams in a few clicks.

  "It's the core bullet! The blind spot team from Yi Country!" Alyssa recognized one of the team members.

  "The other one is Siesta's North Shore Star." The black-haired man added on the side, "They should all be the dead-end teams that were attracted." There are

  many dead-end people in the world, and naturally there are also many teams among them.

  These teams are basically formed for one purpose, which is to share information and increase the chance of survival.

  Some even spontaneously form groups to protect themselves simply because the dead-end people are marginalized and ignored by society.

  "Core Bullet is a violent group, and there are many lunatics in it. I want to see how they deal with it!" Alyssa said solemnly, looking intently at the security check exit.

  Sure enough, a loud quarrel started. Apparently their checked luggage was also unpacked and confiscated.

  The four core bullet men all had crazy eyes, and two of them took action without warning.

  One rushed towards Agatha Mein, and the other rushed towards the exoskeleton soldier on the side.

  Puff puff puff puff!

  In an instant, there was a burst of bullets.

  Before the two of them got close, they were beaten into pieces on the spot, and blood and water leaked out of their bodies as if they were free of money.

  The remaining two people were knocked to the ground by Agatha and another person, each punched lightly and accurately.

  "These garbage are destabilizing factors in society and potential terrorists! Look, look!" Agatha raised his hands and smiled. "Even our official soldiers dare to attack, what else can they not dare to do!?" "

  The people in the blind spots are rubbish! Did you see it? They are all unstable bombs!" "

  What? You are not convinced?" He Sensing that something was wrong with the eyes of the three people on the other side of the North Shore Star, they immediately stared at them coldly.

  "In order to maintain local security and order, all those who come to Sutan must have their luggage unpacked and checked, and all contraband items confiscated!"

  He raised his right hand and said loudly.

  Many tourists and local staff around him responded with cheers.

  "Can we leave?" The leader of the North Shore Star is a tall man with a stern face named Lei Shan.

  "Of course. You are very obedient." Agatha laughed evilly.

  Lei Shan nodded and walked out of the security checkpoint with his two companions like ordinary people.

  In their suitcases, pieces of expensive equipment and personal belongings were dug out and confiscated. Some were not even contraband at all and were secretly taken away by the soldiers.

  "Boss, are we just going to tolerate this?!" behind Lei Shan, a woman couldn't help but asked in a depressed tone.

  "It doesn't matter. I can compensate you for the things later and let them handle it. Su Tan's official attitude is more important." Lei Shan said calmly.

  "Yes, it seems we are not very welcome here." Another man pushed up his AR glasses and replied in a low voice.

  "No one will welcome us. In this world, the only one we can rely on is ourselves." Lei Shan said, "The event was organized by the Nuoer Group, but Sutan officials showed a serious unwelcoming attitude. It is obvious that the Nuoer Group has a relationship with the official There are differences, and the differences are not small."

  "But our equipment." The only woman was a little angry.

  "I have contacted the local people here and purchased enough substitutes. You can just work hard and assemble it yourself." The man wearing glasses replied.

  "Let's go, we must find the Book of Records this time. If the news released by the Nuoer Group is true, then finding the Book of Records will give each of us two more crescents." Lei Shan said lightly.

  At this time, the radio in the airport lobby rang again, and the prompt tone in Sudanese language was slowly broadcast.

  Information also appeared on the scroll screen.

  "Flight t7762, passengers from Yiguo Chaoyu City, please go to turntable No. 4 and wait to retrieve your luggage." In the covered

  bridge passage, Li Chengyi and others were slowly following the crowd and moving out.

  (End of chapter)

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