Chapter 119 119 Disappearance Three

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  Chapter 119 119 disappeared

  outside the town of Sanmu Kesha.

  Tour guides Elf and Levi leaned against the outer wall and waited in boredom.

  "Why don't you go in? Didn't you say you wanted to accompany him in?" Elf asked Levi in ​​Sudanese.

  "Didn't you say you wanted to be together before?" Levi replied to her.

  "Isn't that for the sake of customer privacy?" Elf argued.

  "Me too." Levi patted his chest.

  "I think you are just timid, right? Haha." Elf sneered.

  "I" Levi still wanted to speak.

  Suddenly, three soldiers in khaki military uniforms hurriedly walked over from a distance. They all had blue stag marks on their bodies.

  It was the three people who had been here just now.

  "You!" The leading team leader raised his gun and took aim at the two of them.

  "I just received a notice that you are not allowed to enter here. Hurry up!"

  "Huh? No, we just came here. We just arrived. Didn't you say you are allowed to enter for an hour?" Elf quickly defended.

  "The boss said you are not allowed to stay. If you have any questions, you can go find them. I don't care. Leave quickly!" the team leader said impatiently.

  "But our customers are still inside." Levi added on the side. "Can you wait until someone comes out before leaving? Let's go in and call him." He stepped forward and secretly stuffed a roll of Sutan notes to the squad leader.

  "Customer? He went in?" The captain was slightly startled.

  "In, just got in." Levi nodded.

  The squad leader's expression changed slightly, and it wasn't just him.

  The other two men began to raise their guns slightly, and their hands on the trigger slowly tightened.

  "Okay, then you go find him and come out." The team leader nodded solemnly. "Hurry up."

  "Okay, go right away. Levi, go and call someone." Elf pushed Levi.

  "You guys come together." The squad leader scolded.

  "Okay, let's do it together." Elf turned around, and together with Levi, they took out the walkie-talkie from their backpack and turned it on.

  "Mom, if I call, will you come to save me?"

  "Yes, my dear baby." The blonde woman lowered her head gently, leaned over and kissed the girl.

  "As long as you hide here well, we will be back soon to pick you up." The woman said softly.

  "I will be good." The girl raised her head and opened her eyes wide.

  "What about my brother? Can he come with me?" She looked at her brother carrying a small schoolbag at the door and asked.

  "Brother, he wants to see a doctor. He went to the small clinic in the town with us. You have been there too, haven't you?" the woman comforted.

  "Okay, it's time to go. Hurry, it's almost too late." A man's urging voice came from outside the door, with a hint of panic.

  "I have a final word with Iselin." The woman's tone changed for a moment, but she still suppressed it and remained gentle.

  She leaned down and hugged the girl gently, tightly.


  "Mom, I will wait at home for you to come back." The girl said seriously.

  "Mom knows." The woman's voice softened, "Mom knows you are the most well-behaved and well-behaved." "It's time to

  go!" the man urged from outside, becoming more and more sharp.

  The woman let go of the girl and looked back.

  "Jers! Can it be done?"

  "No! We don't have enough money!" the man replied quickly.


  "They're coming! They're coming! Come on! We must leave right away!" the man shouted.

  There were rapid footsteps outside, as well as other people shouting and crying.

  "Mom." Iselin looked up at the blonde woman, a little confused.

  "Mom, it's time to go, Iselin. You must be good, be good." The woman broke away from her daughter's hand, walked quickly to the door, and picked up her brother.


  The door closes.

  As if running away, she quickly joined the man, blended into the crowd, and ran away.

  Not long after, the sound of a car driving away was heard.

  Everything slowly quieted down.

  "There's no one in this damn place! Those bitches have all run away!"

  After a while, a rough male voice came.

  "Then set fire to everything. I don't want to stay in this damn place for a moment longer."

  Boom! ! !
  Countless flames burst in from the doors and windows.

  Orange, yellow, dark red, different flames accompanied by black smoke, drowned everything in the room in the blink of an eye.

  Li Chengyi's eyes suddenly lit up, as if a white light flashed, and he came back to his senses.

  He was standing at the top of the stairs to the second floor.

  Just when he stepped on the first step, he instantly lost consciousness. Then I saw the scene just now.

  He lowered his head and took a deep breath.

  'What was that just now? Memory retrospective? Is it Iselin's memory? '

  He raised his head and looked around.

  The khaki stairs are also covered with light yellow tiles with patterns of flowers and birds.

  The steps on the ground were full of dust and broken soil. He stepped on them, leaving clear footprints.

  'It seems that this place is probably the prototype of the blind spot of the clenching hand.'

  Li Chengyi's back of his hand flashed with purple light, and the second evolutionary form of the wisteria flower scale clothing suddenly merged into every part of his body.

  At the same time, the flower language radiant force field also naturally emerged, spread out, and covered the body surface.

  Even wearing flower scale clothes and using flower language will continue to consume physical strength and energy.

  But this is not the time to save.

  In addition, his physical condition was poor in the past, and he would become exhausted and mentally depressed within a short period of time.

  But now my body and mind are much stronger than before. Using the two together can last for an hour and a half.

  After shrinking the radiant force field, reducing consumption, and attaching it to the body surface, Li Chengyi continued to walk up the steps.

  Went up to the second floor.

  In the dark hall, there were cracked tables and chairs, collapsed sofas, and a charred piano covered in dust.

  There were some broken pieces of blackened wood lying on the ground. I don't know what they fell from.


  A soft sound drew Li Chengyi's attention to the left side. He followed the sound and saw a shadow of a white dress slowly disappearing at the door of a bedroom on the left, as if it had entered the bedroom.

  He narrowed his eyes and slowly walked towards the bedroom step by step.

  Looking closer, he suddenly realized that this was exactly the room he had seen in his memory flash before.

  There are many types of blind spot memory flashes. When he was in Grius, he encountered many situations that were mixed between reality and blind spots.

  I didn’t expect to encounter it again now.

  'If you look at the flashbacks, Iselin is definitely dead. They were blown to death and burned to death. So in this case, where should I start to escape? When

  he reached the door of the bedroom, Li Chengyi did not go in.

  He came here not to find the truth, but to find a way to free himself from the clutches.

  After hesitating for a moment, he had no idea.

  'Perhaps I should leave from here, and then take a car and flee here as quickly as those people did thirty years ago? '

  'But Skittles' information shows that the Gilkini people are basically extinct. There were only a handful of survivors who disappeared mysteriously. After a

  pause, Li Chengyi gritted his teeth and took a step forward.

  He didn't come all this way just to stand in a daze at the door.

  You can’t go wrong with getting more blind spot details.


  The moment he stepped into the room.

  Everything in front of him instantly turned into a fiery red.

  The flames swept through everything.

  Like a bystander, he stood aside and watched the fire pour into the bedroom with the explosion, hitting Iselin who was hiding under the bed.

  The little girl screamed and shrank back desperately.

  She patted the burning hair with both hands and waited for a while to finally put it out. She put her hands down and covered her eyes again.

  Her eyes were hit by two pieces of debris flying from the explosion, and blood flowed down her cheeks.

  Fortunately, the fire outside did not continue to pour in, but slowly burned and ignited other things.

  The flame just flickered.

  "I can't see. Mom, mom, I can't see. My eyes hurt so much."

  Iselin cried and rubbed her eyes, but instead she rubbed the broken pieces into the depths of the wound. The pain made her twitch all over and she cried under the bed. Huddle up.

  Li Chengyi instinctively wanted to reach out to save people, but when he raised his hand, he realized that he had no hands at all.

  'This is what happened in the past...'

  he thought in his mind.

  He watched Iselin struggling to crawl out from under the bed, but she couldn't find her way.


  Suddenly, a shadow more than one meter long rushed in from outside the door.

  It was a big yellow dog with a lot of burnt hair.

  It bit into Iselin's clothes, dragged her out from under the bed with a whimper, and then ran to a corner of the room.

  The big yellow dog let go of the girl, bit something from the ground and pulled it up. It actually pulled up a stone cover, revealing a small dark and narrow passage inside.

  Woof woof!

  It yelled at Iseline, lowering its head and trying to push her into the passage.

  Iselin seemed to understand something.
  "Aqiu, did your mother ask you to come to me?"

  There was a hint of hope in her tone, and she seemed to be full of hope.

  Woof! Woof!
  The big yellow dog barked twice more.

  "I understand. Let's hide together. You have to take me to find my mother." She reached out and stroked the big yellow dog's head.

  "Aqiu is the best."

  Although she was shaking in pain, she comforted the big yellow dog with a trembling voice.

  The big yellow dog whimpered, seeming to agree to her.


  Suddenly a wooden beam on the roof broke.

  Dahuang sensed something was wrong, so he made a fierce collision and pushed Iselin into the passage. However, the back half of his body was pinned down by the fallen square log.

  Li Chengyi quickly wanted to get closer to see how Iselin was doing and where she had gone.

  "Mr. Cheng Yi?"

  "Mr. Cheng Yi, are you there?"

  A hurried call seemed to come from a distance.

  Everything in front of him began to fade, dissipate, and return to darkness.

  Li Chengyi stood at the door of the bedroom and realized that he was sweating a lot.

  It was as if he had really been in a fire just now.

  The pager on his body kept making sounds.

  He looked around and didn't find the little girl just now.

  So I took out the pager from my waist and connected it.

  "I'm here. What's wrong?" he replied.

  "Great, something happened here, you may need to come out and deal with it." Elf on the other side said solemnly.

  "Does it have to be now?"

  "It has to be, otherwise the situation will be very troublesome and serious." Elf answered.

  Li Chengyi looked at the room in front of him. He already had some suspicions that that passage might be the key to hiding the escape method.

  But now, he doesn't know how much time it will take.

  "I'll be out right away." He took a breath, backed away slowly, and suddenly turned sideways and flew out of the second-floor window.

  He landed with a bang and ran towards the place where he came in from outside.

  A few minutes later, he returned to the entrance where Elf Levi was, next to the earthen wall.

  There were also three Blue Deer soldiers standing by the wall who had been here before.

  Elf winked and secretly made a money gesture with her right hand.

  Li Chengyi understood, quickly took off his backpack, showed a smile, and took out a large stack of thick banknotes.


  "Good stuff!"

  "For you!"

  He said a few simple words he had just learned, and pushed the banknotes into the hands of the three soldiers one by one.

  (End of chapter)

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