68.Chapter 68 Lala’s request for help

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  Chapter 68: Lala asks for help

  . In a blink of an eye, Wayne’s days of guarding the lumber camp are over.

  Life in the last few days was quite peaceful. No werewolves came to attack the lumberyard, and no werewolf children came to seek revenge on him, which made Wayne relieved.

  He briefly introduced to Deacon Ozik the information about Geralt, who would come to take over with him in the afternoon.

  After a simple farewell, he rode his mount Lucifer and returned to Vizima City along the road he came from.

  After a week, nothing has changed in the city. It is still very busy, because the construction of the new city requires many workers, and jobs have become quite easy to find. Even the poor families in the slums are living more comfortably than in previous years.

  When he returned home, Wayne found that Geralt was also at home, shirtless, holding a hammer and a wood saw, and doing carpentry work enthusiastically.

  There are still a lot of wood and thatch piled in the open space in the backyard.

  After he asked curiously, Geralt said with some embarrassment:
  "When I went home yesterday, I found that Carrot broke away from his reins, ran into the front yard, and ate a lot of the flowers and plants you planted."

  "At night, the little earth spirit named Lala ran out of the well and was very angry. I don't know what magic was used to make Carrot have diarrhea all night and make the yard full of horse manure." "I thought

  , This was not an option, so I simply bought some materials and prepared to build a stable in the backyard."

  Wayne nodded, not angry at all. The area of ​​this house was a thousand square meters, which converted to more than three thousand square meters. Not to mention building a stable, but also building a martial arts arena, swimming pool and back garden are more than enough.

  It seems that the little guy Lala really likes the flowers and plants in the front yard. It just so happens that he collected a lot of herbal seeds from the forest this time, so he can build a greenhouse for growing herbs next to the well in the backyard.

  It's too troublesome to have to go to the forest to collect herbs every time you make medicine. It's a good idea to let the little guy become his free gardener.

  As for the legendary Lake Lady, although he also wanted to get close to her, he couldn't force it. After all, the power of the Lake Lady's Sword was definitely the weapon that every swordsman dreamed of.

  Looking at the white wolf who was working in full swing, sweating profusely but enjoying it, Wayne suddenly noticed something was missing and asked, "By the way, why did
  n't you see Dandelion? Where did that guy go? "

  Geralt hammered twice and drove an iron nail into the log. He shrugged and said,

  "That guy left Vizima the day before yesterday. He is a student at Oxenfurt University and his vacation has ended, so I didn't have time to say goodbye to you, so I left in the carriage." "

  This bastard borrowed Oren from me before he left. I don't know when he will return it to me."

  Oxenford College, also known as Cowburg University, is Located in the famous city of Redania in the Northern Kingdom, an academy in Cowfort is considered the highest institution in the Northern Kingdom where ordinary people can learn scientific knowledge.

  What impressed Wayne deeply was that Shani, one of the famous heroines in The Witcher, was a famous alumnus of this college. Judging from her age, this girl must have been born.

  After driving the last nail into the wooden pile, Geralt wiped the sweat from his head with some satisfaction, turned to Wayne and said:
  "Can you build a stable? If not, just leave it until I come back. Guy."

  "By the way, how's the lumberyard going? Have you encountered any special monsters these days?"

  Wayne hummed and looked carefully at the stable where Geralt had just finished laying the foundation.

  The style is quite ordinary, but because the wood used is quite thick, it should be very strong after being built.

  "It's safe now, but when I went to the lumber camp on the first day, I met a werewolf kidnapping the lumberjack." "

  He was controlled by a curse, and I killed him in the end."

  Geralt heard this and immediately He looked back at Wei En in surprise and asked:

  "You killed a werewolf? The last time I encountered a werewolf was more than thirty years ago."

  Wayne nodded, explaining how he dealt with werewolves, how to hide the secrets of werewolf children, and how to catch the murderer. He told them all, and finally said with some emotion:

  "These villains are simply more hateful than monsters. This was originally going to be a better ending than a fairy tale, but it turned into a tragedy because of three scum with sperm in their brains. "

  Only a helpless, cursed orphan is left, living a difficult life in the world."

  Geralt was silent for a few seconds, sighed, and then looked at Wayne with an expression of appreciation. Obviously, Wayne This kind of humane approach is quite to his liking.

  He said with some regret:
  "Do you still remember what Vesemir taught you? Human hearts are often more terrifying than monsters." "

  Unfortunately, there are too few cases of werewolves, and there is still no accurate way to remove this curse. ." "That child may experience a miserable life because of this curse."

  During lunch, Wayne rarely cooked in person, allowing Geralt to enjoy a delicious lunch with him.

  In this home, other facilities may not be perfect, but the kitchen has been quite gorgeous from the first day.

  The only pity is that there was no such facility as a refrigerator in the Middle Ages. Even if you wanted to keep food fresh, you could only achieve this effect by building a cellar to store ice cubes in the future.

  After having enough wine and food, Geralt rode his horse Carrot and set off for the lumber camp, leaving only Wayne at home.

  Of course, he was not idle either. Instead, he went to his room on the second floor, closed the door, and began to open the treasure box.

  During the seven days of guarding the lumberyard, I obtained a total of one expert-level treasure box and six ordinary-level treasure boxes.

  As each treasure chest opened, Wayne's face showed a disappointed expression.

  Ding! Expert level treasure chest, open.

  Obtained: Oren 142 pieces.

  Ding! Ordinary level treasure chest*6, open.

  Obtained: 71 Orens and three bottles of intermediate healing potions.

  Intermediate healing potion: A potion made by the alchemist of Azeroth. It can quickly restore a small amount of vitality and treat medium-sized internal injuries. The interval between uses is one hour.

  It seems that I ran out of luck last time. This time, out of the seven treasure chests, the expert-level ones did not ship, but the ordinary-level ones did produce three bottles of reasonably useful potions.

  According to Wayne's understanding, the healing potion from Azeroth should be very different from the swallow potion of their demon hunters.

  Perhaps its therapeutic effect is not as long-lasting as the swallow potion, but this alchemical potion can be used by ordinary people, has no side effects, and is very effective. It can be reserved for ordinary people who have been seriously injured as a life-saving medicine. .

  After opening the treasure chest, Wayne took a hot bath at home, changed into light clothes, and went to Master O. Henry's blacksmith shop.

  Now that I have some free time, my plan to learn blacksmithing techniques has to be put on the agenda.

  That afternoon, he learned a lot of basic knowledge of blacksmithing from the dwarf Andrew, and then bought a simple furnace, some basic forging tools and some forging materials from the blacksmith shop, and then hired an ox cart to drag the blacksmith. Returned to his home.

  By the time he unloaded the things on the bullock cart and returned to his room, it was already approaching dusk.

  Just when Wayne wanted to take a bath and prepare dinner for himself, a timid voice came from the corner of his room.

  "Wayne, is that you?"

  Wayne was startled. He subconsciously put a Quinn shield on himself, and then looked towards the corner.

  He saw a little earth spirit with a wreath on his head, purple skin, thin body, and a special leather suit, only half a meter tall, looking at him uneasily with his big watery eyes.

  It’s the little earth spirit, Lala.

  Wayne breathed a sigh of relief, adjusted his mood, and asked in a kind tone:

  "It's me, Lala, what can you do?"

  Hearing a familiar voice, Lala walked a few steps from the corner and looked at Wayne said in a pleading voice:
  "Wayne, you are a demon hunter. My brother was captured by a group of half-murlocs at noon. My parents don't know where they are. I want to ask you to help me." Rescue brother."

  Ding! Trigger the task.

  [Save the little earthling Fizz], expert level.

  Whether to accept?

  (Please send a beautiful picture of the Lady of the Lake to the comment area. She is too ugly in the game.)
  (End of this chapter)

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