Chapter 441 Marriage to the Ninth Prince

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  Imperial decree?

  "Does everyone in the family have to be present?" Wei Ruo asked.

  "The imperial envoy who came to the palace to read out the imperial edict called on Miss to come and receive the edict." The maid said urgently, as if her eyebrows were burning. "Miss, hurry up. The old man and his wife have already gone!" How important this is

  . As for the matter, Uncle Zhongyi’s mansion has not had an imperial edict for how many years it has been.

  The last imperial decree conferring marriage to Wei Qingwan was sent to the General's Palace in Taizhou Prefecture. Now the rest of the family has not responded to the imperial envoy sent by the palace for a long time.

  Therefore, everyone in the Wei family paid great attention to it, and even the servants in the mansion were nervous.

  Hearing that she was asked to go by name, Wei Ruo had a bad feeling for some reason.

  Wei Ruo thought for a while and then agreed: "I know, I'll be here right away."

  Wei Ruo adjusted her clothes and makeup, then opened the door and followed the maid waiting for her at the door to the front hall.

  In the spacious and bright hall, Mr. Wei, Mrs. Wei, Wei Minghong, Mr. Mo, Mr. Wei Mingyong, Mr. Bai and Mr. Yun were all present.

  And everyone was dressed very formally, with solemn makeup and serious expressions. Even Wei Ruo could see obvious nervousness on the faces of Wei Minghong, Wei Mingyong, Mo and Bai.

  The two elders of the Wei family have seen the world, so they are much calmer.

  Yun has seen a lot more over the years and has received people from the palace, so she behaves much calmer and calmer than the other two families.

  Among the grandchildren, only Wei Ruo came.

  After Wei Ruo arrived, the imperial minister began to read out the imperial edict.

  Everyone in the Wei family knelt down and listened to the content of the imperial edict with fear and fear.

  Wei Ruo, who was called, knelt at the front and listened with mixed emotions.

  Wei Ruo's heart suddenly skipped a beat when she heard the imperial envoy say "Marriage to the Ninth Prince".

  Why is this happening?

  Why did the emperor want to marry her, the insignificant daughter of the declining Zhongyi family, to the favored Ninth Prince?

  What's more, the rumors about her are booming outside now. Even if the emperor has not heard the rumors about her being the "King Fu's Absolute Son", he always knows about the annulment of her engagement by the Xuanping Marquis Mansion, right?

  Then why would he give someone like her to the Ninth Prince whom he cared so much about?

  Everyone in the Wei family was shocked when they heard the decree.

  It was enough for them to be surprised and happy that a girl in the family was given the opportunity to be the sixth prince's concubine, but they didn't expect that another girl whose engagement was annulled and was rumored to be a concubine could also be given the opportunity to be married to the prince, and she was still being favored. The Ninth Prince’s true concubine!

  "Miss Wei, please accept the order." After the imperial envoy finished reading the imperial edict, he called Wei Ruo to accept the order.

  "Ruo'er, hurry up and take the order."

  Behind Wei Ruo, Old Master Wei urged, for fear that Wei Ruo's slow response would neglect the imperial minister.

  Wei Ruo stood up and took the imperial edict from the imperial envoy. The imperial edict itself was not heavy, but Wei Ruo felt extremely heavy holding it in his hand.

  Mr. Wei quickly entertained the imperial minister, who smiled and waved his hand.

  "Uncle Wei is blessed. Both of his granddaughters are blessed. If there is a chance in the future, I hope that the old uncle will support me more." "I don't dare. Sir, you have worked so hard in

  traveling and traveling. We have prepared some wine and snacks at home. Sir, please stay and have a meal." Mr. Wei said quickly.

  "Uncle Wei, you're welcome. There's no need to stay for dinner. I have to go back to the palace to report my orders to the Holy One." The imperial envoy didn't stay

  long, and left with the others after saying a few polite words to Mr. Wei.

  As soon as the imperial envoy left, Mr. Wei came to Wei Ruo and carefully asked for Wei Ruo's imperial edict to read.

  After confirming again and again, the picture above was indeed after making Wei Ruo the ninth prince's concubine. Mr. Wei's eyes were red with joy.

  "Our Wei family is going to have a princess! Our Wei family is going to have a princess!"

  Although Wei Qingwan had been given a marriage before, she was a side concubine. After all, the side concubine and the main concubine were quite different. No matter how nice it was, the side concubine was still a concubine, while the main concubine was a wife, and her status was not even close to that of a concubine.

  Mrs. Wei was mixed with joy and sorrow. She looked at the imperial edict and then at Wei Ruo. There was a worried look on her old face, and her aged eyebrows had a few ridges. She seemed to have something to say, but in front of everyone, she still Not spoken out.

  Wei Minghong had a silly smile on his face, as happy as a Maitreya Buddha: "Dad, it's good this time, our Uncle Zhongyi Mansion is really going to rise!" Mrs. Mo agreed: "Yes, the

  happy events in the manor are really coming one after another. piece."

  Wei Mingyong quickly congratulated Wei Ruo: "Congratulations to my eldest niece, you will be the princess in the future, and you will enjoy endless glory and wealth!" Bai's face was a little embarrassed, and he said to Wei Ruo with a stiff smile: "My eldest daughter, you will be the princess

  . My niece is really lucky. The Ninth Prince is the most favored prince nowadays. Although he is a little weak, but with the imperial doctors watching over him, he will definitely live a long life. My eldest niece, you marry the Ninth Prince. It is really a blessing. What a blessing!"

  Yun's expression was somewhat similar to Mrs. Wei's. I don't know if she was more happy or worried.

  After hesitating for a moment, Mrs. Yun slowly spoke and asked the old man: "Father, my daughter-in-law heard that the Ninth Prince is weak and unable to make soup. If Ruo'er marries him..." Mrs. Yun did not say the whole thing, but everyone knew it

  . It was clear that Yun was afraid that Wei Ruo would become a widow after marrying her.

  Mr. Wei didn't think so: "Third daughter-in-law, don't think too much about this matter. Although your worries are reasonable, think about it, with Ruo'er's reputation outside now, what else can she marry? People? Now that she has this blessing from heaven, is it not a thousand or ten thousand times better than the marriage we arranged for her? Do you still think about what she will do if she is a widow? What's more, she is the ninth prince's main concubine. , even if the Ninth Prince...she can live a life without worries about food and clothing."

  Yun explained: "This reputation is also a problem. My daughter-in-law was afraid that the Ninth Prince would not be able to bear it physically, but then everyone blamed Ruo'er for this. Ruoer’s reputation as a good husband has truly been confirmed.”

  Mr. Wei didn't take it seriously: "You are thinking too much. Everyone in the capital knows about the physical condition of the Ninth Prince. If he really wants to be young... If that happens, there is no one to blame. What's more, there are rumors that the marriage has been granted. After that, our Wei family has never concealed anything. Even if the situation you mentioned does happen, it has nothing to do with our Wei family."

  Yun couldn't help but refute, but her face was still unhappy and frowning, looking at Wei Ruo, There is always something unpleasant.

  It's true that she doesn't deal with her eldest daughter, and it's not bad that she doesn't have the bond between mother and daughter, but she is not very willing to let her daughter become a widow like this.

  There was no extra expression on Wei Ruo's face, and she didn't pay much attention to what everyone said.

  She is now filled with doubts, and no one in the house can answer this doubt for her.


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