Chapter 332 Family Law Disposal

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  Chapter 332 Family Law Disposal
  Wei Yichen continued: "Now that there is no ancestral hall in the school captain's mansion, kneeling in front of the ancestor's shrine is omitted, but the punishment of whipping is indispensable." Wei Yichen's words were like a basin of ice water poured

  on On Wei Qingwan’s head.

  How could she endure thirty lashes?
  Wei Qingwan looked at Wei Yichen who said this, unable to believe that such a gentle elder brother would say such cruel words.

  Mrs. Yun was also shocked when she heard this. Since she married into the Wei family, she has never seen anyone in her family suffer this punishment.

  Not to mention a hundred strokes, thirty strokes would be unbearable for ordinary women.

  Yun looked at Wei Mingting: "Husband, this punishment of whipping...isn't it a bit too severe? It will cost people's lives."

  Wei Mingting asked back: "If Ruo'er hadn't come to the rescue in time, could you guarantee that Yichen would be fine now? Are you still alive?"

  Yun was speechless.

  "Just do as Yichen said and be punished with thirty lashes." Wei Mingting made the decision.

  "Dad..." Wei Qingwan's eyes were filled with fear and despair.

  However, Wei Mingting's face was as cold as ice and his expression was determined, leaving no room for comment. Only the pain and reluctance were hidden in his eyes.

  Yes, he was also reluctant and painful. Wei Qingwan was always his daughter, the daughter he watched grow up.

  But he is also decisive. As a general and the head of a family, he knows when to be soft-hearted and when not to be soft-hearted.

  Yunshi said hurriedly: "Then let Aunt Li do the execution. She is an old man from the uncle's house."

  Yunshi already understood what he was thinking. Who in the house doesn't know that Aunt Li is Wei Qingwan's person? If Grandma Li were to carry out the punishment, the punishment of thirty lashes would definitely be a waste.

  Wei Ruozheng was about to open his mouth to refute Yun, but Wei Yichen beat him to it.

  "Mama Li has been punished and has a history of deceiving her master. She is not suitable to enforce family law. Someone else should enforce this matter." Wei Yichen said.

  "Who does Chen'er think should be responsible for the execution?" Wei Mingting asked.

  "My son thinks that the guard in the well in the mansion is very suitable." Wei Yichen replied.

  Jinghu? He was the number one master in the mansion, his martial arts skills were extremely high, and his strength was not to be underestimated.

  If he were to execute these thirty lashes, Wei Qingwan would have no chance of survival!

  Hearing this, Wei Qingwan was already trembling with fear.

  Yunshi said hurriedly: "Wanwan is a woman, it is more appropriate for the nanny at home to do the execution. If Nanny Li can't do it, let Nanny Zhang do it." "Then let Nanny Zhang do it."

  Wei Yichen didn't do it either. persist in.

  Aunt Zhang was resting in her room. Last night she and the young master Wei Yilin stayed vigil until the morning. After the master and his wife came over, she and the young master went back to rest.

  I hadn't slept for two hours when I was suddenly woken up.

  When she heard that she was asked to enforce family law for Wei Qingwan, Grandma Zhang thought she had fallen asleep.

  It was only after repeated confirmation that he finally believed that his trip was to enforce Wei Qingwan's family law.

  When Madam Zhang arrived at Cangyun Garden, she saw Wei Qingwan kneeling in the middle of the room. There were also four people in the room, namely Wei Mingting, Yunshi, Wei Yichen and Wei Ruo, as well as the accompanying maids.

  "Mother Zhang, according to family law, the second lady should receive thirty strokes of family law, so I'll help you."

  Cuiping handed over a cane.

  The vine is about two feet long, slightly wider than Grandma Zhang's index finger.

  The rattan itself is not smooth. Even though it is coated with paint, you can still feel the bumps on it when you touch it with your fingers. That's where the side branches of the cane originally grew. When cutting the cane, I deliberately didn't cut it clean, leaving these bumps. This is so that the person who is being tortured can feel more pain during the torture, so as to serve as a punishment warning. use.

  Although Grandma Zhang did not come from the uncle's house, she was still an old man of the Wei family. She knew that this was a special rattan used by the Wei family to enforce family law. It had been hanging on the wall for many years and had never been used.

  Unexpectedly, this time it would be used in her hands.

  Grandma Zhang was holding the cane, unsure of how much force she should use, so she raised her head and looked at Wei Mingting and Yun.

  Wei Mingting's face was cold and chilling, while Yun's eyes were red and he was wiping tears.

  Grandma Zhang couldn't see anything from the two of them, so she turned to look at Wei Ruo again.

  Wei Ruo sat aside with a calm expression and said nothing.

  As a result, Grandma Zhang was a little confused as to how to proceed.

  At this time, Wei Yichen spoke: "Nanny Zhang, today my father ordered you to implement the family law, just follow the rules of the house." "Yes, I know." With


  Yichen's instructions, Nanny Zhang felt in her heart Now that I have a foundation, I know how much strength I should use.

  Nanny Zhang walked behind Wei Qingwan with the cane. As soon as she raised her hand, before the cane fell, Wei Qingwan's eyes turned white and she fainted from fright. She collapsed on the ground like a pile of mud.

  Seeing Grandma Zhang falling to the ground without being beaten, she was holding the cane and didn't know what to do. Should she still enforce this family law?

  Seeing this, Mrs. Yun was so distressed that she almost stepped forward to help her, but after thinking about it, she held back, and then pleaded with Wei Mingting: "Husband, Wanwan passed out, why don't you accept this punishment next time?" Wei Mingting said: "

  Today The punishment will be received today and cannot be postponed."

  Wei Yichen gave an order to Cuiping and another maid in the room: "Go and help the second lady up and help her complete the punishment."

  Cuiping hesitated for a moment, but when Yun didn't speak, he obeyed. Wei Yichen ordered and another person stepped forward to help Wei Qingwan who had fainted.

  Immediately afterwards, Grandma Zhang picked up the cane and hit Wei Qingwan on the back.


  A shrill cry came from Wei Qingwan's mouth. Her facial features were distorted and her expression was extremely painful.

  Although Grandma Zhang's strength is not as strong as that of Guard Jing Hu, she is also someone who works all year round, and her hands are not weak among women.

  With this whip, the clothes on Wei Qingwan's back were broken. No wonder Wei Qingwan made such a shrill cry.

  Yunshi quickly turned her head away, unable to look directly at this scene.

  Grandma Zhang didn't pause, and quickly struck the second and third whip...

  Wei Qingwan's screams became weaker and weaker, cold sweat covered her head and face, and even her lips lost color.

  In the end, she really lost her strength and relied on two maids to support her.

  At the fifteenth lash, Wei Qingwan completely fainted.

  It’s hard to say whether he fainted the first time or not, but this time he probably passed out for real.

  Yun couldn't bear it any longer, and she begged Wei Mingting: "Husband, please stop beating me. Wanwan will die if you continue beating her! Although she is not your biological child, she was brought up little by little by us." My child! Husband, you have always loved Wanwan. Do you really want to beat her to death like this?" "

  Husband, Wanwan made a mistake, but her crime is not worthy of death! Please give her Give her a chance to change her ways! I promise I will discipline her well in the future!"

  (End of Chapter)

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