194. Chapter 193 Brown Auction and Crusader Enchantment

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  Chapter 193: Brown Auction and Crusade Enchantment:

  A man and a woman alone, not to mention the girl who was more proactive, chatting all the way to bed.

  It lasted from afternoon to evening.

  Afterwards, Wayne picked up a Hobbit-made pipe, smoked a few puffs of pipe grass, and with an increasingly sad tone, reached out to touch Julie's head and said, "I told you a long time ago,
  Julie, we are We can't be together. I'm a half-elf. My lifespan is more than ten times longer than yours. When you get old, I'll still be the same as I am now, basically unchanged." "And I'm an adventurer

  . He has no fixed abode, and he will leave Goldshire and go somewhere else soon."

  After hearing this, Julie lay on Wayne's chest with a happy face, gently stroking the muscles of Wayne's body with her fingers, smiling slightly. He said carelessly:
  "Yes, you told me a long time ago, but I also thought clearly." "

  When I was locked in the cellar, I thought my life was about to end, but you saved me, You are my hero."

  "For us ordinary girls, this may be the biggest adventure in life." "

  I don't want to be with you for the rest of my life. When you pass by Goldsmith Town, you Just remember that there was a girl who liked you. Maybe I already had my own family at that time, and you could come to my house for a casual meal. This is a beautiful memory for me."

  ... ...

  That night, Julie did not spend the night at his house, and the farm girl did not want her parents to know that she devoted herself to an adventurer, so she returned home before dark.

  The next morning, when Wayne was drying herbs in the yard, Mr. Lawrence came over.

  However, this gentleman is not here to cause trouble, but because of a task entrusted to him by Wayne.

  "Wayne, I bought all the things you asked me to buy for you. They are in the carriage outside the yard. There is a whole carriage, a complete set of alchemy equipment, and a whole cart of herbs."

  As he spoke, the farmer, who looked quite capable, wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with some emotion:

  "I traveled all over Stormwind City to purchase so many herbs. Fortunately, my brother still knows some acquaintances. , Otherwise, it would be impossible to purchase so much and complete items so quickly."

  Lawrence handed Wayne a bill and a small bag of gold coins in a purse, and said,

  "Wayne, this is the remaining money. The money and bills, by the way, the auction house thing you asked me to inquire about has also come to fruition." "The

  Brown Auction House in Stormwind City holds an auction once a month, which will be held in about two days. If you have If you're interested, I can go with you."

  Wayne was very moved by Mr. Lawrence's proposal. Counting the days, he couldn't stay in Azeroth for more than a few days. He just happened to go to Stormwind City before leaving. Take a look at the auction house in the big human city, and you might be able to buy something you like.

  And after buying things, he will leave immediately, and others will not be able to trace any information about him, and he will not cause any trouble.

  Thinking of this, he nodded to Lawrence, then counted out ten Azeroth gold coins from the money bag he handed back, handed it to the middle-aged man's hand, and said, "I'll trouble you, Lawrence.
  " Sir, this is your reward for the past few days. Please prepare a carriage when the time comes, and we will go to the auction house to have a look."

  Lawrence did not refuse, and reached out to take the ten gold coins. As for the negotiated remuneration, although he still had some savings after giving up the farm, the head of the family had to make a little more money if he wanted to open a bakery in Goldsmith Town that was enough to support his family.

  Soon, with the help of several porters, the large cart of goods was moved into the Wayne family's warehouse, and after that, Mr. Lawrence also said goodbye and left.

  After Mr. Lawrence left, Wayne took out the magic wine flask hanging on his belt, and first put the intermediate mana potion and the intermediate healing potion refined today into the two compartments of the wine flask.

  In this wine flask, there are already hundreds of bottles of two potions stored, which can almost be used as daily consumables.

  Anyway, the drinks in this wine pot will be locked in time. In the future, no matter how much reserves there are, these potions can not only be used as emergency medicine to save people, but they can also be treated as commodities and sold to other people in need at a high price. It’s also a hugely profitable and profitable business.

  And this time he entrusted Lawrence to spend a large sum of money to purchase the Concentration Flower, Silverleaf Grass, and other herbs for making healing potions and mana potions from Stormwind City, all for this purpose.

  Soon after, when he returned to the wizarding world and Kaer Morhen, these potions could be used as good gifts for his warlock lovers and fellow demon hunters. They must have such practical things. Everyone will like it very much.

  Of course, he still wants a lot of good things in the world of Azeroth, but he just lacks the channels. As for whether he can buy any good things next, it depends on the luck of this auction. .

  Soon, two days passed by. Wayne took time to help Sheriff Duhan catch several spies from the Defias Brotherhood and completed an expert-level commission. The rest of the time, he was concentrating on He improved his alchemy skills and made dozens of bottles of healing potions and mana potions.

  When it was time to set off, Wayne and Lawrence rode in a carriage and set off towards Stormwind City, accompanied by the farm girl Julie.

  Facing Wayne's somewhat puzzled gaze, Julie showed a cheerful smile and said:
  "Wayne, today is a day off for my cousin Hallie. She is now a trainee pastor in a church school. I just wanted to drop by. It's just a car."

  Of course, Wayne didn't refuse. He smiled and said,

  "Then after our auction is over in the afternoon, let's have dinner together in the city and then go back." "

  Speaking of which, I haven't Have you ever met a real priest?"

  This was originally just a casual chat by Wayne, but it immediately attracted a strange look from Julie. The girl tilted her head and asked with some confusion: "
  Wayne, as an adventurer, you were injured while performing a mission. , haven’t you ever gone to a priest to treat you?”

  Wayne, who knew that he had spilled the beans, did not panic at all. He looked at the girl and immediately said with a smile:

  “Haha, I have indeed never gone to a priest to treat me, because I I have never suffered any injuries that required treatment."

  After a few vague words, the topic quickly turned to other things.

  Two hours passed by in a flash. When they entered the gate of Stormwind City, several guards from Stormwind City came to check. However, it was just a routine inspection. The three of them paid a few silver coins as the fee for entering the city. He was thwarted and soon allowed into the city. Sitting in the carriage, Wayne carefully observed the Stormwind City outside through the window. How should I put it, as the capital of the Kingdom of Stormwind, Stormwind City is indeed quite majestic, both solid and beautiful, and is even more beautiful than the newly built buildings in Temeria. Jimma City is even more majestic.

  Moreover, according to Lawrence's introduction, Stormwind City alone has a population of hundreds of thousands living in the city. In terms of area, it is not on the same level as Vizima City.

  The Brown Auction House they are going to today is a very famous auction house located in the business district. It is said that its main business targets are civilians, businessmen and adventurers, and it basically does not sell flashy works of art.

  It is not favored by the nobles, and the products auctioned are mainly equipment, weapons, and potions that enhance strength. Occasionally, some adventurers will also auction the weird things they find during their adventures, which are quite popular among the civilian class.

  Not long after entering the city, Mr. Lawrence drove the carriage and stopped at a square in the center of the city. After Julie waved goodbye to them, the carriage moved forward again and entered the more prosperous business district.

  Wayne looked out the window and saw hundreds of shops. The whole street was full of shops. There were all kinds of shops, and there was an endless stream of people coming and going.

  However, most of the shops on this commercial street are only run by humans.

  Mr. Lawrence told him that there is also a dwarf area in Stormwind City, where there are many shops run by dwarves, selling some specialties made by dwarves, and there are also some dwarves who can run shops there. If he is interested, he can take time. Go take a look.

  Soon, their carriage stopped in a spacious place specially designed for parking carriages, and then Wayne, led by Lawrence, entered the Brown Auction House, which was simple and attractive in decoration and occupied a considerable area.

  After entering the auction, a beautiful female clerk immediately greeted them. She led the two of them to a desk for a simple registration, and then handed Wayne a number plate carved from a wooden board. The number above is 101.

  Holding this wooden sign, the two of them quickly entered a large auction venue under the guidance of another female clerk.

  The light under the field was slightly dim. Rows of seats were neatly arranged at a certain distance. There were three to four hundred seats. And directly in front of these seats, on a stage brightly illuminated by more than a dozen magic lamps, a The short, fat, funny-looking auctioneer was telling jokes to the auctioneers who had arrived.

  After Wayne and Lawrence found the seats corresponding to the wooden sign numbers and waited in the auction hall for half an hour, the auction officially began.

  In this auction, there are more than two hundred items to be auctioned. There are items that have failed to sell in previous auctions, as well as newly added items in this auction. They will be auctioned in order from high to low based on the reserve price.

  After the auction started, the short, chubby auctioneer named Jamie's expression became serious. He was very smooth-talking. Wayne had already realized this half an hour before the auction started.

  As he stood on the auctioneer's exclusive podium, there was a sound of a wooden hammer hitting the wooden board, and Jamie said in a mellow voice: "
  Ladies and gentlemen, the auction at Brown Auction House has now officially begun."

  "We have the first auction item, a fine steel long sword from a high-level dwarf blacksmith. It is a one-handed sword. The sword is one meter long. It is edged on both sides. It is forged from high-quality steel. The base price is fifty silver coins. There are ten swords in total. ."

  "The price is increased by five silver coins each time. Everyone is welcome to bid."

  Following the introduction of auctioneer Jamie, some gleaming steel swords were placed on the bright exhibition stand. The swords had beautiful blades and excellent materials. They were owned by dwarf senior blacksmiths. Although it is not a good sword, it is enough for ordinary warriors and the price is quite low.

  It was soon sought after by some adventurers with mediocre strength and financial resources. The price soon reached eighty silver coins, and then it was bought by a strong human warrior.

  The nine steel swords that followed were quickly sold out at prices ranging from 80 silver coins to 80 silver coins.

  After selling the first product, auctioneer Jamie immediately started the auction of the second item without any further ado.

  "The second auction item is a half-body armor forged by a senior dwarf blacksmith. It is made of pure steel. It has excellent defense, classic shape, and moderate weight. It is very suitable for those fledgling warriors and is very helpful in battle. There are five pieces in total. The base price is three Gold coins."

  "Each price increase will be no less than ten silver coins. Everyone is welcome to bid."

  Following Jamie's introduction, several sets of half-body armor were also carried to the display stand by the staff as plate armor. Due to the consumption of materials And labor costs, the price is several times more expensive than steel swords.

  But soon, these half-body armors were also bought by some warrior adventurers.

  Then came the third auction item, the fourth auction item, and the fifth auction item.

  Prices range from low to high, including weapons, equipment, potions and scrolls. As Mr. Wayne who is not short of money, he immediately entered the purchasing mode after a short period of restraint. As long as the price of the goods he is interested in is not outrageous. , he would buy it without hesitation.

  Because Vivian's bank has a credit limit of more than 150,000 gold coins, Wayne never needs to worry about money. As for the problem of owing money, he will obtain the treasure from the Lonely Mountain in Middle-earth later. All expenses can only be considered a small amount.

  The auction went very quickly. By the time the 150th auction item was launched, Wayne had already purchased more than 20 auction items from Brown Auction House and spent more than 200 gold coins. The few adventurers and businessmen who participated in the auction frequently glanced at this handsome young man curiously.

  However, Wayne didn't pay too much attention to this. As Mr. Brown said, most of the people participating in this auction were civilians, businessmen and adventurers. Even if he performed a little bit, it would not cause any trouble.

  "Now, here is the 150th auction item, Enchanted Scroll Crusader, which is the work of a master enchanter." "As for the effect of this enchanted scroll, it can

  give the weapon a special effect. When attacking the enemy, there is a certain chance that the user's strength will be greatly increased, and the user will be healed by the holy light and restore a certain amount of physical strength and vitality. It is a very powerful weapon enchantment." "The base price is fifty pieces

  . Gold coins, each increase in price will be no less than two gold coins. Everyone is welcome to bid now."

  As auctioneer Jamie finished his words, this enchanted scroll immediately aroused the interest of several melee adventurers present, and they began to bid competitively.

  The Crusader Enchantment was considered a top-level enchantment in the sixties or even the seventies when Wayne was playing the game.

  Unexpectedly, since he encountered it in the auction house, Wayne's eyes lit up when he looked at this product, and he immediately made a decision that he must win.

  (End of chapter)

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