Chapter 24 024 Clue 2

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  Chapter 24 024 Clue 2

  "Earthquake?" Li Chengyi's heart sank.

  "Yes, it is said that many people died in the garage at that time. I have sent people to try to detect the location." Syndra frowned slightly, as if she still had something to say.

  "When will we have real confidence?"

  "I don't know." Syndra shook her head. "It's strange. Several of the addresses we found were searched using vibration wave detection technology, and there was nothing underground. This parking lot, it seems There's something wrong."

  "Isn't it?" Li Chengyi heard the confusion in his words.

  "Yes, it shouldn't be as simple as mentioned in the information. During the investigation, we found obvious traces of artificial erasure of information. Maybe someone misled the address information, so it will take time to find the real location. "Sindra said.

  "Okay. At least I know a name." Li Chengyi was slightly disappointed, but from the beginning to now, he was just sitting back and enjoying the success, so there was nothing to say.

  After all, the other party doesn't owe him anything.

  "Don't worry, there are still a few days left, and I have prepared a lot of good things for you." Syndra smiled.

  Li Chengyi vaguely guessed what it was, and felt a little more at ease.

  "By the way, isn't there another assistant besides me? Why haven't I seen him yet?" "

  He is out investigating his blind spots, so I can't see him for the time being. Besides, apart from these, there is something else that you need to know." Xin Della continued.

  "Someone tried to register information through your mobile phone before and found out your specific location, your family situation, and all the surrounding information." "

  Except for people from the company, who else knew that I was in a blind spot?" Li Chengyi's heart skipped a beat. , asked quickly.

  "It's impossible for people here to leak secrets, and we don't need to go to such trouble to check your information." Syndra replied calmly.

  Li Chengyi lowered his head and quickly understood the meaning.

  "Is he the one who got into a blind spot with me?"

  "It's good that you know."

  Syndra came over and sat down at the table.

  "Cheng Yi, you are very smart and perseverant. I know your progress during these times, so I sincerely hope that you can pass the first blind corner." He looked at Li Chengyi seriously.

  "Thank you, boss." Li Chengyi nodded, looking equally serious.

  "Don't thank me. Our goals are the same. I will help you stop the people who check your information. But this is only the first time, so you must be mentally prepared." Syndra said.

  "I understand."

  Li Chengyi understood what he meant.

  If you want to survive in a blind spot, you must offend other people and the forces behind it.

  And if you are afraid of offending others, worrying about this or that, you will definitely be the one who dies in the end.

  "After entering, cooperate first and find the exit as quickly as possible. If there is no other way and there is no time, don't be soft. The rules there are different from those in reality." Syndra reminded seriously.

  "Okay!" Li Chengyi nodded with a solemn expression.

  "I hope you really know."

  Syndra breathed out and was about to continue.


  Suddenly the phone rang.

  He took out his phone, pressed it, and put it to his ear.

  Bursts of rapid talking continued to come from the microphone, but it was not Yiguo, but another language that Li Chengyi was unfamiliar with, and it was not Baixing.

  Sindra exchanged a few words with the person on the other end of the phone, and suddenly her expression became a little surprised and surprised.

  After a while, he hung up the phone and looked at Li Chengyi in front of him.

  "As for the real location of the Grius parking lot, we have found it. And we have already started digging. If you want to find the exit, I suggest you go there yourself to understand and walk through the entire parking lot." His The advice is sound.

  Finding the prototype of a blind spot in reality was also an extremely surprising thing for Li Chengyi.

  Without any hesitation, he nodded quickly.

  "When will we set off?"

  "Wait until the excavation is completed. It's definitely too late for you to go now. It will take a lot of time to dig out a complete passage. After all, no one can tell what is going on inside." Syndra explained, "What you have to do now is to prepare with all your strength to deal with the upcoming blind spot." "

  Indeed, no one knows how the blind spot will pull me in again. It can happen anytime and anywhere." Li Chengyi understood, " If I happen to enter when I don't have anything with me..."

  He thought of this, and a sense of urgency arose in his heart.

  "In other words, from now on, you'd better stay in the company, wear all the equipment on your body every day, and be prepared to enter a blind spot at any time. The military carrying bag I prepared for you contains high-calorie food that can withstand hunger for a long time. Of course, military supplies will carry a certain weight, so you can consider whether to carry them as appropriate."

  Listening to Syndra's words, Li Chengyi suddenly thought of how he should tell his family about this.

  "Can my boss give me a proof of employment?"

  "No problem." Sindra smiled. He also has a son, so he has always admired people who value family.

  "You will definitely come back alive." He assured seriously.

  "I think so too." Li Chengyi nodded.

  He left the office and walked into the elevator. Before the elevator door closed, suddenly the pencil-browed woman from last time walked over quickly and handed him a bag.

  "The boss gave this to you in advance."

  Li Chengyi took it. "Thank you."

  "Remember to wear it with you and hide the gun." Pencil Eyebrow warned seriously.

  "Yes." Li Chengyi took the bag and looked inside.

  Inside the opaque bag was a set of thick black vests. In the center of the vest was a small black pistol, the model of which was the Deling G17 he had practiced with before.

  "Remember not to be discovered by others." Pencil Eyebrow warned again. "Don't worry about inspections like the subway. Engineering plastic materials can pass most inspections."

  "Don't worry. I'll be careful." Li Chengyi answered affirmatively again.

  He raised his hand and gestured OK to the other party.

  The elevator door slowly closed. He opened the bag, took out the bulletproof vest, looked at it, and quickly took off his sportswear jacket and put it on.

  The heavy body armor gave him a solid sense of security.

  Then there's the pistol.

  The gun also comes with a belt holster. Li Chengyi tied up the belt skillfully, put the gun into the holster on his waist, and fixed it.

  Then put on your coat.


  The zipper was pulled up, and with a slight friction sound, the body armor and pistol were completely covered.

  Take the bus all the way back to Xingfu Community.

  Li Chengyi felt a little uneasy. After all, this was the first time he brought a gun home. Well, this statement is a bit strange.

  He kept simulating in his mind what he would do if his family found out.

  Unknowingly, we arrived at the door of our house along the way.

  Standing in front of the black and red security door, he looked up at the red character "福" posted on it. He didn't take the key to open the door for a long time.

  "Go in? What are you doing standing at the door?" An impatient female voice suddenly came from behind.

  Li Chengyi turned around and looked behind him.

  It's Li Chengjiu.

  As a biological sibling born from the same child as his predecessor, Li Chengjiu looks somewhat similar to Li Chengyi.

  Both of them looked ordinary and not good-looking.

  But only the corners of his eyes were raised, his eyebrows were very thin, close to his eyelids, and he seemed to be smiling.

  But Li Chengyi's smile is very ordinary and has a very gentle temperament.

  But his sister Li Chengjiu is completely different.

  Her face is thin, her cheeks are sunken, her cheekbones are high, and her lips are deliberately dark red.

  Just standing behind Li Chengyi at this time can give people a cold and fierce temperament.

  Coupled with the smile brought by the slanted eyes, it instantly turned into a sinister look of sneer.

  "If you don't want to go in, get out of the way." Li Chengjiu pushed his brother away and took out the key to open the door.

  She seemed to be in a bad mood.

  No, in the memory of her predecessor, she seemed to be in a bad mood when she came back. She lost her temper every day, and would get extremely irritable and break things if she didn't go her way.

  With a click, the door opened.

  Li Chengyi noticed that the silver metal suitcase that his sister was carrying had a lot of scratches on the surface as usual.

  He said nothing, followed the door, changed his shoes, went to the bathroom to wash his hands, then returned to his room and closed the door.

  My parents haven't gone home yet, and it's not completely dark outside.

  He sat down at his desk and listened to Li Chengjiu cursing loudly in the next room, not knowing what he was getting angry about.

  Stretching out his hand, he gently stroked the Deling G17 on his lower back. It was made of cold and hard engineering plastic, which was much lighter than metal. The surface was also matte and frosted, making it very frictional to the touch.

  After closing the curtains, Li Chengyi sat at the table, pulled out the gun, removed the magazine, and began to take out the bullets one by one, counting them again.

  After counting the bullets, he began to check other aspects of the gun to make sure that every part was fine and would not cause jamming or the like.

  After more than a month of special training, although he was very unskilled in the inspection process, he did not miss any steps.

  Finally, Li Chengyi put the magazine back into the gun body and made a gentle aiming movement.


  Suddenly there was the sound of the security door closing in the living room.

  Then there was the sound of mother Feng Yurong coming in to change her shoes. The plastic bag she was holding must have been filled with meat and vegetables, and the clattering sound was constant. It was the ingredients for cooking in the evening.

  Li Chengyi quickly put the pistol back into the holster, stood up, zipped up his clothes, walked to the door, and opened the door. He had to tell his family about finding a job.


  The door opened.

  He was suddenly startled.

  Look up and look forward.

  What he saw in front of him was not the familiar living room of his former home, but the closed and dangerous blind spot that he had entered several times before!

  Grius Parking Lot! !

  And just opposite the door, in a parking space, stood a woman in black who looked familiar to him.

  The woman's back was turned to him. She was shocked when she heard the voice, and slowly turned sideways to look at him.



  The two looked at each other.

  "Hello, us." Meng Dongdong forced a smile, walked forward, and quietly reached for the pistol in his jacket pocket.

  After taking only two steps, her pupils shrank and she saw a black gun with a hole in the hand of the man opposite.

  Bang bang bang bang! !
  The bullet casing flew out from the side of Deling G17 like a living thing and landed on the ground.

  Seventeen rounds of bullets were fired in just five seconds under rhythmic shooting.

  Meng Dongdong's body was shaken constantly by the beating, like a sieve. It was not until the last shot was finished that she slowly stopped, her eyes rolled white, and she fell to her knees.

  (End of chapter)

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