Chapter 47: The Art of Taming Animals (Please collect it, ask for monthly tickets, and ask for rewards.)

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  Chapter 47 Beast Taming Technique (Please collect it, ask for monthly tickets, and ask for rewards.)
  "One, two, three, four...seventeen, eighteen."

  "Eighteen Orens, thirty-seven copper coins."

  " Damn, they are really poor people. They spend all their money drinking and visiting brothels."

  Wayne counted the bloody Oren coins in his hand, snorted disdainfully, then wiped the blood and stuffed them all into his money bag.

  After the battle, he rummaged through a dozen corpses on the ground, and found so little money only on these guys. Most of them were found on the big fat man, which made him feel quite heartbroken.

  Such a small amount of stolen money is simply unworthy of a gang's background, and it is no better than those farmers.

  Thinking of the demon dust bomb he threw out even made him feel like he was at a loss.

  Simply, although there was not much money, other things on the farm still gave him a surprise. After some searching, Wayne discovered that in addition to his own stolen horse Lucifer, there were actually two horses in the stable. Tethered horses.

  Although it's just a fairly common item, if you sell it, you should be able to sell it for a few hundred oren, so you finally feel like your hard work has been in vain.

  Wayne put away the trophies, smashed his mouth, and walked in front of the big wild boar in a few steps.

  He pulled out the meteorite dagger given to him by Vesemir, and quickly cut the boar's throat and arteries according to the memory of killing the pig in his mind. Then, after the blood was drained, he used a knife to open the boar's belly. , and took out all the internal organs and large intestines.

  He moved very quickly, and in just ten minutes, he dismantled the wild boar into various ingredients.

  After all, it is such a big game. It would be a pity to leave it alone, and it would be shameful to waste it. With such good cooking skills, these ingredients are enough for him to make a lot of delicious food.

  After dealing with the wild boar, Wayne put away the meteorite dagger and walked towards the interior of the farmhouse.

  At this time, the remaining wild dog gang members had already fled without a trace, and the few surviving vicious dogs had gone to unknown places. Only some personal belongings were left in the farmhouse, waiting for him to search.

  After some searching, Wayne found the property hidden by the gang on the first floor of the farmhouse. About forty orens and several gold and silver jewelry were hidden quite secretly. They might belong to those guys. savings.

  When he walked up to the second floor, he immediately saw a rather luxuriously decorated room. Some exquisite decorations were elegantly placed on the walls and tables. There was also an extra-large solid table in the center of the room. wooden bed.

  Judging from the layout, this is probably the room of the fat man riding a wild boar.

  When Wayne saw this, he immediately cheered up.

  However, before he could take action, the witcher's keen senses told him that there was a living creature somewhere in this room, with its faint breathing and heartbeat. It faintly reached his ears.

  He followed the faint sound and found that it came from a wooden door hidden inside a wooden wardrobe, and it was also a locked wooden door.

  Wayne thought for a moment and did not open the door immediately. Instead, he chose to continue searching for the property in this room.

  He guessed that the person in the private space behind the closet was not an enemy, but a poor man imprisoned by a big fat man.

  After all, the enemy would not lock himself in a secret room. Since he has been locked up for so long, he should not care about being locked up for a while longer.

  After some searching, the results were pretty good. In addition to belongings worth hundreds of orens, Wayne also found a metal iron box in the secret space at the head of the bed through the slight vibration of the Wolf School badge.

  Opening the iron box, there was a staff like a dead tree branch, a book that looked like it was copied by hand, and a strange ornament in the shape of an eyeball held by an eagle's talons.

  Wayne did not touch the two magic items recklessly. Instead, he picked up the book that had no magic response and started reading.

  There was no title, and the handwriting was scrawled, like a dog crawling, but the content inside the book quickly attracted his attention.

  This is a book that records how to tame beasts. It not only contains tips on how to tame vicious dogs, horses, and other wild beasts, it also records some herbal formulas, materials and steps for some magic rituals, which is quite interesting.

  It seems that he must be the boss of the Wild Dog Gang. He got the method of taming the beast from somewhere and wrote down the notes himself. Judging from the methods of taming animals, the deadwood-like staff, and the strange-shaped ornaments, Wayne speculated that they came from a druid.

  As for the whereabouts of the druid, Wayne couldn't help but think of the living creature locked in the secret room behind the cabinet.

  So, Wayne stuffed the book that recorded the experience of taming animals into his arms. As for the two magic items, he did not take them away. Instead, he placed the metal box in a conspicuous place on the bed, then stood up and went to the wooden cabinet. Next to it, open the cabinet door to reveal the locked wooden door inside.

  Wayne didn't have the key to the wooden door, but it didn't matter. After looking through the crack in the door to confirm that there was no living creature at the door number, he directly raised his hand and struck the Alder Seal, shattering the wooden door into pieces.

  Behind the wooden door is a small space. In addition to storing some food, there is also a wooden ladder leading to the attic.

  Wayne no longer hesitated, turned around, found an oil lamp from the room, put a layer of Quen shield on himself, and carefully climbed up the stairs.

  Before reaching the attic, an unpleasant smell of feces and urine spread from the top of the attic. The

  attic space is quite small. Under the pressure of the roofs on both sides, only a triangular space is left. In this small space, not only There was a simple straw mat and a shabby quilt for sleeping, as well as a figure huddled in the corner, chained up.

  He had white hair, a stooped figure, and an old face. He was wearing a dark brown sloppy linen gown. It seemed that to prevent him from speaking, a metal mask was placed over his mouth and locked with an iron lock.

  Through the light of the oil lamp, Wayne recognized that he should be an old man in his fifties or sixties. However, the old man's physical problems may have been caused by his long period of imprisonment and he looked quite weak.

  After seeing Wayne holding the oil lamp, the old man seemed to be energetic all of a sudden. He stared at his bloodshot eyes and whimpered from the iron mask. He looked at Wayne with a pleading look in his eyes. look.

  Wayne's expression did not change much. After observing the iron mask on the old man's head and the thick iron chain, he confirmed that he could not open it, so he said, "Don't worry, old

  "I'm a A witcher, I have killed all the robbers here."

  "You have been saved now, I will find a way to rescue you."

  As he said that, Wayne put the oil lamp in his hand on the ground to keep the atmosphere in the attic The light also made the old man not so nervous, and then continued:
  "I have to go down there to find the key. Otherwise, I have no way to rescue you from the iron chain without hurting you."

  He Looking into the old man's eyes, he asked word by word:
  "In the meantime, can you wait here quietly?"

  Although he didn't know how long he had been imprisoned, the old man seemed to be able to maintain a good sense of reason. After Wayne finished speaking, the old man regained some composure, and the bloodshot eyes in his eyes faded a lot, becoming quite peaceful.

  He watched Wayne nod heavily, no longer making any drastic movements, and quietly sat down on the straw mat that was probably used for sleeping, and waited quietly.

  Seeing this, Wayne became more and more certain that this old man should be a Druid who believed in nature. Otherwise, after being locked up for so long and encountering the hope of getting out, ordinary people would never be able to be so calm.

  After communicating with the old man, Wayne quickly climbed down the stairs and looked for the key to unlock the chain in the farmhouse.

  After searching for a long time, I finally found the big fat man's body. This guy was hidden quite secretly and stuffed directly into the secret pocket of his coat. If Wayne hadn't had a clear goal, he wouldn't have noticed this detail at all.

  After he returned to the attic, he untied the chains and mask from the old man.

  The first thing the old man did was to raise his trembling right hand, press it on his chest, recite a spell, and use a spell that exuded green light to treat himself.

  It wasn't until a few minutes later that the light dissipated and the old man's mental appearance recovered a little. He said in a very hoarse and weak voice: "Thank you for

  saving me, Demon Hunter. My name is Cainst, and I am a druid." ."

  "I have been trapped by this chain mixed with magic-blocking gold for too long, and now I am very weak. Can you give me some food?" (

  Thank you for the tip with a book and a hint.)
  (End of this chapter )

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