Chapter 203 203 Encounter Three

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  Chapter 203 203 Encountered three

  clouds that filled the sky, completely covering the entire Yunshan Mountain.

  Li Chengyi held Huang Wei in one hand and galloped quickly in the middle of the street.

  He is as fast as a speeding car. If he encounters any obstacle, he can jump up accurately and timely and easily cross it.

  The crisp
  sound of footsteps echoed in the neighborhood.

  In the mist on both sides, there are vague white things like bubbles from time to time, slowly rising and exploding.

  But if they get closer, they will find that these bubbles are inaccessible at all, as if they don't exist. You can't see it if you get close.

  "Follow this road and pass through the Li Family Pharmacy at the curve in front. We're here!" Huang Wei was floated in the air, her voice trembling with the whistling of the wind.


  Li Chengyi suddenly stopped. He raised his head and looked forward to the right.

  On the sidewalk on the right.

  A tall figure wrapped in a thick black windbreaker was standing quietly under a telephone pole.

  This man was wearing a black round hat, a large scarf, a black cloth wrapped around his face, and sunglasses, as if he had completely covered his body so that no one could see him.

  Even the shoes are black boots, covering most of the calf.

  This person also noticed Li Chengyi and Huang Wei passing by, raised his head and looked at them.

  "Is it a monster?" Li Chengyi didn't stop and rushed past the other party.

  His purpose is to find the Blue Book, the Book of Records. It's impossible to stop and ask if you see anyone strange.

  "I don't know. We often see them here. But we can't communicate or contact them.

  These men in black will suddenly appear somewhere and then disappear suddenly." Huang Wei answered.


  Li Chengyi suddenly braked, grabbed Huang Wei who rushed out with one hand, and pulled her back.

  The two stood in front of a building that looked like a croissant that had been chewed into.

  There is a white rectangular plastic sign hanging on the iron gate railing in front of the building.

  'Yunshan Library'

  "We're here."

  Li Chengyi stood outside the iron gate, holding a golden sword in his hand and holding everything at hand.


  The iron door padlock was cut open and then kicked open.

  "Let's go, is this the place you're talking about?"

  Li Chengyi looked at the library.

  The appearance of the building is pure white, with some light yellow spots dotted on the surface, which seems to be shaped like a cheese bread.

  There is a small entrance door at the bottom.

  "Be careful, there are monsters guarding here!" Huang Wei reminded him softly from behind.


  Li Chengyi wanted to ask, but found that it was no longer necessary.

  A large amount of white grass is growing rapidly on both sides of the road leading to the entrance of the library.

  The fine grass grows longer and taller.

  one meter.

  Two meters.

  Three meters!

  A large number of white fine grasses are like white hair, gathering together, entangled, rotating and extending.

  Countless white grass quickly fell to the ground in front of the two people, weaving into white human shapes.

  These human figures have no faces, and their faces are all covered by white clouds. From a distance, they look like white lollipops, with big heads but slender and tall bodies.

  "It's the Lollipop Man!" Huang Wei shouted in a low voice, stepping back in horror.

  "Be careful! These lollipop men are very fast and have very hard heads. They can't be killed!"

  "Can't you beat him to death?" Li Chengyi condensed the golden sword with both hands and casually hit the head of the nearest lollipop man.

  The golden sword hit the opponent's head with a crisp sound.

  The sword bounced away. But the Lollipop Man also shook his head and took a few steps back, as if he was stunned by the huge force.

  "So hard?"

  Li Chengyi's expression slightly condensed and he raised his hand again.

  An invisible force field of brilliance quickly extended forward with him as the center.

  Soon, the first lollipop man was shrouded into range.

  Its body twisted, and the white ball on its head began to melt slowly, and wisps of white gas came out.

  'it works! Li Chengyi stepped forward suddenly. Come closer.

  The radiant force field encompassed several lollipop figures at once.

  Suddenly the hissing sound of smoke began to sound from above their heads.

  This group of lollipop people seemed to have simple wisdom. When they noticed the trouble, they stopped and backed away.

  After a while, they retreated to both sides of the road, and their figures gradually disappeared into the clouds.

  "Let's go." Li Chengyi frowned. Since the other party didn't intend to stop him, he naturally wouldn't insist on killing him.

  In a blind spot, if you can't kill the monster, try not to kill it.

  Otherwise, the next time the difficulty increases, you will be in trouble.

  Huang Wei looked at the scene in front of her in surprise from behind.

  The lollipop man who once chased her around was forced to retreat so easily?
  Before she could react, Li Chengyi in front was already heading towards the entrance.

  "Wait for me!" She quickly followed.

  Suiyang·Forever Botanical Garden.

  Groups of tourists continue to enter through several gates of the botanical garden.

  Some families come for an outing and bring their children with them. Some are traveling as a couple, and you and I are close together.

  There are also groups of senior citizens who are led by tour guides to introduce the botanical garden along the way.

  "The Forever Botanical Garden is generally divided into two areas, the free park and the paid park. This is a new botanical garden opened by a local entrepreneur in Suiyang. Based on the traditional botanical garden, this entrepreneur is keen to develop new Flower varieties. So..."

  The tour guide wearing a red jacket and holding a miniature microphone kept introducing the situation. In the team.

  Behind a group of elderly people, there were three young foreigners dressed in fashionable clothes.

  The leader is a woman with short red hair. She is tall and wearing a red sportswear. She has blue eyes and a calm temperament. She looks at everything with a sense of scrutiny.

  It's like coming here not to a botanical garden, but to a dangerous animal territory.

  "Lord Cadiz, this is where the team of the thug who took the Blue Book of Wishes gathered. What are we going to do next?" A black woman with a ponytail asked in a deep voice.

  "What do you think? Fran." The red-haired woman is Cadiz, the senior executive of Noel Company who just quietly entered the country from Sutan.

  After receiving the general information to investigate, she rushed here as soon as possible.

  The company's profit goal is to obtain the true body of the Blue Book - the Book of Records.

  This is the key to finding the true Book of Eternal Wishes.

  Many people believe that the owner of Blue Dream Mountain relied on the legendary Book of Eternal Wishes hidden deep in the dead end to completely get out of the dead end.

  And it is rumored that the real book of wishes contains a huge power that can fulfill any wish.

  The main activities of the Lord of Lembongan Mountain lasted for thousands of years.

  This is most likely due to gaining some kind of power through the Book of Eternal Wishes.

  "There is something very unusual about this place." Another man following Cadiz had short blond hair, a well-proportioned figure, dark sunglasses, a white shirt and black trousers, as if he was working in a company. The same as the clerk.

  "You lead the way." Caddis ordered.

  As a group of them came to search for the treasures in the blind spot, it was naturally impossible not to take the blind spot man with them.

  And Fran is the blind spot person known as the advanced sensor found by the company.

  He has an ability that is very rare among blind people.

  That is, being able to sense the subtle breath of blind spots.

  The accuracy of this kind of sensing can often reach more than 80%, and this kind of sensing also includes various items brought out from blind spots.

  Although these items cannot be seen by outsiders, they can be accessed through a layer of material.

  So Fran is also one of the few sensors that Noel Company has been searching for for many years and finally found.

  "Follow me." Fran looked around, turned around, and walked towards another part of the Forever Botanical Garden.

  Caddis and the two men followed closely behind, seemingly already used to this way of action, so it was no surprise.

  The three of them walked forward, passing through the white greenhouses, and gradually walked towards the exotic garden planted by Li Chengyi.

  Fran seemed to be able to accurately locate the position of Yihua, and the direction of movement was not skewed at all.

  "Sorry, this place is not open to tourists."

  Halfway through, a fence was set up at the fork in front, and two security guards were sitting under the awning to guard it.

  One of them stood up to stop them.

  "I'll take care of it." The black woman took a step forward.

  "Wait a minute Rose." Caddis said in Sudanese. "Don't be anxious. This is Yi Country."

  "Yes." The black woman lowered her head and stepped back.

  "We're just hanging out, visiting, and leaving right away." Caddis smiled at the security guard. Yi Mandarin is quite standard.

  "Well, this is a private area, remember that next time." The security guard nodded.

  The three of them stepped back and walked away.

  But instead of leaving, he took a detour, jumped lightly from a wall that was not covered by surveillance, and jumped into the strange garden one after another.

  Among the planned flower fields, the three of them landed and were stunned by the scenery in front of them.

  A large area of ​​purple-black flowers dripped little bits of dark golden liquid in front of their eyes.

  "The breath of the blind spot wafts out from here." Fran said solemnly.

  "Are these flowers here?" Caddis was surprised. "I have never seen such flowers? I can't find them online in the database." Blue electric lights flashed in her eyes, obviously the body module was Quick query.

  "It should be a type of plant that is mutated by combining the items in the blind spot." Fran replied.

  "So, we have found the right person? This small organization in Destiny Garden seems to have something." Caddis had a smile on his face.

  "Get all these flowers away. Take them back to the company for analysis. I have a hunch that these things might be worth a lot of money!" She walked to a mutated locust flower, squatted down, reached out and gently touched the slow A pale golden liquid flows out.

  "If I were you, I wouldn't do this."

  Suddenly a deep male voice came from the side of the three of them.

  "Who?" Fran looked in the direction of the sound, but saw nothing.

  "It's the radio," Caddis said. He looked around but couldn't find where the sound was coming from.

  "Wireless communication, people are not here."

  "Over there!"

  Rose, a black woman, suddenly raised her head and looked into the sky not far away.

  There is a black and white aircraft there, approaching rapidly.

  "It's the Security Department! A local security officer?" Rose frowned. "Sir, do you want to take action?"

  "No." Caddis raised his hand. "Withdraw."

  "Although we have communicated with some of Jiuyi's camps, the Security Department is not under their jurisdiction. Try to avoid making a big fuss." She retreated first, climbed over, and easily got out of the wall.

  The other two people also jumped out of the wall, followed closely, and left.

  At this time, the aircraft of the Security Agency hovered over the Yiyuan Garden.

  inside the window.

  Ding Zaocheng sat in his seat, frowning and looking at the three Caddis who were quickly leaving.

  "These people have big problems."

  "Director, do you want to arrest them?" A young police officer asked excitedly.

  "There is no Silent Fortress here, and it is not an urban area. Just achieve the goal. If we really want to win, those few people are not good people." Ding Zaocheng shook his head.

  He was just promoted to the director of Suiyang City, and he has been monitoring some key care locations in the city.

  So as soon as he received Sindra's call to the police and saw the three people in the video, he immediately took the flying instrument and rushed here.

  When he saw the three people, he understood that if he hadn't come in person, maybe the three people wouldn't have retreated at all.

  "That red-haired woman should be the director of Caddis of Noel Company." At this time, Syndra's voice sounded inside the aircraft. "Thank you, Director Ding."

  "It's okay. No matter who she is, if she dares to violate laws and disciplines here in Suiyang, I will never give her mercy!" Ding Zaocheng said seriously.

  (End of chapter)

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