Chapter 397 Wants Wei Ruo to help pay

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  Chapter 397: Wanting Wei Ruo to help with the money,
  Nanny Li set off for the provincial capital with Wei Qingwan’s order that afternoon.

  We rushed back and forth, and came back to see Wei Qingwan with the results on the morning of the third day.

  "Miss, what the old woman said is true. Tongdetang does sell scar removal ointment, and it is indeed priced at a sky-high price of one hundred taels per box. And I also found out that this miracle medicine has already made a name for itself in the provincial capital. , Healed many people's scars."

  After receiving the affirmative answer, Wei Qingwan's face was dark and unclear, and she didn't know whether she was happy or worried.

  Seeing this, Nanny Li gave Wei Qingwan some advice: "Miss, how about you seek help from your family? You will be the princess in the future, and the injury on your back will affect your favor. The honor of the family is closely related, and Uncle Zhongyi's house cannot ignore it."

  Wei Qingwan frowned and thought over what Grandma Li said carefully: "What you said makes sense, my injury was originally caused by this family." "That's right

  . !" Grandma Li nodded in agreement.

  "You allow me to think deeply." Wei Qingwan said.


  "Miss, there is news from Tongdetang. The second lady really sent someone to ask." Xiumei smiled.

  In the past two days, I have met many people from Wangmeiyuan, and I have also seen them being arrogant and domineering.

  They were talking about the future princess, and those who didn't know it thought that the second young lady was canonized as the principal concubine.

  "Yes, if she can get the money, I will sell her. I can't deal with the money. If she can't get the money, she will have to suffer heart-breakingly." Wei Ruodao.

  Xiumei nodded with a smile: "Young lady is right, it depends on whether the second lady can get the money. With so many holes in her back, it will take at least ten boxes of more than a thousand taels of silver!" Stone

  Village The old woman said that the scars could completely disappear after just three boxes because her grandson’s wounds were small and the dosage was small. It's different when it comes to Wei Qingwan.

  "I'm an honest businessman when I open my business. I'll sell her as much money as she gives me. If the money is not enough, it's none of my business." "

  Yeah, ladies are always the fairest in business!" Xiumei agreed. Said, "Speaking of which, Miss Xie is really amazing. She actually opened two medicinal shops, one in the provincial capital and one in the capital." Tongdetang

  is the shop opened by the Xie family in the provincial capital. Wei Ruo and Xie Ying have been They are cooperating in the pharmaceutical field, so they not only know about it but also have contacts with Tongdetang.

  "She doesn't just talk the talk, she is a person who combines knowledge with action. And her mother fully supports her in doing this, so she gets twice the result with half the effort." Wei Ruodao.

  "It's great. I wonder when I will see Miss Xie and Mr. Xie again." Xiumei said with emotion.

  "There will be a chance."

  Wei Ruozheng and Xiumei were talking and Cuiping came.

  "Miss, madam, please come over and discuss something."

  Upon hearing this, Wei Ruo knew that it would not be a good thing.

  Every time Yun came to discuss things with him, there would probably be a dispute.

  "I know." Wei Ruo agreed.

  After Wei Ruo tidied up a little, he followed Cuiping to Cangyun Garden.

  In the room, Mrs. Yun was sitting opposite the door, with Wei Qingwan next to her.

  "Why is mother looking for me?" Wei Ruo asked.

  "Sit down first. Mom has something to discuss with you." Mrs. Yun was rare to be patient, with a somewhat kind expression on her face.

  Wei Ruo followed suit.

  After sitting down, he picked up the teacup placed aside and sipped it.

  The tea inside was freshly brewed, and it looked like he really had something important to talk to her about "properly".

  If Wei didn't ask in a hurry, they would definitely be more anxious to see her if they had something to do. Yun observed Wei Ruo's expression and saw that her expression was unchanged, so she tentatively said, "Ruo'er, you also know about your sister's marriage." "Well, how could you not know?


  "Wanwan's marriage is a foregone conclusion. Whether we like it or not, Wanwan will become the future concubine of the palace." Yun said again, her tone gentle.

  "That's right."

  "Hey, I know that Wanwan becoming the sixth prince's concubine will involve the Wei family in the court struggle to a certain extent, but the matter has come to this point, it is useless for us to think about it, we might as well do it It's all we can do."

  "Yeah, that's right."

  Wei Ruo's reaction could not be said to be good or bad. It was just a little indifferent, which Yun couldn't figure out.

  She knew that Wei Ruo was dissatisfied with Wei Qingwan's marriage, so she came up to say something to appease Wei Ruo.

  If Wei Ruo's attitude could be better, she could continue to talk about the next thing. But if Wei Ruo's attitude was not good, she was afraid that what she said next would cause resentment.

  Yun didn't get to the point for a while, and Wei Qingwan was a little anxious. She was afraid that Yun would regret it, so she didn't want to talk to Wei Ruo about it.

  But she didn't dare to speak, because she had just ridiculed Wei Ruo two days ago, and speaking now would be counterproductive.

  Wei Qingwan carefully stepped forward to refill Yun's tea: "Mom, the tea has cooled down. I'll add some for you." Hearing the

  voice, Yun looked at Wei Qingwan. Thinking of her daughter's future situation in the palace, Yun let go of her worries.

  Mrs. Yun continued to say to Wei Ruo: "Ruo'er, you are at the age where you are planning to get married. You also know some things. A woman's appearance and body are damaged and she is easily disliked by her husband's family, especially when Wanwan behaves like this. The prince's concubine."

  "Understood, no matter how nice it is, the concubine is just a concubine. A concubine is mostly used to serve people with sex. If it loses its sex, it also loses the capital of being favored." Wei Ruo replied .

  Wei Ruo's words made both Yun and Wei Qingwan's faces become a little stiff and ugly, especially Wei Qingwan's.

  Yunshi answered awkwardly, "Ruo'er is right to say that."

  "So?" Wei Ruo curled her lips and looked at Yunshi with a leisurely expression.

  "Ruo'er, you know that Wanwan was punished by the family law not long ago. She didn't take good care of her at the time and left scars." Mrs. Yun looked melancholy.

  "Well, so my mother and sister are worried that they will fall out of favor after entering the palace in the future?" Wei Ruodao.

  After being told the idea, the embarrassment on Yun's face deepened, but she still had to bite the bullet and continued: "Recently, we have found a magic medicine that can help your sister remove the scars on her back and allow her to recover. Look like before."

  "That's pretty good."

  Wei Ruo commented, and then continued to sip tea leisurely.

  Wei Qingwan looked at Wei Ruo like this, knowing that she did it on purpose, but she could only act anxiously and had no way to do anything with her.

  Yun continued, "It's just that the medicine is expensive. A small box costs one hundred taels of silver." "

  That's really expensive." Wei Ruo continued to play dumb, pretending not to hear Yun's words.

  "It's very expensive. So I thought, Ruo'er, could you help your sister buy this ointment?" Yun said.

  Who has the richest private money in the Wei family? Who in the Wei family can easily come up with three hundred taels? There is no doubt that it is Wei Ruo.

  "Why should I buy it for her?" Wei Ruo stared at Yun with a pair of bright and sharp eyes.

   I saw the messages of blessings from the treasures, thank you very much~~~
    I will write them when I have time, but the updates are very unstable, so you don’t have to wait.

  (End of chapter)

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