Chapter 488 You don’t know anything about your biological daughter

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  Chapter 488: You don’t even know about your biological daughter.
  After several imperial doctors looked at each other for a few times, they asked Xing Jiang to reply as a representative.

  Xing Jiang reported to Qi Yansong: "Reporting to Mr. Qi, the third young master's condition is more complicated and serious. It will take another two days of observation to confirm whether he can survive the critical period." "You mean

  my son is still in danger of life?" Qi Yansong's body seemed to be surrounded by three feet of ice.

  Xing Jiang couldn't help but flinch, but he could only stick to his answer: "It looks like this so far." "

  Bang -"

  Qi Yansong slapped his palm heavily on the table.

  Several imperial doctors were so frightened that their heads dropped even lower.

  "If my son cannot survive, then I will let you quack doctors bury him with him! Even if you are imperial doctors, I can still take your lives!" If other people said this, the imperial

  doctors would not believe it. They are imperial officials and doctors who directly serve the royal family. They have high status and cannot be killed by just anyone.

  But this was what Mr. Qi said, so they had to believe it.

  "Sir, please rest assured, we will definitely make Mr. Qi survive!" Xing Jiang promised.

  "It's best!"

  Qi Yansong flicked his sleeves and went back to the inner room to look at his son.

  After Qi Yansong left, his colleagues asked Xing Jiang in a low voice: "Master Xing, we can't guarantee that the third master of Qi will survive! What if..."

  Xing Jiang said: "If the third master of Qi dies, master Qi will definitely punish him severely. For us, it doesn't matter whether we can promise to save Mr. Qi now, why not promise it first so that Mr. Qi can feel at ease first, at least there will be a way to survive for now." Xing Jiang's analysis is very reasonable, and several others

  also There is nothing left to say.

  Zhongyi Bofu.

  The Wei family who used to go to bed early not only did not fall asleep now, but they all gathered in the Shou'an Hall.

  Yunshi and Baishi told the old lady what happened in Lu Mansion today.

  Wei Qingwan stood behind, looking pale.

  Today's scene really scared her. It was the first time in her life that she had seen such a cruel scene.

  More importantly, one of the seriously injured people was Mr. Qi whom she was familiar with!

  She and Mr. Qi were forced to separate. Although she was ready to be King Yu's concubine, she still cared about Mr. Qi in her heart.

  Seeing the miserable state of her former beloved, Wei Qingwan couldn't calm down for a long time.

  So much so that she didn't listen to a word of what the elders of the Wei family were talking about.

  After listening to the statements of the Yun family and the Bai family, Mrs. Wei sighed: "I didn't expect such a big thing to happen today. The Qi family and the Lu family are the two most important families in the court today. The Qi family is Wen, The Lu family is Wu, the right-hand man of the emperor. Now that something happened to these two families together, I am afraid it will have a great impact on the entire court."

  Wei Mingyong asked: "Mother, this third son of Qi is the only one left by Master Qi . If he has a son, wouldn't the Qi family be exterminated..." "Don't talk nonsense, just know some things in your heart, don't say them out loud, and be careful that the walls have ears." Mrs. Wei warned. .

  Wei Mingyong quickly said yes.

  Wei Minghong asked: "Father, mother, if something like this happens, will it cause discord between the Qi family and the Lu family?"

  Mrs. Wei analyzed: "It's hard to say. The matter happened in the Lu family. The Qi family does have a reason." They blame the Lu family for not being well-defended, but the incident was caused by the third son of the Qi family. The Lu family also has reasons to blame the Qi family." "

  In this case, we have to ask Yichen to come back from the Lu family as soon as possible and stop talking to the Lu family. So close." Wei Mingyong said quickly.

  "What are you talking nonsense about?" Mrs. Wei scolded.

  "Mom, I'm not talking nonsense. Our family wants to be on good terms with Mr. Qi. If Mr. Qi really doesn't deal with the Lu family and we still have contact with the Lu family, then Mr. Qi will be unhappy." Wei Mingyong explained. road.

  "Yes, mother, the second master is right. Now Wanwan is going to be His Royal Highness Prince Yu's concubine. We can't hold her back!" Mrs. Bai quickly agreed.

  "Are you two planning to place all your bets on Prince Yu and the Qi family? Are you leaving no way out for yourself?" Mrs. Wei asked.

  "Mother, isn't this an obvious thing? What's the alternative? Anyone with a discerning eye knows that more than half of the people in the court now support His Highness Prince Yu. The Emperor also likes His Highness Prince Yu very much. Prince Jing is talented but not Backstage, who else will this country belong to besides His Royal Highness King Yu?"

  Wei Mingyong spoke with certainty, as if he already knew the outcome of this battle for the throne.

  Mr. Wei said: "Although Prince Yu is indeed the most likely prince, we cannot overdo things. The Lu family is not easy to offend, so we should wait and see what happens. As for the child Yichen, he He stayed in the Lu family to take care of his classmate, the Xu family master, and not for the Lu family master, so there is nothing to worry about." After

  Mr. Wei said so, Wei Mingyong and his wife had nothing to say.

  Then Mrs. Wei asked Yunshi: "Just now you said that child Ruo'er worked with Mrs. Lu to treat the injured after the explosion. When did that child learn medical skills?" This question stunned Yunshi

  , She didn't know how to answer.

  Mrs. Bai added at the side: "Yes, third brother and sister, please tell us, why did Ruo'er learn medical skills? Also, when did she have the life-saving grace of Mr. Lu? Who is her friend who can give her thyme and rare and exquisite fabrics?"

  "I don't know." Yunshi replied after thinking for a while.

  "Why don't you know? Ruo'er is your biological daughter, the third younger sister!" Bai asked.

  "That child Ruo'er has lived in the countryside of Huzhou Prefecture for thirteen years. I don't know what she did during those thirteen years. When I sent people to find out the situation from the He family, they only said that Ruo'er was not in good health and sent her away. I have cultivated myself in the countryside." Yunshi lowered her head and replied in a low voice.

  "It seems that our eldest girl is very capable. She said she went to the countryside to cultivate, but she learned a lot of good skills. The most important thing is that she actually has these skills but she didn't tell her third younger brother and sister, you, your own mother." There was obvious sarcasm in his tone.

  It wasn't just medical skills that Wei Ruo hid from them.

  Today in the Lu family, Wei Ruo had many things that surprised them.

  Yun knew that Bai was making fun of her, but she had no way to refute it. She seemed to know very little about Ruo'er.

  Mr. Wei asked Yun in a reproachful tone, "If Ruo'er is your biological daughter, you, the mother-in-law, should know her affairs best, especially those things that the second daughter-in-law just said, one after another. It’s not a trivial matter, why didn’t you understand it clearly in advance?”

  (End of Chapter)

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