Chapter 193 Appreciation in the Heart

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  Chapter 193: Feeling of Appreciation
  Wei Ruo added: "What Mr. Zhu wants is inner wealth, but what ordinary people want is just to live. People have emptiness in their inner world, which is probably because they are not so lacking in material things. There is no serious illness, pain or disaster in the body. This is probably why Mr. Zhu feels so after experiencing life and death, because this is a situation that Mr. Zhu has never faced before." Zhu Zongyu stared at Wei Ruo, a little surprised

  . Some surprises. Her words seemed to clear away the fog in his heart.

  "I didn't expect Mr. Xu to have such insights at such a young age." Zhu Zongyu looked at Wei Ruo with a smile in his eyes.

  "It has nothing to do with age, it has to do with experience. If you have always experienced the difficulty of living, maybe your thoughts will be different. Of course, it is always a good thing to live richly, and it is a blessing that many people cannot ask for. And you have experienced it Having gained some insights after this life and death experience can be considered an unexpected gain." Wei Ruo said to Zhu Zongyu.

  Zhu Zongyu looked at the person in front of him and felt a very special feeling in his heart.

  Although he was younger than him, everything he did and thought made him admire him.

  He has never had such a view on a person, and Xu Heyou is the first.

  At this time, the person who went to Zuixianju to deliver the letter also came back, and brought back Shopkeeper Shen.

  Shopkeeper Shen was stunned for a moment when he saw Wei Ruo, because the Wei Ruo he saw before had a beard, but today's one has no beard.

  But it only took a moment, and soon Shopkeeper Shen realized that the young master must have been afraid that he was too young and would not have much aura when talking to others, so he deliberately put some fake beards on himself to cover up.

  He had thought before that it was not right for this young man to have so much beard at such a young age, but now it made sense.

  After coming back to his senses, shopkeeper Shen presented the eight hundred taels of silver notes that Fan Chengxu asked him to bring: "Mr. Xu, this is what my young master asked me to give to you."

  Wei Ruo took the banknote and looked at it clearly. He was obviously surprised after the number.

  Eight hundred taels of silver? Isn’t this too much to give?

  Wei Ruo turned to look at Zhu Zongyu beside him. His face was wrapped in bandages, and he couldn't see any other expression except his eyes, and these eyes couldn't see anything at the moment.

  "Master Zhu and Boss Fan have a good relationship?" Wei Ruo asked.

  Otherwise, how could I get as much as 800 taels of silver for just one letter?
  "We don't have a deep relationship with each other, so Boss Fan probably did this out of trust in my credibility." Zhu Zongyu explained.

  Wei Ruo was dubious and continued to ask shopkeeper Shen: "Do you have anything else to say, Mr. You?" Shopkeeper Shen said: "

  My young master said that if Mr. Xu wants any medicinal materials, just write me a list and he will order someone to buy them. "

  Wei Ruo didn't have the methods or channels to get those precious and rare medicinal materials, but Fan Chengxu should have them.

  "Okay, I'm going to write to you now."

  Wei Ruo called Manager Yu to the side. After taking the paper and pen, he asked Manager Yu to write. Wei Ruo wrote and Manager Yu wrote.

  Wei Ruo's handwriting is easier to recognize, so Wei Ruo will not write it himself when dealing with outsiders as Xu Heyou.

  After finishing writing, Wei Ruo checked the list and then handed it to Shopkeeper Shen.

  Shopkeeper Shen took the order into his arms very solemnly, and then asked Wei Ruo politely: "Does Young Master Xu have any other instructions?" "No." "Then I will go back to my young master first."



  , It's time to work." Wei Ruodao.

  After shopkeeper Shen left, Wei Ruo handed the banknote to Zhu Zongyu: "This is the money you borrowed, take it yourself." Zhu Zongyu didn't take it: "This is the medical expenses for Mr. Xu." "You pay for the medical


  . Check it out with Manager Yu later and he will tell you how much money should be given to you. You can take the rest first." After

  Wei Ruo finished speaking, he directly put the silver note into Zhu Zongyu's hand. Zhu Zongyu looked at the banknote in his hand, his eyes slightly condensed, with some strange emotions.

  At this time, Xiumei made the winter melon tea and came back, holding a brown earthen jar in her hand: "Sir, the winter melon tea is ready. Try it and see if I can do it!" "Well,

  get a bowl and warm water. "Wei Ruodao.

  Then he glanced at Zhu Zongyu and said, "You've done enough activities today, why don't you sit down and drink a bowl of winter melon tea." "

  Okay." Zhu Zongyu agreed.

  Then Wei Ruochong prepared four bowls, one for herself, Xiumei, Manager Yu and Zhu Zongyu.

  The four of them drank winter melon tea while basking in the sun.

  When the tea was finished, it was time for Wei Ruo to go back.

  Zhu Zongyu watched Wei Ruo and his servant go away. He didn't look back until their figures completely disappeared, and then slowly returned to the house.

  It was already dinner time when Wei Ruo returned home, and Wei Mingting had already returned home.

  Wei Ruo stepped on the spot and appeared in the dining hall. When Yun saw Wei Ruo, who had returned late, her expression was gloomy.

  But because Wei Mingting was there, she didn't say anything, nor did she mention the conflict that occurred during the day.

  During dinner, Wei Ruo saw Wei Mingting looking solemn and tired, and he had no appetite when eating.

  But she didn't think much about it. She just thought it was the Japanese pirates that bothered him, and she didn't ask specifically. She probably knew Wei Mingting's temperament. Even if she had any official worries, she wouldn't tell her family, and it would be in vain to ask. , not to mention she couldn't help with the Japanese pirates.

  Wei Ruo didn't want to ask, but Wei Qingwan didn't think so.

  After dinner, Wei Qingwan asked, "What's bothering you, father? A daughter like you is very worried."

  Wei Qingwan looked worried and her eyes were bright.

  "My father is fine, Wanwan, don't worry, my father is just a little tired." Wei Mingting replied.

  "Then father, pay more attention to rest, your body is the most important thing." Wei Qingwan warned.

  "Yeah." Wei Mingting responded.

  Seeing that her husband was tired, Mrs. Yun ended today's conversation early and asked everyone to go back to their respective rooms.

  Wei Ruo left wisely, but Wei Qingwan was a little reluctant to leave. When she left, she turned back frequently with concern in her eyes, as if she was worried about the tired Wei Mingting.

  This scene fell in Yun's eyes, and she felt disappointed in her eldest daughter again.

  "This child Wanwan is really considerate and knows how to care for her parents." Yun murmured.

  Wei Mingting agreed: "Well, Wanwan is a good child."

  Then he added: "But if Ruo'er doesn't speak, it doesn't mean he doesn't care about his parents, it's just his personality."

  Yun sighed helplessly, where is the eldest daughter? With such a personality, he is obviously very eloquent when contradicting his elders.

  But Yun didn't say this out loud. She didn't want to bother her husband with trivial matters at home. The disappearance of the seventh prince is already a headache for my husband.

  Yun changed the topic and asked Wei Mingting: "Husband, is the seventh prince still missing?"

  (End of this chapter)

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