Chapter 105 105 Becoming Stronger Three

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  Chapter 105 105 Becoming Stronger Three

  "Did you get this information, Master Long, by mistake?"

  Li Chengyi almost threw out the printing paper.

  The densely packed ground dragons in the picture made his skin crawl all over.

  "That's right."

  Prison Dragon clasped his hands behind his back, bowed his head and took a sip of milk tea in a rather strange posture.

  "Earth dragons are also dragons. Dragons can bend and stretch, be big or small. What? Do you look down on earth dragons?" "

  This is not a question of whether you look down on them or not. This is a question of can we stop being so disgusting?" Li Chengyi said speechlessly.

  "Okay, I'll change it to a leech for you."

  "Why does it have to be like this?" Li Chengyi was helpless.

  "Only soft-bodied creatures can make it easier for you to experience the flow of power." The prison dragon smiled.

  "Why don't you change it into a snake? Snakes can work too. According to legend, you can turn into a dragon by shedding your skin." " Is

  there anything else?"

  "Then eel?" The prison dragon moved its hands with a considerate expression. .

  "Can't we use water? Isn't it said that water is the softest?" Li Chengyi asked helplessly.

  "Water is everywhere. You have been drinking it since you were a child. What do you realize now?" Prison Dragon rolled his eyes.


  "Then it's over. Listen to me, compared to snakes, eels, and leeches, earth dragons are the best." He patted Li Chengyi on the shoulder. "Teacher, I've been here before. I'll feel a little nauseous at first, but then I'll get used to it." "

  ." Li Chengyi wondered if he should withdraw first.

  No one can bear this training method.
  "I have prepared the room. You will stay here for the next two days. Don't run around and get used to it." Prison Dragon continued.


  "Don't let me go! Isn't it just a different place to live? Is that all?"

  The prison dragon's face was stern, "There are a total of nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine earth dragons in the room, collectively called the Ten Thousand Dragons Formation. As long as you get used to it and get through, you will basically understand what the flowing force is like. "

  What the hell, the Ten Thousand Dragons Formation.
  Li Chengyi wanted to complain in his heart, but looking at Master Prison Dragon's face at this moment, he couldn't say it out loud.

  "Okay." He had no choice but to agree.

  In order to practice this dragon beard power, he was willing to go all out.

  No wonder the old man kept drawing big cakes for him before, just to withstand the test at this time.

  Three days later.
  No one knows how Li Chengyi came here in the past three days.

  Only after he actually entered the room and stayed did he understand what the old man Prison Dragon meant by living together.

  There is no bed in the room, so you can only sleep on the floor.

  In order for the earth dragon to survive for a long time, the humidity in the room is very high, and it is also accompanied by an unpleasant smell.

  He had to do nothing in the room but stare at the earth dragons, observing their movements and crawling.

  This is actually not bad at first. After all, earthworms just have to adapt.

  The key is the back!
  During these three days, Li Chengyi lived with earthworms. He ate fried earthworms, drank earthworm juice, and was asked to dissect a few to observe the internal structure.

  You also have to learn fluid mechanics and conduction mechanics in a room surrounded by earthworms.

  Three full days!

  He didn't even know how he managed to survive.

  Now that I was released, I took a nap and my mind was filled with dreams filled with earthworms.

  But just like that, Li Chengyi managed to hold on.

  Even the Prison Dragon, who had been waiting for him to shout that he couldn't hold on, was surprised.

  When the final time came, Li Chengyi's hands were eager to twist like earthworms when he came out.

  Take a break every three days. After that, he can continue living together like this until he can really let the power of his body flow and form soft energy, and then he can stop.

  'However, it seems that I don't need to wait until the next time we live together.'

  In the empty villa, Li Chengyi was lying on a lounge chair basking in the sun, thinking about the twisting feeling of earthworms in his mind.

  The soft twisting feeling touched him faintly.

  "Few people know that earthworms use their hairs to crawl. The muscles and bristles work together, and they use the principle of peristalsis and contraction to move freely through the soil." The

  prison dragon pulled up a chair aside and lay down.

  "How's it going? Do you feel something?"

  "Well, the transmission of power flows through the muscles like water." Li Chengyi's arms swayed slightly, feeling a little uncomfortable.

  He felt like he understood a lot in his mind, but his body couldn't keep up.

  "You feel like you have remembered it now, but you still lack the physical hardware to keep up." Prison Dragon picked up the milk tea and took a long sip.

  "You have good talent. Only people with strong body perception can realize things so quickly." "

  Then I'll do it next." Li Chengyi looked at the other party with a glimmer of hope.

  "Well, you don't have to live together." Prison Dragon nodded.

  "Really!?" Li Chengyi was immediately overjoyed, and his expression became a little more vivid.

  "Really." Prison Dragon nodded again, "You don't have to live together, but you have to train your body and keep up with your brain." "

  How to do it?"

  "It's very simple." He smiled mysteriously.

  "Learn to dance!"


  "Don't be so surprised." Prison Dragon didn't care. "In order to experience the flow of power, your great master learned from many female dancers and created the Golden Snake Dance. And I modified and improved it and integrated it into my dance." The system formed a unique dragon dance."

  He sighed.

  "When it comes to exercising the power of softness, who in the world can be better than those female dancers who have practiced dancing all their lives? Aren't they much better at soft dance than us who just spend a little time studying it?" "That makes sense.

  " Li Chengyi nodded in agreement.

  "If you want to become softer, you must learn to get along with soft people and things more often, and have more contact with them." Prison Dragon said, "Hard blows will only make your muscles tighten and your whole body contract to fight back. But soft words, It can make you relax your mind and body unconsciously and let down your guard."

  "So softness is the thing that can best penetrate into the depths of people's body and mind. Strength will only be blocked by us." "

  This is philosophical." Li Chengyi said solemnly road.

  "So, sometimes, soft power is more hidden and more deadly than strong power. You should pay more attention in the future." Prison Dragon warned. "We'll talk about it after I develop my softness." Li Chengyi didn't care. It was too early to mention this now.

  "Okay. Have a good rest. Let's practice dancing starting tomorrow. Before you practice, remember one sentence. The

  dance of the dragon is not for looking good, but for better accumulating power, and then swallowing the enemy in one bite." The dragon said one last thing, then lay on his back and stopped talking.

  Li Chengyi was thoughtful and also lay down.

  The sun was warm, and although it was a little hot, it slowly dispelled the dank atmosphere he had felt in the house these past few days.

  Not long after lying on the side, the old man from the prison dragon started snoring.

  Accompanied by the falling and falling snores, Li Chengyi slowly fell into sleep unconsciously.

  Sleep until the afternoon.

  When he opened his eyes, it was already past four o'clock.

  The sun sets in the west, and the red light penetrates the clouds, like a large red terrace.

  I glanced at the Prison Dragon on the side. He was still sleeping. The saliva from the corner of his mouth was dripping down the chair, and a small puddle was already wet on the ground.

  Li Chengyi stood up, packed his things, and prepared to go back to the Forever Botanical Garden.

  I finally had a day to repair and had to go out and relax.

  Anyway, he didn't want to see this place again for the time being.

  In addition, we have to go and see how the injured Sima Guigui is doing now.

  'By the way, I haven't had time to look at the things I took out from the Silent Shop last time. I'll just go back and have a look. '

  Everything in the Silent Shop has its pitfalls as recorded in Zhong Hui's notes.

  It seems to be very effective, but there are big problems inside. After taking it, there may be huge and irreversible changes.

  But at the same time, there are a few things in it that are really useful.

  Zhong Hui also recorded this in his notebook.

  For example, the shielding mechanism of some extremely powerful active agents and blind spots seems to be only on the first layer.

  When the active cells of the dead person's body are used to create active drugs and enter new individuals, they will no longer be blocked.

  Without alerting Master Prison Dragon, he slowly took a taxi and left the garden villa.

  When we arrived in Suiyang from Qinggang City, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

  In the Forever Botanical Garden, Li Chengyi brought the key with him this time, and it was no longer like before, with only Lao Li looking at it.

  Manager Chen Yuqin arranged for another group of security guards to be on duty at night.

  Walking on the path between the greenhouses, he happened to encounter the new security guard patrolling with a flashlight.

  "Mr. Li, why are you here so late?"

  The new security guard is a young man with a slightly green mouth. He is probably about the same age as Li Chengyi. He is twenty-four or five years old and even a little thin.

  "I have something. Come and get it. I'll rest here for the night." Li Chengyi replied. Seeing the thin figure of the other party, he moved his brows slightly.

  "By the way, let me ask, how did Manager Chen recruit you?"

  "I don't know about others. I came in through the local online recruitment network. Manager Chen is very good. He just says what the conditions are. There are no conditions at all." Discount. That's good." The young security guard quickly replied.

  Facing a peer like Li Chengyi, he seemed a little reserved and nervous.

  "Recruitment Network" Li Chengyi was thoughtful. If he wants to build a team of his own, he first needs a lot of people to handle chores for him and handle relatively safe but complicated things.

  This requires many people to complete.

  'You have to find a good support point to make a profit, otherwise you won't be able to support the expenses of so many people in the team. '

  Thinking of this, he couldn't help but think of Zhong Hui's notes.

  Use the products in the Silent Shop to research unique sales products that suit you. This is one way.

  Saying goodbye to the security guard, he followed the somewhat dim path until he reached the accommodation area, a three-story building.

  The structure here has been relatively complete before, and the greenhouse area, employee area, and public area are clearly separated.

  His accommodation room is also in the staff area.

  Follow the elevator back to the top floor of the small building.

  As soon as he entered the room, Li Chengyi saw three things placed on the floor of the living room.

  Blood exchange bottles, Greedy Heart cans, and newly obtained kumquat and mango juice.

  The three items were placed on the ground openly without any cover.

  There is no need to buy anything to get out of the memory flash, so there are not too many things here, just find a place to throw them away, and no one can see it anyway.

  At night, the moonlight was dim and the light in the living room was very dark, but the three things were still clearly reflected in his eyes.

  They all have a slightly different shimmer.

  The exchange bottle is purple fluorescent.

  Greed is a light red color.

  Kumquat and mango juice is a light golden color.

  Li Chengyi closed the door with his backhand, walked over, leaned over and picked up the kumquat and mango juice.

  The patterns and words on the packaging quickly began to twist and change.

  In just two seconds, it turned into words he could recognize.

  'Three-Eye Pill'

  'Effect: After taking it, a third eye can grow and you can see a certain level of scenery.

  The visible range, visible levels, and visible dimensions are all random. '

  This thing.
  Li Chengyi frowned.

  Forget about the previous greed, the function is obviously for special use. But this seemed to have some effect.
  Looking at the golden drink in front of him, he thought for a while.

  Suddenly he reached out his hand and gently covered the bottle with his right hand.

  'Flower language: radiant force field. '


  Invisible light was released instantly, shining on the small bottle.

  Vaguely, he saw some small black smoke escaping from the cracks in the bottle cap.

  (End of chapter)

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