Chapter 314 Wei Qingwan was hit hard again

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  Chapter 314 Wei Qingwan was severely injured again.

  Wei Qingwan held back tears, then reluctantly tore off the torn hem of her skirt, and continued to follow Wei Ruo's footsteps.

  After walking for a while, Wei Ruo stopped, took out his tools, and started digging.

  This tool was customized by Wei Ruo. The front end is a hollow cylinder, followed by a long handle.

  Wei Ruo pierces the tool deeply into the soil and then pulls it out with force. In this way, he can dig out soil from the surface to a depth of fifty centimeters, and the dug soil can maintain its original layer.

  After taking the soil sample obtained in this way, Wei Ruo can carefully study and analyze the alkaline strength in the soil, so as to formulate corresponding improvement plans.

  Wei Ruo then packed the collected samples into bags and marked the collection location.

  After digging, continue moving forward to the next location and dig again.

  After walking like this for half an hour, Wei Qingwan, who was tired, hungry and exhausted, finally couldn't bear it anymore.

  "What exactly do you want to do, sister?" Wei Qingwan asked Wei Ruo with red eyes.

  Wei Ruo stopped and looked at Wei Qingwan, and saw that her eyes were red as if she had been greatly wronged, and her eyes were full of resentment and accusations against herself.

  "Of course I'm doing business." Wei Ruodao.

  "If you are dissatisfied with me following you, you can say, why torture me like this?" Wei Qingwan complained.

  "You think yourself too important. If you don't want to continue walking, just go back. No one will stop you." Wei Ruo said coldly.

  After Wei Ruo finished speaking, he continued walking, not wanting to waste any time, and everyone traveling with him also followed Wei Ruo's pace, leaving Wei Qingwan alone.

  They had been walking for half an hour now and had gone a long way.

  Wei Qingwan was only focused on avoiding the sharp blade-like grass leaves and gravel on the ground along the way, and did not remember the route at all.

  After being left behind by Wei Ruo, she was unable to go back on her own. She was forced to choose to keep up with Wei Ruo and others.

  But the pain in her soles made her not want to take another step.

  "Then send two people to take me back." Wei Qingwan asked Wei Ruo.

  "Aren't you going to follow me?" Wei Ruo asked.

  This was what she asked for, and Yunshi repeatedly warned her before going out.

  "I...I want to go back now." Wei Qingwan said with difficulty.

  "This is what you asked for. It's not that I won't let you follow me."

  "I...I know." Wei Qingwan bit her lip.

  "That's okay." Wei Ruo randomly assigned two guards and asked them to take Wei Qingwan back to Grandma Qin's place.

  Although he can go back, the journey back is still a big challenge for Wei Qingwan.

  It took half an hour to get here, and even longer to get back.

  Wei Qingwan walked very slowly, feeling that every step was a toss.

  Wei Ruo sent two guards to Wei Qingwan. Wei Qingwan could not let these two people support her, so she had to rely on herself throughout the whole process.

  When she saw Nanny Qin again, Wei Qingwan was already in a state of embarrassment, her clothes were a little messy, and her skirt and sleeves were torn in several places.

  The parts of her face were very white, and the parts that were red were very red. The sweat on her forehead was still stuck to her hair. Aunt Qin just glanced at her without asking, let alone expressing concern.

  The two guards who brought Wei Qingwan back completed their mission and ignored Wei Qingwan.

  Wei Qingwan just stayed there, no one cared about her, no one asked her, and for a while, she felt sad, aggrieved and exhausted at the same time.

  Now her feet were sore and painful, and she felt like blisters had grown on the soles of her feet. She was also very hungry. It was already past her best time and she hadn't had lunch yet.

  After thinking again and again, she weakly asked Nanny Qin for help: "Nanny Qin, my feet hurt a little. Can you help me find a female doctor to take a look at it?" "

  Second Miss, look up and look around. Where is there a female doctor? Not to mention female doctors, even doctors don’t have them.” Nanny Qin replied.

  Wei Qingwan bit her lip and continued: "Mommy, can you get me some food?" "

  The dry food and water for noon today have been distributed, and the next meal has to wait for dinner." Aunt Qin Grandma replied.

  Three times a day, the government uniformly distributes dry food and water to everyone who opens up wasteland. No matter they are refugees or people sent by the government or aristocratic families, they are treated equally, and no one is given preferential treatment.

  Not to mention Wei Qingwan, even Nanny Qin is like this here.

  Wei Qingwan's expression froze.

  Grandma Qin looked at Wei Qingwan's face that seemed to have been greatly wronged, and couldn't help but said: "Second girl, look at where this place is, and look at the refugees in the distance. The people who come here are not You come here to have fun, either to survive or to save lives. If you are delicate and weak and can't bear the hardship, don't come. No one here will care about your status as a rich lady." After being scolded by Aunt Qin, Wei

  Qingwan Even more aggrieved, she didn't know Wei Qing wanted to come to a place like this. If she knew, she wouldn't come.

  She pursed her lips and stopped asking Nanny Qin for help. Instead, she limped towards Wei Ruo's parked carriage.

  I wanted to go up to the carriage and have a rest, but I was stopped by the guards again.

  Wei Qingwan looked at the person blocking her path in confusion: "I want to go back to the carriage to rest, why did you stop me?" "

  Sorry, this is the eldest girl's carriage. The eldest lady is not here, so we have to keep an eye on her carriage for her. "The guard replied expressionlessly.

  "This is the carriage of my Wei family. I am her sister. How come I can't get on this carriage?" Wei Qingwan bit her lip, her eyes filled with disbelief.

  This carriage was originally arranged for her by her family, but was given to Wei Qingruo later when Wei Qingruo went to study at Mr. Wang Caiwei's place.

  The guard said nothing, but still refused to let Wei Qingwan pass.

  Aunt Qin said: "This carriage belongs to the eldest girl. There are personal belongings of the eldest girl in the carriage. It is the duty of the guards to help guard her while she is away. I also ask the second girl to find another place to rest." The sentence was broken

  . Wei Qingwan wanted to rest in Wei Ruo's carriage.

  Wei Qingwan was completely stunned on the spot, her body was stiff, neither moving forward nor retreating.

  There were only two carriages around where people could sit, apart from Wei Ruo's one and the one that Nanny Qin was riding in when she came, it was even more impossible for Wei Qingwan to go up and rest.

  Wei Qingwan said to Aunt Qin: "Mommy, I just want to find a place to rest."

  Her voice was soft, and her appearance at the moment made it seem like a gust of wind could blow her away. I felt pity for her.

  Nanny Qin said expressionlessly: "Second girls, you can find a stone to sit on."

  Wei Qingwan looked at the ground. The stones were very dirty, and as a rich lady, how would it be inappropriate for her to sit on a stone in front of everyone?

  (End of chapter)

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