180.Chapter 180 Two beautiful tree girls given for free

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  Chapter 180 Two beautiful tree elves given for free.

  On the other side, Wayne accompanied the two beautiful tree elves and had left Duunkanal.

  The plump Malika is a dryad with a rather impatient personality. After receiving the Queen's order, she immediately took Wayne to investigate the location and situation of the monsters in the commission.

  Eglais, on the other hand, has a gentler and shy personality. She and Wayne walked side by side, less than twenty centimeters apart, while using a soft and cute voice to describe the information they had on these monsters, while also being a little shy. Avoiding Wayne's aggressive gaze.

  Wayne listened to Aiglais's story while admiring the beautiful scenery of the two tree spirits. He already had a general understanding of his mission in his mind.

  There are three monsters entrusted by the Dryad Queen to hunt. One is Queen Qiqimo hidden in the cave, one is a royal griffon nesting on a certain mountain peak, and the other is a rough-skinned and thick-flesh monster. A minotaur nearly four to five meters tall was running rampant in the forest.

  Among these three types of monsters, the first type, Queen Qiqimo, often hides in tunnels. The narrow and dim terrain makes the bows and arrows that the dryads are best at useless. If they enter the cave, the trees without any armor protection will Jing, facing these elusive Qi Qimo, he is simply risking his own life, so there has been no progress in facing this monster.

  The second type of royal griffon is because this ferocious bird can defend well against arrows, is flexible and changeable when moving in the air, and is difficult to target, but they are also an extremely ferocious and vengeful monster. They would often sneak up on tree elf girls under various unexpected circumstances, and then quickly run away without fighting them head-on.

  Therefore, it is normal for the dryads to shrink in front of this kind of monster.

  As for the third monster, the Minotaur, it is easier to understand. This monster is the tank-shaped Roshan Demon that appears in the Baiguoyuan in the game, and is also called the Bull Demon King.

  Not only does it have a defense far beyond imagination, but its recovery speed is also comparable to that of a troll. Therefore, even if the dryads are superb in archery, facing this monster is like running into an iron plate and they cannot break through it. defense, causing fatal damage to it.

  However, these three monsters are a problem for the tree spirits, but they are not particularly powerful monsters for Wayne.

  Not only because his own strength has reached the top level of a demon hunter, but also because many of Kaermohan's books have recorded the methods and experiences of his predecessors in dealing with these monsters.

  With these successful experiences and his own strong strength, dealing with these monsters is much easier with half the effort.

  Therefore, after a brief discussion with the two beautiful tree ladies, Wayne's first target to be eliminated was the Royal Griffin that was entrenched on a certain mountain peak.

  It was actually not difficult to deal with this big rooster flying in the sky. The two beautiful tree ladies caught an adult doe, and Wayne took out some strong-flavored doe from his storage bag. , buckthorn that is particularly attractive to griffons.

  Then, just like the shoemaker of Holobor, they stuffed a lot of poison into the belly of the doe, and burned the buckthorn grass to attract the attention of the griffon.

  When this royal griffon, whose intelligence was even lower than that of the green dragon, devoured the doe specially prepared for it by Wayne, this big rooster that could originally spread its wings and soar quickly lost the life that it relied on for survival. The ability to fly has become extremely weak.

  In the process of stumbling to escape, he fell directly from mid-air. There was no fierce battle, and his head was cut off by the demon hunter Wayne who followed closely behind him, and was turned into various materials.

  After the victory in the first battle, it was getting late. Since he did not bring a magic tent with him, Wayne could only follow the two beautiful tree ladies to find a high tree hole, spread a magic flying carpet on the bottom, and hold the two lights in his arms. The beauties slept together all night.

  How should I put it, the taste is not bad. Although the beautiful tree girls live a life like primitive people, because of their special race, these girls not only do not have any unpleasant smell, but have a fragrance like trees and flowers. , it also feels very smooth and delicate, and is soft and fragrant when held in your arms, which is very comfortable.

  As for the more in-depth features, Wayne has not studied it yet and plans to learn more about it when he has the opportunity in the future.

  The next day, Wayne, who was in a happy mood, cooked a breakfast for the two tree spirits. Although it was just very simple mushrooms, grilled fish and fried eggs, his superb cooking skills still made the two tree spirits eat. His eyes shone brightly, and the look he looked at became even closer.

  After finishing breakfast, Wayne's second target chose the rough-skinned and thick-flesh Minotaur, and for this monster, there wasn't much to say about the battle process.

  Just like a traditional witcher hunt, this time Wayne was fully prepared for the battle. Not only did he smear the blade with sword oil specially designed to deal with minotaurs, but he also drank five bottles of various body-enhancing substances at the same time. Functional witcher potion.

  After everything was prepared, he directly picked up the Statik electric blade he carried with him and started to fight with this powerful minotaur.

  Although this monster has rough skin and thick flesh, and strong defense, it can play a very good defense against the bows and arrows of the dryads, but when it faces the full-status demon hunter, it has a strong defensive effect.

  The Statik electric blade in Master Wayne's hand quickly taught this monster what magic damage is and what a magic weapon is.

  With his agility, swift swordsmanship, and powerful strength, coupled with the optional diversionary shooting of the two tree spirits on the treetops, the fierce battle lasted for about ten minutes. This bull-headed king in the forest The beast was cut into pieces all over the ground by Wayne.

  The powerful strength shown by Wayne in the battle also deeply shocked the two beautiful tree ladies who participated in the battle with him.

  After the battle, when Wayne was collecting the trophies, he accidentally obtained a medium-sized red mutation inducer from the minotaur, which was probably worth several hundred orens. It could be used to make special decoctions or conduct mutation experiments. Quite useful, it can be considered an unexpected gain.

  The third monster entrusted, Queen Qiqi, is indeed a very powerful monster. Even for many experienced demon hunters, it is a very difficult enemy to deal with, and the same is true for Wayne. However, unlike other demon hunters, Grandpa Wayne was known as a person with abilities. When he considered that going into an underground cave alone to deal with these monsters was dangerous, inefficient, and prone to accidents.

  He decisively chose another fighting method, which was a bomb-style demon hunter that only rich people could choose.

  When he rushed to Queen Kikimo wearing a self-destructive coat strapped with dozens of bombs, slashing his way through, the monster's end was already predetermined.

  As the bomb on his body was ignited, Wayne immediately dropped the bomb, activated his flashing ability, and appeared on the ground several hundred meters away.

  Although Queen Kikimo is very powerful and protected by many Kikimo soldiers, when it faces a super explosive trap made of dozens of bombs, both its soldiers and itself Even the hard shell can't withstand the terrifying explosive force like a cluster bomb.

  With a loud rumbling sound like an earthquake and a mountain shaking, the original location of the Qiqi Mo Cave was blown up into a huge pit. A large number of stones and soil were splashed, and many trees on the ground were also destroyed. It collapsed, and a thick plume of smoke directly obscured everything caused by the explosion.

  Such a scene directly frightened the two beautiful tree girls who had been watching carefully from a distance.

  Although Wayne had told them his plan in advance and warned them, seeing this shocking scene with their own eyes still shocked these two tree spirits who had never seen much of the world.

  But soon, they became worried about Wayne's condition. Faced with such an explosion, the chance of any living thing surviving was very slim.

  However, Wayne didn't let them worry too much. He quickly rushed back from the other direction and found the two tree spirits.

  The commission had been completed, and after Wayne had a brief chat with them, he was ready to return to the Dryad's home, Duunkanal, to collect his reward from the Dryad Queen.

  In the battle just now, although the dozens of bombs were worth less than three hundred orens, Queen Qiqimo, who was buried in the cave, was a very rare monster. Not only could she be pregnant with The large green mutation inducer, and even some of its own materials, are of considerable value.

  Wayne hopes to be compensated for these lost trophies from the Dryad Queen's reward.



  Returning to the pleasant dryad home again, Wayne met the dryad queen again in front of the big wooden house.

  But I don't know if it was an illusion, but when they met this time, Wayne vaguely felt that the Dryad Queen's attitude towards him had changed.

  Although he still has that expressionless and serious look, his occasional expressions in his eyes and tone of voice make him seem a little closer.

  However, he didn't think much about it. He bowed lightly to the beautiful queen and said, "

  Ms. Aisna, I have completed your commission. I have killed all three monsters, Malika and Aiglai." Si can testify for me."

  The Dryad Queen nodded lightly when she heard this, and acted very simply. She did not ask Marika and Aigles, but waved to the two dryads beside her.

  Soon, a cloth bag filled with various gold coins and jewelry was placed in front of Wayne.

  Before Wayne could say anything else, the Dryad Queen said:
  "Thank you, Witcher Wayne."

  "You helped our Dryad family get rid of three dangerous enemies."

  "The gold and jewelry here, They are worth about one thousand crowns. They are your reward for this mission." "

  In addition, you will become a friend of our tree spirit family. When you encounter danger in the future, you can come here for help."

  As she said this, the beautiful dryad queen glanced at Marika and Aglais who were following Wayne. A complicated look flashed in her eyes, but she quickly said: "As a witness to

  our friendship, Marika Iglesias and I will always be your personal guards, leaving this forest with you and protecting your safety forever."

  (End of this chapter)

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