Chapter 197 Chapter 197 Yunshan One

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  Chapter 197 197 Yunshan 1
  "Sister Tangtang!?" Longmen Diao was the first to shout.

  But halfway through the call, there was some strange doubt in the voice.

  Because from his angle, he could just see part of the girl's profile.


  Longmen Zai and Xiao Zhuang couldn't help but exclaimed at the same time.

  Not for anything else, but because
  the petite girl in front of the mirror has an exaggerated upper body circumference.
  From a distance, she looks like a hamster holding two eggs on her chest.
  The bare chest flesh is equivalent to her two heads. Such exaggerated
  huge breasts, which can only appear in comics, not only did not make the two of them feel beautiful, but also felt weird.

  "What's going on with me?" Rainbow Candy turned around slowly.

  Only then did the two of them see her front clearly.

  In addition to the changes in her chest, there was another change that was even more obvious.

  That's the eyes.

  Her eyes changed from pure black to two completely rainbow-colored eyes.

  Not colored contact lenses, but colored eyes with a faint glow.

  A total of seven colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple can be seen on the eyeballs. All colors are divided into sectors. It even glows!
  Like two neon light bulbs...

  "Are you Ganmen Crane and Xiao Brown!?" Rainbow Candy immediately recognized their identities from the torso of their bodies.

  "What's going on!? How did you become such a ghost!?" She looked at the gantry crane holding her face, and she suddenly had an expression as if she had seen a ghost.

  "We also want to know why...!" Xiao Zang said helplessly.


  At this time, another room on the first floor, Da Xiong's bedroom, also slowly opened the door.

  A young girl with a graceful figure, curvy front and back, and perfect proportions, dressed in a purple nightgown, walked out slowly.

  She has black hair reaching her waist, her skin is like cream, and her eyes are vaguely charming, but also contain a hint of heroism.

  The girl was smiling, and every aspect of her facial features was impeccable.

  Just like measuring and calculating with the most precise mathematical tools.


  This is the first feeling everyone feels when they see her.

  No matter the face, body, or skin, they are all perfect, almost like a dummy, with an inexplicable sense of unreality.

  "Ah, everyone is here. It seems that everyone has changed." Big Bear's voice came from the girl's throat.

  "Big Bear!!?" Rainbow Sugar opened her eyes wide and stared at this perfect girl who had grown at least five centimeters taller overnight.

  "It's me." Big Bear nodded, "Sure enough, I turned into the most perfect girl in my mind."

  She stretched out her hand and admired her skin beautifully.

  "This dream is so real. I really want to never wake up."

  At this time, the big bear was so beautiful that it was so shocking that it was so aggressive that people couldn't take their eyes away.

  It obviously gives people a dazzling feeling, but it is incomprehensible and makes people not want to look away.

  "This is not a dream."

  Outside the gate, Sindra slowly came in in a wheelchair.

  He changed into white casual clothes, and strangely, his face barely changed.

  "Mr. Sindra, why haven't you changed?!" Xiao Brown said in surprise.

  "Perhaps it's because, in my mind, I feel that the current self is the most suitable one?" Syndra replied gently.

  "The most suitable self?" As soon as these words came out, several people present were immediately thoughtful.

  "That is to say, the change this time is mainly to move closer to the direction that I yearn for the most and that I think is the most beautiful."

  Another male voice came from outside the door, from behind Syndra.

  It was a burly man wearing a dark trench coat and a wide-brimmed hat.

  The man gently held the handle of Sindra's wheelchair and pushed him into the door.

  "Brother Cheng!?"

  Several people recognized the man's voice.

  "What on earth is going on? Brother Cheng, tell me, is it related to the thing you gave us?" Longmen Diao was the first to speak.

  "Looking at Brother Cheng's calm look, it shouldn't be a big deal." Daxiong said seriously. "But, can you raise your head and let us see what you look like now?"

  There was a trace of curiosity on her perfect and charming cheeks.

  At this moment, she was completely different from the usually insignificant Big Bear.

  Even Sindra, who had already experienced a lot of concentration, couldn't help but look at her twice.

  Speaking of Li Chengyi's changes, everyone's curiosity was immediately aroused. At the same time, he looked in the direction of Li Chengyi.

  "I have said that this change is in the direction that you think is the most beautiful. But in fact, this change has not been finalized. You

  can all adjust it before the biological armor is fully formed. But it can only be fine-tuned. After all, aesthetics First of all, the general direction cannot be changed in a short time.

  In addition, the appearance will only change when the armor is used after it is finalized. If not used, it will still be the same as before. Everything depends on you."

  Li Chengyi explained.

  "As for me"

  he smiled.

  "Are you really curious?"

  he asked.

  "It'll be great if you can recover! I said Brother Cheng would never deliberately mess with us." Longmen Diao breathed a sigh of relief. "Brother Cheng and Sister Tang have such a good relationship, maybe they have become Sister Tang? It's just that he was too embarrassed to show it and lowered his head on purpose." "Do you think

  everyone is like you!?" Rainbow Sugar rushed over. A slap hit him on the head.

  There was a muffled sound.

  "I'm warning you first! Don't go back and secretly do bad things in front of me!"

  "Huh?" Ganmen crane was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted. "Definitely, definitely don't dare!"

  His face turned slightly red, and it was obvious that what he said and what he was thinking were completely different things. "Forget it, let's castrate it." Skittles turned around and rushed to the kitchen.

  "Wait a minute, Sister Tang! I don't dare anymore!! I will never go back and secretly masturbate with my mouth!" Long Menhang grabbed her arm tightly.

  "Fuck you to hell!!" Rainbow Candy picked up a chair on the side and chased it, smashing it.

  "Speaking of which, Brother Cheng, what have you become? Let's look up and show everyone." Daxiong asked curiously.

  "Brother Cheng must have a girl he likes." Xiao Brown guessed. "Could it be your secretary?"

  "Stop guessing. Just don't be scared when you see it."

  Li Chengyi said with a smile.

  "To be honest, I was shocked when I first saw myself."

  "Me too." Syndra followed with a smile. After he discovered that he had changed, he immediately called Li Chengyi.

  It doesn't look like he has changed much, but his face is actually much younger than before.

  At this time, Rainbow Candy and Gantry Crane also stopped fighting and turned to look this way.

  Obviously the two of them were also curious about what Li Chengyi had become.

  "Actually, this change is quite interesting." Li Chengyi slowly raised his head, revealing his entire face hidden by his hat.

  "It's just this face. If you don't cover it with something, it might cause a commotion."

  For a moment, all eyes were focused on his face.

  Lines of sight suddenly gathered together and landed on his face.

  "!!!??" x4.

  "Holy shit! Can this happen?!"

  Ganmen Crane couldn't help but let out a shocking exclamation.

  "Is this still a human being!?" Rainbow Candy was completely speechless. She thought that Big Bear and herself were outrageous enough, but she didn't expect that there would be something even more outrageous here.

  "Amazing." Xiao Brown was stunned.

  Even Daxiong, who had always been steady, stared at Li Chengyi's face without blinking, his eyes full of shock and surprise.

  No one could have imagined that Li Chengyi would look like this.

  It was about two o'clock in the middle of the night, and the indoor light was soft and warm.

  But when the light shines on Li Chengyi, there is a vague gray-black mystery.

  His raised face.

  What was presented at this time was a scene completely beyond human imagination.

  No facial features.

  No skin.

  No hair.

  At this time, Li Chengyi's entire face was completely a silvery galaxy as bright as sand.


  His entire face was like a hollow, leading to a slowly rotating silver galaxy.

  The galaxy is mysterious, with light purple and subtle red. It's like countless fluorescent sands slowly rotating in the universe.

  And Li Chengyi's face is like a window through which he can see this extremely brilliant picture in the universe.

  "Brother Cheng, are you finally shameless?" Longmen Diao couldn't help but ask.

  "No, my face is still there, but only I can feel it, others can't touch it." Li Chengyi replied with a smile.

  "Let me check it out!" Daxiong quickly approached. She was naturally the most authoritative among the people present regarding medicine.

  Walking up to Li Chengyi, she stretched out her hand and gently touched the edge of the galaxy with her slender white fingers.

  It felt cold and hard, like a glass cover covering Li Chengyi's face.

  "It's like wearing a mask. Brother Cheng, does it affect your breathing?" "

  No, I have a very strange feeling, like my eyes, nose, mouth, and ears are all mixed together." Li Chengyi answered.

  "It's really magical." Daxiong put away his fingers, replaced them with both hands, and gently stroked Li Chengyi's face.

  Everywhere you hold it, it feels cold and hard.

  "Can you open your mouth?" she asked.

  "Okay." The galaxy on Li Chengyi's face suddenly moved and sped up slightly.

  An inexplicable attraction suddenly attracted the big bear's hand, trying to pull it in.

  "Ah!?" The big bear was startled and quickly took a step back. His face turned crimson.

  "Don't be afraid, I just opened my mouth." Li Chengyi replied.

  "I can't feel it from the outside, I can only feel that something seems to be attracting me." Da Xiong explained.

  "It is estimated that the latest optical camouflage technology, combined with biological modification technology, can achieve this. It should not be a big problem." Li Chengyi replied.

  It’s no big deal!

  Everyone was speechless.

  "Isn't this technique a bit too fast?" Da Xiong said softly.

  "Up to now, do we still have a choice? The difficulty of the blind spots will become more and more difficult, and the self-protection methods we need must also become stronger and stronger. This trouble is nothing!" Rainbow Candy said calmly. "Besides, I believe that Brother Cheng and Brother Xiao Hao will not harm us. After all, we are people who may die at any time." "

  I believe it too. But... I have wanted to ask Sister Tang since just now, what are your two Is it heavy?" The gantry crane started to die again.

  "It's much heavier than before. This is a real increase in weight. Do you want to touch it?" Skittles looked at him gently.

  "." The gantry crane took two steps back, turned around and ran away.

  The others couldn't help laughing.

  As long as there is a gantry hanging, everyone will always have a happy time.

  (End of chapter)

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