Chapter 35 Selling sweet potato leaves

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  Chapter 35 Selling Sweet Potato Leaves
  In the next few days, the school captain's mansion returned to its former peace, and the relationship between Wei Ruo and his family members became colder than when he first arrived.

  Especially with Yunshi, when Yunshi was enthusiastic about Wei Ruo, Wei Ruo's reaction was not very enthusiastic. Now that Yunshi is cold, Wei Ruo's side is even colder.

  Wei Yichen was a little worried about this, but Wei Ruo didn't care.

  She didn't care how the rest of the family treated her, she had several things on her hands that needed to be busy.

  First of all, the sweet potatoes on Xiaoyang Mountain have grown vine leaves.

  Sweet potato vine leaves (sweet potato leaves) are also a great food and can be picked and eaten as a green vegetable as an added bonus before the sweet potatoes are ripe.

  Moreover, sweet potato vine leaves have the advantage of picking as many as they can sell. If they cannot be sold, they will be left in the ground to provide nutrients for the sweet potato tubers underground.

  The nanny was a little unsure about picking sweet potato vine leaves for the first time, but Wei Ruo sent Xiumei there because of the inconvenience.

  After Xiumei and the wet nurse met, the two directed the long-term workers to select a part of the sweet potato field for picking. The picked sweet potato vine leaves were divided into handfuls, tied with straw, packed in baskets, and placed in a container for easy transportation. On an oxcart.

  Considering that the people did not know enough about sweet potato vines and leaves for the first time, Xiumei and the nanny only picked two baskets of them according to Wei Ruo's instructions.

  The bullock carts were then transported to the market and sold for two cents each.

  This price was set by Wei Ruoding. The price is not expensive and the profit is small but the turnover is quick.

  Wei Ruo's prices for agricultural products are generally not too high, and he pursues winning by quantity; on the contrary, Wei Ruo will set prices as high as possible for things that only dignitaries and wealthy children can afford.

  Moreover, the sale of sweet potato vine leaves is also to better promote the sweet potato crop and to warm up the subsequent launch of larger quantities of sweet potatoes.

  On the way to the market, the wet nurse went home and cooked a big plate and took it to the market.

  After bringing it to the market, use smaller rice dumpling leaves to roll into a funnel shape, and put fried sweet potato vine leaves into it, each with only one mouthful.

  Then ask the long-term workers who help with the transportation to shout: "Two cents a handful, free trial."

  Because there is less cultivated land in Xingshan County, vegetables are more expensive than those in other places. In addition, the weather has been bad in recent years, and the output of vegetables has declined. , and the disturbances caused by Japanese pirates, resulting in fewer caravans coming and going, and fewer vegetables shipped from other places. The final result is that the price of vegetables in Xingshan County is several times more expensive than elsewhere.

  The fresh green vegetables that cost two cents a handful really attracted many people to watch.

  Although I have never seen it, there are finished products that you can try.

  The nanny enthusiastically handed the rice dumpling leaves filled with fried sweet potato vine leaves to the onlookers.

  After learning that this is an edible vegetable with a refreshing and delicious taste and a very affordable price, some people began to buy it with the intention of giving it a try.

  After a while, two baskets of sweet potato vine leaves were sold out.

  After leaving the market, Xiumei followed the wet nurse to their current residence.

  There is a shop in the front and a small house in the back. It is not a big place, but the nanny and her family are very satisfied.

  Especially this location, the choice is very good, it is close to Xiaowei Mansion, and the shop in front is in a lively neighborhood. When the shop opens, there should be no worries about the number of customers.

  Xiumei and the three members of the Xu family had lunch in the small house before returning to the captain's mansion.

  When he came back, he also brought sweet potato vine leaves and some fungus vegetables to Wei Ruo. The nanny's family prepared it for Wei Ruo. They were afraid that Wei Ruo wouldn't be used to eating in the captain's mansion.

  Afterwards, Wei Ruo asked Xiumei to guard her door and not let anyone in.

  Then he went into the space and collected all the sweet potatoes grown on the two pieces of land in the space. The speed at which plants grow on land in space is different from that outside. The sweet potatoes on Xiaoyang Mountain in the north of the city have just grown full of sweet potato leaves, and the ones in her space are ready to be harvested.

  After collecting two baskets of sweet potatoes, the experience value of the space increased a lot, and there were only less than 100 experience points left from the 1,000 experience points required for upgrading.

  With the upgrade in sight, Wei Ruo is increasingly looking forward to the new seeds that will be updated after the upgrade.

  If Wei Ruo didn't transport the collected sweet potatoes out of the space, it would be too suspicious to conjure up two baskets of sweet potatoes out of thin air.

  Wei Ruo stored the sweet potatoes in a space after collecting them. As long as the storage environment was dry, they would not go bad in a short period of time.

  It's not convenient to transport it out of the space for sale now, so let's stay in the space and be her backup food.

  If something happens and there is a shortage of food or water, having ready-made spare food and water in the space can at least ensure that you will not starve to death.

  The next day, Wei Ruo personally went to the south of the city and used the documents Wei Mingting gave her to successfully get the officers and soldiers guarding the south city gate to let her go.

  Wei Ruo selected a piece of flat land in the south of the city with relatively convenient transportation and close to water sources as her experimental field.

  She asked the two long-term workers sent by Yun to do the weeding and plowing work.

  Then they were asked to carry water from a nearby river to irrigate the land every day.

  It is really puzzling to ask people to water the ground every day when there is nothing planted on it.

  Moreover, Wei Ruo asked Chang Gong to turn the land into a rice field that can be used to grow rice. It is almost the Dragon Boat Festival, and other people's rice has grown above their knees. Wei Ruo now wants to use the entire rice field to plant rice. It really makes people doubt that she is. I don’t really understand planting.

  Nanny Zhang and the two long-term workers had some opinions on this, and felt that Wei Ruo's operations were strange.

  After working for two days, Grandma Zhang couldn't help but mention it to Wei Ruo: "Miss, how about you switch to other crops? Although I haven't farmed for many years, I often heard people say when I was in my hometown, There is a time for everything. There is a time for planting crops and fruits and vegetables. After this time, you will not be able to plant it!" "Don't worry,

  I know what I am doing. I promise to wait until you finish the land. It’s still too late to sow rice again.” Wei Ruo certainly knew the importance of time.

  It's almost June, and normal rice will certainly not be grown.

  But the rice seeds in her space are suitable for both early rice and late rice.

  Early rice will bloom next month, while late rice won't be sown until June or July of the lunar calendar, so she can make it in time.

  In this way, she can also experiment with saline-alkali land improvement and late rice cultivation at the same time.

  If successful, not only can the arable area of ​​Xingshan County be greatly increased, but also two crops of rice can be grown a year, increasing grain production in both horizontal and vertical dimensions.

  "What about the fruits and vegetables that the eldest lady asked us to collect before? What kind of straw and rice bran are there?" Nanny Zhang asked again.

  "It will take some time to keep those in storage. When the time comes, I will tell you how to use them." Wei Ruodao.

  Grandma Zhang looked at Wei Ruo's confident face and wanted to say something, but she swallowed it back.

  Forget it, it's useless to say it. The eldest lady doesn't look like she can listen to others' advice.

  Moreover, the eldest lady also said that whether this matter can be done is her problem, and she will be punished when the time comes, and it has nothing to do with her.

  (End of chapter)

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